is a product of the project CO.R.E.- Corruption risk
indicators in emergency, financed by the EU Commission, as part of the
Internal Police Security Fund (ISF-P) program.
The goal of coresoi
is to provide a sandbox environment for
researchers and anti-corruption analysts to interact with the indicators
of corruption risk in public procurement over emergencies we’ve
designed. We also offer mock data extracted from
to aid in their analysis. Our hope is that this platform will promote
greater transparency in government, by helping researchers and
anti-corruption analysts to make their efforts in fighting corruption
more effective.
You can install the development version of coresoi from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
is part of the project CO.R.E. - Corruption Risk
indicators in Emergency, financed by the EU Commission, as part of the
Internal Police Security Fund (ISF-P) program. The project presented by
the Department of Political Sciences of the University of Perugia
(Italy) as leader with the coordination of Prof. Gnaldi (PI) was funded
for a total of 514 thousand euros. The international network involves
Universitat Obierta Catalunya ( Spain ), Dublin City University (
Ireland), Oficina Antifrau de Catalunya ( Spain), Infonodes (
Italy), Transparency International ( Portugal), Villa Montesca
Foundation ( Italy). CO.R.E. focuses on assessing the risk of
corruption in public procurement in emergency settings from a preventive
point of view. In view of achieving this goal, central to the European
agenda, CO.R.E. intends to develop and validate a replicable procedure
for the construction of a synthetic (or composite) indicator (CI) of the
risk of corruption in public procurement in various emergency scenarios,
which can be usefully employed by national anti-corruption agencies, the
media and the citizens for accountability purposes.
The development of a synthetic measure of corruption risk involves several stages:
- selection of the data
- computation of elementary indicators (i.e. red flags) of corruption risk;
- choice of normalization, weighting and aggregation schemes;
- multivariate analysis for the study of the data relational structure;
- sensitivity analysis of the resulting synthetic indicator to check its robustness.
For each of these steps, coresoi
provides a support to any interested
user through analytical codes, users’ guides and practical examples.
Please note that the core-soi project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.