With Groups, you have the ability to add multiple users to folders and assign access permissions quickly and easily. When implemented effectively, groups streamline deployment and make long-term user management much simpler.
The free Box accounts do not support multiple users, so you will need to have a Box paid account, or a full developer account to be able to use this feature.
Dealing with groups can be divided in two parts, and it is reflected in the SDK by importing two different modules:
The groups managers implements CRUD operations with groups
Besides name
and description
, groups have more attributes that can be used to control access to content:
- an optional string, was designed to keep track of which external source this group is coming, for example Active Directory, or Okta. Setting this will also prevent Box admins from editing the group name and its members directly via the Box web application. This is desirable for one-way syncing of groups. -
, an optional string, represents arbitrary identifier that can be used by external group sync tools to link this Box Group to an external group. Example values of this field could be an Active Directory Object ID or a Google Group ID. We recommend you use of this field in order to avoid issues when group names are updated in either Box or external systems. -
, an optionalenum
, specifies who can invite the group to collaborate on folders. Administrators only, administrator and members of the groups or all managed users in the enterprise. -
, and optionalenum
, specifies who can see the members of the group. Administrators only, administrator and members of the groups or all managed users in the enterprise.
A group membership represents the users associated to a group, and the membership manager implements CRUD operations to group memberships.
A user exists in a group with a role, which can be either a member
or an admin
, where admins can add and remove members from the group.
References to our documentation:
Create a groups_init.py
file on the root of the project and execute the following code:
"""create sample content to box"""
import logging
from utils.box_client_oauth import ConfigOAuth, get_client_oauth
from workshops.groups.create_samples import create_samples
conf = ConfigOAuth()
def main():
client = get_client_oauth(conf)
if __name__ == "__main__":
INFO:root:Folder workshops with id: 234108232105
INFO:root:Folder groups with id: 244395947100
INFO:root: Uploaded sample_file.txt (1416059157146) 11 bytes
Next, create a groups.py
file on the root of the project that you will use to write your code.
Create a DEMO_FOLDER constant with the id of the groups
folder you got from the previous step.
import logging
from box_sdk_gen.client import BoxClient as Client
from box_sdk_gen import BoxAPIError
from box_sdk_gen.schemas import (
from box_sdk_gen.managers.groups import (
from box_sdk_gen.managers.memberships import (
from box_sdk_gen.managers.user_collaborations import (
from utils.box_client_oauth import ConfigOAuth, get_client_oauth
DEMO_FOLDER = "244395947100"
def main():
conf = ConfigOAuth()
client = get_client_oauth(conf)
user = client.users.get_user_me()
print(f"\nHello, I'm {user.name} ({user.login}) [{user.id}]")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Resulting in:
Hello, I'm Rui Barbosa (barduinor@gmail.com) [18622116055]
Let's start by creating a group. Consider this method:
def create_group(
client: Client,
name: str,
provenance: str = "box_sdk_gen",
external_sync_identifier: str = None,
description: str = None,
) -> Group:
"""Create group"""
invitability_level = CreateGroupInvitabilityLevel.ADMINS_AND_MEMBERS
member_viewability_level = CreateGroupMemberViewabilityLevel.ADMINS_AND_MEMBERS
group = client.groups.create_group(
except BoxAPIError as err:
if (
err.response_info.status_code == 409
and err.response_info.body.get("code", None) == "conflict"
# group already exists
groups = client.groups.get_groups(filter_term=name)
for group in groups.entries:
if group.name == name:
return group
return group
Using this method, we can create a group with the following code:
def main():
# create group
my_group = create_group(client, "My Group")
print(f"Created group {my_group.name} ({my_group.id})")
Resulting in:
Hello, I'm Rui Barbosa (barduinor@gmail.com) [18622116055]
Created group My Group (18394127658)
Now that we have a group, we are going to need a method to list all groups. Consider this method:
def list_groups(client: Client) -> None:
"""List groups"""
for group in client.groups.get_groups().entries:
print(f" - {group.name} ({group.id})")
def main():
# list groups
Results in:
- My Group (18394127658)
A group wouldn't be very useful if we couldn't add users to it. Let's create a method to add a user to a group:
def add_user_to_group(
client: Client,
user: CreateGroupMembershipUser,
group: CreateGroupMembershipGroup,
role: CreateGroupMembershipRole,
) -> GroupMembership:
"""Add user to group"""
group_membership = client.memberships.create_group_membership(user, group, role=role)
except BoxAPIError as err:
if (
err.response_info.status_code == 409
and err.response_info.body.get("code", None) == "conflict"
# user already in group
group_memberships = client.memberships.get_group_memberships(
for group_membership in group_memberships.entries:
if group_membership.user.id == user.id:
return group_membership
return group_membership
Using this method, we can add a user to a group with the following code:
def main():
# add me to group as administrator
group_membership = add_user_to_group(
f"\nAdded {group_membership.user.name} ",
f"({group_membership.user.login}) ",
f"to {group_membership.group.name} ({group_membership.group.id}) "
f"as {group_membership.role.value}",
Resulting in:
Added Rui Barbosa (barduinor@gmail.com) to My Group (18394127658) as admin
Now let's create a method to list all members of a group:
def list_group_members(client: Client, group: Group) -> None:
"""List group members"""
print(f"\nGroup members for {group.name} ({group.id}):")
for group_membership in client.memberships.get_group_memberships(
f" - {group_membership.user.name} as ",
f"{group_membership.role.value} ",
f"[{group_membership.user.id}] ",
Using it in the main method:
def main():
# list group members
list_group_members(client, my_group)
Results in:
Group members for My Group (18394127658):
- Rui Barbosa as admin [18622116055]
We can also list all groups a user is a member of:
def list_user_groups(client: Client, user: User) -> None:
"""List groups for user"""
print(f"\nGroups for {user.name} ({user.id}):")
for group_membership in client.memberships.get_user_memberships(
f" - {group_membership.group.name} as ",
f"{group_membership.role.value} ",
f"[{group_membership.group.id}] ",
Using it in the main method:
def main():
# list groups for me
list_user_groups(client, me)
Results in:
Groups for Rui Barbosa (18622116055):
- My Group as admin [18394127658]
Now that we understand the mechanics of groups and memberships, let's put it to use by sharing a folder with a group. Consider this method:
def share_folder_with_group(
client: Client, folder_id: str, group: Group
) -> Collaboration:
"""Share folder with group"""
collaboration = client.user_collaborations.create_collaboration(
type=CreateCollaborationItemTypeField.FOLDER, id=DEMO_FOLDER
CreateCollaborationAccessibleByTypeField.GROUP, group.id
except BoxAPIError as err:
if (
err.response_info.status_code == 409
and err.response_info.body.get("code", None) == "conflict"
# folder already shared with group
collaborations = (
for collaboration in collaborations.entries:
if collaboration.accessible_by.id == group.id:
return collaboration
return collaboration
Using this method, we can share a folder with a group with the following code:
def main():
# share DEMO_FOLDER with group
collaboration = share_folder_with_group(client, DEMO_FOLDER, my_group)
f"\nShared folder <{collaboration.item.name}> ",
f"({collaboration.item.id}) ",
f"with group <{collaboration.accessible_by.name}> ",
f"({collaboration.accessible_by.id}) "
f"as {collaboration.role.value}",
Resulting in:
Shared folder <groups> (244395947100) with group <My Group> (18394127658) as editor
Navigating in the box.com app to the workshops folder, we can see that the groups folder is now shared since it shows up in blue.
We can inspect the collaboration to see that it is shared with My Group
that we created, by clicking on the manage collaborators
in the sub menu:
Finally, let's create a method to delete a group:
def delete_group(client: Client, group: Group) -> None:
"""Delete group"""
Using it in the main method:
def main():
# delete group
delete_group(client, my_group)
print(f"\nDeleted group {my_group.name} ({my_group.id})")
Results in:
Deleted group My Group (18394127658)
There are more operations available in the SDK, try implementing these:
- Update a group name and description
- Update a group membership role
- Remove a user from a group