betterlang is a dynamic programming language written by C, compiled to bytecode.
It has its own GC (Mark-Sweep), and the syntax looks like JavaScript.
Unicode is not supported.
git clone
cd betterlang
make build
- Use linked list instead of list to store GC data
- GC data of deleted objects can be removed
- and they won't take up too much space
- Use hash map instead of Trie to implement Dict
- Memory usage can be reduced, but it may run slower (proceed hash conflicts)
- Compile the AST instead of token sequence
- Easier to be extended and to debug
- Add variable hoist
- You must know it if you have learnt JavaScript
- More features...
- Please wait and see...
- int(long long in C)
- float(double in C)
- string
- list
- dict/object
- function
- builtin function
- method
println("Hello, world!");
println(1 + 2);
println(0.1 + 0.2);
if 0 { println(0); }
else if 1 { println(1); }
else { println(2); }
var i = 0;
while 1 {
i = i + 1;
if i == 5 { continue; }
if i == 10 { break; }
func fac(num) {
if num == 0 { return 1; }
else { return fac(num - 1) * num; }
var a = 10;
func Counter(start) {
func next() {
start = start + 1;
return start;
return next;
var counter = Counter(0);
var x = counter();
while x < 10 {
x = counter();
var fn1 = func(a) { return a + 1; };
var obj = {
a: 10,
b: 20,
print: func(self) {
println("a: ", self["a"], ", b: ", self["b"]);
return none;
setA: func(self, a) {
self["a"] = a;
return none;