- Create a project on GCP Console
- Create a Service Account and create a JSON credentials file
- Enable API for Google Cloud Source Repository
- Enable API for Google Cloud Build
- Enable API for Google Container Registry
- Enable API for Google Cloud Run
- Enable API for Google App Engine Admin
- Set IAM Policy for Cloud Build Service Account to editor
- Place main project's credentials.json file isnide infrastructure folder
- Create a terraform.tfvars file based on terraform.tfvars.example to input project details
Note: These will be used to configure the resources and provide environment variables for Cloud Run
- Create a .env file based on .env.localtemplate to test with docker-compose locally.
Note: These should be provided through Cloud Run's environemnt except for the PORT which is provided by default
- Place testing project's credentials.json file for Firestore DB inside app folder
- Docker will copy into image for local testing
- Note: Terraform will use this to create infrastructure resources