Coded UI - Windows Mobile only https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn747198.aspx
Xamarin.UITest - an Automated UI Acceptance Testing framework based on Calabash that allows programmers to write and execute tests in C# and NUnit that validate the functionality of iOS and Android Apps.
Appium - Native and Hybrid apps http://appium.io/
Testura.Android - is a lightweight test automation framework for Android built in C#. It contains tools and help classes to test, validate and interact with your Android device or emulator.
Appium - Native and Hybrid apps http://appium.io/
Calabash - Automated acceptance testing for mobile apps. Calabash consists of libraries that enable test code to interact programmatically with native and hybrid apps. The interaction consists of a number of end-user actions http://calaba.sh/
robotium - Android UI Testing http://www.robotium.org
*Android Test Support Library Google - The Android Testing Support Library provides an extensive framework for testing Android apps. This library provides a set of APIs that allow you to quickly build and run test code for your apps, including JUnit 4 and functional user interface (UI) tests. You can run tests created using these APIs from the Android Studio IDE or from the command line. The documentation on this site has been moved to: developers.android.com/testing.
- Macaca - An open-source automation test solution for native, hybrid, mobile web and web application on mobile and desktop platforms.https://macacajs.com/
Appium - Native and Hybrid apps http://appium.io/
uiautomator - This module is a Python wrapper of Android uiautomator testing framework. It works on Android 4.1+ simply with Android device attached via adb, no need to install anything on Android device. https://github.com/xiaocong/uiautomator
SauceLabs - ccelerate their development testing across any browser, OS and platform combination without the time and expense of managing their own lab. https://saucelabs.com/
BrowserStack - 1100+ desktop browsers Real Device Cloud Test on a range of physical Android and iOS mobile devices and tablets for the most accurate results. https://www.browserstack.com/
Hive CI - is a CI Platform for on-device testing. It encompasses a number of applications, tools and libraries that we use at the BBC for testing our applications and websites on devices. Hive Scheduler - This is the hive web application for scheduling tests and viewing results Hive Runner - This is the component that detects devices and runs the tests. You can install runners on multiple machines and they will all run tests from the scheduler and report results back in. Hive Mind - This is the device database. Though not essential for the running of Hive CI it enables better monitoring and control of devices. http://bbc.github.io/hive-ci/
Testmunk - automates mobile app testing https://testmunk.com/