Perform actions with the contracts on a project
archway contracts build [CONTRACT]
archway contracts execute CONTRACT
archway contracts instantiate [CONTRACT]
archway contracts metadata CONTRACT
archway contracts migrate CONTRACT
archway contracts new [CONTRACT-NAME]
archway contracts premium CONTRACT
archway contracts query balance [CONTRACT]
archway contracts query smart CONTRACT
archway contracts store CONTRACT
Builds the smart contracts optimized Wasm file along with its schemas
$ archway contracts build [CONTRACT] [--json] [--log-level debug|error|info|warn]
CONTRACT Name of the contract
--json Format output as json.
--log-level=<option> Specify level for logging.
<options: debug|error|info|warn>
Build the optimized version of a contract, and generate the updated schemas
$ archway contracts build my-contract
See code: src/commands/contracts/build.ts
Executes a transaction in a smart contract
$ archway contracts execute CONTRACT [STDININPUT] [--json] [--log-level debug|error|info|warn] [--amount <value>]
[--no-validation] [--args <value> | --args-file <value> | ] [--keyring-backend file|os|test] [--keyring-path
<value>] [-f <value>] [--fee <value>] [--no-confirm] [--gas-adjustment <value>]
CONTRACT (required) Name of the contract
--amount=<value> Funds to send to the contract on the transaction
--args=<value> JSON string with the message to send the smart contract
--args-file=<value> Path to a JSON file with a message to send to the smart contract
--no-confirm Don't show confirmation prompt
--no-validation Skip schema validation of the arguments
Keyring Flags:
--keyring-backend=<option> [default: os] Backend for the keyring
<options: file|os|test>
--keyring-path=<value> File-based keyring path
Transaction Flags:
-f, --from=<value> Signer of the tx
--fee=<value> Extra fees to pay along with the transaction
--gas-adjustment=<value> [default: 1.5] Multiplier that is applied to the default estimated gas to avoid running out
of gas exceptions
--json Format output as json.
--log-level=<option> Specify level for logging.
<options: debug|error|info|warn>
Execute a transaction in a contract by contract name, with message from --args flag
$ archway contracts execute my-contract --args '{"example":{}}'
Execute a transaction in a contract by address, with message from --args flag
$ archway contracts execute archway13lq4qvmydry3p394jrrfuv2z5xemzdnsplqdrm --args '{"example":{}}'
Execute a transaction in a contract, from a specific account
$ archway contracts execute my-contract --args '{"example":{}}' --from "alice"
Execute a transaction in a contract by contract name, sending tokens with the transaction
$ archway contracts execute my-contract --args '{"example":{}}' --amount "1const"
Execute a transaction in a contract, with message from file
$ archway contracts execute my-contract --args-file="./execMsg.json"
Execute a transaction in a contract, with query message from stdin
$ echo '{"example":{}}' | archway contracts execute my-contract
See code: src/commands/contracts/execute.ts
Instantiates code stored on-chain with the given arguments
$ archway contracts instantiate [CONTRACT] [STDININPUT] [--json] [--log-level debug|error|info|warn] [--admin <value>]
[--no-admin] [--label <value>] [--code <value>] [--amount <value>] [--no-validation] [--args <value> | --args-file
<value> | ] [--keyring-backend file|os|test] [--keyring-path <value>] [-f <value>] [--fee <value>] [--no-confirm]
[--gas-adjustment <value>]
CONTRACT Name of the contract
--admin=<value> Name of an account OR a valid bech32 address used as the contract admin
--amount=<value> Funds to send to the contract during instantiation
--args=<value> JSON string with the message to send the smart contract
--args-file=<value> Path to a JSON file with a message to send to the smart contract
--code=<value> Code stored
--label=<value> A human-readable name for this contract, displayed on explorers
--no-admin Instantiates the contract without an admin
--no-confirm Don't show confirmation prompt
--no-validation Skip schema validation of the arguments
Keyring Flags:
--keyring-backend=<option> [default: os] Backend for the keyring
<options: file|os|test>
--keyring-path=<value> File-based keyring path
Transaction Flags:
-f, --from=<value> Signer of the tx
--fee=<value> Extra fees to pay along with the transaction
--gas-adjustment=<value> [default: 1.5] Multiplier that is applied to the default estimated gas to avoid running out
of gas exceptions
--json Format output as json.
--log-level=<option> Specify level for logging.
<options: debug|error|info|warn>
Instantiate a contract by contract name, with message from --args flag
$ archway contracts instantiate my-contract --args '{"example":{}}'
Instantiate a contract by code id, with message from --args flag
$ archway contracts instantiate --code 10 --args '{"example":{}}'
Instantiate a contract, from a specific account
$ archway contracts instantiate my-contract --from "alice"
Instantiate a contract, with a custom label
$ archway contracts instantiate my-contract --args '{"example":{}}' --label "my-contract-v1.0.0"
Instantiate a contract, sending tokens with the transaction
$ archway contracts instantiate my-contract --args '{"example":{}}' --amount "1const"
Instantiate a contract, with admin account different than the sender
$ archway contracts instantiate my-contract --args '{"example":{}}' --admin \
Instantiate a contract, with no admin
$ archway contracts instantiate my-contract --args '{"example":{}}' --no-admin
Instantiate a contract, with message from file
$ archway contracts instantiate my-contract --args-file="./instMsg.json"
Instantiate a contract, with query message from stdin
$ echo '{"example":{}}' | archway contracts instantiate my-contract
See code: src/commands/contracts/instantiate.ts
Sets a smart contracts rewards metadata
$ archway contracts metadata CONTRACT [--json] [--log-level debug|error|info|warn] [--owner-address <value>]
[--rewards-address <value>] [--keyring-backend file|os|test] [--keyring-path <value>] [-f <value>] [--fee <value>]
[--no-confirm] [--gas-adjustment <value>]
CONTRACT (required) Name of the contract
--no-confirm Don't show confirmation prompt
--owner-address=<value> Owner of the contract metadata
--rewards-address=<value> Rewards destination address
Keyring Flags:
--keyring-backend=<option> [default: os] Backend for the keyring
<options: file|os|test>
--keyring-path=<value> File-based keyring path
Transaction Flags:
-f, --from=<value> Signer of the tx
--fee=<value> Extra fees to pay along with the transaction
--gas-adjustment=<value> [default: 1.5] Multiplier that is applied to the default estimated gas to avoid running out
of gas exceptions
--json Format output as json.
--log-level=<option> Specify level for logging.
<options: debug|error|info|warn>
Set the rewards metadata, by contract name
$ archway contracts metadata my-contract --owner-address "archway13lq4qvmydry3p394jrrfuv2z5xemzdnsplqdrm" \
Set the rewards metadata, by address
$ archway contracts metadata archway1dstndnaelj95ksruudc2ww4s9epn8m59xft7jz --owner-address \
"archway13lq4qvmydry3p394jrrfuv2z5xemzdnsplqdrm" \
Set the rewards metadata, from a specific account
$ archway contracts metadata my-contract --owner-address "archway13lq4qvmydry3p394jrrfuv2z5xemzdnsplqdrm" \
--rewards-address="archway13lq4qvmydry3p394jrrfuv2z5xemzdnsplqdrm" --from "alice"
See code: src/commands/contracts/metadata.ts
Runs a smart contract migration
$ archway contracts migrate CONTRACT [STDININPUT] --code <value> [--json] [--log-level debug|error|info|warn]
[--no-validation] [--args <value> | --args-file <value> | ] [--keyring-backend file|os|test] [--keyring-path
<value>] [-f <value>] [--fee <value>] [--no-confirm] [--gas-adjustment <value>]
CONTRACT (required) Name of the contract
--code=<value> (required) Code id of the new version that will be migrated to
--args=<value> JSON string with the message to send the smart contract
--args-file=<value> Path to a JSON file with a message to send to the smart contract
--no-confirm Don't show confirmation prompt
--no-validation Skip schema validation of the arguments
Keyring Flags:
--keyring-backend=<option> [default: os] Backend for the keyring
<options: file|os|test>
--keyring-path=<value> File-based keyring path
Transaction Flags:
-f, --from=<value> Signer of the tx
--fee=<value> Extra fees to pay along with the transaction
--gas-adjustment=<value> [default: 1.5] Multiplier that is applied to the default estimated gas to avoid running out
of gas exceptions
--json Format output as json.
--log-level=<option> Specify level for logging.
<options: debug|error|info|warn>
Migrate a contract by contract name, with empty migrate message
$ archway contracts migrate my-contract --code 21
Migrate a contract, from a specific account
$ archway contracts migrate my-contract --code 21 --from "alice"
Migrate a contract, with message from --args flag
$ archway contracts migrate my-contract --code 21 --args '{"example":{}}'
Migrate a contract, with message from file
$ archway contracts migrate my-contract --code 21 --args-file="./migrateMsg.json"
Instantiate a contract, with message from stdin
$ echo '{"example":{}}' | archway contracts migrate my-contract --code 21
See code: src/commands/contracts/migrate.ts
Scaffolds a new Wasm smart contract from a template
$ archway contracts new [CONTRACT-NAME] [--json] [--log-level debug|error|info|warn] [--template <value>]
CONTRACT-NAME Name of the contract
--template=<value> Template name
--json Format output as json.
--log-level=<option> Specify level for logging.
<options: debug|error|info|warn>
Create a new contract in the current project
$ archway contracts new
Create a new contract in the current project, with contract name
$ archway contracts new --contract-name "other-contract"
Create a new contract, with cw-20 template
$ archway contracts new --contract-name="other-contract" --template="cw-20/base"
Create a new contract, with increment template
$ CARGO_GENERATE_VALUE_VERSION=full archway contracts new --contract-name="other-contract" \
See code: src/commands/contracts/new.ts
Sets the smart contract's premium flat fee. The contract must have the rewards metadata already configured
$ archway contracts premium CONTRACT --premium-fee <value> [--json] [--log-level debug|error|info|warn]
[--keyring-backend file|os|test] [--keyring-path <value>] [-f <value>] [--fee <value>] [--no-confirm]
[--gas-adjustment <value>]
CONTRACT (required) Name of the contract
--premium-fee=<value> (required) Token amount
--no-confirm Don't show confirmation prompt
Keyring Flags:
--keyring-backend=<option> [default: os] Backend for the keyring
<options: file|os|test>
--keyring-path=<value> File-based keyring path
Transaction Flags:
-f, --from=<value> Signer of the tx
--fee=<value> Extra fees to pay along with the transaction
--gas-adjustment=<value> [default: 1.5] Multiplier that is applied to the default estimated gas to avoid running out
of gas exceptions
--json Format output as json.
--log-level=<option> Specify level for logging.
<options: debug|error|info|warn>
Set the premium flat fee, by contract name
$ archway contracts premium my-contract --premium-fee "1aconst"
Set the premium flat fee, by address
$ archway contracts premium archway1dstndnaelj95ksruudc2ww4s9epn8m59xft7jz --premium-fee "1aconst"
Set the premium flat fee, from a specific account
$ archway contracts premium my-contract --premium-fee "1aconst" --from "alice"
See code: src/commands/contracts/premium.ts
Access the bank module to query the balance of smart contracts
$ archway contracts query balance [CONTRACT] [--json] [--log-level debug|error|info|warn] [--all]
CONTRACT Name of the contract
--all Shows the balance of all contracts
--json Format output as json.
--log-level=<option> Specify level for logging.
<options: debug|error|info|warn>
Query the balance of a contract
$ archway contracts query balance my-contract
Query the balance of all contracts in the project
$ archway contracts query balance --all
See code: src/commands/contracts/query/balance.ts
Queries a single smart contract
$ archway contracts query smart CONTRACT [STDININPUT] [--json] [--log-level debug|error|info|warn] [--no-validation]
[--args <value> | --args-file <value> | ]
CONTRACT (required) Name of the contract
--args=<value> JSON string with the message to send the smart contract
--args-file=<value> Path to a JSON file with a message to send to the smart contract
--no-validation Skip schema validation of the arguments
--json Format output as json.
--log-level=<option> Specify level for logging.
<options: debug|error|info|warn>
Query a smart contract by contract name in the project, with query message in the --args flag
$ archway contracts query smart my-contract --args '{"example":{}}'
Query a smart contract by address, with query message in the --args flag
$ archway contracts query smart archway13lq4qvmydry3p394jrrfuv2z5xemzdnsplqdrm --args '{"example":{}}'
Query a smart contract, with query message from file
$ archway contracts query smart my-contract --args-file "./queryMsg.json"
Query a smart contract, with query message from stdin
$ echo '{"example":{}}' | archway contracts query smart my-contract
See code: src/commands/contracts/query/smart.ts
Stores a Wasm file on-chain
$ archway contracts store CONTRACT [--json] [--log-level debug|error|info|warn] [--instantiate-permission
any-of|everybody|nobody] [--allowed-addresses <value>] [--keyring-backend file|os|test] [--keyring-path <value>] [-f
<value>] [--fee <value>] [--no-confirm] [--gas-adjustment <value>]
CONTRACT (required) Name of the contract
--allowed-addresses=<value> List of addresses that can instantiate a contract from the code; works only if the
instantiate permission is set to "any-of"
--instantiate-permission=<option> [default: everybody] Controls the instantiation permissions for the stored wasm
<options: any-of|everybody|nobody>
--no-confirm Don't show confirmation prompt
Keyring Flags:
--keyring-backend=<option> [default: os] Backend for the keyring
<options: file|os|test>
--keyring-path=<value> File-based keyring path
Transaction Flags:
-f, --from=<value> Signer of the tx
--fee=<value> Extra fees to pay along with the transaction
--gas-adjustment=<value> [default: 1.5] Multiplier that is applied to the default estimated gas to avoid running out
of gas exceptions
--json Format output as json.
--log-level=<option> Specify level for logging.
<options: debug|error|info|warn>
Store a contract on-chain
$ archway contracts store my-contract
Store a contract on-chain, without confirmation prompt
$ archway contracts store my-project --no-confirm
Store a contract on-chain, with list of addresses allowed to instantiate
$ archway contracts store my-project --instantiate-permission "any-of" --allowed-addresses \
Store a contract on-chain, with nobody allowed to instantiate
$ archway contracts store my-project --instantiate-permission "no-one"
See code: src/commands/contracts/store.ts