0.17.0 (2024-10-24)
- Documentation: Created documentation site for the ShoppingListApp (416acd9)
- Workflows: Build admin and backend image in same step to enable reuse of layers (311e5ce)
0.16.5 (2024-10-15)
- Release V0.16.4 as V0.16.5 due to release issues (9085a69)
- release 0.16.5 (1638467)
0.16.4 (2024-10-15)
- Backend: Async improvements across the board for everything authentication related (b8f37be)
- Backend: Created load tests to evaluate performance of the API along with several improvements (4cd122b)
- Backend: black upgraded to 24.10.0 (b4e8408)
- Backend: coverage upgraded to 4.9.0 (5d723f9)
- Backend: django-ninja upgraded to 1.3.0 (59150c9)
- Backend: django-stubs upgraded to 5.1.0 (eca1976)
- Backend: flake8 upgraded to 7.1.1 (a252101)
- Backend: gunicorn upgraded to 23.0.0 (4542dd7)
- Backend: mypy upgraded to 1.11.2 (b1c322b)
- Backend: psycopg upgraded to 3.2.3 (ecded99)
- Backend: pytest upgraded to 8.3.3 (4a36229)
- Backend: pytest-django upgraded to 4.9.0 (1f421a2)
- Backend: Remove rich as a dependency (afbb331)
- Backend: Requirements refresh (be8e55a)
- Backend: selenium upgraded to 4.25.0 (591ea72)
- Backend: types-requests upgraded to (6bbfbdd)
- Backend: Upgraded to Django 5.1 (891b5d1)
- Backend: uvicorn upgraded to 0.31.1 (c8f918e)
- Front-End: @mui/material upgraded to 6.1.3 (8244ef6)
- Frontend: @typescript-eslint packages upgraded to 8.8.1 (8766d98)
- Frontend: @shoelace-style/shoelace upgraded to 2.17.1 (cd1742a)
- Frontend: @types/react upgraded to 18.3.11 (49f50f6)
- Frontend: General package updates (5ea4988)
- Frontend: Migrated to eslint 9 (8494048)
- Frontend: Removed eslint-plugin-storybook (219e4ed)
- Frontend: Unit-tests for FE using vitest (88ca865)
- Frontend: Updated rollup to remove vulnerability (4646321)
- Frontend: Updated to @types/react-dom@18.3.1 (849a578)
- Frontend: Upgrade to Grid2 from MUI (5d772be)
- Frontend: Upgraded eslint-plugin-react-hooks to 5.0.0 (ec53bd0)
- Frontend: Upgraded to eslint V9 (05f58f0)
- Frontend: Upgraded to react-router-dom@6.27.0 (b04b008)
- Frontend: Upgraded to sass@1.79.5 (e0c37a7)
- Frontend: Upgraded to TS 5.6.3 (c69526d)
- Frontend: Upgraded vite packages to latest (98932cb)
- Node: Upgrade to node 20 (6781779)
- Workflows: Created tests workflow for frontend (e669051)
- release 1.6.4 (a03489f)
0.16.3 (2024-09-20)
- Added docker-compose reference file (09726e7)
- Dependencies: Updated dependencies with non-breaking changes (c2e039a)
- Dependencies: Updated MUI to 6.1.1 (3afe0c6)
- Dependencies: Updated vulnerable dependencies (35b8ec3)
- eslint: Updated eslint plugin dependencies (7092f1d)
- Storybook: Remove storybook from frontend (8e61dd2)
- Upload dashboard static files to github release (0172365)
- Vite: Upgraded vite to v5 (8d2a3f2)
- release 0.16.3 (6f50699)
0.16.2 (2024-08-10)
- Workflows: Fix indent issue in release-site workflows (4c3d47e)
0.16.1 (2024-08-10)
- Workflows: Fix release please issues (a589f88)
0.16.0 (2024-08-10)
- Monorepo: Back to monorepo structure (c8ed53c)
- Workflows: Fix node workflows (18abda4)
0.15.2 (2024-08-09)
- Settings: Updated shopping app to only contain one settings file to simplify (5385f8b)
0.15.1 (2024-08-09)
- Workflows: Fix static files release by adding github token to env (6cf8dca)
0.15.0 (2024-08-09)
- Dashboard-App: Setup initial dashboard app with mock API endpoints (1b8adbc)
- Dependencies: Updated several dev dependencies (3b0b12e)
- Items-App: Added item search API (ddc556d)
- Items-App: Can now access item delete page (7a28a3a)
- Items-app: Can now access item update endpoint (cd5a100)
- Items-app: Can now access item update page (b12ada3)
- Items-app: Can now delete items via the API (779ecd1)
- Pytest: Use pytest-sugar for pretty pytest runs (c296f6a)
- Python: Migrated to python 3.12 (686ae11)
- Stores-App: Can now view store items on store detail page (d7bffe9)
- Stores-App: Created search API (31e117c)
- Auth-App: E2E Logging (3165c3d)
- Auth: Fixed issue where API clients that were disabled would still be able to access the API (7079d7a)
- Bump black to 24.4.2 (6bc4c26)
- Bump certifi to 2024.7.4 (7dceea6)
- Bump coverage to 7.5.4 (f4e4435)
- Bump django to 5.0.7 (f9f94fa)
- Bump django-ninja to 1.2.1 (57ba7a8)
- Bump django-stubs to 5.0.2 (8fde871)
- Bump django-stubs-ext to 5.0.2 (7d00c77)
- Bump flake8 to 7.1.0 (30f5eac)
- Bump mypy to 1.10.1 (e463836)
- Bump packaging to 24.1 (9c4c584)
- Bump psycopg and psycopg binary to 3.2.1 (b1c629d)
- Bump pycodestyle to 2.12.0 (554b371)
- Bump pydantic to 2.8.2 (2847feb)
- Bump pydantic-core to 2.20.1 (02c8328)
- Bump pytest to 8.2.2 (b3915b4)
- Bump requests to 2.32.3 (40e525a)
- Bump selenium to 4.22.0 (1a4c4bc)
- Bump trio to 0.26.0 (2215d9e)
- Bump types-requests to (f5f38e9)
- Bump typing-extensions to 4.12.2 (2e66d1c)
- Bump urllib3[socks] to 2.2.2 (0573966)
- Bump watchdog to 4.0.1 (0bee177)
- Dependencies: Requests updated to '2.32.1' along other dependencies (970396c)
- Django: Bump to django from 5.0.7 to 5.0.8 (1895da2)
- E2E Tests: Bump webdriver manager to 4.0.2 to fix E2E tests (6f249e6)
- Items-App: Remove deprecated warn log and replace it with a warning log (b87d562)
- Jinja: Updated jinja2 from 3.1.3 to 3.1.4 (2bea831)
- Pinned flake8 docstrings package correctly (36325e5)
- Release-Please: Split workflow into more jobs (69b14a6)
- Requests: Updated requests to '2.32.2' due to previous versions that were being used being yanked (13c5cec)
- Requests: Updated requests to '2.32.2' due to previous versions that were being used being yanked (264d03f)
- Selenium 4.22.0 added websocket client 1.8.0 to requirements (08f94ab)
- Stores-App: E2E Logging (6b2f9fa)
- Stores-App: Fixed issue where types were not being checked on the create action for stores view before being passed into a pydantic object (7e8331d)
- Stores-app: Updated update endpoint to 'PATCH' instead of 'PUT' (fca683e)
- Uvicorn: Bump uvicorn to 0.30.1 and switch over to new uvicorn worker module for gunicorn (7c66e81)
- Workflows: Cache dependencies on workflow runs (97903a0)
- Workflows: Updated workflows to use python 3.12 (9d0026f)
0.14.6 (2024-05-01)
- Workflows: Changed working directory to 'src' for coverage build and release steps (05396a2)
0.14.5 (2024-05-01)
- Workflows: Changed 'src' to '.' in docker build step as part of release workflow (5fd5cd1)
0.14.4 (2024-05-01)
- mkdocs: Added initial docs (50e3f9c)
- Restructure (e7a0855)
- Restructure: Restructured project (5c4b079)
- Release-Please: Move to manifest release to accomodate new repo structure (b06833b)
- Sonarcloud: Move sonarcloud config to src directory (54b5a5c)
- Release-Please: Changed back to old release mechanism (e6797d4)
- release 0.14.4 (678dd22)
0.14.3 (2024-04-30)
- Items-App: Can now access item detail API (2484f22)
- Items-App: Can now access item detail page (1b020c2)
- Items-App: Can now access personal overview page (c393289)
- Items-App: Can now personal items aggregation API (bb4f44d)
- Items-App: Can now view aggregation values on overview page (80a0977)
- VSCode: Added sonarlint config (6bdb877)
- Items overview pages now have correct header on navbar (06a0b13)
- Updated gunicorn and sqlparse (2e38b76)
- release 0.14.3 (30f7684)
0.14.2 (2024-04-13)
- Workflows: Will now install dependencies before attempting to upload cov report to release (f938cf1)
0.14.1 (2024-04-13)
- Workflows: Updated release-please workflow to correctly reference tag name (82739f9)
- Major refactor
- Project restructure
- Project restructure (8dab199)
- Api-Key: All routes outside of authentication app will now require api key auth (712d7ce)
- Application-Properties: Removed need for an application properties file (59d7ee6)
- Auth-App: Added async auth implementation (c1ef708)
- Auth-App: Added initial suite of tests (c69cf60)
- Auth-app: Added login page (81c2811)
- Auth-App: Added new api token feature that can be enabled through auth app views (29a352a)
- Auth-App: Auth app refactor (a351cba)
- Auth-App: Created custom decorators for views (f2c0cb4)
- Auth-App: Initial Setup (9276a18)
- Auth-Routes: Created '/api/v1/auth/login' api endpoint/route (5ea9bb8)
- Auth-Routes: Created '/api/v1/auth/logout' api endpoint/route (17a2d65)
- Auth-Routes: Created '/api/v1/auth/register' api endpoint/route (b9ef242)
- Auth-Routes: Created '/api/v1/auth/token' api endpoint/route (5704613)
- Build: Added new build method (a9de10d)
- Build: Can now install app from .whl file (0a865ae)
- Client-Model: Added 'get_token' method (645adc9)
- Client-Repository: Added 'generate_token' function (cd2dd78)
- Client-Repository: Added 'get_client_by_user_id' function (f7166d7)
- Clients: Removed client model and related files as we will now use django-ninja built in CSRF auth (0a110c7)
- Constants: Added input mapping to constants (d218b40)
- Containers will now run using gunicorn in production instances (63a8a99)
- Create-Store-Page: Can now access create store page (24266ba)
- Create-Store-Page: Can now create stores through the page (f453724)
- Dev-Containers: Can now use Vscode dev containers for local development (e7b21f9)
- Devcontainer: Added support for dev containers (c60b6bf)
- Docker-Compose: Added docker compose file (80cf684)
- E2E Tests: Created E2E for the authentication app (5a9ee9b)
- E2E-Integration Tests: Refactored Tests (7ef7803)
- E2E-Tests: E2E tests for the authentication app (ad12c9c)
- E2E-Tests: Refactored Makefile Rule (a394cef)
- E2E: Added E2E Tests for Shopping Item App (1d7fd20)
- E2E: Expanded E2E Tests to test new functionality (c6f97fa)
- E2E: Screenshots now get taken when running the tests (803c76c)
- Errors: Added custom api exceptions (370ae9f)
- Integration-Tests: Added integration tests (310893d)
- Integration-Tests: Added integration tests for auth app (abdd803)
- Integration-Tests: Added tests for the create store endpoint (1396cba)
- Items-App: Added '/api/v1/items' endpoint/route (cde9b26)
- Items-App: Can now access item create page (9bd8532)
- Items-App: Can now create an item via the API (c20246b)
- Items-App: Can now get personal items at '/api/v1/items/me' (efc7a37)
- Items-App: Can now use the item aggregation API (31cbe32)
- Items-App: Can now view the items overview page (f4c8bf2)
- Items-App: Setup initial items app (2bfee70)
- Login-Page: Linked up login page with login action (469906e)
- Logout-Page: Can now access a logout page (684906d)
- Logout-Page: Linked logout page to logout action route (2586445)
- Major refactor (53d1834)
- MyPy: Adjusted entire project to meet mypy standards (9c1ddd5)
- Populate-Command: Added populate command that populates DB with dummy data. (ac68b62)
- Project: Backend project migration (1f90046)
- Register-page: Added a register page to create/register new users (6cbe16b)
- Register-page: Added register page (f719365)
- Register: Created register action url and linked it with register page (806f4a8)
- Release-Please: Release please will now upload build artifacts on new release creation (9384c05)
- Rewrite: Project Setup (3e3b14d)
- Schemas: Added intial API Schemas (a8f8c8d)
- Shopping-Item-App: Refactored Shopping Item App (6daa438)
- Shopping-List-App: App Refactor (22d0473)
- Sonarcloud: Added sonarcloud scan to tests workflow (638f00d)
- SQLite: Added sqlite config, will be used in testing environments/circumstances�[C (8de59b4)
- Store-App: Added '/api/v1/stores/aggregate' route (028c344)
- Store-App: Added '/api/v1/stores/aggregate/me' route (688fea6)
- Store-App: Added '/api/v1/stores/detail/id' route (0f80344)
- Store-App: Added '/api/v1/stores/types/mapping' route (0415f66)
- Store-App: Added 'api/v1/stores/create' route (c42acdb)
- Store-App: Can now access '/api/v1/stores' endpoint which will return all stores in a paginated format. (544d593)
- Store-App: Can now access '/api/v1/stores/me' endpoint (59376db)
- Store-App: Can now access '/api/v1/stores/update/' API endpoint (135eea7)
- Store-App: Can now access delete API endpoint (817c146)
- Store-App: Can now access personal stores overview page (35781d4)
- Store-App: Can now access store detail page to view detailed information on a store (ae9e7c1)
- Store-App: Can now access store update page (bac4dad)
- Store-App: Can now access the delete page. (d76318b)
- Store-App: Setup store app (537684b)
- Store-Repo: Added 'aggregate_stores' function (ec8ba0a)
- Store-Repo: Added 'create_store' function (58b9fca)
- Store-Repo: Added 'delete_store' function (87fd115)
- Store-Repo: Added 'does_name_exist' function (75fb0e9)
- Store-Repo: Added 'edit_store' function (776371c)
- Store-Repo: Added 'filter_stores' function (85e4332)
- Store-Repo: Added 'get_store' function (b464b5c)
- Store-Repo: Added 'get_stores' function (d0a9d63)
- Store-Repo: New edit store method (20448a3)
- Store-Service: Added 'create' function (db1fbd4)
- Store-Service: Added 'get_store_detail' function (994e8ad)
- Stores-App: Can now access store overview page at '/stores/' (234757b)
- User-Repository: Added 'create_user' function (df32867)
- User-Repository: Added 'does_email_exist' function (15aa528)
- User-Repository: Added 'does_username_exist' function (bdf2744)
- User-Repository: Added 'get_csrf_token' function (8127424)
- User-Repository: Added 'get_csrf_token' function (f5efe1b)
- User-Repository: Added 'is_user_authenticated' method (6f35956)
- User-Repository: Added 'login_user' function (c548d0e)
- User-Repository: Added 'logout_user' function (cf05d4c)
- User-service: Added 'get_login_view_context' function (14f4f61)
- User-service: Added 'get_logout_view_context' function (9cece2e)
- User-service: Added 'get_register_page_context' function (846de1d)
- User-service: Added 'get_token' function (e4e651e)
- User-service: Added 'login' function (f28221e)
- User-service: Added 'login' function (d24fb78)
- User-service: Added 'logout' function (85f4c4f)
- User-service: Added 'logout' function (d58e369)
- User-service: Added 'register_user' function (016c5cb)
- User-service: Added 'register_user' function (afda8c4)
- Vscode: Added vscode settings (cbec121)
- Windows-Support: Can now develop on windows devices (With partial support) (9490da0)
- Workflows: Added build workflow (9d2d480)
- Workflows: Added lint workflow (563581b)
- Workflows: Added lint workflow (3f28930)
- Workflows: Added mypy/type-checking workflow (a0438f3)
- Workflows: Added release-please workflow (802c408)
- Workflows: Added release-please workflow (5e33a38)
- Workflows: Added tests workflow (5352aae)
- Workflows: Added unit-test and Sonarcloud workflow (af81126)
- Workflows: Adjusted workflows for .env file changes (4ef9c21)
- Workflows: Containers now get released to github container registry with each release (e42a3a9)
- Workflows: Created E2E tests workflow (018adc5)
- Workflows: Created type checking workflow (435d2e7)
- Workflows: Created workflow for build steps (f844bf7)
- Workflows: Now create dedicated artifact for release (bdfb4a2)
- Auth-App: General auth app fixes (7caf8a8)
- Docker-Compose: Renamed docker compose file along with minor env improvements (f716e12)
- Dockerfile: Added pipenv and make installation to Dockerfile (3e9114c)
- gitignore: Updated gitignore to not include migration files (35f42d5)
- Integration-Tests: Temporary fix for auth issues (7dc316a)
- Settings: Removed trying to access data value on environment value/string (5788136)
- Store-Repo: Can now pass integers or strings for store type when creating a store (2f0e774)
- Store-Repo: Edit and delete actions now limited to record owners (9c7ddd6)
- Store-Service: When creating store, now returns ID along with other fields (949df4a)
- Workflows: Mypy now runs on all files (5f76ac9)
- Workflows: Release please workflow now has enough permissions (14cf61a)
- Workflows: Reordered test workflow steps (98d3813)
- Workflows: Tag the newest image with its version number and as latest (9e9f32f)
0.13.0 (2023-11-28)
- Application-Properties: Removed need for an application properties file (59d7ee6)
- Auth-App: Auth app refactor (a351cba)
- Dev-Containers: Can now use Vscode dev containers for local development (e7b21f9)
- E2E Tests: Created E2E for the authentication app (5a9ee9b)
- E2E: Added E2E Tests for Shopping Item App (1d7fd20)
- Integration-Tests: Added integration tests for auth app (abdd803)
- MyPy: Adjusted entire project to meet mypy standards (9c1ddd5)
- Shopping-Item-App: Refactored Shopping Item App (6daa438)
- Shopping-List-App: App Refactor (22d0473)
- Store-Repo: New edit store method (20448a3)
- Workflows: Adjusted workflows for .env file changes (4ef9c21)
- Workflows: Created E2E tests workflow (018adc5)
- Workflows: Created type checking workflow (435d2e7)
- Docker-Compose: Renamed docker compose file along with minor env improvements (f716e12)
- Dockerfile: Added pipenv and make installation to Dockerfile (3e9114c)
- gitignore: Updated gitignore to not include migration files (35f42d5)
- Workflows: Reordered test workflow steps (98d3813)
- Docker-Compose: Removed reliance on .env files (ebabc99)
0.12.3 (2023-11-04)
- Workflows: Tag the newest image with its version number and as latest (9e9f32f)
0.12.2 (2023-11-04)
- Settings: Removed trying to access data value on environment value/string (5788136)
0.12.1 (2023-11-04)
- Workflows: Release please workflow now has enough permissions (14cf61a)
0.12.0 (2023-11-04)
- Workflows: Containers now get released to github container registry with each release (e42a3a9)
- Workflows: Now create dedicated artifact for release (bdfb4a2)
- Project: Backend project migration (1f90046)
- Sonarcloud: Added sonarcloud scan to tests workflow (638f00d)
- Workflows: Added lint workflow (3f28930)
- Workflows: Added release-please workflow (5e33a38)
- Workflows: Added tests workflow (5352aae)
- Workflows: Created workflow for build steps (f844bf7)
- release 0.11.0 (96fab6a)
0.10.0 (2023-10-26)
- Auth-App: Major refactor and cleanup of the auth app (a8da8d0)
- Detail-Pages: Can now access store and item detail page (b70500e)
- Environments: Added further support for dev and prod environments (acee799)
- Environments: Cleanup (87e5e2f)
- Environments: Implemented dev and prod environments (5238539)
- Item-Store-App: Major refactor and clean up of the app (b43dcf2)
- Items: Added edit button to items list views (b24e6ea)
- Items: Can now acccess item creation page (587a944)
- Items: Can now access page to view all items (31178d4)
- Items: Can now access user items page (c47f62b)
- List-App: Major refactor and clean up of the app (d4cb16e)
- Store-Repo: Can now create items (87ea653)
- Stores: Can now access a store creation view (4a1a21f)
- Stores: Can now access store overview pages (647a94b)
- Stores: Store creation post endpoint (b15745c)
- Api-Key: Api key header is now based off the value in application.properties file (44b6a34)
- Auth: Fixed issue where users could access pages that they require to be logged in for (3640385)
- Settings: Test and local settings now use correct django-key (3323ae5)
- ShoppingLists: Shopping lists can now contain multiples of the same item (4fb6fcf)
0.9.1 (2023-10-03)
- Dashboard-Current: Fixed rounding issue with the average price return value (6d187d8)
0.9.0 (2023-10-03)
- Login: Added register button on login page, button routes to register page (a9c5f10)
- Login: Users can now access a login page (e690ef1)
- Logout: Users can now access a logout page (b779600)
- Register: Users can now access a register/account creation page (2e40530)
0.8.0 (2023-10-02)
- Budgets: Can now link budgets to shopping lists (ed112bc)
- Dashboard: Created dashboard endpoints (49f561d)
- Refactor: Project reset (dd15017)
0.7.0 (2023-09-29)
- Lists: Can now delete lists through the API (0db9bdb)
- Lists: Can now edit lists through the API (6f8dac1)
- Lists: Can now get current shopping list through the API (e976958)
- Lists: Can now get details of a shopping list (22457b6)
- Testing: Added testing for edit endpoint (aab4123)
- Testing: Added tests for list detail endpoint (3b1c8f3)
0.6.0 (2023-09-21)
- Docs: Added documentation for Server (01450f0)
- docs: Project Wide Documentation (7d005d1)
- Items: Can now delete items through the API (b3266d8)
- Items: Can now get all items through the API (6480409)
- Items: Get details of a single item (9d5a14c)
- Items: Get your created items through the API (ee7746d)
- Items: Update items through the API (d29b867)
0.5.0 (2023-09-13)
- Items: Added items to admin page (85125ec)
- Items: Created items app (66c63ba)
- Lists: Can now retrieve all lists through the API (8a26df8)
- Stores: Can now delete stores through the API. (68d87a8)
- Stores: Can now get all of the users created stores. (40e1a11)
- Stores: Can now get all stores (31046cc)
- Stores: Can now get details of a single store. (d27f815)
- Stores: Can now update stores through the API (0047b93)
- Stores: Created store model and added it to admin page (520174c)
- Stores: Stores and their items can now be created (02174fa)
- Testing: Testing for create store and item route (318426a)
0.4.3 (2023-09-09)
- Sonar: Dealt with all code smells (a361dfc)
0.4.2 (2023-09-09)
- Docker: Adjusted docker ignore to exlude non-prod files (f711031)
- ShoppingLists: Different users date ranges will not clash with each other anymore (ebdfd85)
0.4.1 (2023-09-09)
- Authentication: Switched to token based authentication to solve CSRF errors. (d303942)
0.4.0 (2023-09-08)
- Authentication: Added authentication to create shopping list endpoint (bf748de)
- Authentication: Users can now login via the API (1495d7c)
- Authentication: Users can now logout through the API (23334de)
- Authentication: You can now register new users using the API (f434053)
- Coverage: Added coverage to testing, project and pipelines (5d0d0aa)
- ShoppingList: Can now create a shopping list through the API (96b76a9)
- Testing: Added authentication app django tests (94a40e9)
- Testing: Added testing settings (9c1c4ae)
0.3.0 (2023-09-05)
0.2.0 (2023-09-04)
- Settings: Allow backend to run on network host (c486b14)
0.1.0 (2023-08-31)
- Backend: Setup backend project (31062a1)
- Backend: Setup basic backend app (b0aa0e8)
- Configs: Moved asgi and wsgi configs to config directory (60d9bb8)
- Django: Development backend created (93d36bf)
- Docker: Added docker compose file (20bd3d1)
- Docker: Added dockerfile (2d7ca47)
- Linting: Added linting and linting pipelines (f4f5776)
- Makefile: Added rule to generate static files for django (42ee0f7)
- Production: Setup all apps in production fashion (ab1ef61)
- Settings: Made django settings safer (3699689)
- release 0.1.0 (86e0c8a)
0.1.0 (2023-08-31)
- Backend: Setup basic backend app (b0aa0e8)
- release 0.1.0 (86e0c8a)
0.2.0 (2023-08-31)
- Backend: Setup backend project (31062a1)