#Star Wars Quote Application - For ToxiProxy Demo (Built by cannibalising the project: https://github.com/emreozcan3320/star-wars-quote-web-application)
This project is a simple SpringBoot project that interfaces with a MySQL database.
The project has 5 endpoints
- GET /api/v1/quotes - Get All Quotes
- GET /{quoteId} - Get A singular Quote back if the ID matches
- POST /api/v1/quotes - Add a Quote
- PUT /{quoteId} - Edit a Quote
- DELETE /{quoteId} - Delete a Quote
The purpose of this repo is to demonstrate how ToxiProxy works in action.
To start the dependencies navigate to the project directory and run
docker-compose down
docker-compose up
- Make note that in application.properties the MySQL url is localhost:3306, which is the port the ToxiProxy is configured on in the docker compose, to start up the application without any errors the proxy must be in present linking the localhost:3306 port to the localhost:3307 port.
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8474/proxies' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "name": "mysql", "listen": "[::]:3306", "upstream": "mysql:3306", "enabled": true, "toxics": [] }'
^The above is always created on the 'docker-compose up' command as the toxiproxyConfig.json is mounted - To make changes to the proxy setup make changes in the toxiProxy config.
Then run the class
Now you can run the feature file: