- Citrus Integration Testing - Citrus is a test framework written in Java that is able to create fully automated end-to-end use case tests for enterprise SOA applications. Citrus simulates surrounding interface partners supporting a huge set of different transports and protocols like Http, JMS, TCP/IP, FTP, SOAP, XML and JSON. Visit our official website at 'http://www.citrusframework.org' for more information and a detailed documentation. https://github.com/christophd/citrus
SINON.JS - Standalone test spies, stubs and mocks for JavaScript.Works with any unit testing framework. http://sinonjs.org/
jsmockito - http://jsmockito.org/ JsMockito is a JavaScript stub/mock framework heavily inspired by Mockito
Hermione - Hermione is a utility for integration testing of web pages using WebdriverIO and Mocha. https://github.com/gemini-testing/hermione#hermione
slash - Slash is a testing framework written in Python, intended for testing large scale projects, especially in integration scenarios. Slash focuses on customization and extensibility, allow you to tailor the framework for your specific needs, making it your testing framework. https://github.com/getslash/slash
HITCH TEST - Loosely coupled integration testing framework http://hitchtest.com/
Faker: The Python tool to generate localized random data http://joke2k.net/faker/
ForgeryPy - An easy to use forged data generator for Python https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ForgeryPy
radar 0.3 - Generate random date(time). https://pypi.python.org/pypi/radar
hypothesis-python - Advanced property-based (QuickCheck-like) testing for Python http://hypothesis.works https://github.com/HypothesisWorks/hypothesis-python
factory_boy - A test fixtures replacement for Python https://factoryboy.readthedocs.io/ https://github.com/FactoryBoy/factory_boy
fauxfactory - Generates random data for your tests. https://github.com/omaciel/fauxfactory