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592 lines (355 loc) · 30.7 KB

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592 lines (355 loc) · 30.7 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[4.0.1] - 12/25/2024

  • Fixed a bug in which certain characters, such as the + character, were not being properly percent-encoded in Dictionary.formURLEncoded(). See #70.

[4.0.0] - 12-10-2024

  • Added SpotifyAPI.audiobookChapters(_:market:limit:offset:).
  • SpotifyAPI.currentUserSavedAudiobooks(limit:offset:) now returns the correct type: PagingObject<Audiobook> instead of PagingObject<SavedAudiobook>.
  • Removed SpotifyAPI.removeSpecificOccurrencesFromPlaylist(_:of:) because it is no longer possible to remove items at specific indices from a playlist.
  • ClientCredentialsFlowBackendManager now actually conforms to Hashable (it already implemented the required methods, but never explicitly declared the conformance)
  • Removed market parameter from SpotifyAPI.removeSavedAudiobooksForCurrentUser
  • Removed market parameter from SpotifyAPI.currentUserSavedShows
  • Changed type of from String to String?
  • Removed "Currently, there is a bug in the web API in which the market parameter must be provided, or a 500 server error will be returned. It must be set to "US"." doc comment for SpotifyAPI.chapter and SpotifyAPI.chapters.
  • The following endpoints are now deprecated for new web API applications (see this article):
    • SpotifyAPI.relatedArtists
    • SpotifyAPI.recommendations
    • SpotifyAPI.trackAudioFeatures
    • SpotifyAPI.tracksAudioFeatures
    • SpotifyAPI.trackAudioAnalysis
    • SpotifyAPI.featuredPlaylists
    • SpotifyAPI.categoryPlaylists
  • Made all properties in Show and Episode optional (except for those with default values).
  • Show and Episode no longer conform to SpotifyURIConvertible.
  • Replaced SpotifyAPI.usersFollowPlaylist(_:userURIs:) with SpotifyAPI.currentUserFollowsPlaylist(_:) because this endpoint now only works with the current user.
  • Fixed bug in SpotifyAPI.extendPagesConcurrently(_:maxExtraPages:) in which no extra pages would be retrieved if maxExtraPages was set to 1.
  • Changed type of releaseDate for all objects in object model from Date? to String?
  • Removed "Audiobooks are only available for the US market" from the following methods:
    • SpotifyAPI.audiobook
    • SpotifyAPI.audiobooks
    • SpotifyAPI.chapter
    • SpotifyAPI.chapters

[3.0.4] - 11-22-2024

  • Fixed a bug where the Spotify ids were not being sent in the correct format in the following methods (see #66):
    • SpotifyAPI.saveAlbumsForCurrentUser
    • SpotifyAPI.removeSavedAlbumsForCurrentUser
    • SpotifyAPI.saveEpisodesForCurrentUser
    • SpotifyAPI.removeSavedEpisodesForCurrentUser
    • SpotifyAPI.saveShowsForCurrentUser
    • SpotifyAPI.removeSavedShowsForCurrentUser
    • SpotifyAPI.saveTracksForCurrentUser
    • SpotifyAPI.removeSavedTracksForCurrentUser

[3.0.3] - 6-09-2024

  • Made all TrackLink properties nil. Will never fail to decode TrackLink again.

[3.0.2] - 6-07-2024

  • Fixed a bug that caused extendPagesConcurrently to only return the initial page of results

[3.0.1] - 5-25-2024

  • Fixed a bug that causes a runtime crash in extendPagesConcurrently when the "limit" property of the Paginig Object is 0.

[3.0.0] - 5-20-2024

  • Moved SpotifyExampleContent target to a new library with the same name. This will reduce the size of the resource bundle for clients who do not need this library.
  • Fixed a bug that caused a decoding error when decoding Playlists with a value of null for the image key in the JSON payload.
  • Added a maxRetryDelay property to SpotifyAPI that defines the total accumulated retry delay before the library will fail with an error (default: 3 minutes).

[2.2.4] - 4-19-2023

  • PagingObject now supports an "items" payload will null values.

[2.2.3] - 2-4-2023

  • SpotifyUser.uri is now percent-decoded, which prevents this value from being double percent-encoded when passed in to other SpotifyAPI methods. See here for more details.

[2.2.2] - 1-6-2023

  • Decoding of PagingObject from JSON data is now more lenient.

[2.2.1] - 11-7-2022

  • Fixed bug with URI parsing in which underscores were not allowed in ids. See #42 for more details.

[2.2.0] - 10-5-2022

  • Added new endpoints for retrieving audiobooks and audiobook chapters:

    • SpotifyAPI.audiobook(_:market:)

    • SpotifyAPI.audiobooks(_:market:)

    • SpotifyAPI.chapter(_:market:)

    • SpotifyAPI.chapters(_:market:)

  • Added a new endpoint for retrieving the user's queue: SpotifyAPI.queue().

  • Added new types to the object model: Audiobook, AudiobookChapter, AudiobookAuthor, and SpotifyQueue.

  • The method now supports audiobooks. Added audiobooks property to SearchResult, which is returned by this method. Also, removed next property from SearchResult.

  • SpotifyAPI.categoryPlaylists(_:country:limit:offset:) now returns AnyPublisher<PagingObject<Playlist<PlaylistItemsReference>?>, Error> instead of AnyPublisher<PagingObject<Playlist<PlaylistItemsReference>>, Error> (the Playlist<PlaylistItemsReference> is now optional). This fixes decoding errors.

  • Added totalTracks to Album.

  • Added htmlDescription and restrictions to Episode.

  • Added htmlDescription to Show.

  • Removed support for Swift 5.1 and 5.2 by deleting the swift-5-1 branch, which had not been maintained for a long time.

  • Added Audiobooks and Chapters to URIs in SpotifyExampleContent.

  • Added the following sample data to SpotifyExampleContent:

    • Audiobook.harryPotterAndTheSorcerersStone

    • Audiobook.enlightenmentNow

    • Audiobook.freeWill

    • AudiobookChapter.freeWillChapter1

    • AudiobookChapter.steveJobsChapter1

    • AudiobookChapter.enlightenmentNowChapter3

    • SpotifyQueue.sampleQueue

  • Added audiobook and chapter to IDCategory.

[2.1.1] - 7-25-2022

  • Fixed bugs with retrieving additional pages of results when using SpotifyAPI.currentUserFollowedArtists, SpotifyAPI.categories, andSpotifyAPI.categoryPlaylists.

[2.1.0] - 6-11-2022

  • Fixed Bug with decoding playback when context is saved tracks ("liked songs")
  • Added collection to IDCategory.
  • SpotifyContext.type is decoded to unknown if the string in the JSON payload does not match any of the IDCategory raw values.
  • Updated URLs

[2.0.3] - 2-7-2022

  • When decoding calendar dates for Album.releaseDate or Episode.releaseDate, if the format of the date-string is invalid, then these properties will be set to nil instead of the decoder throwing an error.

[2.0.2] - 1-23-2022

  • Added support for docc documentation.

[2.0.1] - 6-23-2021


  • Added ad to IDCategory. This can be returned for CurrentlyPlayingContext.itemType, which indicates the user is currently listening to an ad.

[2.0.0] - 5-29-2021

Proxy Server

  • Three new authorization managers have been added: AuthorizationCodeFlowBackendManager, AuthorizationCodeFlowPKCEBackendManager, and ClientCredentialsFlowBackendManager. AuthorizationCodeFlowManager, AuthorizationCodeFlowPKCEManager, and ClientCredentialsFlowManager have been refactored to inherit from these classes, respectively. The former three classes are generic over a backend. This backend can handle the process of retrieving the authorization information either directly from Spotify or via a custom backend server that makes requests to Spotify on behalf of your frontend app. This allows you to store sensitive credentials, such as your client id and client secret securely on your backend server, thereby preventing them from being exposed directly in your frontend app.
  • Three new protocols have been added:
    • AuthorizationCodeFlowBackend. Conforming types: AuthorizationCodeFlowClientBackend and AuthorizationCodeFlowProxyBackend.
    • AuthorizationCodeFlowPKCEBackend. Conforming types: AuthorizationCodeFlowPKCEClientBackend and AuthorizationCodeFlowPKCEProxyBackend.
    • ClientCredentialsFlowBackend. Conforming types: ClientCredentialsFlowClientBackend and ClientCredentialsFlowProxyBackend.


  • Removed the networkAdaptor property from the authorization managers. If you need to use a custom networking client, then create a type that conforms to one of the backend protocols in Sources/SpotifyWebAPI/Authorization/Backends/AuthorizationBackends.swift based on which authorization method you are using.
  • SpotifyAPILogHandler is no longer automatically bootstrapped when an instance of SpotifyAPI is created. You now must call its bootstrap method manually. This allows you to select a different logging backend, if needed.
  • Removed clientSecret from AuthorizationCodeFlowPKCEManager because it is not needed.
  • SpotifyAuthenticationError.errorDescription is now optional because it can be missing in the JSON payload in rare cases.
  • Removed all deprecated symbols.
  • Publisher extensions where the output is URLResponse are now extensions where the output is HTTPURLResponse. Other methods that returned URLResponse, such as SpotifyAPI.filteredPlaylist(_:filters:additionalTypes:market:), now also return HTTPURLResponse.
  • Refactored ContextOption and OffsetOption as nested types under PlaybackRequest (Context and Offset).
  • Added type property to Playlist.
  • Changed the type of properties in the object model that represent URLs from String to URL. SpotifyAPI.getFromHref(_:responseType) now accepts a URL as well instead of a string.
  • String.makeCodeChallenge() is now a static method that accepts the coder verifier as a parameter: String.makeCodeChallenge(codeVerifier:).
  • Removed the + and += operators from Dictionary.
  • The custom URLComponents and URL initializers are now internal.
  • The scopes properties of AuthInfo and the authorization managers are non-optional. Instead, the lack of scopes is represented by an empty set.
  • Renamed SpotifyLocalError to SpotifyGeneralError.
  • Renamed SpotifyLocalError.httpError(HTTPURLResponse:Data) to SpotifyLocalError.httpError(Data:HTTPURLResponse)
  • Renamed SpotifyAPI.removeAllOccurencesFromPlaylist(_:of:snapshotId:) to SpotifyAPI.removeAllOccurrencesFromPlaylist(_:of:snapshotId:).
  • Renamed SpotifyAPI.removeSpecificOccurencesFromPlaylist(_:of:) to SpotifyAPI.removeSpecificOccurrencesFromPlaylist(_:of:).
  • Renamed SpotifyDecodingError.dataDumpfolder to dataDumpFolder.

[1.6.1] - 2021-4-26


  • Fixed a bug that caused a compilation error in Swift 5.4. See here.

[1.6.0] - 2021-4-20


  • Added SpotifyLocalError.httpError(HTTPURLResponse, Data). This error is returned when the status code of the response from the server is in the 4xx or 5xx range and the response body could not be decoded into any of the other errors types (SpotifyAuthenticationError, SpotifyError, SpotifyPlayerError).


  • A request will be automatically retried up to three times if it returns a SpotifyLocalError.httpError with a status code of 500, 502, 503, or 504.
  • When decoding the data from a request into a Swift type, the data will first be decoded into an error object if the status code is in the 4xx or 5xx range.

[1.5.1] - 2021-4-15


  • Added SpotifyAPI.currentUserFollowedArtists(after:limit:).
  • Added documentation for each authorization scope that specifies which endpoints the scope is required for.
  • Added a makeCopy method to ClientCredentialsFlowManager, AuthorizationCodeFlowManager, and AuthorizationCodeFlowPKCEManager.

[1.5.0] - 2021-3-30


  • Requests will now be automatically retried up to three times depending on the error received:

    Retries upon receiving a RateLimitedError. If a SpotifyError or SpotifyPlayerError is received, then retries if the status code is 500, 502, 503, or 504.

  • Added the following endpoints:

    • SpotifyAPI.currentUserSavedEpisodes(limit:offset:market:)
    • SpotifyAPI.currentUserSavedEpisodesContains(_:)
    • SpotifyAPI.saveEpisodesForCurrentUser(_:)
    • SpotifyAPI.removeSavedEpisodesForCurrentUser(_:)
    • SpotifyAPI.availableMarkets()
  • Added methods for retrieving additional pages of results concurrently:

    • SpotifyAPI.extendPagesConcurrently(_:maxExtraPages:)
    • Publisher.extendPagesConcurrently(_:maxExtraPages:)
  • Added Publisher.collectAndSortByOffset()

  • SpotifyUser how has the following additional properties: allowsExplicitContent and explicitContentSettingIsLocked.


  • The before and after cases of TimeReference now accept a timestamp string instead of a Date. TimeReference has the static methods before(_:) and after(_:) which accept Dates instead and return an instance of self.
  • Renamed PlaylistsItemsReference to PlaylistItemsReference.

[1.4.2] - 2021-3-16


  • Fixed a bug where a request to refresh the access token (refreshTokens(onlyIfExpired:tolerance:) using AuthorizationCodeFlowManager or AuthorizationCodeFlowPKCEManager failed if the access token was authorized for zero scopes. Compare with 1.4.1.

[1.4.1] - 2021-3-13


  • Fixed a bug where requesting access and refresh tokens using AuthorizationCodeFlowManager or AuthorizationCodeFlowPKCEManager failed if no authorization scopes where requested.

[1.4.0] - 2021-3-7


  • Fixed a bug in AuthorizationCodeFlowManager.== and AuthorizationCodeFlowPKCEManager.==: The access tokens were being compared twice and the refresh tokens weren't being compared.


  • Added Method for disabling the bootstrapping of SpotifyAPILogHandler: SpotifyAPILogHandler.disable.
  • Added a new protocol, ApproximatelyEquatable, which is conformed to by all types in the object model that have Date or floating point properties or that contain other types with those properties.


  • now throws an error if categories is empty.
  • When comparing the authorization managers for equality, an absolute tolerance of 1 second (instead of three seconds) is used when comparing the expiration dates.

[1.3.0] - 2021-1-10


  • Added a network adaptor property to SpotifyAPI and the authorization managers. This property allows you to use your own network client for all network requests.

[1.2.1] - 2020-12-31


  • Fixed a bug in which the value for the "retry-after" header was not retrieved because the library was expecting it to be in uppercase ("Retry-After"), but the Spotify web API returned it in lowercase. The header is now retrieved in a case-insensitive manner.


  • Linux is now officially supported (tested on Ubuntu 20.04.1)!

[1.2.0] - 2020-12-26


  • Fixed a bug in which the port, username, and password components of a URL were removed by the URL.removingQueryItems() method, when it should've only removed the query items and fragment. This caused the methods for requesting access and refresh tokens to fail when the redirect URI had these components. The initializers for URL and URLComponents now accept a port.


  • Removed the showDialog parameter from AuthorizationCodeFlowPKCEManager.makeAuthorizationURL(redirectURI:codeChallenge:state:scopes:) because it is not actually supported by the Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange. It is only supported by the Authorization Code Flow.
  • Removed the period and tilde characters from String.urlSafeCharacters because they are reserved in certain components of a URL (although not in the query string, where they will most likely be used).

[1.1.3] - 2020-12-20


  • Added RepeatMode.cycled()
  • Added public initializers for CurrentlyPlayingContext, Device, PlayHistory, and SpotifyContext.
  • Added CaseIterable conformance to DeviceType, SpotifyPlayerError.ErrorReason, and TimeRange. Also added Hashable conformance to TimeRange.


  • Changed the order of the cases in the RepeatMode enum from off, track, context to off, context, track, which matches the order that they are cycled through in Spotify clients and in RepeatMode.cycle() and RepeatMode.cycled().

[1.1.2] - 2020-11-29


  • RepeatMode.cycle() - Cycles between the different repeat modes.


  • Fixed typo in DeviceType.castAudio.rawValue.

[1.1.1] - 2020-11-27


  • The refresh token is now optional in the initializers AuthorizationCodeFlowManager.init(clientId:clientSecret:accessToken:expirationDate:refreshToken:scopes:) and AuthorizationCodeFlowPKCEManager.init(clientId:clientSecret:accessToken:expirationDate:refreshToken:scopes:)

[1.1.0] - 2020-11-14


  • Made Endpoints enum Public.


  • Removed Publisher.assignToOptional(_:on:).

[1.0.4] - 2020-11-12


  • Added localizedDescription to SpotifyLocalError.other with a default value of "An unexpected error occurred.".

[1.0.3] - 2020-11-09


  • Added URIsWithPositionsContainer.init(snapshotId:urisWithSinglePosition:) and URIsWithPositionsContainer.chunked(urisWithSinglePosition:). These methods will aid in removing more than 100 duplicate items from a playlist.


  • URIsDictWithInsertionIndex is now public
  • URIsContainer.init(_:snapshotId:) and URIsWithPositionsContainer.init(snapshotId:urisWithPositions:) now have a default value of nil for the snapshot id.


  • Deprecated URIsWithPositionsContainer initializer that accepted an array of tuples.

[1.0.2] - 2020-11-02


  • Changed docs for to mention that you can provide the id of a non-active device, which will cause the given content to be played on that device. Added a new wiki article: Using the Player Endpoints.

[1.0.1] - 2020-10-31


  • The URL query parameters for all requests are now sorted. This may improve caching.

[1.0.0] - 2020-10-29

SpotifyAPI is out of beta!


  • Small documentation changes

[0.10.0] - 2020-10-28


  • Changed the type of SpotifyPlayerError.reason from String to an enum: ErrorReason. This provides additional type safety.

[0.9.1] - 2020-10-27


Fixed bugs in which the following methods called the wrong endpoints:

  • SpotifyAPI.currentUserSavedTracks(limit:offset:market:)
  • SpotifyAPI.currentUserSavedShowsContains(_:)

All of the methods in SpotifyAPI are now covered by unit tests!

[0.9.0] - 2020-10-27


  • Added SpotifyAPI.authorizationManagerDidDeauthorize. This publisher emits when the deauthorize() method of the authorization manager is called; SpotifyAPI.authorizationManagerDidChange no longer emits when deauthorize() is called.


  • Fixed bug in which creating an instance of SpotifyAPI using init(from:) did not properly setup the subscription to authorizationManager.didChange.

[0.8.1] - 2020-10-24


  • Fixed a bug with the JSON data being in the incorrect format for the endpoints for following and unfollowing artists and users.
  • Fixed a typo in the raw value of TimeRange.shortTerm, which caused an "invalid request" error from Spotify.

[0.8.0] - 2020-10-23


  • Added the following initializers to the authorization managers:
    • AuthorizationCodeFlowPKCEManager.init(clientId:clientSecret:accessToken:expirationDate:refreshToken:scopes:)
    • AuthorizationCodeFlowManager.init(clientId:clientSecret:accessToken:expirationDate:refreshToken:scopes:)
    • ClientCredentialsFlowManager.init(clientId:clientSecret:accessToken:expirationDate:)

These initializers should rarely be needed. They should only be used if the authorization information was retrieved from an external source outside this library. In cases where you simply need to save the authorization information to persistent storage, encode the entire authorization manager instance to data using a JSONEncoder and then decode the data from storage later. See Saving authorization information to persistent storage for more information.

  • Added the prefix "sample" to some of the properties in the SpotifyExampleContent module to prevent potential confusion.


  • Fixed a bug with the JSON data not being decoded from the SpotifyAPI.recommendations(_:limit:market:) endpoint because some of the values were in all uppercase.

[0.7.6] - 2020-10-22


  • Minor bug fixes and small changes to documentation

[0.7.5] - 2020-10-20


  • Updated documentation for playing content to mention that shows can be used for contextURI.
  • Simplified the localizedDescription for the error objects. The descriptions are now more suitable for the end user. Always use the string representation of the error objects for debugging purposes; only use localizedDescription to display the error to the end user.


  • Fixed a bug where the values passed into SpotifyLocalError.invalidState were transposed. Edit: Due to a source-control issue, this change was not released in this version. It was released in the next version.

[0.7.4] - 2020-10-17


  • Fixed bugs for the SpotifyAPI.showEpisodes(_:market:offset:limit:) endpoint, which was trying to decode the wrong response type and did not add the id of the show to the query string correctly.


  • Added totalEpisodes property to Show, which should've already been added.
  • Added example PlaylistItems to the SpotifyExampleContent module.

[0.7.3] - 2020-10-16


  • The type of SearchResult.episodes has been changed from PagingObject<Episode>? to PagingObject<Episode?>? and The type of SearchResult.shows has been changed from PagingObject<Show>? to PagingObject<Show?>?. This change was necessary because Spotify can return nil for these properties if the shows and/or episodes are not available in the specified markets.

[0.7.2] - 2020-10-15


  • Added the market parameter to SpotifyAPI.currentPlayback(market:) and fixed a bug that caused episodes to not be returned.
  • Renamed CurrentlyPlayingContext.activeDevice to device because this device is not necessarily active.
  • Renamed CurrentlyPlayingContext.currentlyPlayingType to itemType because this item is not necessarily currently playing. Use CurrentlyPlayingContext.currentlyPlayingType.isPlaying to determine if the content is currently playing.

[0.7.0] - 2020-10-15


  • Added documentation about how omitting the market parameter when using the client credentials flow causes episodes and shows to not be returned.
  • Added SpotifyAPI.filteredPlaylistItems(_:filters:additionalTypes:limit:offset:market:).
  • Added snapshotId parameter to SpotifyAPI.removeAllOccurencesFromPlaylist(_:of:snapshotId:).
  • Added SpotifyPlayerError; this error object is returned by Spotify when there are errors related to the player endpoints.


  • Renamed SpotifyAPI.filteredPlaylistRequest(_:filters:additionalTypes:market:) to SpotifyAPI.filteredPlaylist(_:filters:additionalTypes:market:).
  • Renamed SpotifyAPI.getPlaylistImage(_:) to SpotifyAPI.playlistImage(_:).
  • Renamed AlbumGroup to AlbumType.
  • The generic Item type of PlaylistItemContainer is now optional because the episodes in a playlist will be nil If they were retrieved using the client credentials flow manager and a value for the market parameter was not provided or if they are not available in the specifed market.


  • Fixed issues with additional types parameter for the playlist endpoints and added clearer documentation to filteredPlaylist and filteredPlaylistItems.
  • Fixed bug with decoding of Album where both the albumGroup and albumType properties were being decoded from the albumGroup JSON key.
  • Fixed bug where the incorrect coding key was being used for the trackNumber and previewURL properties of Track, causing them to never be decoded from the data and always set to nil.
  • Fixed bug where externalURLs property of SpotifyContext was not being decoded because the JSON key name was incorrect.

[0.6.0] - 2020-10-03



  • Added AuthorizationCodeFlowManagerBase and refactored AuthorizationCodeFlowManager to inherit from it. AuthorizationCodeFlowPKCEManager also inherits from this class.
  • The methods for retrieving and refreshing tokens now return an error if the expected properties weren't returned from Spotify. This would've caused an error at a later point anyway.

[0.5.0] - 2020-10-01


  • Renamed the following symbols

    • CurrentlyPlayingContext.device -> activeDevice
    • CurrentlyPlayingContext.item -> currentlyPlayingItem
    • PlaylistDetails.collaborative -> isCollaborative
    • SpotifyAPI.getPlaylistCoverImage(_:) -> getPlaylistImage(_:)
    • -> search(query:categories:market:limit:offset:includeExternal:)
  • The refreshTokens method of ClientCredentialsFlowManager and AuthorizationCodeFlowManager is now fully synchronized, meaning it is thread-safe. Calling it multiple times concurrently will always result in a single network request being made. Additional calls while a request is still in progress will return a reference to the same publisher as a class instance.

  • The accessToken, refreshToken, expirationDate, and scopes properties of AuthorizationCodeFlowManager and the accessToken and expirationDate properties of ClientCredentialsFlowManager are now synchronized, meaning that they are thread-safe.

[0.4.0] - 2020-09-22


  • Added a wealth of sample data to the SpotifyExampleContent module. It includes URIs and various sample objects from the object model. This is particularly useful for SwiftUI Previews. You are highly encouraged to browse the source code for this module to see all of the available sample data.


  • Fixed bug in which calling SpotifyAPI.currentPlayback() when there were no available devices returned an error because Spotify returned no data. Now, nil is returned when Spotify returns no data.
  • Bumped the swift tools version to 5.3 so that resources can be used by this package.

[0.3.3] - 2020-09-21


  • Changed the name of the "SpotifyURIs" module to "SpotifyExampleContent".


  • Added public initializers for all public objects in the object model. This allows clients to create their own examples for testing purposes.

[0.3.2] - 2020-09-20


  • Renamed the types parameter of to categories.

[0.3.1] - 2020-09-19


  • SpotifyAPI.currentPlayback() now returns an optional CurrentlyPlayingContext, which will be nil if no available device was found.

[0.3.0] - 2020-09-17

All of the Spotify web API endpoints are now supported!


  • Added the following endpoints:
    • category(_:country:locale:) - Get a Spotify Category
    • categories(country:locale:limit:offset:) - Get a list of categories used to tag items in Spotify (on, for example, the Spotify player’s “Browse” tab).
    • categoryPlaylists(_:country:limit:offset:) - Get a list of Spotify playlists tagged with a particular category.
    • featuredPlaylists(locale:country:timestamp:limit:offset:) - Get a list of featured playlists (shown, for example, on a Spotify player’s “Browse” tab).
    • newAlbumReleases(country:limit:offset:) - Get a list of new album releases featured in Spotify (shown, for example, on a Spotify player’s “Browse” tab).
    • recommendations(_:limit:market:) - Get Recommendations Based on Seeds.
    • recommendationGenres() - Retrieve a list of available genres seeds for recommendations.
  • Added genre to IDCategory


  • Made all the properties of all public objects used in post/put requests (as opposed to objects returned by Spotify) mutable. These objects are:
    • AttributeRange
    • TrackAttributes
    • PlaybackRequest
    • PlaylistDetails
    • ReorderPlaylistItems
    • URIsWithPositionsContainer
    • URIWithPositions
  • SpotifyIdentifier has much more descriptive error messages when identifiers cannot be parsed and improved documentation.

[0.2.0] - 2020-09-15


  • Refactored SpotifyAPI methods that require either authorization scopes or an access token that was retrieved for a user into conditional extensions where AuthorizationManager conforms SpotifyScopeAuthorizationManager. This new protocol extends SpotifyAuthorizationManager and requires that conforming types support authorization scopes. Currently, only AuthorizationCodeFlowManager conforms to this protocol, but a future version of this library will support the Authorization Code Flow with Proof Key for Code Exchange, which will also conform to this protocol. ClientCredentialsFlowManager is not a conforming type because it does not support authorization scopes. This change provides a compile-time guarantee that you can not call methods that require authorization scopes when using the ClientCredentialsFlowManager.
  • Refactored resumePlayback into two separate methods: resumePlayback(deviceId:) only resumes the user's current playback. play(_:deviceId:) (added) plays specific content for the current user.
  • When multiple asyncronous requests are made to refresh the access token, only one network request will be made. While this request is in progress, additional requests to refresh the access token will receive the same publisher as a class instance.
  • If you try to make a request to the Spotify web API before your application is authorized, then a more informative error indicating that you haven't retrieved an access token is returned, instead of one indicating that you haven't retrieved a refresh token.