A crucial point for the workshop to be successfull, is to minimize the risk of getting stuck on technical issues and optimizing the individual support for the participants. For this a good trainer/participants ratio is central. So every support in this delivers to the quality of the workshop experience.
To be well prepared for the workshop we recommend to do following things:
- Install getpapers, norma and ami locally. You can find more about this here.
- Install pyCProject, if you want to use Python for analysis.
- Do the software tuturials for getpapers, norma and ami.
- introduce yourself to CProject
- Do the Zika virus tutorial, if you use Python. You need to install Jupyter notebook for this.
- Apply the tools to your own field of research: download your own corpus, apply the ami plugins most relevant to your research and think about possible analysis steps with the extracted facts (or maybe even apply them).
Other things to be aware:
- technical support: there should be a person who feels responsible for technical issues. For example, when the beamer does not work, or the wifi breaks, or when we need more power distribution.