All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog
- Add graph refresh to the OpenStack InfraManager (#563)
- Add support for targeted refresh of SecurityGroupRules (#542)
- Remove unused NetworkManager metrics classes (#548)
- Update Targeted refresh for VolumeTemplate objects (#541)
- Removed gettext catalogs from repo (#507)
- Update Refresh to not delete other Snapshots on a VM during Targeted Refresh (#502)
- Support Cinder's volume-extend action (#448)
- Support volume multiattachment (#432)
- Allow user to select Network Port for provisioning (#416)
- Add ConversionHost and ServiceTemplateTransformationPlan subclasses (#441)
- Improve handling of missing services (#411)
- Improve handling of missing services (#411)
- Get tenant for stack from parameters (#417)
- Targeted refresh: Collect tenant ems references last (#422)
- Remove legacy network collection from CloudManager graph refresh (#421)
- Add case for 404 error to ManagerMixin:translate_exception (#456)
- Fix invalid field user_id on Miqtask (#452)
- Warn but still allow infra without ironic (#436)
- Exclude 'all_tenants' option when querying Ceilometer for events (#467)
- Set panko flag when using settings.yml to define event service (#468)
- Revert "Don't create a MIQ Snapshot record when creating an OSP Snapshot" (#474)
- Add supports_conversion_host to Vm (#407)
- Create instance snapshots with the owner's project scope (#462)
- Parse OpenStack Event Timestamps as UTC (#457)
- Read back to catch events that may have reached Panko out of order (#433)
- Exclude already attached VMs from the volume attachment form (#409)
- Pass openstack_admin? flag to volume snapshot template collection (#359)
- Support the :cinder_volume_types feature in the CinderManager (#358)
- Make
visible in the API (#355) - Use UUID if volume name is missing (#351)
- Moving Inventory Builder functionality to Inventory (#343)
- Infra Discovery: support for SSL (#326)
- Collect Cinder Volume Types during Inventory Refresh (#305)
- Instances workflow: Allow flavors with disk size of 0 (#314)
- Persister: optimized InventoryCollection definitions (#307)
- Add display name for flavor (#302)
- Add Openstack CinderManager EventCatcher (#281)
- Update VCRs and remove obsolete VCRs for very old versions of Openstack (#266)
- Add delete_queue method for Template (#236)
- Store selected user sync roles as custom attributes. (#210)
- Added keystone_v3_domain_id to api_allowed_attributes method (#196)
- Adds vm_snapshot_success Notification creation (#128)
- Trim Volume error messages out of Fog responses (#123)
- Enable provisioning from Volumes and Volume Snapshots via a proxy type (#104)
- Orchestration Stack and Cloud Tenant targeted refresh (#86)
- Add notifications for VM destroy Cloud Volume and Cloud Volume Snapshot actions (#85)
- Trim error messages from fog responses for remaining models (#130)
- Update i18n catalog for hammer (#368)
- Add StorageManager modules to fix CinderManager import paths (#352)
- Use empty name for volume if only size provided (#344)
- Add cores per socket to OpenStack cloud inventory parser (#341)
- Flavors: always include private flavors (#329)
- Require hostname if provider is enabled (#322)
- Add template decorator (#309)
- Default volume size value in provisioning (#289)
- per_volume_gigabytes_used definition is missing (#276)
- Use the correct id when collecting quotas from Neutron (#272)
- translate_exceptions: Parse errors out of fog responses (#271)
- Don't lose VM volume attachments when refreshing the cloud inventory (#243)
- Avoid tenant discovery recursion (#265)
- Parse volume attachment/detachment messages from fog responses (#253)
- Ensure Openstack uses its own CinderManager (#242)
- Repetitive storage volume deletion gives unexpected error (#224)
- Fix Service Provisioning cloud_tenant issue (#223)
- Add proper error message if network type not supported (#222)
- Don't require CinderManager in inventory classes (#218)
- Don't dependent => destroy cinder manager (#214)
- Provider base class handles the managers' destroy now (#198)
- Extend allowed_cloud_network for providers that don't support allowed_ci (#197)
- Implement graph refresh for the Cinder manager (#194)
- Handle attempts to delete volumes that have already been deleted (#147)
- Replace conditions with scope (#144)
- Add error message if FIP assigned to router (#161)
- Translate exceptions from raw_connect (#132)
- Fix for amqp events (#131)
- Update event parser code to deal with amqp messages (#127)
- Trim key pair errors out of api responses (#120)
- Only update tenant mapping for the network manager if it's present (#119)
- Update raw connect method to accomodate OpenStack complexity (#118)
- Trim neutron error messages out of fog responses (#110)
- Direct attribute access for
via cloud_tenants API (#366) - Get images with pagination loop (#363)
- Don't use string interpolations inside gettext strings (#369)
- New Cloud provider: Fix event creds validation for AMQP (#399)
- Better neutron exception handling condition (#371)
- Service dialog for orchestration template needs tenant selection (#397)
- Check if host create event exists and assign host to it (#380)
- Add explicit runtime dependency on the "parallel" gem (#403)
- Require 'parallel' in the OpenstackHandle (#404)
- Avoid uniqueness constraint violations in sync_users (#373)
- For OpenStack infra validation, validate presence of Ironic (#379)
- New Cloud provider: Fix event creds validation for AMQP (#324)
- Format error when physical network is in use (#370)
- Collect Panko events for all tenants. (#402)
- Remove useless EmsRefresherMixin (#304)
- Exclude already attached VMs from the volume attachment form (#409)
- Add a default parallel thread limit to the settings yaml (#405)
- Fix autocomplete error in targeted Cloud Volume collection (#400)
- Add support for multiple amqp endpoints (#394)
- Refresh an attached undercloud when saving changes to an overcloud (#393)
- Parallelize OpenstackHandle (#374)
- When doing targeted refresh of a volume refresh any attached VMs (#386)
- Require hostname if provider is enabled (#322)
- Filter Keystone Projects by domain_id (#342)
- Use empty name for volume if only size provided (#344)
- Add configurable vhost to AMQP monitor (#221)
- Catch Bad Request responses in safe_call (#330)
- Catch error when volume creation fails (#269)
- Make Gnocchi default granularity configurable in Settings (#267)
- duplicate opts hash before modifying in raw_connect_try_ssl (#284)
- Combine InfraManager and child manager refresh queues (#286)
- Fix targeted refresh builder params for network objects (#290)
- Friendly error message for HTTP 503 (#293)
- Fix tenant associations on VolumeSnapshotTemplates (#310)
- Infra discovery: Port scan needs trailing FF/LN (#205)
- For archived nodes, just delete AR object on remove (#165)
- Move CinderManager inventory classes (#282)
- Send tenant with identity service requests (#225)
- Track guest OS for openstack images and VMs (#193)
- Improve network manager refresh speed (#216)
- Correct network event target associations (#250)
- Improve provisioning failure error messages (#254)
- Filter openstack networks without subnets (#238)
- Dont return Storage Services if They arent present (#240)
- Fix parent subnet relationship (#260)
- Fallback to generic error parsing if neutron-specific parsing fails (#263)
- Default Event payload to empty Hash (#262)
- Fixes unfriendly message when adding network for unavailable provider (#264)
- Catch Fog::Errors::NotFound in OpenstackHandle.handled_list (#280)
- Add back missing IP address range in Virtual Private Cloud name. (#211)
- Fix disable CloudTenant Vm targeted refresh (#213)
- Filter out duplicates during inventory collection (#212)
- Fix targeted refresh clearing vm cloud tenant for v2 (#233)
- Enhance orchestration template parameter type support (#105)
- Add update action for Image (#102)
- Update to infra refresher for OSP12 (#99)
- Change Compute service to Image in delete action (#103)
- Add create action for Image (#89)
- Fix collector caching and improve collection of network relations for targeted refresh (#82)
- Add class for parsing refresh targets from EmsEvents (#81)
- Add cloud volume restore and delete raw actions. Cloud volume backup (#83)
- Add vm security group operations (#79)
- Add scale_down and scale_up tasks to OrchestrationStack (#55)
- Targeted Refresh for Cloud VMs (#74)
- Adds specific methods for creating, deleting flavors. (#65)
- Corrects handling of Notification params (#171)
- Skip disabled tenants when connecting to OpenStack (#172)
- If an image name is "", use the image's id instead (#146)
- Make sure volume template has name (#148)
- don't attempt cloning of OpenStack infra templates (#153)
- safe_call should catch Fog::Errors::NotFound (#156)
- Remove floating_ip_address from the create request if it is blank (#145)
- Fix missing quota calculations (#158)
- Restore missing quotas in new graph-based collector (#159)
- Filter out resources with blank physical_resource_id (#113)
- Fix attach/detach disks automate methods (#112)
- Trim error messages out of cloud tenant fog responses (#111)
- Use floating_ip_address instead of name for creation messages (#109)
- Event parser sets host id (#108)
- Check provisioning status with the correct tenant scoping (#97)
- Add flavors info in instance provisioning (#91)
- Old Refresh: Don't error out if a port refers to an unknown subnet. (#90)
- Reading mac from the reported port correctly (#87)
- Update miq-module dependency to more_core_extensions (#77)
- Update provision requirements check to allow exact matches (#72)
- Handle case where do_volume_creation_check gets a nil from Fog (#73)
- Assign only compact and unique list of hosts (#71)
- Fix Provisioning of disconnected VolumeTemplate (#173)
- Return empty AR relation instead of nil for ::InfraManager#cloud_tenants (#184)
- Fix refresh for private images (#187)
- Use only hypervisor hostname to match infra host with cloud vm (#186)
- If an image name is "" use the image's id instead (#146)
- manageiq-gems-pending is already from manageiq itself (#141)
- safe_call should catch Fog::Errors::NotFound (#156)
- Don't attempt cloning of OpenStack infra templates (#153)
- Remove floating_ip_address from the create request if it is blank (#145)
- Added supported_catalog_types (#177)
- Skip disabled tenants when connecting to OpenStack (#172)
- Corrects handling of Notification params (#171)
- Set VolumeTemplate name to ID if empty (#169)
- Include HelperMethods instead of extending (#167)
- Don't pass nil ssl_options to try_connection (#166)
- Add missing 'return' statement to 'network_manager.find_device_object' (#188)
- Fix refresh for private images (#187)
- Use only hypervisor hostname to match infra host with cloud vm (#186)
- Return empty AR relation instead of nil for ::InfraManager#cloud_tenants (#184)
- Improve Targeted Refresh for Cloud and Network managers (#175)
- Bypass the superclass orchestrated destroy for this Provider. (#209)
- Don't dependent => destroy child_managers (#208)
- Override az_zone_to_cloud_network in openstack prov (#202)
- Correct the paths that event target IDs are parsed from (#195)
- Ensure that subnets are dissociated from routers in the ManageIQ inventory when their interfaces are removed on the OSP side (#182)
- Remove old refresh settings (#135)