- toggle fullscreen icon
- shortcut for distraction free
- word count etc
- https://codepen.io/lingtalfi/pen/zoNeJp
- https://github.com/nathancahill/Split.js
- http://layout.jquery-dev.com/index.cfm
Spell check
- load file
- save file
- key short cuts
- refresh file (other editor used)
- open folder
- save position
- save sizes
- save curent files
- save previous projects
- spelling
- to pdf
todo items that are done
- nice font
- split screen
- keyboard shortcuts
- basic styling in markdown editor part
- split screen (1)
- markdown file
- preview
- editor (2)
- file structure (3)
- bootstrap
- jquery
- default style
- dark / light style
<!-- Learn about this code on MDN: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/HTML/Editable_content -->
<div contenteditable="true">
This text can be edited by the user.