- Generate a token with repo and read:packages scopes
- do
to set it as environment variable npm install
- Use
npm --registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com adduser
- Generate a token with repo and read:packages scopes, don't enter your github password.
- And then do
npm config set @dab-co:registry https://npm.pkg.github.com
- Run npm install
Errors that occur from client's data are written to /user_id/devices/client_id with qos 0.
"type": "error",
"handler": "authenticate",
"category": "api_token",
"message": "wrong api token",
"messageId": null
- Spam
- too many failed auth attempts
- client id and user id don't match
wrong api token format
Raised when api token is empty
unknown user id
wrong api token
- a new device has connected
This is the only handler that will not have the messageId field as null since errors thrown are caused by that specific message. However, if the message has a qos of 0, the message will not have an id and simply an error will be thrown not associated with any message.
- not enough topic levels
- wildcards are not allowed in topic
- can't publish to other user's channel except inbox
- fatal database error
Raised when no column for notification token exists in database, could mean that there is a bigger issue in server
- not friends with the receiver
The category field here is set to the topic user tries subscribing to
- wildcards are not allowed in topic
- not enough topic levels
- not authorized