Advanced operations on transfer function matrices
Additive spectral decompositions.grnull
Right nullspace basis of a transfer function matrix.glnull
Left nullspace basis of a transfer function matrix.grange
Range space basis of a transfer function matrix.gcrange
Coimage space basis of a transfer function matrix.grsol
Solution of the linear rational matrix equationG(λ)*X(λ) = F(λ)
Solution of the linear rational matrix equationX(λ)*G(λ) = F(λ)
Right minimum dynamic cover of Type 1 based order reduction.glmcover1
Left minimum dynamic cover of Type 1 based order reduction.grmcover2
Right minimum dynamic cover of Type 2 based order reduction.glmcover2
Left minimum dynamic cover of Type 2 based order reduction.ginv
Generalized inverses.
— Functiongsdec(sys; job = "finite", prescale, smarg, fast = true,
- atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol = nϵ) -> (sys1, sys2)
Compute for the descriptor system sys = (A-λE,B,C,D)
with the transfer function matrix G(λ)
, the additive spectral decomposition G(λ) = G1(λ) + G2(λ)
such that G1(λ)
, the transfer function matrix of the descriptor system sys1 = (A1-λE1,B1,C1,D1)
, has only poles in a certain domain of interest Cg
of the complex plane and G2(λ)
, the transfer function matrix of the descriptor system sys2 = (A2-λE2,B2,C2,0)
, has only poles outside of Cg
If prescale = true
, a preliminary balancing of the descriptor system pair (A,E)
is performed. The default setting is prescale = MatrixPencils.balqual(sys.A,sys.E) > 10000
, where the function pbalqual
from the MatrixPencils package evaluates the scaling quality of the linear pencil A-λE
The keyword argument smarg
, if provided, specifies the stability margin for the stable eigenvalues of A-λE
, such that, in the continuous-time case, the stable eigenvalues have real parts less than or equal to smarg
, and in the discrete-time case, the stable eigenvalues have moduli less than or equal to smarg
. If smarg = missing
, the used default values are: smarg = -sqrt(ϵ)
, for a continuous-time system, and smarg = 1-sqrt(ϵ)
, for a discrete-time system), where ϵ
is the machine precision of the working accuracy.
The keyword argument job
, in conjunction with smarg
, defines the domain of interest Cg
, as follows:
for job = "finite"
, Cg
is the whole complex plane without the point at infinity, and sys1
has only finite poles and sys2
has only infinite poles (default); the resulting A2
is nonsingular and upper triangular, while the resulting E2
is nilpotent and upper triangular;
for job = "infinite"
, Cg
is the point at infinity, and sys1
has only infinite poles and sys2
has only finite poles and is the strictly proper part of sys
; the resulting A1
is nonsingular and upper triangular, while the resulting E1
is nilpotent and upper triangular;
for job = "stable"
, Cg
is the stability domain of eigenvalues defined by smarg
, and sys1
has only stable poles and sys2
has only unstable and infinite poles; the resulting pairs (A1,E1)
and (A2,E2)
are in generalized Schur form with E1
upper triangular and nonsingular and E2
upper triangular;
for job = "unstable"
, Cg
is the complement of the stability domain of the eigenvalues defined by smarg
, and sys1
has only unstable and infinite poles and sys2
has only stable poles; the resulting pairs (A1,E1)
and (A2,E2)
are in generalized Schur form with E1
upper triangular and E2
upper triangular and nonsingular.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
and E
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the order of the system sys
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
, atol2 = atol
The separation of the finite and infinite eigenvalues is performed using rank decisions based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
— Functiongrnull(sys; polynomial = false, simple = false, inner = false, fast = true, poles = missing, sdeg = missing,
+ atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol = nϵ) -> (sys1, sys2)
Compute for the descriptor system sys = (A-λE,B,C,D)
with the transfer function matrix G(λ)
, the additive spectral decomposition G(λ) = G1(λ) + G2(λ)
such that G1(λ)
, the transfer function matrix of the descriptor system sys1 = (A1-λE1,B1,C1,D1)
, has only poles in a certain domain of interest Cg
of the complex plane and G2(λ)
, the transfer function matrix of the descriptor system sys2 = (A2-λE2,B2,C2,0)
, has only poles outside of Cg
If prescale = true
, a preliminary balancing of the descriptor system pair (A,E)
is performed. The default setting is prescale = MatrixPencils.balqual(sys.A,sys.E) > 10000
, where the function pbalqual
from the MatrixPencils package evaluates the scaling quality of the linear pencil A-λE
The keyword argument smarg
, if provided, specifies the stability margin for the stable eigenvalues of A-λE
, such that, in the continuous-time case, the stable eigenvalues have real parts less than or equal to smarg
, and in the discrete-time case, the stable eigenvalues have moduli less than or equal to smarg
. If smarg = missing
, the used default values are: smarg = -sqrt(ϵ)
, for a continuous-time system, and smarg = 1-sqrt(ϵ)
, for a discrete-time system), where ϵ
is the machine precision of the working accuracy.
The keyword argument job
, in conjunction with smarg
, defines the domain of interest Cg
, as follows:
for job = "finite"
, Cg
is the whole complex plane without the point at infinity, and sys1
has only finite poles and sys2
has only infinite poles (default); the resulting A2
is nonsingular and upper triangular, while the resulting E2
is nilpotent and upper triangular;
for job = "infinite"
, Cg
is the point at infinity, and sys1
has only infinite poles and sys2
has only finite poles and is the strictly proper part of sys
; the resulting A1
is nonsingular and upper triangular, while the resulting E1
is nilpotent and upper triangular;
for job = "stable"
, Cg
is the stability domain of eigenvalues defined by smarg
, and sys1
has only stable poles and sys2
has only unstable and infinite poles; the resulting pairs (A1,E1)
and (A2,E2)
are in generalized Schur form with E1
upper triangular and nonsingular and E2
upper triangular;
for job = "unstable"
, Cg
is the complement of the stability domain of the eigenvalues defined by smarg
, and sys1
has only unstable and infinite poles and sys2
has only stable poles; the resulting pairs (A1,E1)
and (A2,E2)
are in generalized Schur form with E1
upper triangular and E2
upper triangular and nonsingular.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
and E
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the order of the system sys
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
, atol2 = atol
The separation of the finite and infinite eigenvalues is performed using rank decisions based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
— Functiongrnull(sys; polynomial = false, simple = false, inner = false, fast = true, poles = missing, sdeg = missing,
atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol, offset = sqrt(ϵ) ) -> (sysrnull, info)
Determine for the descriptor systems sys = (A-λE,B,C,D)
with the p x m
transfer function matrix G(λ)
, the descriptor system sysrnull = (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr,Dr)
with the transfer function matrix Nr(λ)
such that Nr(λ)
is a minimal rational right nullspace basis of G(λ)
and satisfies G(λ)*Nr(λ) = 0
For the call with
grnull(sys, p2; polynomial = false, simple = false, inner = false, fast = true, poles = missing, sdeg = missing,
- atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol, offset = sqrt(ϵ) ) -> (sysrnull, info)
contains the compound system sys = [sys1; sys2]
, with G(λ)
, the transfer function matrix of sys1
, and G2(λ)
, the transfer function matrix of sys2
, and has the descriptor realization sys = (A-λE,B,[C;C2],[D;D2])
, where sys2
has p2
outputs. The resulting sysrnull
contains the compound system [sysrnull1; sys2*sysrnull1] = (Ar-λEr,Br,[Cr;Cr2],[Dr;Dr2])
, where sysrnull1 = (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr,Dr)
has the transfer function matrix Nr(λ)
, which is a rational right nullspace basis of G(λ)
satisfying G(λ)*Nr(λ) = 0
and sys2*sysrnull1 = (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr2,Dr2)
has the transfer function matrix G2(λ)*Nr(λ)
The returned named tuple info
has the components info.nrank
, info.stdim
, info.degs
, info.fnorm
and info.tcond
If polynomial = false
, the resulting sysrnull
has a proper transfer function matrix, while for polynomial = true
the resulting sysrnull
has a polynomial transfer function matrix. The resulting basis Nr(λ)
contains m-r
basis vectors, where r = rank G(λ)
. The rank r
is returned in info.nrank
. If simple = true
, the resulting basis is simple and satisfies the condition that the sum of the number of poles of the m-r
basis vectors is equal to the number of poles of Nr(λ)
(i.e., its McMillan degree) .
For a non-simple proper basis, the realization (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr,Dr)
is controllable and the pencil [Br Ar-λEr]
is in a controllable staircase form. The column dimensions of the full row rank diagonal blocks are returned in info.stdim
and the corresponding right Kronecker indices are returned in info.degs
. For a simple basis, the regular pencil Ar-λEr
is block diagonal, with the i
-th block of size info.deg[i]
(the i
-th right Kronecker index) for a proper basis and info.deg[i]+1
for a polynomial basis. The dimensions of the diagonal blocks are returned in this case in info.stdim
, while the increasing numbers of poles of the basis vectors are returned in info.degs
. For the i
-th basis vector vi(λ)
(i.e., the i
-th column of Nr(λ)
) a minimal realization can be explicitly constructed as (Ari-λEri,Bri,Cr,Dr[:,i])
, where Ari
, Eri
and Bri
are the i
-th diagonal blocks of Ar
, Er
, and Br
, respectively, and Dr[:,i]
is the i
-th column of Dr
. The corresponding realization of G2(λ)*vi(λ)
can be constructed as (Ari-λEri,Bri,Cr2,Dr2[:,i])
, where Dr2[:,i]
is the i
-th column of Dr2
For a proper basis, the poles of Nr(λ)
can be freely assigned, by assigning the eigenvalues of the pencil Ar-λEr
. The vector poles
, specified as a keyword argument, can be used to specify the desired eigenvalues, alternatively to or jointly with enforcing a desired stability degree sdeg
of the real parts of the eigenvalues, for a continuous-time system, or the moduli of eigenvalues, for a discrete-time system. If inner = true
, the resulting basis Nr(λ)
is inner, i.e., Nr(λ)'*Nr(λ) = I
, where Nr(s)' = transpose(Nr(-s))
for a continuous-time system with λ = s
and Nr(z)' = transpose(Nr(1/z))
for a discrete-time system with λ = z
. If the proper basis is simple, each of the resulting individual basis vector is inner. If sys2
has poles on the boundary of the appropriate stability domain Cs
, which are not poles of sys1
too, then there exists no inner Nr(λ)
such that G2(λ)*Nr(λ)
is stable. An offset can be specified via the keyword parameter offset = β
to be used to assess the existence of zeros on the stability domain boundary. Accordingly, for a continuous-time system, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with real parts within the interval [-β,β]
, while for a discrete-time system, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with moduli within the interval [1-β,1+β]
. The default value used for β
is sqrt(ϵ)
, where ϵ
is the working machine precision.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, B
, C
, D
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, B
, C
, D
and E
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the order of the system sys
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
and atol2 = atol
The rank determinations in the performed reductions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
. The computation of simple bases involves the solution of several Type 1 minimum dynamic cover problems. This computation involves using non-orthogonal transformations whose worst condition number is returned in info.tcond
, in conjunction with using feedback gains, whose norms are returned in info.fnorm
. High values of these quantities indicate a potential loss of numerical stability of computations.
Note: The resulting realization of sysrnull
is minimal provided the realization of sys
is minimal. However, sysrnull1
is a minimal basis only if the realization (A-lambda E,B,C,D) of sys1
is minimal. In this case, info.degs
are the degrees of the vectors of a minimal polynomial basis or, if simple = true
, of the resulting minimal simple proper basis.
Method: The computation of a minimal proper right nullspace basis is based on [1]; see also [2]. For the computation of a minimal simple proper right nullspace basis the method of [3] is emloyed to compute a simple basis from a minimal proper basis. For the computation of an inner proper right nullspace basis, the inner factor of an inner-outer factorization of Nr(λ)
is explicitly constructed using formulas given in [4].
[1] T.G.J. Beelen. New algorithms for computing the Kronecker structure of a pencil with applications to systems and control theory. Ph. D. Thesis, Technical University Eindhoven, 1987.
[2] A. Varga. On computing least order fault detectors using rational nullspace bases. IFAC SAFEPROCESS'03 Symposium, Washington DC, USA, 2003.
[3] A. Varga. On computing nullspace bases – a fault detection perspective. Proc. IFAC 2008 World Congress, Seoul, Korea, pages 6295–6300, 2008.
[4] K. Zhou, J. C. Doyle, and K. Glover. Robust and Optimal Control. Prentice Hall, 1996.
— Functionglnull(sys; polynomial = false, simple = false, coinner = false, fast = true, poles = missing, sdeg = missing,
+ atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol, offset = sqrt(ϵ) ) -> (sysrnull, info)
contains the compound system sys = [sys1; sys2]
, with G(λ)
, the transfer function matrix of sys1
, and G2(λ)
, the transfer function matrix of sys2
, and has the descriptor realization sys = (A-λE,B,[C;C2],[D;D2])
, where sys2
has p2
outputs. The resulting sysrnull
contains the compound system [sysrnull1; sys2*sysrnull1] = (Ar-λEr,Br,[Cr;Cr2],[Dr;Dr2])
, where sysrnull1 = (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr,Dr)
has the transfer function matrix Nr(λ)
, which is a rational right nullspace basis of G(λ)
satisfying G(λ)*Nr(λ) = 0
and sys2*sysrnull1 = (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr2,Dr2)
has the transfer function matrix G2(λ)*Nr(λ)
The returned named tuple info
has the components info.nrank
, info.stdim
, info.degs
, info.fnorm
and info.tcond
If polynomial = false
, the resulting sysrnull
has a proper transfer function matrix, while for polynomial = true
the resulting sysrnull
has a polynomial transfer function matrix. The resulting basis Nr(λ)
contains m-r
basis vectors, where r = rank G(λ)
. The rank r
is returned in info.nrank
. If simple = true
, the resulting basis is simple and satisfies the condition that the sum of the number of poles of the m-r
basis vectors is equal to the number of poles of Nr(λ)
(i.e., its McMillan degree) .
For a non-simple proper basis, the realization (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr,Dr)
is controllable and the pencil [Br Ar-λEr]
is in a controllable staircase form. The column dimensions of the full row rank diagonal blocks are returned in info.stdim
and the corresponding right Kronecker indices are returned in info.degs
. For a simple basis, the regular pencil Ar-λEr
is block diagonal, with the i
-th block of size info.deg[i]
(the i
-th right Kronecker index) for a proper basis and info.deg[i]+1
for a polynomial basis. The dimensions of the diagonal blocks are returned in this case in info.stdim
, while the increasing numbers of poles of the basis vectors are returned in info.degs
. For the i
-th basis vector vi(λ)
(i.e., the i
-th column of Nr(λ)
) a minimal realization can be explicitly constructed as (Ari-λEri,Bri,Cr,Dr[:,i])
, where Ari
, Eri
and Bri
are the i
-th diagonal blocks of Ar
, Er
, and Br
, respectively, and Dr[:,i]
is the i
-th column of Dr
. The corresponding realization of G2(λ)*vi(λ)
can be constructed as (Ari-λEri,Bri,Cr2,Dr2[:,i])
, where Dr2[:,i]
is the i
-th column of Dr2
For a proper basis, the poles of Nr(λ)
can be freely assigned, by assigning the eigenvalues of the pencil Ar-λEr
. The vector poles
, specified as a keyword argument, can be used to specify the desired eigenvalues, alternatively to or jointly with enforcing a desired stability degree sdeg
of the real parts of the eigenvalues, for a continuous-time system, or the moduli of eigenvalues, for a discrete-time system. If inner = true
, the resulting basis Nr(λ)
is inner, i.e., Nr(λ)'*Nr(λ) = I
, where Nr(s)' = transpose(Nr(-s))
for a continuous-time system with λ = s
and Nr(z)' = transpose(Nr(1/z))
for a discrete-time system with λ = z
. If the proper basis is simple, each of the resulting individual basis vector is inner. If sys2
has poles on the boundary of the appropriate stability domain Cs
, which are not poles of sys1
too, then there exists no inner Nr(λ)
such that G2(λ)*Nr(λ)
is stable. An offset can be specified via the keyword parameter offset = β
to be used to assess the existence of zeros on the stability domain boundary. Accordingly, for a continuous-time system, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with real parts within the interval [-β,β]
, while for a discrete-time system, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with moduli within the interval [1-β,1+β]
. The default value used for β
is sqrt(ϵ)
, where ϵ
is the working machine precision.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, B
, C
, D
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, B
, C
, D
and E
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the order of the system sys
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
and atol2 = atol
The rank determinations in the performed reductions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
. The computation of simple bases involves the solution of several Type 1 minimum dynamic cover problems. This computation involves using non-orthogonal transformations whose worst condition number is returned in info.tcond
, in conjunction with using feedback gains, whose norms are returned in info.fnorm
. High values of these quantities indicate a potential loss of numerical stability of computations.
Note: The resulting realization of sysrnull
is minimal provided the realization of sys
is minimal. However, sysrnull1
is a minimal basis only if the realization (A-lambda E,B,C,D) of sys1
is minimal. In this case, info.degs
are the degrees of the vectors of a minimal polynomial basis or, if simple = true
, of the resulting minimal simple proper basis.
Method: The computation of a minimal proper right nullspace basis is based on [1]; see also [2]. For the computation of a minimal simple proper right nullspace basis the method of [3] is emloyed to compute a simple basis from a minimal proper basis. For the computation of an inner proper right nullspace basis, the inner factor of an inner-outer factorization of Nr(λ)
is explicitly constructed using formulas given in [4].
[1] T.G.J. Beelen. New algorithms for computing the Kronecker structure of a pencil with applications to systems and control theory. Ph. D. Thesis, Technical University Eindhoven, 1987.
[2] A. Varga. On computing least order fault detectors using rational nullspace bases. IFAC SAFEPROCESS'03 Symposium, Washington DC, USA, 2003.
[3] A. Varga. On computing nullspace bases – a fault detection perspective. Proc. IFAC 2008 World Congress, Seoul, Korea, pages 6295–6300, 2008.
[4] K. Zhou, J. C. Doyle, and K. Glover. Robust and Optimal Control. Prentice Hall, 1996.
— Functionglnull(sys; polynomial = false, simple = false, coinner = false, fast = true, poles = missing, sdeg = missing,
atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol, offset = sqrt(ϵ) ) -> (syslnull, info)
Determine for the descriptor systems sys = (A-λE,B,C,D)
with the p x m
transfer function matrix G(λ)
, the descriptor system syslnull = (Al-λEl,Bl,Cl,Dl)
with the transfer function matrix Nl(λ)
such that Nl(λ)
is a minimal rational left nullspace basis of G(λ)
and satisfies Nl(λ)*G(λ) = 0
For the call with
glnull(sys, m2; polynomial = false, simple = false, coinner = false, fast = true, poles = missing, sdeg = missing,
- atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol, offset = sqrt(ϵ) ) -> (syslnull, info)
contains the compound system sys = [sys1 sys2]
, with G(λ)
, the transfer function matrix of sys1
, and G2(λ)
, the transfer function matrix of sys2
, and has the descriptor realization sys = (A-λE,[B B2],C,[D D2])
, where sys2
has m2
inputs. The resulting syslnull
contains the compound system [syslnull1 syslnull1*sys2] = (Al-λEl,[Bl Bl2],Cr,[Dl Dl2])
, where syslnull1 = (Al-λEl,Bl,Cl,Dl)
has the transfer function matrix Nl(λ)
, which is a rational left nullspace basis of G(λ)
satisfying Nl(λ)*G(λ) = 0
and syslnull1*sys2 = (Al-λEl,Bl2,Cl,Dl2)
has the transfer function matrix Nl(λ)*G2(λ)
The returned named tuple info
has the components info.nrank
, info.stdim
, info.degs
, info.fnorm
and info.tcond
If polynomial = false
, the resulting syslnull
has a proper transfer function matrix, while for polynomial = true
the resulting syslnull
has a polynomial transfer function matrix. The resulting basis Nl(λ)
contains p-r
basis vectors, where r = rank G(λ)
. The rank r
is returned in info.nrank
. If simple = true
, the resulting basis is simple and satisfies the condition that the sum of the number of poles of the p-r
basis vectors is equal to the number of poles of Nl(λ)
(i.e., its McMillan degree) .
For a non-simple proper basis, the realization (Al-λEl,Bl,Cl,Dl)
is observable and the pencil [Al-λEl; Cl]
is in an observable staircase form. The row dimensions of the full column rank diagonal blocks are returned in info.stdim
and the corresponding left Kronecker indices are returned in info.degs
. For a simple basis, the regular pencil Al-λEl
is block diagonal, with the i
-th block of size info.stdim[i]
. The increasing numbers of poles of the basis vectors are returned in info.degs
. For the i
-th basis vector vi(λ)
(i.e., the i
-th row of Nl(λ)
) a minimal realization can be explicitly constructed as (Ali-λEli,Bl,Cli,Dl[i,:])
, where Ali
, Eli
and Cli
are the i
-th diagonal blocks of Al
, El
, and Cl
, respectively, and Dl[i,:]
is the i
-th row of Dl
. The corresponding realization of vi(λ)*G2(λ)
can be constructed as (Ali-λEli,Bl2,Cl2,Dl2[i,:])
, where Dl2[i,:]
is the i
-th row of Dl2
For a proper basis, the poles of Nl(λ)
can be freely assigned, by assigning the eigenvalues of the pencil Al-λEl
. The vector poles
, specified as a keyword argument, can be used to specify the desired eigenvalues, alternatively to or jointly with enforcing a desired stability degree sdeg
of the real parts of the eigenvalues, for a continuous-time system, or the moduli of eigenvalues, for a discrete-time system. If coinner = true
, the resulting basis Nl(λ)
is coinner, i.e., Nl(λ)*Nl(λ)' = I
, where Nl(s)' = transpose(Nl(-s))
for a continuous-time system with λ = s
and Nl(z)' = transpose(Nl(1/z))
for a discrete-time system with λ = z
. If the proper basis is simple, each of the resulting individual basis vector is inner. If sys2
has poles on the boundary of the appropriate stability domain Cs
, which are not poles of sys1
too, then there exists no inner Nl(λ)
such that Nl(λ)*G2(λ)
is stable. An offset can be specified via the keyword parameter offset = β
to be used to assess the existence of zeros on the stability domain boundary. Accordingly, for a continuous-time system, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with real parts within the interval [-β,β]
, while for a discrete-time system, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with moduli within the interval [1-β,1+β]
. The default value used for β
is sqrt(ϵ)
, where ϵ
is the working machine precision.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, B
, C
, D
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, B
, C
, D
and E
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the order of the system sys
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
and atol2 = atol
The rank determinations in the performed reductions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
. The computation of simple bases involves the solution of several Type 1 minimum dynamic cover problems. This computation involves using non-orthogonal transformations whose worst condition number is returned in info.tcond
, in conjunction with using feedback gains, whose norms are returned in info.fnorm
. High values of these quantities indicate a potential loss of numerical stability of computations.
Note: The resulting realization of syslnull
is minimal provided the realization of sys
is minimal. However, syslnull1
is a minimal basis only if the realization (A-lambda E,B,C,D) of sys1
is minimal. In this case, info.degs
are the degrees of the vectors of a minimal polynomial basis or, if simple = true
, of the resulting minimal simple proper basis.
Method: The computation method for the computation of a right nullspace basis is applied to the dual of descriptor system sys
. The computation of a minimal proper right nullspace basis is based on [1]; see also [2]. For the computation of a minimal simple proper right nullspace basis the method of [3] is emloyed to compute a simple basis from a minimal proper basis. For the computation of an inner proper right nullspace basis, the inner factor of an inner-outer factorization of Nl(λ)
is explicitly constructed using formulas given in [4].
[1] T.G.J. Beelen. New algorithms for computing the Kronecker structure of a pencil with applications to systems and control theory. Ph. D. Thesis, Technical University Eindhoven, 1987.
[2] A. Varga. On computing least order fault detectors using rational nullspace bases. IFAC SAFEPROCESS'03 Symposium, Washington DC, USA, 2003.
[3] A. Varga. On computing nullspace bases – a fault detection perspective. Proc. IFAC 2008 World Congress, Seoul, Korea, pages 6295–6300, 2008.
[4] K. Zhou, J. C. Doyle, and K. Glover. Robust and Optimal Control. Prentice Hall, 1996.
— Functiongrange(sys; zeros = "none", atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol,
+ atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol, offset = sqrt(ϵ) ) -> (syslnull, info)
contains the compound system sys = [sys1 sys2]
, with G(λ)
, the transfer function matrix of sys1
, and G2(λ)
, the transfer function matrix of sys2
, and has the descriptor realization sys = (A-λE,[B B2],C,[D D2])
, where sys2
has m2
inputs. The resulting syslnull
contains the compound system [syslnull1 syslnull1*sys2] = (Al-λEl,[Bl Bl2],Cr,[Dl Dl2])
, where syslnull1 = (Al-λEl,Bl,Cl,Dl)
has the transfer function matrix Nl(λ)
, which is a rational left nullspace basis of G(λ)
satisfying Nl(λ)*G(λ) = 0
and syslnull1*sys2 = (Al-λEl,Bl2,Cl,Dl2)
has the transfer function matrix Nl(λ)*G2(λ)
The returned named tuple info
has the components info.nrank
, info.stdim
, info.degs
, info.fnorm
and info.tcond
If polynomial = false
, the resulting syslnull
has a proper transfer function matrix, while for polynomial = true
the resulting syslnull
has a polynomial transfer function matrix. The resulting basis Nl(λ)
contains p-r
basis vectors, where r = rank G(λ)
. The rank r
is returned in info.nrank
. If simple = true
, the resulting basis is simple and satisfies the condition that the sum of the number of poles of the p-r
basis vectors is equal to the number of poles of Nl(λ)
(i.e., its McMillan degree) .
For a non-simple proper basis, the realization (Al-λEl,Bl,Cl,Dl)
is observable and the pencil [Al-λEl; Cl]
is in an observable staircase form. The row dimensions of the full column rank diagonal blocks are returned in info.stdim
and the corresponding left Kronecker indices are returned in info.degs
. For a simple basis, the regular pencil Al-λEl
is block diagonal, with the i
-th block of size info.stdim[i]
. The increasing numbers of poles of the basis vectors are returned in info.degs
. For the i
-th basis vector vi(λ)
(i.e., the i
-th row of Nl(λ)
) a minimal realization can be explicitly constructed as (Ali-λEli,Bl,Cli,Dl[i,:])
, where Ali
, Eli
and Cli
are the i
-th diagonal blocks of Al
, El
, and Cl
, respectively, and Dl[i,:]
is the i
-th row of Dl
. The corresponding realization of vi(λ)*G2(λ)
can be constructed as (Ali-λEli,Bl2,Cl2,Dl2[i,:])
, where Dl2[i,:]
is the i
-th row of Dl2
For a proper basis, the poles of Nl(λ)
can be freely assigned, by assigning the eigenvalues of the pencil Al-λEl
. The vector poles
, specified as a keyword argument, can be used to specify the desired eigenvalues, alternatively to or jointly with enforcing a desired stability degree sdeg
of the real parts of the eigenvalues, for a continuous-time system, or the moduli of eigenvalues, for a discrete-time system. If coinner = true
, the resulting basis Nl(λ)
is coinner, i.e., Nl(λ)*Nl(λ)' = I
, where Nl(s)' = transpose(Nl(-s))
for a continuous-time system with λ = s
and Nl(z)' = transpose(Nl(1/z))
for a discrete-time system with λ = z
. If the proper basis is simple, each of the resulting individual basis vector is inner. If sys2
has poles on the boundary of the appropriate stability domain Cs
, which are not poles of sys1
too, then there exists no inner Nl(λ)
such that Nl(λ)*G2(λ)
is stable. An offset can be specified via the keyword parameter offset = β
to be used to assess the existence of zeros on the stability domain boundary. Accordingly, for a continuous-time system, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with real parts within the interval [-β,β]
, while for a discrete-time system, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with moduli within the interval [1-β,1+β]
. The default value used for β
is sqrt(ϵ)
, where ϵ
is the working machine precision.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, B
, C
, D
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, B
, C
, D
and E
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the order of the system sys
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
and atol2 = atol
The rank determinations in the performed reductions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
. The computation of simple bases involves the solution of several Type 1 minimum dynamic cover problems. This computation involves using non-orthogonal transformations whose worst condition number is returned in info.tcond
, in conjunction with using feedback gains, whose norms are returned in info.fnorm
. High values of these quantities indicate a potential loss of numerical stability of computations.
Note: The resulting realization of syslnull
is minimal provided the realization of sys
is minimal. However, syslnull1
is a minimal basis only if the realization (A-lambda E,B,C,D) of sys1
is minimal. In this case, info.degs
are the degrees of the vectors of a minimal polynomial basis or, if simple = true
, of the resulting minimal simple proper basis.
Method: The computation method for the computation of a right nullspace basis is applied to the dual of descriptor system sys
. The computation of a minimal proper right nullspace basis is based on [1]; see also [2]. For the computation of a minimal simple proper right nullspace basis the method of [3] is emloyed to compute a simple basis from a minimal proper basis. For the computation of an inner proper right nullspace basis, the inner factor of an inner-outer factorization of Nl(λ)
is explicitly constructed using formulas given in [4].
[1] T.G.J. Beelen. New algorithms for computing the Kronecker structure of a pencil with applications to systems and control theory. Ph. D. Thesis, Technical University Eindhoven, 1987.
[2] A. Varga. On computing least order fault detectors using rational nullspace bases. IFAC SAFEPROCESS'03 Symposium, Washington DC, USA, 2003.
[3] A. Varga. On computing nullspace bases – a fault detection perspective. Proc. IFAC 2008 World Congress, Seoul, Korea, pages 6295–6300, 2008.
[4] K. Zhou, J. C. Doyle, and K. Glover. Robust and Optimal Control. Prentice Hall, 1996.
— Functiongrange(sys; zeros = "none", atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol,
fast = true, offset = sqrt(ϵ)) -> (sysr, sysx, info)
Compute for the descriptor system sys = (A-λE,B,C,D)
with the transfer function matrix G(λ)
, the proper descriptor system sysr = (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr,Dr)
with a full column rank transfer function matrix R(λ)
such that Range(G(λ)) = Range(R(λ))
and the descriptor system sysx = (A-λE,B,Cx,Dx)
with the full row rank transfer function matrix X(λ)
, which satisfies
G(λ) = R(λ)*X(λ) ,
representing a full rank factorization of G(λ)
. The number of columns of R(λ)
is the normal rank r
of G(λ)
. The columns of R(λ)
form a rational basis of the range (or image) space of the rational matrix G(λ)
. A selected set of zeros of G(λ)
are included as zeros of R(λ)
The resulting named triple info
contains (nrank, nfuz, niuz)
, where info.nrank = r
, the normal rank of G(λ)
, info.nfuz
is the number of finite zeros of sys
on the boundary of the stability domain Cs
, and info.niuz
is the number of infinite zeros of sys
in the continuous-time case and is set to 0
in the discrete-time case.
Depending on the value of the keyword parameter zeros
, the following options can be selected for the zeros of G(λ)
to be included in R(λ)
"none" - include no zeros (default)
"all" - include all zeros of `sys`
"unstable" - include all unstable zeros of `sys`
"s-unstable" - include all strictly unstable zeros of `sys`, both finite and infinite
"stable" - include all stable zeros of `sys`
"finite" - include all finite zeros of `sys`
- "infinite" - include all infinite zeros of `sys`
If inner = true
, the resulting basis R(λ)
is inner, i.e., R(λ)'*R(λ) = I
, where R(s)' = transpose(R(-s))
for a continuous-time system with λ = s
and R(z)' = transpose(R(1/z))
for a discrete-time system with λ = z
. This option can be used only in conjunction with zeros = "none"
or zeros = "unstable"
For a continuous-time system sys
, the stability domain Cs
is defined as the set of complex numbers with real parts at most -β
, while for a discrete-time system sys
, Cs
is the set of complex numbers with moduli at most 1-β
(i.e., the interior of a disc of radius 1-β
centered in the origin). The boundary offset β
to be used to assess the stability of zeros and their number on the boundary of Cs
can be specified via the keyword parameter offset = β
. Accordingly, for a continuous-time system, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with real parts within the interval [-β,β]
, while for a discrete-time system, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with moduli within the interval [1-β,1+β]
. The default value used for β
is sqrt(ϵ)
, where ϵ
is the working machine precision.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, B
, C
and D
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, E
, B
, C
and D
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the order of the system sys
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
, atol2 = atol
For the assessment of zeros, the system pencil [A-λE B; C D]
is reduced to a special Kronecker-like form (see [2]). In this reduction, the performed rank decisions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
Method: The range computation method is described in [1] and is based on the reduction algorithm of [2], which has been adapted to deal with several zero selection options. The computation of the involved Kronecker-like form is based on the algorithm of [3].
[1] Varga, A. A note on computing the range of rational matrices. arXiv:1707.0048,, 2017.
[2] C. Oara. Constructive solutions to spectral and inner–outer factorizations respect to the disk. Automatica, 41, pp. 1855–1866, 2005.
[3] C. Oara and P. Van Dooren. An improved algorithm for the computation of structural invariants of a system pencil and related geometric aspects. Syst. Control Lett., 30:39–48, 1997.
— Functiongcrange(sys; zeros = "none", coinner = false, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol,
+ "infinite" - include all infinite zeros of `sys`
If inner = true
, the resulting basis R(λ)
is inner, i.e., R(λ)'*R(λ) = I
, where R(s)' = transpose(R(-s))
for a continuous-time system with λ = s
and R(z)' = transpose(R(1/z))
for a discrete-time system with λ = z
. This option can be used only in conjunction with zeros = "none"
or zeros = "unstable"
For a continuous-time system sys
, the stability domain Cs
is defined as the set of complex numbers with real parts at most -β
, while for a discrete-time system sys
, Cs
is the set of complex numbers with moduli at most 1-β
(i.e., the interior of a disc of radius 1-β
centered in the origin). The boundary offset β
to be used to assess the stability of zeros and their number on the boundary of Cs
can be specified via the keyword parameter offset = β
. Accordingly, for a continuous-time system, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with real parts within the interval [-β,β]
, while for a discrete-time system, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with moduli within the interval [1-β,1+β]
. The default value used for β
is sqrt(ϵ)
, where ϵ
is the working machine precision.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, B
, C
and D
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, E
, B
, C
and D
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the order of the system sys
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
, atol2 = atol
For the assessment of zeros, the system pencil [A-λE B; C D]
is reduced to a special Kronecker-like form (see [2]). In this reduction, the performed rank decisions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
Method: The range computation method is described in [1] and is based on the reduction algorithm of [2], which has been adapted to deal with several zero selection options. The computation of the involved Kronecker-like form is based on the algorithm of [3].
[1] Varga, A. A note on computing the range of rational matrices. arXiv:1707.0048,, 2017.
[2] C. Oara. Constructive solutions to spectral and inner–outer factorizations respect to the disk. Automatica, 41, pp. 1855–1866, 2005.
[3] C. Oara and P. Van Dooren. An improved algorithm for the computation of structural invariants of a system pencil and related geometric aspects. Syst. Control Lett., 30:39–48, 1997.
— Functiongcrange(sys; zeros = "none", coinner = false, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol,
fast = true, offset = sqrt(ϵ)) -> (sysr, sysx, info)
Compute for the descriptor system sys = (A-λE,B,C,D)
with the transfer function matrix G(λ)
, the proper descriptor system sysr = (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr,Dr)
with a full row rank transfer function matrix R(λ)
such that Coimage(G(λ)) = Coimage(R(λ))
and the descriptor system sysx = (A-λE,B,Cx,Dx)
with the full column rank transfer function matrix X(λ)
, which satisfies
G(λ) = X(λ)*R(λ) ,
representing a full rank factorization of G(λ)
. The number of rows of R(λ)
is the normal rank r
of G(λ)
. The rows of R(λ)
form a rational basis of the coimage space of the rational matrix G(λ)
. A selected set of zeros of G(λ)
are included as zeros of R(λ)
The resulting named triple info
contains (nrank, nfuz, niuz)
, where info.nrank = r
, the normal rank of G(λ)
, info.nfuz
is the number of finite zeros of sys
on the boundary of the stability domain Cs
, and info.niuz
is the number of infinite zeros of sys
in the continuous-time case and is set to 0
in the discrete-time case.
The following options can be selected via the keyword parameter zeros
for which zeros of G(λ)
to be included in R(λ)
"none" - include no zeros (default)
"all" - include all zeros of `sys`
"unstable" - include all unstable zeros of `sys`
"s-unstable" - include all strictly unstable zeros of `sys`, both finite and infinite
"stable" - include all stable zeros of `sys`
"finite" - include all finite zeros of `sys`
- "infinite" - include all infinite zeros of `sys`
If coinner = true
, the resulting basis R(λ)
is coinner, i.e., R(λ)*R(λ)' = I
, where R(s)' = transpose(R(-s))
for a continuous-time system with λ = s
and R(z)' = transpose(R(1/z))
for a discrete-time system with λ = z
. This option can be used only in conjunction with zeros = "none"
or zeros = "unstable"
For a continuous-time system sys
, the stability domain Cs
is defined as the set of complex numbers with real parts at most -β
, while for a discrete-time system sys
, Cs
is the set of complex numbers with moduli at most 1-β
(i.e., the interior of a disc of radius 1-β
centered in the origin). The boundary offset β
to be used to assess the stability of zeros and their number on the boundary of Cs
can be specified via the keyword parameter offset = β
. Accordingly, for a continuous-time system, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with real parts within the interval [-β,β]
, while for a discrete-time system, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with moduli within the interval [1-β,1+β]
. The default value used for β
is sqrt(ϵ)
, where ϵ
is the working machine precision.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, B
, C
and D
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, E
, B
, C
and D
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the order of the system sys
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
and atol2 = atol
For the assessment of zeros, the dual system pencil transpose([A-λE B; C D])
is reduced to a special Kronecker-like form (see [2]). In this reduction, the performed rank decisions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
Method: The range computation method described in [1], is applied to the dual descriptor system realization corresponding to the transpose of the rational matrix G(λ)
. The underlying pencil reduction algorithm of [2], has been adapted to deal with several zero selection options. The computation of the involved Kronecker-like form is based on the algorithm of [3].
[1] Varga, A. A note on computing the range of rational matrices. arXiv:1707.0048,, 2017.
[2] C. Oara. Constructive solutions to spectral and inner–outer factorizations respect to the disk. Automatica, 41, pp. 1855–1866, 2005.
[3] C. Oara and P. Van Dooren. An improved algorithm for the computation of structural invariants of a system pencil and related geometric aspects. Syst. Control Lett., 30:39–48, 1997.
— Functiongrsol(sysg, sysf; poles = missing, sdeg = missing, mindeg = false, solgen = false, minreal = true, fast = true,
+ "infinite" - include all infinite zeros of `sys`
If coinner = true
, the resulting basis R(λ)
is coinner, i.e., R(λ)*R(λ)' = I
, where R(s)' = transpose(R(-s))
for a continuous-time system with λ = s
and R(z)' = transpose(R(1/z))
for a discrete-time system with λ = z
. This option can be used only in conjunction with zeros = "none"
or zeros = "unstable"
For a continuous-time system sys
, the stability domain Cs
is defined as the set of complex numbers with real parts at most -β
, while for a discrete-time system sys
, Cs
is the set of complex numbers with moduli at most 1-β
(i.e., the interior of a disc of radius 1-β
centered in the origin). The boundary offset β
to be used to assess the stability of zeros and their number on the boundary of Cs
can be specified via the keyword parameter offset = β
. Accordingly, for a continuous-time system, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with real parts within the interval [-β,β]
, while for a discrete-time system, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with moduli within the interval [1-β,1+β]
. The default value used for β
is sqrt(ϵ)
, where ϵ
is the working machine precision.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, B
, C
and D
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, E
, B
, C
and D
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the order of the system sys
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
and atol2 = atol
For the assessment of zeros, the dual system pencil transpose([A-λE B; C D])
is reduced to a special Kronecker-like form (see [2]). In this reduction, the performed rank decisions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
Method: The range computation method described in [1], is applied to the dual descriptor system realization corresponding to the transpose of the rational matrix G(λ)
. The underlying pencil reduction algorithm of [2], has been adapted to deal with several zero selection options. The computation of the involved Kronecker-like form is based on the algorithm of [3].
[1] Varga, A. A note on computing the range of rational matrices. arXiv:1707.0048,, 2017.
[2] C. Oara. Constructive solutions to spectral and inner–outer factorizations respect to the disk. Automatica, 41, pp. 1855–1866, 2005.
[3] C. Oara and P. Van Dooren. An improved algorithm for the computation of structural invariants of a system pencil and related geometric aspects. Syst. Control Lett., 30:39–48, 1997.
— Functiongrsol(sysg, sysf; poles = missing, sdeg = missing, mindeg = false, solgen = false, minreal = true, fast = true,
atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol, ) -> (sysx, info, sysgen)
Determine for the descriptor systems sysg = (Ag-λEg,Bg,Cg,Dg)
and sysf = (Af-λEf,Bf,Cf,Df)
with the transfer function matrices G(λ)
and F(λ)
, respectively, the descriptor system sysx
with the transfer function matrix X(λ)
such that X(λ)
is the solution of the linear rational equation
G(λ)X(λ) = F(λ) . (1)
If solgen = true
, the descriptor system sysgen
is determined representing a generator of all solutions of (1). Its transfer function matrix has the form GEN(λ) = [ X0(λ) XN(λ) ]
, such that any X(λ)
can be generated as
X(λ) = X0(λ) + XN(λ)*Z(λ) ,
where X0(λ)
is a particular solution satisfying G(λ)X0(λ) = F(λ)
, XN(λ)
is a proper rational right nullspace basis of G(λ)
satisfying G(λ)XN(λ) = 0
, and Z(λ)
is an arbitrary rational matrix with suitable dimensions. If solgen = false
, sysgen
is set to nothing
The call with
grsol(sysgf, mf; poles = missing, sdeg = missing, mindeg = false, solgen = false, minreal = true, fast = true,
atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol, ) -> (sysx, info, sysgen)
uses the compound descriptor system sysgf = (A-λE,[Bg Bf],C,[Dg Df])
, where Bf
has mf
columns, to define the descriptor systems sysg = (A-λE,Bg,C,Dg)
and sysf = (A-λE,Bf,C,Df)
(i.e., Ag-λEg = Af-λEf = A-λE
and Cg = Cf = C
The generator sysgen
has a descriptor system realization sysgen = (A0-λE0,[B0 BN],C0,[D0 DN])
, which is usually not minimal (uncontrollable and/or non-dynamic modes present), with
( Ar-λEr * * )
A0-λE0 = ( 0 Af-λEf * ) ,
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
( B1 | Br )
[B0 | BN] = ( B2 | 0 ), Cg = ( Cr * * ) ,
- ( B3 | 0 )
with Er
, Ef
and Ai
invertible and upper triangular, Ei
nillpotent and upper triangular, and DN
full row rank. The dimensions of the diagonal blocks of A0-λE0
are returned in the named tuple info
as the components
, and info.ninf
, respectively.
A minimal order descriptor system realization of the proper basis XN(λ)
is (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr,DN)
, where Br
and DN
have mr
columns (returned in
), representing the dimension of the right nullspace basis. The normal rank nrank
of G(λ)
is returned in info.nrank
If mindeg = false
, the solution sysx
is determined in the form sysx = (A0+BN*F-λE0,B0,C0+DN*F,D0)
, where the matrix F = 0
, unless a nonzero stabilizing gain is used such that Ar+Br*F-λEr
has stable eigenvalues. The vector poles
specified as a keyword argument, can be used to specify the desired eigenvalues alternatively to or jointly with enforcing a desired stability degree sdeg
of eigenvalues. The dimension nr
of Ar
is the number of freely assignable poles of the solution X(λ)
and is returned in
. The eigenvalues of Af-λEf
contain the finite zeros of G(λ)
, while the zeros of Ai-λEi
contain the infinite zeros of G(λ)
. The norm of the employed gain F
is returned in info.fnorm
. If G(λ)
has infinite zeros, then the solution X(λ)
may have infinite poles. The integer vector info.rdeg
contains the relative column degrees of X(λ)
(i.e., the numbers of integrators/delays needed to make each column of X(λ)
If mindeg = true
, a minimum degree solution is determined as X(λ) = X0(λ) + XN(λ)*Z(λ)
, where Z(λ)
is determined using order reduction based on a Type 2 minimum dynamic cover. This computation involves using non-orthogonal transformations whose worst condition number is returned in info.tcond
, in conjunction with using feedback and feedforward gains, whose norms are returned in info.fnorm
. High values of these quantities indicate a potential loss of numerical stability of computations.
If minreal = true
, the computed realization sysx
is minimal.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of Ag
, Bg
, Cg
, Dg
, Af
, Bf
, Cf
, Df
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of Eg
and Ef
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of Ag
, Bg
, Cg
, Dg
, Af
, Bf
, Cf
, Df
, Eg
and Ef
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the maximal order of the systems sysg
and sysf
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
, atol2 = atol
The rank determinations in the performed reductions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
Method: The method of [1] to solve rational systems is used.
[1] A. Varga, "Computation of least order solutions of linear rational equations", Proc. MTNS'04, Leuven, Belgium, 2004.
— Functionglsol(sysg, sysf; poles = missing, sdeg = missing, mindeg = false, solgen = false, minreal = true, fast = true,
+ ( B3 | 0 )
with Er
, Ef
and Ai
invertible and upper triangular, Ei
nillpotent and upper triangular, and DN
full row rank. The dimensions of the diagonal blocks of A0-λE0
are returned in the named tuple info
as the components
, and info.ninf
, respectively.
A minimal order descriptor system realization of the proper basis XN(λ)
is (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr,DN)
, where Br
and DN
have mr
columns (returned in
), representing the dimension of the right nullspace basis. The normal rank nrank
of G(λ)
is returned in info.nrank
If mindeg = false
, the solution sysx
is determined in the form sysx = (A0+BN*F-λE0,B0,C0+DN*F,D0)
, where the matrix F = 0
, unless a nonzero stabilizing gain is used such that Ar+Br*F-λEr
has stable eigenvalues. The vector poles
specified as a keyword argument, can be used to specify the desired eigenvalues alternatively to or jointly with enforcing a desired stability degree sdeg
of eigenvalues. The dimension nr
of Ar
is the number of freely assignable poles of the solution X(λ)
and is returned in
. The eigenvalues of Af-λEf
contain the finite zeros of G(λ)
, while the zeros of Ai-λEi
contain the infinite zeros of G(λ)
. The norm of the employed gain F
is returned in info.fnorm
. If G(λ)
has infinite zeros, then the solution X(λ)
may have infinite poles. The integer vector info.rdeg
contains the relative column degrees of X(λ)
(i.e., the numbers of integrators/delays needed to make each column of X(λ)
If mindeg = true
, a minimum degree solution is determined as X(λ) = X0(λ) + XN(λ)*Z(λ)
, where Z(λ)
is determined using order reduction based on a Type 2 minimum dynamic cover. This computation involves using non-orthogonal transformations whose worst condition number is returned in info.tcond
, in conjunction with using feedback and feedforward gains, whose norms are returned in info.fnorm
. High values of these quantities indicate a potential loss of numerical stability of computations.
If minreal = true
, the computed realization sysx
is minimal.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of Ag
, Bg
, Cg
, Dg
, Af
, Bf
, Cf
, Df
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of Eg
and Ef
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of Ag
, Bg
, Cg
, Dg
, Af
, Bf
, Cf
, Df
, Eg
and Ef
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the maximal order of the systems sysg
and sysf
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
, atol2 = atol
The rank determinations in the performed reductions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
Method: The method of [1] to solve rational systems is used.
[1] A. Varga, "Computation of least order solutions of linear rational equations", Proc. MTNS'04, Leuven, Belgium, 2004.
— Functionglsol(sysg, sysf; poles = missing, sdeg = missing, mindeg = false, solgen = false, minreal = true, fast = true,
atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol, ) -> (sysx, info, sysgen)
Determine for the descriptor systems sysg = (Ag-λEg,Bg,Cg,Dg)
and sysf = (Af-λEf,Bf,Cf,Df)
with the transfer function matrices G(λ)
and F(λ)
, respectively, the descriptor system sysx
with the transfer function matrix X(λ)
such that X(λ)
is the solution of the linear rational equation
X(λ)G(λ) = F(λ) . (1)
If solgen = true
, the descriptor system sysgen
is determined representing a generator of all solutions of (1). Its transfer function matrix has the form GEN(λ) = [ X0(λ); XN(λ) ]
, such that any X(λ)
can be generated as
X(λ) = X0(λ) + Z(λ)*XN(λ) ,
where X0(λ)
is a particular solution satisfying X0(λ)G(λ) = F(λ)
, XN(λ)
is a proper rational left nullspace basis of G(λ)
satisfying XN(λ)G(λ) = 0
, and Z(λ)
is an arbitrary rational matrix with suitable dimensions. If solgen = false
, sysgen
is set to nothing
The call with
glsol(sysgf, pf; poles = missing, sdeg = missing, mindeg = false, solgen = false, minreal = true, fast = true,
atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol, ) -> (sysx, info, sysgen)
uses the compound descriptor system sysgf = (A-λE,B,[Cg; Cf],[Dg; Df])
, where Cf
has pf
rows, to define the descriptor systems sysg = (A-λE,B,Cg,Dg)
and sysf = (A-λE,B,Cf,Df)
(i.e., Ag-λEg = Af-λEf = A-λE
and Bg = Bf = B
The generator sysgen
has a descriptor system realization sysgen = (A0-λE0,B0, [C0; CN],[D0; DN])
, which is usually not minimal (unobservable and/or non-dynamic modes present), with
( Ai-λEi * * )
A0-λE0 = ( 0 Af-λEf * ) ,
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@
( * )
B0 = ( * ), ( C0 ) = ( C1 C2 C3 )
- ( Bl ) ( CN ) ( 0 0 Cl )
with El
, Ef
and Ai
invertible and upper triangular, Ei
nillpotent and upper triangular, and DN
full column rank. The dimensions of the diagonal blocks of A0-λE0
are returned in the named tuple info
as the components
, info.ninf
, respectively.
A minimal order descriptor system realization of the proper basis XN(λ)
is (Al-λEl,Bl,Cl,DN)
, where Cl
and DN
have pr
columns (returned in
), representing the dimension of the left nullspace basis. The normal rank nrank
of G(λ)
is returned in info.nrank
If mindeg = false
, the solution sysx
is determined in the form sysx = (A0+F*CN-λE0,B0+F*DN,C0,D0)
, where the matrix F = 0
, unless a nonzero stabilizing gain is used such that Al+F*Bl-λEl
has stable eigenvalues. The vector poles
specified as a keyword argument, can be used to specify the desired eigenvalues alternatively to or jointly with enforcing a desired stability degree sdeg
of eigenvalues. The dimension nl
of Al
is the number of freely assignable poles of the solution X(λ)
and is returned in
. The eigenvalues of Af-λEf
contain the finite zeros of G(λ)
, while the zeros of Ai-λEi
contain the infinite zeros of G(λ)
. The norm of the employed gain F
is returned in info.fnorm
. If G(λ)
has infinite zeros, then the solution X(λ)
may have infinite poles. The integer vector info.rdeg
contains the relative row degrees of X(λ)
(i.e., the numbers of integrators/delays needed to make each row of X(λ)
If mindeg = true
, a minimum degree solution is determined as X(λ) = X0(λ) + Z(λ)XN(λ)
, where Z(λ)
is determined using order reduction based on a Type 2 minimum dynamic cover. This computation involves using non-orthogonal transformations whose worst condition number is returned in info.tcond
, in conjunction with using feedback and feedforward gains, whose norms are returned in info.fnorm
. High values of these quantities indicate a potential loss of numerical stability of computations.
If minreal = true
, the computed realization sysx
is minimal.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of Ag
, Bg
, Cg
, Dg
, Af
, Bf
, Cf
, Df
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of Eg
and Ef
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of Ag
, Bg
, Cg
, Dg
, Af
, Bf
, Cf
, Df
, Eg
and Ef
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the maximal order of the systems sysg
and sysf
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
, atol2 = atol
The rank determinations in the performed reductions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
Method: The dual of method of [1] to solve rational systems is used.
[1] A. Varga, "Computation of least order solutions of linear rational equations", Proc. MTNS'04, Leuven, Belgium, 2004.
— Functiongrmcover1(sys1, sys2; fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol) -> (sysx, sysy, info)
Determine for the proper descriptor systems sys1 = (A1-λE1,B1,C1,D1)
and sys2 = (A2-λE2,B2,C2,D2)
with the transfer function matrices X1(λ)
and X2(λ)
, respectively, using a right minimum dynamic cover of Type 1 based order reduction, the descriptor systems sysx
and sysy
with the transfer function matrices X(λ)
and Y(λ)
, respectively, such that
X(λ) = X1(λ) + X2(λ)*Y(λ) ,
and sysx
has order less than the order of sys1
The call with
grmcover1(sys, m1; fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol) -> (sysx, sysy, info)
uses the compound descriptor system sys = (A-λE,[B1 B2],C,[D1 D2])
, where B1
and D1
have m1
columns, to define the proper descriptor systems sys1 = (A-λE,B1,C,D1)
and sys2 = (A-λE,B2,C,D2)
(i.e., A1-λE1 = A2-λE2 = A-λE
and C1 = C2 = C
The resulting descriptor systems sysx
and sysy
have controllable realizations of the form sysx = (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr1,D1)
and sysy = (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr2,0)
, where the pencil [Br Ar-λEr]
is in a (controllability) staircase form, with νr[i] x νr[i-1]
full row rank diagonal blocks, for i = 1, ..., nr
, with νr[0] := m1
The resulting named triple info
contains (stdim, tcond, fnorm)
, where info.stdim = νr
is a vector which contains the row dimensions of the blocks of the staircase form [Br Ar-λEr]
, info.tcond
is the maximum of the Frobenius-norm condition numbers of the employed non-orthogonal transformation matrices, and info.fnorm
is the Frobenius-norm of the (internally) employed state-feedback to reduce the order. Large values of info.tcond
or info.fnorm
indicate possible loss of numerical stability of computations.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A1
, B1
, C1
, D1
, A2
, B2
, C2
, D2
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E1
and E2
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A1
, B1
, C1
, D1
, A2
, B2
, C2
, D2
, E1
and E2
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the maximal order of the systems sys1
and sys2
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
, atol2 = atol
The rank determinations in the performed reductions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
Note: grmcover1
also works for arbitrary descriptor system sys1
, if sys2
is proper. For an improper system sys1
, the order reduction is performed only for the proper part of sys1
, while the polynomial part of sys1
is included without modification in the resulting realization of sysx
. In this case, info.stdim = νr
contains the information corresponding to the proper part of sysx
Method: The method of [1] is used to compute Type 1 minimum dynamic covers for standard systems and the method of [2] for proper descriptor systems. The resulting order (McMillan degree) of sysx
is the least achievable one provided the realization of sys2
is maximally observable (i.e., the pair (A2+B2*F-λE2,C2+D2*F)
is observable for any F
[1] A. Varga, Reliable algorithms for computing minimal dynamic covers, Proc. CDC'03, Maui, Hawaii, 2003.
[2] A. Varga. Reliable algorithms for computing minimal dynamic covers for descriptor systems. Proc. MTNS Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 2004.
— Functionglmcover1(sys1, sys2; fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol) -> (sysx, sysy, info)
Determine for the proper descriptor systems sys1 = (A1-λE1,B1,C1,D1)
and sys2 = (A2-λE2,B2,C2,D2)
with the transfer function matrices X1(λ)
and X2(λ)
, respectively, using a left minimum dynamic cover of Type 1 based order reduction, the descriptor systems sysx
and sysy
with the transfer function matrices X(λ)
and Y(λ)
, respectively, such that
X(λ) = X1(λ) + Y(λ)*X2(λ) ,
and sysx
has order less than the order of sys1
The call with
glmcover1(sys, p1; fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol) -> (sysx, sysy, info)
uses the compound descriptor system sys = (A-λE,B,[C1; C2],[D1; D2])
, where C1
and D1
have p1
rows, to define the proper descriptor systems sys1 = (A-λE,B,C1,D1)
and sys2 = (A-λE,B,C2,D2)
(i.e., A1-λE1 = A2-λE2 = A-λE
and B1 = B2 = B
The resulting descriptor systems sysx
and sysy
have observable realizations of the form sysx = (Ao-λEo,Bo1,Co,D1)
and sysy = (Ao-λEo,Bo2,Co,0)
, where the pencil [Ao-λEo; Co]
is in a (observability) staircase form, with νl[i] x νl[i+1]
full row rank diagonal blocks, for i = 1, ..., nl
, with νl[nl+1] := p1
The resulting named triple info
contains (stdim, tcond, fnorm)
, where info.stdim = νl
is a vector which contains the column dimensions of the blocks of the staircase form [Ao-λEo; Co]
, info.tcond
is the maximum of the Frobenius-norm condition numbers of the employed non-orthogonal transformation matrices, and info.fnorm
is the Frobenius-norm of the (internally) employed output-injection gain to reduce the order. Large values of info.tcond
or info.fnorm
indicate possible loss of numerical stability of computations.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A1
, B1
, C1
, D1
, A2
, B2
, C2
, D2
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E1
and E2
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A1
, B1
, C1
, D1
, A2
, B2
, C2
, D2
, E1
and E2
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the maximal order of the systems sys1
and sys2
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
, atol2 = atol
The rank determinations in the performed reductions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
Note: glmcover1
also works for arbitrary descriptor system sys1
, if sys2
is proper. For an improper system sys1
, the order reduction is performed only for the proper part of sys1
, while the polynomial part of sys1
is included without modification in the resulting realization of sysx
. In this case, info.stdim = νl
contains the information corresponding to the proper part of sysx
Method: The dual of method of [1] is used to compute Type 1 minimum dynamic covers for standard systems and the dual of method of [2] for proper descriptor systems. The resulting McMillan degree of sysx
is the least achievable one provided the realization of sys2
is maximally controllable (i.e., the pair (A2+F*C2-λE2,B2+F*D2)
is controllable for any F
[1] A. Varga, Reliable algorithms for computing minimal dynamic covers, Proc. CDC'03, Maui, Hawaii, 2003.
[2] A. Varga. Reliable algorithms for computing minimal dynamic covers for descriptor systems. Proc. MTNS Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 2004.
— Functiongrmcover2(sys1, sys2; fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol) -> (sysx, sysy, info)
Determine for the proper descriptor systems sys1 = (A1-λE1,B1,C1,D1)
and sys2 = (A2-λE2,B2,C2,D2)
with the transfer function matrices X1(λ)
and X2(λ)
, respectively, using a right minimum dynamic cover of Type 2 based order reduction, the descriptor systems sysx
and sysy
with the transfer function matrices X(λ)
and Y(λ)
, respectively, such that
X(λ) = X1(λ) + X2(λ)*Y(λ) ,
and sysx
has order less than the order of sys1
The call with
grmcover2(sys, m1; fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol) -> (sysx, sysy, info)
uses the compound descriptor system sys = (A-λE,[B1 B2],C,[D1 D2])
, where B1
and D1
haves m1
columns, to define the proper descriptor systems sys1 = (A-λE,B1,C,D1)
and sys2 = (A-λE,B2,C,D2)
(i.e., A1-λE1 = A2-λE2 =: A-λE
and C1 = C2 =: C
The resulting descriptor systems sysx
and sysy
have controllable realizations of the form sysx = (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr1,Dr1)
and sysy = (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr2,Dr2)
, where the pencil [Br Ar-λEr]
is in a (controllability) staircase form, with νr[i] x νr[i-1]
full row rank diagonal blocks, for i = 1, ..., nr
, with νr[0] := m1
The resulting named triple info
contains (stdim, tcond, fnorm, gnorm)
, where info.stdim = νr
is a vector which contains the row dimensions of the blocks of the staircase form [Br Ar-λEr]
, info.tcond
is the maximum of the Frobenius-norm condition numbers of the employed non-orthogonal transformation matrices, info.fnorm
is the Frobenius-norm of the (internally) employed state-feedback gain to reduce the order, info.gnorm
is the Frobenius-norm of the (internally) employed feedforward gain to reduce the order. Large values of info.tcond
, info.fnorm
or info.gnorm
indicate possible loss of numerical stability of computations.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A1
, B1
, C1
, D1
, A2
, B2
, C2
, D2
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E1
and E2
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A1
, B1
, C1
, D1
, A2
, B2
, C2
, D2
, E1
and E2
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the maximal order of the systems sys1
and sys2
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
, atol2 = atol
The rank determinations in the performed reductions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
Note: grmcover2
also works for arbitrary descriptor system sys1
, if sys2
is proper. For an improper system sys1
, the order reduction is performed only for the proper part of sys1
, while the polynomial part of sys1
is included without modification in the resulting realization of sysx
. In this case, info.stdim = νr
contains the information corresponding to the proper part of sysx
Method: The method of [1] is used to compute Type 2 minimum dynamic covers for standard systems and the method of [2] for proper descriptor systems. The resulting McMillan degree of sysx
is the least achievable one provided the realization of sys2
is maximally observable (i.e., the pair (A2+B2*F-λE2,C2+D2*F)
is observable for any F
[1] A. Varga, Reliable algorithms for computing minimal dynamic covers, Proc. CDC'03, Maui, Hawaii, 2003.
[2] A. Varga. Reliable algorithms for computing minimal dynamic covers for descriptor systems. Proc. MTNS Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 2004.
— Functionglmcover2(sys1, sys2; fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol) -> (sysx, sysy, info)
Determine for the proper descriptor systems sys1 = (A1-λE1,B1,C1,D1)
and sys2 = (A2-λE2,B2,C2,D2)
with the transfer function matrices X1(λ)
and X2(λ)
, respectively, using a left minimum dynamic cover of Type 2 based order reduction, the descriptor systems sysx
and sysy
with the transfer function matrices X(λ)
and Y(λ)
, respectively, such that
X(λ) = X1(λ) + Y(λ)*X2(λ) ,
and sysx
has order less than the order of sys1
The call with
glmcover2(sys, p1; fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol) -> (sysx, sysy, info)
uses the compound descriptor system sys = (A-λE,B, [C1; C2],[D1; D2])
, where C1
and D1
have p1
rows and E
is invertible, to define the proper descriptor systems sys1 = (A-λE,B,C1,D1)
and sys2 = (A-λE,B,C2,D2)
(i.e., A1-λE1 = A2-λE2 = A-λE
and B1 = B2 = B
The resulting descriptor systems sysx
and sysy
have observable realizations of the form sysx = (Ao-λEo,Bo1,Co,Do1)
and sysy = (Ao-λEo,Bo2,Co,Do2)
, where the pencil [Ao-λEo; Co]
is in a (observability) staircase form, with νl[i] x νl[i+1]
full row rank diagonal blocks, for i = 1, ..., nl
, with νl[nl+1] := p1
The resulting named triple info
contains (stdim, tcond, fnorm, gnorm)
, where info.stdim = νl
is a vector which contains the column dimensions of the blocks of the staircase form [Ao-λEo; Co]
, info.tcond
is the maximum of the Frobenius-norm condition numbers of the employed non-orthogonal transformation matrices, info.fnorm
is the Frobenius-norm of the (internally) employed output-injection gain to reduce the order, and info.gnorm
is the Frobenius-norm of the (internally) employed output-feedforward gain. Large values of info.tcond
or info.gnorm
indicate possible loss of numerical stability of computations.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A1
, B1
, C1
, D1
, A2
, B2
, C2
, D2
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E1
and E2
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A1
, B1
, C1
, D1
, A2
, B2
, C2
, D2
, E1
and E2
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the maximal order of the systems sys1
and sys2
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
, atol2 = atol
The rank determinations in the performed reductions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
Note: glmcover2
also works for arbitrary descriptor system sys1
, if sys2
is proper. For an improper system sys1
, the order reduction is performed only for the proper part of sys1
, while the polynomial part of sys1
is included without modification in the resulting realization of sysx
. In this case, info.stdim = νl
contains the information corresponding to the proper part of sysx
Method: The dual of method of [1] is used to compute Type 2 minimum dynamic covers for standard systems and the dual of method of [2] for proper descriptor systems. The resulting McMillan degree of sysx
is the least achievable one provided the realization of sys2
is maximally controllable (i.e., the pair (A2+F*C2-λE2,B2+F*D2)
is controllable for any F
[1] A. Varga, Reliable algorithms for computing minimal dynamic covers, Proc. CDC'03, Maui, Hawaii, 2003.
[2] A. Varga. Reliable algorithms for computing minimal dynamic covers for descriptor systems. Proc. MTNS Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 2004.
— Functionginv(sys; type = "1-2", mindeg = false, fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol,
+ ( Bl ) ( CN ) ( 0 0 Cl )
with El
, Ef
and Ai
invertible and upper triangular, Ei
nillpotent and upper triangular, and DN
full column rank. The dimensions of the diagonal blocks of A0-λE0
are returned in the named tuple info
as the components
, info.ninf
, respectively.
A minimal order descriptor system realization of the proper basis XN(λ)
is (Al-λEl,Bl,Cl,DN)
, where Cl
and DN
have pr
columns (returned in
), representing the dimension of the left nullspace basis. The normal rank nrank
of G(λ)
is returned in info.nrank
If mindeg = false
, the solution sysx
is determined in the form sysx = (A0+F*CN-λE0,B0+F*DN,C0,D0)
, where the matrix F = 0
, unless a nonzero stabilizing gain is used such that Al+F*Bl-λEl
has stable eigenvalues. The vector poles
specified as a keyword argument, can be used to specify the desired eigenvalues alternatively to or jointly with enforcing a desired stability degree sdeg
of eigenvalues. The dimension nl
of Al
is the number of freely assignable poles of the solution X(λ)
and is returned in
. The eigenvalues of Af-λEf
contain the finite zeros of G(λ)
, while the zeros of Ai-λEi
contain the infinite zeros of G(λ)
. The norm of the employed gain F
is returned in info.fnorm
. If G(λ)
has infinite zeros, then the solution X(λ)
may have infinite poles. The integer vector info.rdeg
contains the relative row degrees of X(λ)
(i.e., the numbers of integrators/delays needed to make each row of X(λ)
If mindeg = true
, a minimum degree solution is determined as X(λ) = X0(λ) + Z(λ)XN(λ)
, where Z(λ)
is determined using order reduction based on a Type 2 minimum dynamic cover. This computation involves using non-orthogonal transformations whose worst condition number is returned in info.tcond
, in conjunction with using feedback and feedforward gains, whose norms are returned in info.fnorm
. High values of these quantities indicate a potential loss of numerical stability of computations.
If minreal = true
, the computed realization sysx
is minimal.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of Ag
, Bg
, Cg
, Dg
, Af
, Bf
, Cf
, Df
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of Eg
and Ef
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of Ag
, Bg
, Cg
, Dg
, Af
, Bf
, Cf
, Df
, Eg
and Ef
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the maximal order of the systems sysg
and sysf
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
, atol2 = atol
The rank determinations in the performed reductions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
Method: The dual of method of [1] to solve rational systems is used.
[1] A. Varga, "Computation of least order solutions of linear rational equations", Proc. MTNS'04, Leuven, Belgium, 2004.
— Functiongrmcover1(sys1, sys2; fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol) -> (sysx, sysy, info)
Determine for the proper descriptor systems sys1 = (A1-λE1,B1,C1,D1)
and sys2 = (A2-λE2,B2,C2,D2)
with the transfer function matrices X1(λ)
and X2(λ)
, respectively, using a right minimum dynamic cover of Type 1 based order reduction, the descriptor systems sysx
and sysy
with the transfer function matrices X(λ)
and Y(λ)
, respectively, such that
X(λ) = X1(λ) + X2(λ)*Y(λ) ,
and sysx
has order less than the order of sys1
The call with
grmcover1(sys, m1; fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol) -> (sysx, sysy, info)
uses the compound descriptor system sys = (A-λE,[B1 B2],C,[D1 D2])
, where B1
and D1
have m1
columns, to define the proper descriptor systems sys1 = (A-λE,B1,C,D1)
and sys2 = (A-λE,B2,C,D2)
(i.e., A1-λE1 = A2-λE2 = A-λE
and C1 = C2 = C
The resulting descriptor systems sysx
and sysy
have controllable realizations of the form sysx = (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr1,D1)
and sysy = (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr2,0)
, where the pencil [Br Ar-λEr]
is in a (controllability) staircase form, with νr[i] x νr[i-1]
full row rank diagonal blocks, for i = 1, ..., nr
, with νr[0] := m1
The resulting named triple info
contains (stdim, tcond, fnorm)
, where info.stdim = νr
is a vector which contains the row dimensions of the blocks of the staircase form [Br Ar-λEr]
, info.tcond
is the maximum of the Frobenius-norm condition numbers of the employed non-orthogonal transformation matrices, and info.fnorm
is the Frobenius-norm of the (internally) employed state-feedback to reduce the order. Large values of info.tcond
or info.fnorm
indicate possible loss of numerical stability of computations.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A1
, B1
, C1
, D1
, A2
, B2
, C2
, D2
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E1
and E2
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A1
, B1
, C1
, D1
, A2
, B2
, C2
, D2
, E1
and E2
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the maximal order of the systems sys1
and sys2
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
, atol2 = atol
The rank determinations in the performed reductions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
Note: grmcover1
also works for arbitrary descriptor system sys1
, if sys2
is proper. For an improper system sys1
, the order reduction is performed only for the proper part of sys1
, while the polynomial part of sys1
is included without modification in the resulting realization of sysx
. In this case, info.stdim = νr
contains the information corresponding to the proper part of sysx
Method: The method of [1] is used to compute Type 1 minimum dynamic covers for standard systems and the method of [2] for proper descriptor systems. The resulting order (McMillan degree) of sysx
is the least achievable one provided the realization of sys2
is maximally observable (i.e., the pair (A2+B2*F-λE2,C2+D2*F)
is observable for any F
[1] A. Varga, Reliable algorithms for computing minimal dynamic covers, Proc. CDC'03, Maui, Hawaii, 2003.
[2] A. Varga. Reliable algorithms for computing minimal dynamic covers for descriptor systems. Proc. MTNS Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 2004.
— Functionglmcover1(sys1, sys2; fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol) -> (sysx, sysy, info)
Determine for the proper descriptor systems sys1 = (A1-λE1,B1,C1,D1)
and sys2 = (A2-λE2,B2,C2,D2)
with the transfer function matrices X1(λ)
and X2(λ)
, respectively, using a left minimum dynamic cover of Type 1 based order reduction, the descriptor systems sysx
and sysy
with the transfer function matrices X(λ)
and Y(λ)
, respectively, such that
X(λ) = X1(λ) + Y(λ)*X2(λ) ,
and sysx
has order less than the order of sys1
The call with
glmcover1(sys, p1; fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol) -> (sysx, sysy, info)
uses the compound descriptor system sys = (A-λE,B,[C1; C2],[D1; D2])
, where C1
and D1
have p1
rows, to define the proper descriptor systems sys1 = (A-λE,B,C1,D1)
and sys2 = (A-λE,B,C2,D2)
(i.e., A1-λE1 = A2-λE2 = A-λE
and B1 = B2 = B
The resulting descriptor systems sysx
and sysy
have observable realizations of the form sysx = (Ao-λEo,Bo1,Co,D1)
and sysy = (Ao-λEo,Bo2,Co,0)
, where the pencil [Ao-λEo; Co]
is in a (observability) staircase form, with νl[i] x νl[i+1]
full row rank diagonal blocks, for i = 1, ..., nl
, with νl[nl+1] := p1
The resulting named triple info
contains (stdim, tcond, fnorm)
, where info.stdim = νl
is a vector which contains the column dimensions of the blocks of the staircase form [Ao-λEo; Co]
, info.tcond
is the maximum of the Frobenius-norm condition numbers of the employed non-orthogonal transformation matrices, and info.fnorm
is the Frobenius-norm of the (internally) employed output-injection gain to reduce the order. Large values of info.tcond
or info.fnorm
indicate possible loss of numerical stability of computations.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A1
, B1
, C1
, D1
, A2
, B2
, C2
, D2
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E1
and E2
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A1
, B1
, C1
, D1
, A2
, B2
, C2
, D2
, E1
and E2
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the maximal order of the systems sys1
and sys2
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
, atol2 = atol
The rank determinations in the performed reductions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
Note: glmcover1
also works for arbitrary descriptor system sys1
, if sys2
is proper. For an improper system sys1
, the order reduction is performed only for the proper part of sys1
, while the polynomial part of sys1
is included without modification in the resulting realization of sysx
. In this case, info.stdim = νl
contains the information corresponding to the proper part of sysx
Method: The dual of method of [1] is used to compute Type 1 minimum dynamic covers for standard systems and the dual of method of [2] for proper descriptor systems. The resulting McMillan degree of sysx
is the least achievable one provided the realization of sys2
is maximally controllable (i.e., the pair (A2+F*C2-λE2,B2+F*D2)
is controllable for any F
[1] A. Varga, Reliable algorithms for computing minimal dynamic covers, Proc. CDC'03, Maui, Hawaii, 2003.
[2] A. Varga. Reliable algorithms for computing minimal dynamic covers for descriptor systems. Proc. MTNS Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 2004.
— Functiongrmcover2(sys1, sys2; fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol) -> (sysx, sysy, info)
Determine for the proper descriptor systems sys1 = (A1-λE1,B1,C1,D1)
and sys2 = (A2-λE2,B2,C2,D2)
with the transfer function matrices X1(λ)
and X2(λ)
, respectively, using a right minimum dynamic cover of Type 2 based order reduction, the descriptor systems sysx
and sysy
with the transfer function matrices X(λ)
and Y(λ)
, respectively, such that
X(λ) = X1(λ) + X2(λ)*Y(λ) ,
and sysx
has order less than the order of sys1
The call with
grmcover2(sys, m1; fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol) -> (sysx, sysy, info)
uses the compound descriptor system sys = (A-λE,[B1 B2],C,[D1 D2])
, where B1
and D1
haves m1
columns, to define the proper descriptor systems sys1 = (A-λE,B1,C,D1)
and sys2 = (A-λE,B2,C,D2)
(i.e., A1-λE1 = A2-λE2 =: A-λE
and C1 = C2 =: C
The resulting descriptor systems sysx
and sysy
have controllable realizations of the form sysx = (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr1,Dr1)
and sysy = (Ar-λEr,Br,Cr2,Dr2)
, where the pencil [Br Ar-λEr]
is in a (controllability) staircase form, with νr[i] x νr[i-1]
full row rank diagonal blocks, for i = 1, ..., nr
, with νr[0] := m1
The resulting named triple info
contains (stdim, tcond, fnorm, gnorm)
, where info.stdim = νr
is a vector which contains the row dimensions of the blocks of the staircase form [Br Ar-λEr]
, info.tcond
is the maximum of the Frobenius-norm condition numbers of the employed non-orthogonal transformation matrices, info.fnorm
is the Frobenius-norm of the (internally) employed state-feedback gain to reduce the order, info.gnorm
is the Frobenius-norm of the (internally) employed feedforward gain to reduce the order. Large values of info.tcond
, info.fnorm
or info.gnorm
indicate possible loss of numerical stability of computations.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A1
, B1
, C1
, D1
, A2
, B2
, C2
, D2
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E1
and E2
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A1
, B1
, C1
, D1
, A2
, B2
, C2
, D2
, E1
and E2
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the maximal order of the systems sys1
and sys2
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
, atol2 = atol
The rank determinations in the performed reductions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
Note: grmcover2
also works for arbitrary descriptor system sys1
, if sys2
is proper. For an improper system sys1
, the order reduction is performed only for the proper part of sys1
, while the polynomial part of sys1
is included without modification in the resulting realization of sysx
. In this case, info.stdim = νr
contains the information corresponding to the proper part of sysx
Method: The method of [1] is used to compute Type 2 minimum dynamic covers for standard systems and the method of [2] for proper descriptor systems. The resulting McMillan degree of sysx
is the least achievable one provided the realization of sys2
is maximally observable (i.e., the pair (A2+B2*F-λE2,C2+D2*F)
is observable for any F
[1] A. Varga, Reliable algorithms for computing minimal dynamic covers, Proc. CDC'03, Maui, Hawaii, 2003.
[2] A. Varga. Reliable algorithms for computing minimal dynamic covers for descriptor systems. Proc. MTNS Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 2004.
— Functionglmcover2(sys1, sys2; fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol) -> (sysx, sysy, info)
Determine for the proper descriptor systems sys1 = (A1-λE1,B1,C1,D1)
and sys2 = (A2-λE2,B2,C2,D2)
with the transfer function matrices X1(λ)
and X2(λ)
, respectively, using a left minimum dynamic cover of Type 2 based order reduction, the descriptor systems sysx
and sysy
with the transfer function matrices X(λ)
and Y(λ)
, respectively, such that
X(λ) = X1(λ) + Y(λ)*X2(λ) ,
and sysx
has order less than the order of sys1
The call with
glmcover2(sys, p1; fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol) -> (sysx, sysy, info)
uses the compound descriptor system sys = (A-λE,B, [C1; C2],[D1; D2])
, where C1
and D1
have p1
rows and E
is invertible, to define the proper descriptor systems sys1 = (A-λE,B,C1,D1)
and sys2 = (A-λE,B,C2,D2)
(i.e., A1-λE1 = A2-λE2 = A-λE
and B1 = B2 = B
The resulting descriptor systems sysx
and sysy
have observable realizations of the form sysx = (Ao-λEo,Bo1,Co,Do1)
and sysy = (Ao-λEo,Bo2,Co,Do2)
, where the pencil [Ao-λEo; Co]
is in a (observability) staircase form, with νl[i] x νl[i+1]
full row rank diagonal blocks, for i = 1, ..., nl
, with νl[nl+1] := p1
The resulting named triple info
contains (stdim, tcond, fnorm, gnorm)
, where info.stdim = νl
is a vector which contains the column dimensions of the blocks of the staircase form [Ao-λEo; Co]
, info.tcond
is the maximum of the Frobenius-norm condition numbers of the employed non-orthogonal transformation matrices, info.fnorm
is the Frobenius-norm of the (internally) employed output-injection gain to reduce the order, and info.gnorm
is the Frobenius-norm of the (internally) employed output-feedforward gain. Large values of info.tcond
or info.gnorm
indicate possible loss of numerical stability of computations.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
, and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A1
, B1
, C1
, D1
, A2
, B2
, C2
, D2
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E1
and E2
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A1
, B1
, C1
, D1
, A2
, B2
, C2
, D2
, E1
and E2
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the maximal order of the systems sys1
and sys2
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
, atol2 = atol
The rank determinations in the performed reductions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting if fast = true
or the more reliable SVD-decompositions if fast = false
Note: glmcover2
also works for arbitrary descriptor system sys1
, if sys2
is proper. For an improper system sys1
, the order reduction is performed only for the proper part of sys1
, while the polynomial part of sys1
is included without modification in the resulting realization of sysx
. In this case, info.stdim = νl
contains the information corresponding to the proper part of sysx
Method: The dual of method of [1] is used to compute Type 2 minimum dynamic covers for standard systems and the dual of method of [2] for proper descriptor systems. The resulting McMillan degree of sysx
is the least achievable one provided the realization of sys2
is maximally controllable (i.e., the pair (A2+F*C2-λE2,B2+F*D2)
is controllable for any F
[1] A. Varga, Reliable algorithms for computing minimal dynamic covers, Proc. CDC'03, Maui, Hawaii, 2003.
[2] A. Varga. Reliable algorithms for computing minimal dynamic covers for descriptor systems. Proc. MTNS Symposium, Leuven, Belgium, 2004.
— Functionginv(sys; type = "1-2", mindeg = false, fast = true, atol = 0, atol1 = atol, atol2 = atol, rtol,
offset = sqrt(ϵ)) -> (sysinv, info)
Compute for a descriptor system sys = (A-λE,B,C,D)
with the transfer function matrix G(λ)
a generalized inverse system sysinv = (Ai-λEi,Bi,Ci,Di)
with the transfer function matrix Gi(λ)
such that two or more of the following Moore-Penrose conditions are satisfied:
(1) G(λ)*Gi(λ)*G(λ) = G(λ);
(2) Gi(λ)*G(λ)*Gi(λ) = Gi(λ);
(3) G(λ)*Gi(λ) = (G(λ)*Gi(λ))';
(4) Gi(λ)*G(λ) = (Gi(λ)*G(λ))'.
The desired type of the computed generalized inverse can be specified using the keyword parameter type
as follows:
"1-2" - for a generalized inverse which satisfies conditions (1) and (2) (default);
"1-2-3" - for a generalized inverse which satisfies conditions (1), (2) and (3);
"1-2-4" - for a generalized inverse which satisfies conditions (1), (2) and (4);
- "1-2-3-4" - for the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse, which satisfies all conditions (1)-(4).
The vector poles
specified as a keyword argument, can be used to specify the desired eigenvalues alternatively to or jointly with enforcing a desired stability degree sdeg
of the poles of the computed generalized inverse.
The keyword argument mindeg
can be used to specify the option to determine a minimum order generalized inverse, if mindeg = true
, or a particular generalized inverse which has possibly non-minimal order, if mindeg = false
To assess the presence of zeros on the boundary of the stability domain Cs
, a boundary offset β
can be specified via the keyword parameter offset = β
. Accordingly, for a continuous-time setting, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with real parts within the interval [-β,β]
, while for a discrete-time setting, the boundary of Cs
contains the complex numbers with moduli within the interval [1-β,1+β]
. The default value used for β
is sqrt(ϵ)
, where ϵ
is the working machine precision.
The returned named tuple info
has the components info.nrank
, info.nfp
, info.fnorm
and info.tcond
, where: info.nrank
is the normal rank of G(λ)
, info.nfp
is the number of freely assignable poles of the inverse Gi(λ)
, info.fnorm
is the maximum of norms of employed feedback gains (also for pole assignment) and info.tcond
is the maximum of condition numbers of employed non-orthogonal transformations (see below).
The rank determinations in the performed reductions are based on rank revealing QR-decompositions with column pivoting, if fast = true
, or the more reliable SVD-decompositions, if fast = false
. The computation of a minimum order inverse is performed by solving suitable minimum dynamic cover problems. These computations involve using non-orthogonal transformations whose maximal condition number is returned in info.tcond
, in conjunction with using feedback gains (also for pole assignment), whose maximal norms are returned in info.fnorm
. High values of these quantities indicate a potential loss of numerical stability of computations.
The keyword arguments atol1
, atol2
and rtol
, specify, respectively, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, B
, C
and D
, the absolute tolerance for the nonzero elements of E
, and the relative tolerance for the nonzero elements of A
, E
, B
, C
and D
. The default relative tolerance is n*ϵ
, where ϵ
is the working machine epsilon and n
is the maximum dimension of state, input and output vectors of the system sys
. The keyword argument atol
can be used to simultaneously set atol1 = atol
and atol2 = atol
Method: The methods proposed in [1] are employed in conjunction with full rank factorizations computed using the approach of [2].
[1] A. Varga. Computing generalized inverse systems using matrix pencil methods. Int. J. of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, vol. 11, pp. 1055-1068, 2001.
[2] Varga, A. A note on computing range space bases of rational matrices. arXiv:1707.0048,, 2017.