- Game Loop
- Move Spaceship and camera forward
- Spawn Asteroids in the distance every 1 - 3 secs (random)
- If player collides with asteroids, die (explosion?) -> Fail State
- Starship
- Moves vertically and horizontally (small smooth rotations)
- Constant speed forward
- Explodes when hit by asteroid
- Shoots when user presses spacebar (cooldown: 2 secs)
- Asteroids
- Rotate permanently
- Random model + size (0.9 - 1.1 scale)
- Particles
- Stars
- Propulsion [PENDING]
- Explosion [PENDING]
- Background [PENDING]
- Player wins if starship travels certain distance (or time?)
- Restart Game
- UI -> Score / Time or something like that
- Sound effects and maybe music
- Procedural Floor/Stage/etc.
- Different Backrounds
- Starship Model
- Asteroid/s Models (could be procedural)
- Background
- Sounds