A program for solving tests with multiple choice
Source code https://github.com/DrNightingales/Huelina
Documentation and binaries https://test.pypi.org/project/Huelina
Install as python package from TestPyPI:
python3 -m pip install --index-url https://test.pypi.org/simple/ huelina --user
python 3.6.x+, consider using huelina-old for python <= 3.5.x && >=3.0
Colorama - python3 -m pip install colorama --user
In future PyQT5 library will be used for GUI
You may have troubles with encodings. Use ANSI files on windows and UTF-8 on unix/linux
1 Question
:question image url/path (not supported yet)
incorrect ans1
incorrect ans2
*correct ans1
The rules actually are:
- If the first symbol is number, then it's a question (NB, if you want one of your answers to start from number add space)
- If the first symbol is a colon, then it's a link to an image for a qusetion (not supported yet)
- If the first symbol is an asterisk(*), then it's a correct answer
- Any other first character will mean an incorrect answer