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CHIP-8 Assembly (like) Language Guide

This document provides an overview of the CHIP-8 assembly mnemonics supported by the emulator's built-in editor. Each mnemonic represents a specific instruction that can be executed by the CHIP-8 interpreter.

This was largely based on Cowgod's excellent technical reference, so it's worth also reading through that.


The instructions below are formated as (Instruction - Bytecode)

The bytecodes hint to the arguments accepted for this instruction, where numbers or upper case letters are constant, but lower case letters indicate the types it deals with, which are listed below:

  • nnn or addr - A 12-bit value, the lowest 12 bits of the instruction
  • n or nibble - A 4-bit value, the lowest 4 bits of the instruction
  • x - A 4-bit value, the lower 4 bits of the high byte of the instruction
  • y - A 4-bit value, the upper 4 bits of the low byte of the instruction
  • kk or byte - An 8-bit value, the lowest 8 bits of the instruction


Asside from the instructions (below this section), there's other bits of syntax available to make life easier.


You can "define" values at the top of your file (Before any instructions). These behave like constants:


  • NAME - The name to refer to later
  • VALUE - The value (Must match the type)


You can "label" a section as <label_name>:.

For example, you can use this to refer to some data:



LD I, smile

Or you could use this to refer to a subprocess for a CALL or to JP

JP mainLoop

    DRW X_COORD, Y_COORD, 6 ; Some "DEFINED" values here

    CALL draw
    JP mainLoop

moveVertical: SE IS_MOVING_DOWN, 0 JP moveDown JP moveUp


Anything after a ; is a comment.


CLS - 00E0

Clear the Display.

  • Clears the screen, setting all pixels to 0.

RET - 00EE

Return from Subroutine.

  • Returns execution to the address stored on the stack by the last CALL instruction.

JP - 1nnn or Bnnn

Jump to Address.

  • JP nnn: Jumps to the address nnn.
  • JP V0, addr: Jumps to the address nnn + V0.

CALL - 2nnn

Call Subroutine.

  • Calls the subroutine at address nnn, storing the return address on the stack.

SE - 3xkk or 5xy0

Skip Next Instruction if Equal.

  • SE Vx, kk: Skips the next instruction if the value in register Vx equals kk.
  • SE Vx, Vy: Skips the next instruction if the value in register Vx equals the value in register Vy.

SNE - 4xkk or 9xy0

Skip Next Instruction if Not Equal.

  • SNE Vx, kk: Skips the next instruction if the value in register Vx does not equal kk.
  • SNE Vx, Vy: Skips the next instruction if the value in register Vx does not equal the value in register Vy.

LD - 6xkk, 8xy0, Annn, Fx07, Fx0A, Fx15, Fx18, Fx29, Fx33, Fx55, Fx65

Load Value.

  • LD Vx, kk: Loads the value kk into register Vx.
  • LD Vx, Vy: Loads the value in register Vy into register Vx.
  • LD I, addr: Loads the address nnn into the index register I.
  • LD Vx, [I]: Loads values from memory starting at address I into registers V0 to Vx.
  • LD [I], Vx: Stores values from registers V0 to Vx into memory starting at address I.
  • LD Vx, DT: Loads the delay timer value into register Vx.
  • LD DT, Vx: Sets the delay timer to the value in register Vx.
  • LD ST, Vx: Sets the sound timer to the value in register Vx.
  • LD F, Vx: Loads the address of the sprite for the hexadecimal digit stored in Vx into I.
  • LD B, Vx: Stores the binary-coded decimal representation of Vx in memory at addresses I, I+1, and I+2.
  • LD Vx, K: Waits for a key press and stores the result in Vx.

ADD - 7xkk, 8xy4, Fx1E

Add Values.

  • ADD Vx, kk: Adds the value kk to Vx, storing the result in Vx.
  • ADD Vx, Vy: Adds the value in register Vy to Vx, storing the result in Vx.
  • ADD I, Vx: Adds the value in register Vx to the index register I.

OR - 8xy1

Bitwise OR.

  • Performs a bitwise OR between registers Vx and Vy, storing the result in Vx.

AND - 8xy2

Bitwise AND.

  • Performs a bitwise AND between registers Vx and Vy, storing the result in Vx.

XOR - 8xy3

Bitwise XOR.

  • Performs a bitwise XOR between registers Vx and Vy, storing the result in Vx.

SUB - 8xy5

Subtract Values.

  • Subtracts the value in register Vy from Vx, storing the result in Vx. Sets the carry flag to 1 if Vx > Vy.

SHR - 8xy6

Shift Right.

  • Shifts the value in register Vx right by one bit. The least significant bit is stored in the carry flag.

SUBN - 8xy7

Subtract Values (Reverse).

  • Subtracts the value in register Vx from Vy, storing the result in Vx. Sets the carry flag to 1 if Vy > Vx.

SHL - 8xyE

Shift Left.

  • Shifts the value in register Vx left by one bit. The most significant bit is stored in the carry flag.

RND - Cxkk

Random Number AND.

  • Sets Vx to a random number ANDed with kk.

DRW - Dxyn

Draw Sprite.

  • Draws an n-byte sprite at coordinates (Vx, Vy) starting from memory location I. The sprite is XORed onto the display, and the collision flag VF is set if any pixels are erased.

SKP - Ex9E

Skip Next Instruction if Key Pressed.

  • Skips the next instruction if the key corresponding to the value in Vx is pressed.


Skip Next Instruction if Key Not Pressed.

  • Skips the next instruction if the key corresponding to the value in Vx is not pressed.