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To-Do List - a JavaScript based project

This is a JavaScript based project, which is basically a To-Do list app. This app can perform adding a new to-do and modifying an existing to-do along with animation and flash messages on various events, which gives a better user experience. All of the functionality of this app is written using JavaScript and jQuery.

The features of this app are:

  1. Adding new ToDo
  2. Mark the ToDo that is completed
  3. Edit a ToDo
  4. Delete a ToDo


1. Adding new todo

Animate the input field

There is a Plus-Icon in the upper right corner, which is selected by query selector h1 i. By clicking this icon the input field slides down.

$('h1 i').on('click', function(){
    $(this).fadeOut(500, function(){
        $(this).toggleClass("fas fa-plus-square fas fa-chevron-circle-up");

This animation will also happen if the To-Do List is empty line is clicked. The query selector for this is #noList.

$('#noList').on('click', function(){
    $('h1 i').click();


reading text from input feild

There is a unordered list with id #ulTodo. To add a new To-Do the function addNewTodo() is called, which created a new li is add it to the unordered list. The li is created and append to the unordered list using this block of code:

var inp = "<li>"                                 +
              "<input type='checkbox'>"          +
              "<span></span>"                    +
              "<input type='text'>"              +
              "<button>Cancel</button>"          +
              "<i class='fas fa-trash-alt'></i>" +
              "<i class='fas fa-edit'></i>"      +

$('#ulTodo li:last-child span').text( $('#inputContainer input').val() );


Hiding empty list message

After adding new todo, the message for empty list is made disappeared by calling checkEmptyTodo() function.

function checkEmptyTodo (noTodo = true){
        $('#noList').fadeIn(700, function(){
            $('#noList').css({display: 'inline-block'});
    else {
        $('#noList').fadeOut(700, function(){
            $('#noList').css({display: 'none'});


2. Marking a ToDo as completed

When the checkbox is pressed, the ToDo is marked as completed.

$('#ulTodo').on('click', "li input[type='checkbox']", function(){

The css class completedTodo contains some effects.


3. Edit a ToDo

Display an editable text field prefilled with the ToDo

Let's display an editable text filled input[type='text'], which will be prefilled with the existing todo.

$('#ulTodo').on('click', 'li i:nth-last-child(1)', function(event){
    isEditOn = true;
    $(this).siblings("button").css({display: 'inline-block', width: '21%', opacity: '1.0'});
    $(this).siblings("input[type='text']").css({display: 'inline-block', width: '79%', opacity: '1.0'}).focus().val($(this).siblings("span").text());
    $(this).siblings("span").css({display: 'none'});
    _this = $(this).siblings("button");  // _this stores the selection for latter use on body click
    $(this).remove();  // this statement should be here, donot move up. Otherwise it will be deleted and selection will not work properly
    event.stopPropagation();  // this will stop Event Bubling


Read edit data and update the todo

A new li is created using the text from input[type='text'], and then append to the ul at the same position where the li previously was.

$('#ulTodo').on('click', 'li button', function(event){
    isEditOn = false;
    var inp = "<input type='checkbox'>";
    $(this).siblings("span").css({display: 'inline-block'});
    var inp = "<i class='fas fa-trash-alt'></i>" +
              "<i class='fas fa-edit'></i>";
    $(this).siblings("input[type='text']").css({display: 'none', width: '0', opacity: '0'});
    $(this).css({display: 'none', width: '0', opacity: '0'});
    event.stopPropagation();  // this will stop Event Bubling


4. Delete a ToDo

This will remove the li from the unordered list and refresh the list.

$('#ulTodo').on('click', 'li i:nth-last-child(2)', function(){
    $(this).parent().fadeOut(700, function(){
        checkEmptyTodo($('#ulTodo li').length == 0);


Some functionality


This function will display flash message on different events.

function doneMessage(msg, _callback){  // this function shows a slide up message when a new todo is added
    $('#message p').text(msg);
    $('#message p').addClass('doneMessage').slideToggle(700, function(){
        $(this).delay(800).slideToggle(700, function(){
            if(_callback != undefined){



This function will display a scrollbar when the ul has more than 5 list item.

function addScrollBar(){
    if( $('#ulTodo li').length >= 6 ){



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To-Do list app