Which distribution did b1 come from? Could it have come from a DGP with a β1 = 0?
- simulation
- randomization
- bootstrapping
- mathematical models
Let's use simulation to answer this question.
- to simulate: N = 80, 40 in each group
- assume sample come from normal DGP, mean = Grand Mean; SD = b0, β1 = 0
Distribution of Games: Assume Normal?
- M = 3.83, SD = 1.52
Simulate a Single Random Sample
- if I make a histogram of Games.sim, will it be a sampling distribution?
- no
- sampling statistic: b1
- we only have one b1, one sample
- we would need 1,000 b1s to have a sampling distribution
Simulate sampling distribution of b1
- what will be the shape of this sampling distribution? what will be the center? what will be the spread?
- shape: normal
- center: 0
- spread: you don't know - this is why we're making the sampling distribution
- we make sampling distributions because we don't knoow the spread and want to know the probability
- will the mean of this sampling distribution tell us the mean of the DGP?
- yes, it should be centered at the mean of the DGP
- no, it won't necessarily be centered at the mean of the DGP