Message consultation happen via a HTTP GET through all the methods that start with /ebox
defined in the e-Box RESTful API.
This specification is available in the .yaml format.
So a Document Consumer can not only consult his messages but also reference data.
The /publishMessage
method is available only for Document Sender and Document Provider.
The oauth introspect example shows how an Oauth token can be retrieved.
You have to request your AccessToken to the Authorization Server.
The GetAccessTokenV3.getAccessToken()
method is the one responsible of getting the token.
OAuth Authorization Server URL (ACC) | |
Audience (ACC) | |
OAuth Authorization Server URL (PRD) | |
Audience (PRD) | |
Getting a token requires having cleared the OAuth part of the onboarding. If it is not done yet, see the Document Consumer onboarding process.
You will get the scopes:
to get the summary of your e-Box;scope:document:management:consult:ws-eboxrestentreprise:messagesfull
to get and perform authorized actions on all messages in your e-Box;scope:document:management:consult:ws-eboxrestentreprise:referencedata
to retrieve the details of the messageTypes, senderOrganizations, and senderApplications.scope:documentmanagement:ebox:enterprise:federation-rest:registry
to get the list of Document Providers
Once you have got your token, you can find the list of Document Providers to call in the result of a GET request to the Provider Registry:
Environment | URL Provider Registry |
Acceptance | |
Production | |
Among them, you can find our Document Provider:
Environment | Endpoint e-Box enterprise |
Acceptance | |
Production | |
- The counters you get in the summary of your e-Box (that you can get with a GET on /ebox) take also into account the message set to not visible.
- If you request to get a reference data, the lists messageTypeIds, senderOrganizationIds and senderApplicationIds in response will be empty.