- #36 Upgrade to "kafka-clients" 3.9.0
- #34 Upgrade kafka-clients and kafka-streams to 3.7.0
- #33 Update Kafka clients and streams version to 3.4.0
- #30 Replace consumer iterator with callback
- #31 Upgrade client to 2.7.2
- Migrated from Guice to "bootique-di"
- #28 Remove kafka-client 0.8
- #29 Upgrade Kafka client libs from 2.0.0 to 2.4.0
#27 Update zookeeper in bootique-kafka-client-0.8
#26 KafkaConsumersManager seems to never register the consumer.
- #16 Enrich consumer configuration with
- #17 Upgrade bootique-kafka-client to Kafka 2.0
- #18 bootique-kafka-streams: a new module to support Kafka streams
- #19 Rename the project to "bootique-kafka"
- #21 "kafkaclient.producer.lingerMs" - rename to "linger" and use Duration type
- #20 Solution for testing kafka
- #22 Support for "auto.offset.reset" property for consumers
- #23 User-friendly consumer interface
- #13 autoCommitIntervalMs must be int instead of long.
- #14 Upgrade to bootique-modules-parent 0.8
- #11 Upgrade to Kafka client 0.11
- #9 Upgrade to bootique 0.22 and bootique-modules-parent 0.7
- #8 Upgrade to Bootique 0.20
- #3 Integrate 0.10 client
- #4 Integrate 0.10 producer
- #5 Integrate 0.10 consumer
- #6 Upgrade to Bootique 0.19
- #7 Upgrade to io.bootique.Bootique