- Review project at : https://bloggers-blog-app.vercel.app/
- API Test - POSTMAN - https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/21428071/2s946o2oDR
username : TestUser2,
email : example.test@gmail.com,
password : MyPass@1212
A user having an account can create and post a blog.
Authorized Users can update and delete their respective blogs.
Authorized user can set Title, Summary, Blog content and upload Cover images for the blogs.
Users will receive mail notifications upon registering and on creating a new blog
Unauthenticated Users can only read the blogs.
New and updated blogs are shown at the top of the blogs list.
Libraries and Packages: ReactJS (react-router, react-icons, react-hot-toast), context-api, react-quill-editor, custom-hook, Mongoose-ODM, Multer, JWT, Bcrypt, cors
Frameworks: ExpressJS/NodeJS, Tailwind-CSS
Database and Services: MongoDB Atlas, Cloudinary for media management, Nodemailer for sending mail updates
Deployment: Vercel(frontend) and Render(backend)