For local development, you can copy .env.example to .env.docker.
docker compose build
For local development, you can copy .env.example to .env.
NOTE: matching the version of postgresql, postgis and gdal with production is problematic, and best avoided. (postgresql + postgis binaries on mac use a newer version of gdal that we don't have on debian yet.)
NOTE: installing postgresql, postgis and gdal as binaries is the preffered method of installation. Installing from source is a world of trouble you don't want to get into. Stick to brew.
We currently publish the cffdrs_ts package to our internal artifactory instance. You need to configure credentials so npm can pull the cffdrs_ts package from this repo. To add the credentials to your global ~/.npmrc
npm config set @psu:registry
npm config set // {artifactory_token}
Alternatively, you can create a project specific .npmrc
at the root of the web
directory and add the following:
The artifactory token is currently stored in Vault as gha_artifactory_token.
Some of the unit tests use jnius to compare output against RedAPP. The default version of Java that comes with mac is likely to cause Segmentation Errors when you run unit tests.
Install the latest JDK! Download
tar -xf openjdk-16.0.2_osx-x64_bin.tar.gz
sudo mv jdk-16.0.2.jdk /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines
Ensure that the CLASSPATH environment variable points to the jar files in api/libs, or unit tests will fail.
brew install gdal
Note that there are other subsequent steps for gdal installation. See "Install project python requirements".
brew install --cask wkhtmltopdf
Try to match the latest version of python in our production environment (as of writing, API is on 3.12.3)
brew update
brew install pyenv
pyenv install 3.12.3
pyenv local 3.12.3
curl -sSL | python -
poetry env use 3.12.3
doesn't actually honor the minor version, if you have more than one version
of 3.10, and you want 3.12.3 exactly, you have to find the location of the 3.12.3 binary and point
to that.
pyenv which python
poetry env use [path to python 3.12.3, get this by running 'pyenv which python']
poetry run python -m pip install --upgrade pip
Add the artifactory repo source to your poetry config:
poetry source add --priority=supplemental psu{repo_name}/simple
Add artifactory repo credentials to poetry config:
poetry config http-basic.psu <service-account-username> <service-account-password>
Install dependencies:
poetry install
poetry shell
# we can't include gdal in poetry as we have little control over the version of gdal available on different platforms - we must match whatever version of gdal is available on the system in question.
python -m pip install gdal==$(gdal-config --version)
# on ubuntu, you may have to install pygdal, with the correct version specified.
python -m pip install pygdal==
N.B.: If poetry env use [version]
returns an EnvCommandError
saying something like "pyenv: python3.10: command not found", but pyenv versions
shows that 3.12.3 is installed, you must first run pyenv shell 3.12.3
and then re-run poetry env use [path to python 3.12.3]
If you experience errors when installing psycopg2
and you are using MacOS, try running
env LDFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/include -L/usr/local/opt/openssl@1.1/lib" poetry install
from the command line.
If you're getting errors relating to pg_config
executable not found when installing psycopg2
it means
you either don't have PostgreSQL installed or psycopg2 doesn't know where to find it. You can install PostgreSQL by following instructions on, be sure to update your PATH if you're installing it manually.
If python gdal complains about header files (likely if you've installed gdal manually), you may have to help it find them, export location before doing pip install:
export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/gdal
If gdal isn't installing, and you're on a mac, getting errors like "/Applications/ error: no member named 'signbit' in the global namespace using ::signbit;" then try the following:
- ensure you've applied most recent OS updates.
- ensure XCode is updated.
- wipe your existing virtual environment
Install system dependancies:
sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
sudo apt install python-is-python3
# install osgeo/gdal
sudo apt install libgdal-dev
# isntall libudunits2-dev as required dependency of cffdrs
sudo apt install libudunits2-dev
# install R and pre-req for cffdrs
sudo apt install r-base
# install the jdk (for running tests agains redapp)
sudo apt install default-jdk
Install system dependancies:
sudo dnf install unixODBC-devel
Make sure GDAL is installed on your system
- brew install r
- brew install udunits
- brew install proj
Within an R interpreter instance:
- install.packages(c("rgdal","sf", "units"),,"")
- install.packages('cffdrs')
See Makefile for examples of running the API in docker.
make init
will execute poetry install
, which is required before executing the program locally for the first time.
make docker-run
will execute:
docker compose up
See Makefile for examples or running the API on your local machine.
make run
will execute:
poetry run ruff .
cd app; \
poetry run uvicorn main:app --reload --port 8080;
To shell into the Docker container for the database, execute make docker-shell-db
Executing make docker-build-dev
followed by make docker-run-dev
will build and run the Docker container needed to run the application locally. Running the dev container will also spin up a local Postgres service and will create a local copy of the wps database with the necessary schemas.
As of Nov 2024 the version of postgis installed with brew doesn't work with postgresql@16. postgis is specifically linked to the original postgres cask (aka postgres@14). If you choose to use postgresql@16 installed via brew, you will need to compile postgis yourself. The alternative is to use
After installing, run the following commands in a terminal (taken from the setup script):
psql -d postgres -c "create database wps;"
psql -d wps -c "create extension postgis;"
psql -d wps -c "
CREATE USER wpsread;
grant connect on database wps to wpsread; grant usage on schema public to wpsread; grant select on all tables in schema public to wpsread;
If you have chosen to brew install postgresql@16
and compile postgis
locally, follow the instructions below:
If you're running Postgresql natively for the first time:
brew services start postgresql
brew services list
should show that the "postgresql" service is running.
psql -d postgres
will shell you into your local postgres server.
create user wps with password "wps";
(or your desired username/password combo. Make sure to update these in your .env file).
If successful, this command will output CREATE ROLE
create database wps with owner wps;
If successful, this command will output CREATE DATABASE
should show "wps" in the list of databases.
\c wps
will show the list of extensions, and "postgis" should be one of them. If it isn't, run
create extension postgis;
If successful, this command will output CREATE EXTENSION
. Re-run \dx
to confirm the postgis extension has now been added.
From a poetry shell, run
PYTHONPATH=. alembic upgrade head
Or enforce by running scripts/ as part of your ci/cd pipeline.
poetry run python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools
The following is a list of required software applications and packages. Some of these can be installed automatically using the setup/
- VS Code (technically there are other options, but this is arguably the best)
- using the "Python: select interpreter" command within VS Code, select the
Python installation
- using the "Python: select interpreter" command within VS Code, select the
- Git CLI
- GitHub CLI
- Openshift CLI
- Docker and Lima
- Brew (for Mac)
The extensions listed here are shown exactly as they appear in the VS Code Extensions marketplace.
- Copy without formatting
- Dev Containers
- Docker
- ESLint
- Fig (not available through the Extensions Marketplace within VS Code, but when Fig is installed via CLI, the Fig extension will automatically be available in VS Code)
- GitLens - Git supercharged
- Isort
- Jupyter
- Jupyter Cell Tags
- Jupyter Keymap
- Jupyter Notebook Renderers
- Jupyter Slide Show
- Makefile Tools
- Markdown All in One
- markdownlint
- Markdown Preview Enhanced
- Markdown+Math
- Math to Image
- Prettier - Code formatter
- Pylance
- Python
- R
- Rainbow Brackets
- Remote - SSH
- SonarLint
- VS Code Counter