Releases: Dans-Plugins/Medieval-Roleplay-Engine
Releases · Dans-Plugins/Medieval-Roleplay-Engine
Medieval Roleplay Engine v1.8 (Placeholders, Some Fixes, More Config Options, Debug Mode and Medieval Factions Integration)
Changes in Medieval Roleplay Engine v1.8
- Caibinus integrated PlaceholderAPI with the plugin.
- Integrated Medieval Factions with the plugin.
- If a player is in faction chat and RP chat, their chat event will be cancelled. (if MF is installed)
- Fixed an ArrayOutOfBoundsException error printing in the console when players typed /lo with no arguments.
- Fixed a NullPointerException error printing in the console.
- Added the "positiveAlertColor" config option.
- Added the "neutralAlertColor" config option.
- Added the "negativeAlertColor" config option.
- Added the "chatFeaturesEnabled" config option.
- Added the "debugMode" config option.
- Created a config option for legacy chat, then refactored the chat system to allow players to hide global.
- Made sure that the chat system worked with prefixes in Medieval Factions.
This version of the plugin works with the Medieval Factions API in version 4.2.2-alpha-3 of Medieval Factions. You may run into problems when using an earlier version of Medieval Factions with this version of Medieval Roleplay Engine.
Medieval Roleplay Engine v1.8-alpha-1 (Placeholders and Medieval Factions Integration)
Changes in v1.8-alpha-1
- Caibinus integrated PlaceholderAPI with the plugin.
- Medieval Factions has been integrated with the plugin. If a player is in RP and faction chat, their message will not be sent in RP chat.
Medieval Roleplay Engine v1.7
Changes in Medieval Roleplay Engine v1.7
- Only the /ooc and /rp commands are listed in the output of the help command now so players don't get confused with /local and /global.
- Changed the default emote color to yellow.
- Caibinus integrated Placeholder API into the plugin.
- Made it so that anything within astericks in local chat gets printed after as an emote.
- Made sure the plugin works on 1.17.
Medieval Roleplay Engine v1.6.1-beta-2
Changes in Medieval Roleplay Engine v1.6.1-beta-2
- Only the /ooc and /rp commands are listed in the output of the help command now so players don't get confused with /local and /global.
- Changed the default emote color to yellow
- Caibinus integrated Placeholder API into the plugin.
Medieval Roleplay Engine v1.6.1-beta-1
Attempted to fix OOC chat hiding, ended up just disabling the feature for now. When players type /ooc hide, nothing will change. This is a temporary fix.
Medieval Roleplay Engine v1.6
Changes in v1.6
- added config.yml
- added config option "localChatRadius"
- added config option "whisperChatRadius"
- added config option "yellChatRadius"
- added config option "emoteRadius"
- added config option "changeNameCooldown"
- added config option "localChatColor"
- added config option "whisperChatColor"
- added config option "yellChatColor"
- added config option "emoteColor"
- added config option to enable/disable the right-click-to-view-card feature
- added config options to make the new /lo command configurable
- allowed players to hide/show channels with the 'show' or 'hide' argument in local and global chat commands
- added permissions to plugin.yml
- players should now be able to use default commands by default
- ops should now be able to use admin commands by default
- nearby players will now be informed when someone receives a bird
- the config should now be able to be edited through both the server files and the config command
- added the /lo (message) command, allowing players to send a local OOC message to players in their vicinity
- made sure the plugin worked on 1.12.2
Medieval Roleplay Engine v1.6-beta-1
- added config.yml
- added config option "localChatRadius"
- added config option "whisperChatRadius"
- added config option "yellChatRadius"
- added config option "emoteRadius"
- added config option "changeNameCooldown"
- added config option "localChatColor"
- added config option "whisperChatColor"
- added config option "yellChatColor"
- added config option "emoteColor"
- added permissions to plugin.yml
- players should now be able to use default commands by default
- ops should now be able to use admin commands by default
Be sure to make a backup of your saves before updating. I didn't run into any problems but sometimes different hosts have different behavior.
Medieval Roleplay Engine v1.5.0.1
- fixed uuid showing instead of IGN upon right clicking another player
Medieval Roleplay Engine v1.5
- the plugin now primarily uses UUIDs to store information rather than IGNs
- the plugin has been integrated with bStats
- a /whisper command has been added, allowing people to speak at really short ranges IRP
- a /yell command has been added, allowing people to reach speak at larger ranges IRP.
- a /rphelp command has been added
- a /roll command has been added with the alias /dice
Medieval Roleplay Engine v1.5 Beta
This is the beta version of v1.5. It works on my test server but it is not fully tested.
Notable new features are /whisper, /yell, /roll and /rphelp.