If you don't grind for espresso, Wilfa Svart is one of the better electric grinders. However, the grinder size guide is off the mark. Here are some of my preferences based on SquareMileBlog grind size guide.
To adjust the grinder, turn the chamber where you add the beans. Turning the chamber right is finer and left is courser.
To prevent static (even on the anti-static model), splash some water on the handle of a small spoon and stir the beans before grinding.
There are no numbers but text and dots on the grinder. In the settings below, the letter or dot in bold is the mark you should aim the red marker on.
Method | Setting |
V60 250ml | AEORO | P | RESS |
V60 500ml | A | E | OROPRESS |
V60 750ml | FILTER * | * | * AEOROPRESS |