To access the local copy of the database, you can shell into it by opening a new terminal window and executing psql -h localhost -p 5432 -U <db-username>
and enter the local database password when prompted.
After making a change to a model, create migration script:
PYTHONPATH=. alembic revision --autogenerate -m "Comment relevant to change"
You may have to modify the generated code to import geoalchemy2
You may want to have a data import/modification step, where you're not actually changing the database, but want to manage new data. You can create an "empty" migration, and insert data as needed:
PYTHONPATH=. alembic revision -m "Comment relevant to change"
Then apply:
PYTHONPATH=. alembic upgrade head
You may need to enable postgis extension:
Checking and starting postgres through brew:
brew services start postgresql
brew services list
Shell into local postgres server:
psql -d postgres
Show list of databases:
Connect to 'wps' database:
\c wps
Show list of extensions:
Install postgis extension:
create extension postgis;