For visual effects such as fonts, colors, layout, etc, you can change the uss style file in BehaviorTreeSetting
For many reason, you may want to customize node like adding a button to preview effect.
You can write an editor class to provide your node which is similar to customize Editor
in UnityEditor
public class SampleResolver : INodeResolver
//Create custom node
public IBehaviorTreeNode CreateNodeInstance(Type type)
return new SampleNode();
//Identify node type
public static bool IsAcceptable(Type behaviorType) => behaviorType == typeof(SampleClass);
//Your custom node
private class SampleNode : ActionNode
Since AkiBT use GraphView as frontend which is powered by UIElement, it can not support all fields.
If you want to customize field or want to support some fields AkiBT currently not support (eg. UnityEngine.Localization.LocalizedString
), you can write an editor class to provide your field which is similar to customize PropertyDrawer
in UnityEditor
public class LocalizedStringResolver : FieldResolver<LocalizedStringField,LocalizedString>
public LocalizedStringResolver(FieldInfo fieldInfo) : base(fieldInfo)
protected override LocalizedStringField CreateEditorField(FieldInfo fieldInfo)
return new LocalizedStringField(fieldInfo.Name);
public static bool IsAcceptable(Type infoType, FieldInfo _) => infoType == typeof(LocalizedString);
public class LocalizedStringField : BaseField<LocalizedString>
If you don't want to use ui element, you can notify the field with WarpFieldAttribute
to let editor use IMGUI as field's frontend.
public class EventAction : Action
public UnityEvent myEvent;
Connecting Composite nodes to child nodes may be troublesome, especially when reordering. You can use Composite Stack to replace the traditional node style. There is no node using this style in the built-in nodes. If you need to use it, you need to write a NodeResolver
to declare the nodes used, the example is as follows:
using System;
namespace Kurisu.AkiBT.Editor
public class SequenceResolver : INodeResolver
public IBehaviorTreeNode CreateNodeInstance(Type type)
return new SequenceStack();
public static bool IsAcceptable(Type behaviorType) => behaviorType == typeof(Sequence);
public class SequenceStack : CompositeStack { }