#CSVParser Documentation
CSVParser is useful class to parse CSV file, the result will store in a List<List<String>>
To use the CSVParser, you need to new a CSVParser instance first. Then set the properties to satisfy you requirement. Then call the parse method to get the result.
- ###textQualifier
public String textQualifier {get; set;}
The character to use as a text qualifier in the data. for example, you can use the ' and ".
Default value is the double quotes (").
- ###delimiter
public String delimiter {get; set;}
The character to use as the column delimiter.
Default value is the comma (,).
- ###escapeMode
public String escapeMode {get; set;}
The way to escape an occurance of the text qualifier inside qualified data. You can use [#ESCAPE_MODE_DOUBLED CSVParser.ESCAPE_MODE_DOUBLED] or [#ESCAPE_MODE_BACKSLASH CSVParser.ESCAPE_MODE_BACKSLASH].
- ###parse
public List<List<String>> parse(String contents)
Parse the contents
in the CSV format to List<List<String>>
public static String ESCAPE_MODE_DOUBLED
Double up the text qualifier to represent an occurance of the text qualifier.
public static String ESCAPE_MODE_BACKSLASH
Use a backslash character before the text qualifier to represent an occurance of the text qualifier.
CSVParser parser = new CSVParser();
parser.textQualifier = '"';
parser.delimiter = ',';
parser.escapeMode = CSVParser.ESCAPE_MODE_DOUBLED;
String contents = 'Mode,Price,Count\nFerrari 458 Italia,"$225,325,5"\nFerrari 599 GTB Fiorano,"$336,541,2"';
List<List<String>> result = parser.parse(contents);