Tween Animation Library for Unity Timeline
Tween Playables is a library that adds tween animation tracks to Unity Timeline. It adds tracks for a variety of components, making it possible to quickly and easily build complex tweens in your timeline.
- Add tracks for tween animation
- More than 20 types of easing functions available
- All clips can be blended
- Simple and easy to use GUI
- Unity 2020.1 or higher
- Timeline 1.2.14 or higher
- TextMeshPro 2.0.1 or higher
- Open the Package Manager from Window > Package Manager
- "+" button > Add package from git URL
- Enter the following to install
or open Packages/manifest.json and add the following to the dependencies block.
"dependencies": {
"com.annulusgames.tween-playables": ""
- Select "AnnulusGames.TweenPlayables" item from the "+" button and add a track corresponding to the component you want to control.
- Right click > Select "Add Tween *** Clip" to add the clip to the track.
- Set the clip values from the Inspector.
Whether to control that parameter. If checked, animation for that parameter will be enabled.
Sets the start/end value of the animation.
Set the easing function. You can also set your own easing from the Animation Curve by selecting "Custom".
Whether to use relative values. If checked, the start/end values will be relative values from the start of the animation.
Conponent | Parameter |
Transform | Position Rotation Scale |
Renderer | Color Texture Offset Texture Scale |
Sprite Renderer | Color |
Line Renderer | Start Color End Color Start Width End Width |
Camera | Orthographic Size Field of View Background Color |
Audio Source | Volume Pitch |
Light | Color Intensity Shadow Strength |
RectTransform | Anchored Position Size Delta Rotation Scale |
Canvas Group | Alpha |
Graphic | Color |
Text | Color Font Size Line Spacing |
TextMeshProUGUI | Font Size Color Color Gradient Spacing (Character, Line, Word, Paragraph) |
Image | Color Fill Amount |
Slider | Value |
Outline | Color Distance |
Shadow | Color Distance |
Some components may produce an error "DrivenPropertyManager has failed to register property "PropertyName" of object "Object Name" with driver "" because the property doesn't exist."
This error is due to the behavior of the DrivenPropertyManager and does not occur at runtime. Since it is an error related to property registration to the last, it does not seem to have a big impact on the project.
A thread related to this issue can be found here.