- [10/16/2024] SemiReward==0.2.0 has been released and SemiReward is accepted by ICLR'2024.
- [10/18/2023] SemiReward==0.1.0 has been released, which is based on semilearn==0.3.1.
- Update config files for SemiReward based on Pseudo-Labeling, FlexMatch, SoftMatch, and FreeMatch.
- Update regression datasets, losses, evaluation hooks.
- Added DeFixmatch algorithm.
- Change the frequency of Tensorboard logging to every
iterations. - Aim tracking now resumes tracking the same run when resuming training.
- Simplified and improved the flexibility of the dependencies.
- Fixes hard-coded repository path for Aim experiment tracking.
- Added imbalanced Semi-Supervised setting and 8 imbalanced algorithms.
- Added FreeMatch and SoftMatch algorithms.
- Added registry mechanism for calling algorithms.
- Added wandb and aimstack support.
- Reformated 'train_step' structure.
- Updated results (and logs) [Google Drive] [One Drive] with online wandb logs [Wandb].
- Stable release semilearn==0.3.0
- Updated Colab tutorial
- Updated dataset download and pre-process instructions
- Reformated 'train_step' structure with component hooks.
- Added training hooks.