This space is for guiding the given assignments and notes for the next class. Although not everything can be organized, it is intended for reference only. It will be used as a sort of checklist.
- Syllabus to check
- Open a Github ID (individually) and share
- Grouping for collaboration
- Coding4ET overview audio
- AppDemo: saving a colab file to your Github
- Create a repository "S24"
- Padlet: Video generating AI demo
- Coding4ET Lesson 01 & Lesson 02 (HW is instructed in DIY in Lesson 02)
- Tools to share video guideline (next time)
- PM for each group: Create a repository named 'G1' (replace number with your group number) and add collaborator to the repository. Include the instructor (MK316) too.
- After creating a repository, for example 'G1', find setting menu on the top right corner in your repository page.
- On the left panel, there is a menu 'collaborators'. Click the menu.
- Add Github IDs of your group members and 'MK316' (which is mine).
- When this is done, all the members can access, edit, and save files to the given repository.