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; (_ => {
let hc = { '<': '<', '&': '&', "'": ''', '"': '"' }, he = x => x.replace(/[<&'"]/g, c => hc[c]) //html chars and escape fn
, tcs = ''
, lbs = ["ǝpop a,b,c\ninsert b into a on location c\n\n.ǝ\npop a\nprint a to STDERR", "ʒpop a\nfilter a when the result of code == 1: usage ʒCODE}", "αpop a,b\npush absolute difference of a and b", "βpop a,b\npush a converted from base b (arbitrary)", "γpop a\npush a split into chunks of consecutive equal elements", "δpop a,b\nget the next command, push double vectorized command", "εpop a\napply each on a: usage εCODE}", "ζpop a,(b)\npush zipped a with filler b (standardized to space)", "ηpop a\npush prefixes(a)", "θpop a\npush a[-1]", "вpop a,b\npush a converted to base b (arbitrary)", "иpop a,b\npush a n-repeat (list-multiply) b", "мpop a,b\npush a.remove(all elements of b)", "нpop a\npush a[0]", "тpush 100", "Δpop a\nrepeat CODE until a doesn't change: usage ΔCODE}", "Θpop a\npush 05AB1E truthified a (a == 1)", "Σpop a\nsort a by the result of code: usage ΣCODE}", "Ωpop a\npush random_pick(a)", "≠pop a\npush 05AB1E falsified a (a != 1)", "∊pop a\npush vertically mirrored a\n\n.∊\npop a\npush intersected vertical mirror a", "∍pop a,b\npush a extended/shortened to length b", "∞pop a\npush mirrored a\n\n.∞\npop a\npush intersected mirror a", "₁push 256", "₂push 26", "₃push 95", "₄push 1000", "!pop a,\npush factorial(a)", "\"start/end string literal", "#pop a\nif true: break/end (used in infinite loops)\n\npop a\nif contains spaces, split on spaces", "$push 1 and input (used for sequences)", "%pop a,b\npush (a % b)", "&pop a,b\npush a AND b", "'push char ( 'a pushes \"a\" )", "(pop a\npush -a", ")wrap total stack to an array", "*pop a,b\npush (a * b)", "+pop a,b\npush (a + b)", ",pop a\nprint(a)", "-pop a,b\npush (a - b)", "/pop a,b\npush (a / b)", "0numeric literal\n\n.0\n\nthrow a division by zero error", "1numeric literal", "2numeric literal", "3numeric literal", "4numeric literal", "5numeric literal", "6numeric literal", "7numeric literal", "8numeric literal", "9numeric literal", ":pop a,b,c\na.replace(b, c) / infinite replacement\n\n.:\npop a,b,c\npush a.replace(b, c)", ";pop a\npush a / 2\n\n.;\npop a,b,c\npush a.replace_first(b, c)", "<pop a\npush a - 1", " print last item", ">pop a\npush a + 1", "?pop a\nprint a no newline", "@pop a\npop and push the element at index a in the stack (leftmost element = index 0)", "Apush 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'\n\nžA\npush 512", "Bpop a,b\npush base(a, b)\n\nžB\npush 1024", "Cpop a\npush int(a, 2)\n\nžC\npush 2048", "Dpop a\npush a, a\n\nžD\npush 4096", "Epush eval(input())\n\nžE\npush 8192", "Fpop a\nfor N in range(0, a) { }: F(commands)} / N = variable\n\nžF\npush 16384", "Gpop a\nfor N in range(1, a) { }: F(commands)} / N = variable\n\nžG\npush 32768", "Hpop a\npush int(a, 16)\n\nžH\npush 65536", "Ipush input()\n\nžI\npush 2147483648", "Jpop a\npush ''.join(a) if a is list / if not, then push ''.join(stack)\n\nžJ\npush 4294967296", "Kpop a,b\npush a with no b's\n\nžK\npush [a-zA-Z0-9]", "Lpop a\npush [1 .. a]\n\nžL\npush [z-aZ-A9-0]", "Mpush the largest number in the stack\n\nžM\npush aeiou", "Nreserved for variables\n\nžN\npush bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz", "Opop (a)\npush total sum of a if a is list, else total sum of stack\n\nžO\npush aeiouy", "Ppop (a)\npush total product of a if a is list, else total product of stack\n\nžP\npush bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxz", "Qpop a,b\npush a == b (bool)\n\nžQ\npush printable ASCII character set (32-128)", "Rpop a\npush reversed(a)\n\nžR\npush ABC", "Spop a\npush all chars a seperate\n\n.S\npop a,b\npush 1 if a > b, -1 if a < b, 0 if a == b ", "Tpush 10", "Upop a\nassign X to a", "Vpop a\nassign Y to a\n\n.V\npop a\nrun as 05AB1E code", "Wpush min(a) without popping\n\n.W\npop a\nwait a milliseconds", "Xinteger variable", "Yinteger variable", "Zpush max(a) without popping", "[infinite loop start", "\\delete last item", "]close all loops and if statements", "^pop a,b\npush a XOR b\n\n.^\npop a\ninsert a into global array with immediate sorting and after quit, print array[input_1]", "_pop a\npush negative bool", "`pop a\npush all the items of a into the stack", "apop a\npush is_alpha(a)\n\nža\npush current hours", "bpop a\npush bin(a)\n\nžb\npush current minutes", "cpop a,b\npush a nCr b\n\nžc\npush current seconds", "dpop a\npush is_number(a)\n\nžd\npush current microseconds", "epop a,b\npush a nPr b\n\nže\npush current day", "fpop a\npush list of prime factors (no duplicates)\n\nžf\npush current month", "gpop a\npush length of a\n\nžg\npush current year", "hpop a\npush hex(a)\n\nžh\npush [0-9]", "ipop a\nif statement: iTHEN}: if true { then }\n\nži\npush [a-zA-Z]", "jpop a\nSame as J, with each substring right justified w/ a length of b\n\nžj\npush [a-zA-Z0-9_]", "kpop a,b\npush 0-indexed index of b in a (-1 when not found)\n\nžk\npush [z-aZ-A]", "lpop a\npush lower_case(a)\n\nžl\npush [z-aZ-A9-0_]", "mpop a,b\npush a**b\n\nžm\npush [9-0]", "npop a\npush a**2\n\nžn\npush [A-Za-z]", "opop a\npush 2**a\n\nžo\npush [Z-Az-a]", "ppop a\npush isPrime(a)\n\nžp\npush [Z-A]", "qterminates the program\n\nžq\npush pi", "rreverse stack\n\nžr\npush e", "spop a,b\npush b,a\n\nžs\npop a, push pi to a digits (max. 100000)", "tpop a\npush sqrt(a)\n\nžt\npop a, push e to a digits (max. 10000)", "upop a\npush upper_case(a)\n\nžu\npush ()<>[]{}", "vpop a\nrange loop: for y in a (y = string, N = index)\n\nžv\npush 16", "wwait one second\n\nžw\npush 32", "xpop a\npush a, a * 2\n\nžx\npush 64", "ypush string variable (used in mapping loops)\n\nžy\npush 128", "zpop a\npush 1 / a\n\nžz\npush 256", "{pop a\npush sorted a", "|push the rest of input as an array with strings", "}close a single if statement, loop, etc.", "~pop a,b\npush a OR b", "Ƶconvert the next char from base 255 to base 10 and add 101", "€pop a\napply next command for each in a\n\n.€\npop a\ndebug printer (default encoding, fallbacks on cp1252)", "Λpop a,b,c\nstore a canvas with {a: num, b: filler, c: pattern} (todo: docs)\n\n.Λ\npop a,b,c\nstore a canvas with {a: num, b: filler, c: pattern} and push the string to the stack", "‚pop a,b\npush [a, b]", "ƒpop a\npush for N in range(0, a + 1)", "„2 char string / can also be used for 2 compressed strings", "…3 char string / can also be used for 3 compressed strings", "†pop a,b\npush a with b filtered to the front", "‡pop a,b,c\npush a.transliterate(b -> c)", "ˆpop a\nadd to global array\n\n.ˆ\npop a\ninsert a into global array and after quit, print array[input_1]", "‰pop a,b\npush a divmod b", "Špop a,b,c\npush c,a,b", "‹pop a,b\npush a < b", "Œpop a\npush substrings(a)\n\n.Œ\npop a,b\npush all possible ways to divide a into b pieces", "Ćpop a\npush enclosed a: a + a[0]", "Žbreak/end if stack is empty", "ƶpop a\npush lifted a, each element is multiplied by its index (1-indexed)", "Āpop a\npush truthified a", "‘for compressed strings (upper)", "’for compressed strings (no implicit space)", "“for compressed strings (normal)", "”for compressed strings (title)", "•start/end a 1-9 char compressed string\n\n.•\n\ndecompress a base 255 alphabet based string", "–pop a\nif 1, print N (used in loops)", "—pop a\nif 1, print y (used in loops)", "˜pop a\npush deep flattened a", "™pop a\npush title_cased(a)", "špop a\npush switch_cased(a)", "›pop a,b\npush a > b", "œpop a\npush permutations(a)\n\n.œ\npop a\npush partitions(a)", "ćpop a\npush head_extracted a: a[1:], a[0] ", "Ÿpop (a),b\npush [a, ..., b] if b not a list, otherwise push [b[0],...,b[1],...,b[n]]", "āget a\npush range(1, len(a) + 1)", "¡pop a,b\npush a.split(b)", "¢pop a,b\npush a.count(b)", "£pop a,b\npush a[0:b]\n\n.£\npop a,b\npush a[:-b]", "¤get a\npush tail(a)", "¥pop a\npush delta's a\n\n.¥\npop a\npush undelta a", "¦pop a\npush a[1:]", "§pop a\npush str(a)", "¨pop a\npush a[0:-1]", "©get a\nstore a in register_c without popping", "ªpop a\npush sentence_cased(a)", "«pop a,b\npush merged(a,b) if both are lists, else push concatenated(a, b)\n\n.«\nfoldr\nfolds a dyadic command between each element in a list from right to left", "¬get a\npush head(a)", "®push the last item from register_c", "¯push global array", "°pop a\npush 10 ** a", "±pop a\npush bitwise not a", "²push the second item from the input history\n\n.²\npop a\npush log_2(a)", "³push the third item from the input history", "´clear global array", "µpop a\nwhile counter_variable != a, do...", "¶push newline character", "·pop a\npush 2 * a", "¸pop a\npush [a]", "¹push the first item from the input history", "ºpush len(stack) > 0", "»pop (a)\nif list, join list by newlines, else join stack by newlines\n\n.»\nfoldl\nfolds a dyadic command between each element in a list from right to left with opposite right/left operands", "¼counter_variable += 1\n\n.¼\npop a\ntan(a)", "½pop a,\nif 1, then counter_variable += 1\n\n.½\npop a\nsin(a)", "¾push counter_variable\n\n.¾\npop a\ncos(a)", "¿pop (a),b\npush gcd(b) if b is list, else push gcd([b, a])\n\n.¿\npop (a),b\npush lcm(b) if b is list, else push lcm(b, a)", "Àpop a\npush a rotated 1 left\n\n.À\n\nrotate stack 1 left", "Ápop a\npush a rotated 1 right\n\n.Á\n\nrotate stack 1 right", "Âpop a\npush a, reversed(a)", "Ãpop a,b\npush a.keep(b)", "Äpop a\npush abs(a)", "Ålist commands", "Æpop a\npush reduced_substraction(a) if a is list, else reduced_substraction(stack)", "Çpop a\npush ASCII value of a", "Èpop a\npush a % 2 == 0 (is even)", "Épop a\npush a % 2 == 1 (is uneven)", "Êpop a,b\npush a != b", "Ëpop a\npush 1 if all equal else 0", "Ìpop a\npush a + 2", "Ípop a\npush a - 2", "Îpush 0 and input", "Ïpop a,b\npush the elements from a at which the same index at b is 1", "Ðpop a\ntriplicate top of stack (push a, push a, push a)", "Ñpop a\npush divisors(a)", "Òpop a\npush list of prime factors (with duplicates)", "Ópop a\npush list of exponents of prime factors (2^a, 3^b, 5^c, 7^d, etc.)", "Ôpop a\npush connected uniquified a", "Õpop a\npush euler_totient(a)", "Öpop a,b\npush a % b == 0", "×pop a,b\npush a × b (strings)\n\n.×\npop a,b\npush the list a repeated b times", "Øpop a\npush ath prime (zero-indexed)\n\n.Ø\npop a\npush 0-indexed number of the greatest prime ≤ a", "Ùpop a\npush uniquified a", "Úpop a\npush reverse uniquified a", "Ûpop a,b\npush a with leading b's trimmed off", "Üpop a,b\npush a with trailing b's trimmed off", "Ýpop a\npush [0 .. a]", "Þpop a\npush stringified float(a)", "ßget a\nextract smallest element of list", "àget a\nextract greatest element of list", "ápop a\npush only letters of a", "âpop a,b\npush cartesian product", "ãpop (a),b\npush cartesian product of b.repeat(2) if b is list, else cartesian product of a.repeat(b)", "äpop a,b\npush a sliced into b pieces\n\n.ä\npop a\ndebug printer (cp1252)", "åpop a,b\npush b in a\n\n.å\npop a,b\npush b in a (vectorized results)", "æpop a\npush powerset(a)\n\n.æ\npop a\ncompute permutations by function, usage: .æ<FUNC>}", "çpop a\npush char a", "èpop a,b\npush a[b]", "épop a\npush sorted a (key=length)", "êpop a\npush sorted_uniquified(a)", "ëelse statement", "ìpop a,b\npush merged(b, a) if both are lists, else a.prepend(b)", "ípop a\npush [reversed Q for Q in a] (short for €R)", "îpop a\npush round_up(a)", "ïpop a\npush int(a)\n\n.ï\npop a\npush is int(a)", "ðpush a space character", "ñpop a,b,c\npush a + b merged with c as merge character", "òpop a\npush round to nearest integer(a) (bankers rounding)\n\n.ò\npop a,b\nround a with b digits precision (bankers rounding)", "ópop a\npush round_down(a)", "ôpop a,b\npush a split in pieces of b", "õpush empty string", "öpop a,b\npush int(a, b)", "÷pop a,b\npush a // b (integer division)", "øpop (a),b\npush zipped b if b is list, else zipped a with b\n\n.ø\npop a,b\nsurround a with b", "ùpop a,b\npush a with elements of length b", "úpop a,b\npush a padded with b spaces in the front", "ûpop a\npush palindromized(a), 12345 becomes 123454321 (a + a[::-1][1:])", "üpairwise command (vectorizes if the first element is a list)", "ýpop (a),b\npush b.join(a) if a is list, else b.join(stack)", "þpop a\npush only digits of a", "ÿused for string interpolation, pop a and replace ÿ with str(a)", ".\ntwo char functions", "ž\ntwo char functions"]
, bqk = ''.replace(/∙/g, '')
, bqv = ''.replace(/∙/g, '')
, tc = {}, bqc = {} //tab completions and ` completions
for (let i = 0; i < bqk.length; i++)bqc[bqk[i]] = bqv[i]
for (let i = 0; i < tcs.length; i += 3)tc[tcs[i] + tcs[i + 1]] = tcs[i + 2]
for (let i = 0; i < tcs.length; i += 3) { let k = tcs[i + 1] + tcs[i]; tc[k] = tc[k] || tcs[i + 2] }
let lbh = ''; for (let i = 0; i < lbs.length; i++) {
let ks = []
for (let j = 0; j < tcs.length; j += 3)if (lbs[i][0] === tcs[j + 2]) ks.push('\n' + tcs[j] + ' ' + tcs[j + 1] + ' <tab>')
for (let j = 0; j < bqk.length; j++)if (lbs[i][0] === bqv[j]) ks.push('\n` ' + bqk[j])
lbh += '<b title="' + he(lbs[i].slice(1) + (ks.length ? '\n' + ks.join('') : '')) + '">' + lbs[i][0] + '</b>'
let d = document, el = d.createElement('div'); el.innerHTML =
`<div class=ngn_lb><span class=ngn_x title=Close>❎</span>${lbh}</div>
<style>@font-face{font-family:"DVSM";src:local("DejaVu Sans Mono"),url(//abrudz.github.io/lb/DejaVuBQNSansMono.ttf)format('truetype');}</style>
font-family:"DVSM",monospace;border-bottom:solid #999 1px;padding:2px 2px 0 2px;word-wrap:break-word;}
.ngn_lb b{cursor:pointer;padding:0 1px;font-weight:normal;display:inline-block}
.ngn_lb b:hover,.ngn_bq .ngn_lb{background-color:#777;color:#fff}
let t, ts = [], lb = el.firstChild, bqm = 0 //t:textarea or input, lb:language bar, bqm:backquote mode
let pd = x => x.preventDefault()
let ev = (x, t, f, c) => x.addEventListener(t, f, c)
ev(lb, 'mousedown', x => {
if (x.target.classList.contains('ngn_x')) { lb.hidden = 1; upd(); pd(x); return }
if (x.target.nodeName === 'B' && t) {
let i = t.selectionStart, j = t.selectionEnd, v = t.value, s = x.target.textContent
if (i != null && j != null) { t.value = v.slice(0, i) + s + v.slice(j); t.selectionStart = t.selectionEnd = i + s.length }
pd(x); return
let fk = x => {
let t = x.target
if (bqm) {
let i = t.selectionStart, v = t.value, c = bqc[x.key]; if (x.which > 31) { bqm = 0; d.body.classList.remove('ngn_bq') }
if (c) { t.value = v.slice(0, i) + c + v.slice(i); t.selectionStart = t.selectionEnd = i + 1; pd(x); return !1 }
switch (x.ctrlKey + 2 * x.shiftKey + 4 * x.altKey + 8 * x.metaKey + 100 * x.which) {
case 900: {
let i = t.selectionStart, v = t.value, c = tc[v.slice(i - 2, i)] //tab
if (c) { t.value = v.slice(0, i - 2) + c + v.slice(i); t.selectionStart = t.selectionEnd = i - 1; pd(x) }
let ff = x => {
let t0 = x.target, nn = t0.nodeName.toLowerCase()
if (nn !== 'textarea' && (nn !== 'input' || t0.type !== 'text' && t0.type !== 'search')) return
t = t0; if (!t.ngn) { t.ngn = 1; ts.push(t); ev(t, 'keydown', fk) }
let upd = _ => { d.body.style.marginTop = lb.clientHeight + 'px' }
upd(); ev(window, 'resize', upd)
ev(d, 'focus', ff, !0); let ae = d.activeElement; ae && ff({ type: 'focus', target: ae })