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ESP8266 + BME280 -> MQTT, Serial, HTTP-Server, HTTP-Client/Volkszähler

Reads an BME280 using ESP8266 and provides the results via Serial/USB, an internal HTTP-Server, MQTT (with TLS) and HTTP-GET to a Volkszähler


BME280 ESP8266
VCC 3.3V
SDA GPIO4 (D2 @ NodeMCU)
SCL GPIO5 (D1 @ NodeMCU)


Insert your WiFi-Parameters in the main code (src/main.cpp). If you use MQTT add the corresponding parameters, otherwise remove USE_MQTT. Same goes for the Volkszähler-Settings (VZ_) and USE_VOLKSZAEHLER. You can control every how many seconds the sensor is polled and the values distributed using stats_interval.


When using PlatformIO just download/clone and open the project folder. You should be able to build everything right away. On Arduino ensure PubSubClient is installed.



Every stats_interval seconds the following text will appear:

T: 12.34 *C
DP: 12.34 *C
H: 12.34 %
AH: 1.34 g/m3
RP: 1234.56 hPa
P: 1234.56 hPa

T is temperature, DP dew pont, H relative humidity, AH absolute humidity, RP relative pressure and P absolute pressure at sea level.

If you're using Volkszähler additional debug output with the computed URLs and HTTP-Status will be present.


Just access the module using HTTP. You can get the modules IP using serial, MQTT or your routers DHCP-leases. You'll find all values mentioned above. Every access triggers the module to gather a new set of values from the sensor, so the display should always display up to date measurements.

Access /ota to start an OTA-update.


This code assumes you use TLS and password-authentication. All path originate from mqtt_root. On boot the module will publish static parameters:

/esp/bme280/status/online 1
/esp/bme280/hardware esp8266tls-bme280
/esp/bme280/version 0.0.1
/esp/bme280/statsinterval 60
/esp/bme280/mac 11:22:33:44:55:66

Statsinterval is in seconds.

Every stats_interval seconds variable data will be published:

/esp/bme280/ip /esp/bme280/uptime 123 /esp/bme280/rssi 100 /esp/bme280/get/temperature 12.34 /esp/bme280/get/dewpoint 12.34 /esp/bme280/get/humidity_abs 12.34 /esp/bme280/get/humidity 12.34 /esp/bme280/get/pressure 1234.56 /esp/bme280/get/pressure_rel 1234.56

Uptime is in seconds, RSSI in %.

Additional commands are:

  • /esp/bme280/set/ping -> Received value is requblished to /esp/bme280/get/pong
  • /esp/bme280/set/reset -> Device reboots
  • /esp/bme280/set/update -> Device enters ArduinoOTA mode


Add new channels for the corresponding measurements using the frontend. Note the UUIDs and add them to the corresponding configuration values. Check vz_url points to your middleware.php/data. If you do not want to record a specific measurement set the UUID to "".