Wordpress and Drupal XMLRPC Attack (DoS). XMLRPC is older than WordPress itself. This system was introduced to WordPress to fight the slow internet connection dilemma by helping the users write new posts offline and then uploaded them to the server. The ability to connect WordPress remotely with other applications was only possible with the xmlrpc.php
file. XMLRPC parsing is vulnerable to a XML based denial of service. Works on all WordPress sites where xmlrpc.php file manipulation is allowed
The author assumes no responsibility for the illegal use of the information provided (the script is educational in nature and its unauthorized implementation is punishable by law)
First of all you need to clone this script and install requirements
$ git clone https://github.com/Kuduxaaa/wp-doser
$ cd wp-doser
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
⚙️ Arguments for use and instructions
usage: exploit.py [-h] [-u URL] [-i IP] [-v VIRTUALHOST] [-m MULTIPLE]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --url Target website URL
-i, --ip Target website IP Address
-v, --virtualhost Target website hostname (if enter only ip)
-m, --multiple Repeat several times
-t, --threads Threads count
-xp, --xmlpath XMLRPC path