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var Log = function () { var t = new Date, e = 4; return { setLogLevel: function (t) { e = t == this.debug ? 1 : t == this.info ? 2 : t == this.warn ? 3 : (this.error, 4) }, debug: function (i, r) { void 0 === console.debug && (console.debug = console.log), 1 >= e && console.debug("[" + Log.getDurationString(new Date - t, 1e3) + "]", "[" + i + "]", r) }, log: function (t, e) { this.debug(t.msg) }, info: function (i, r) { 2 >= e && console.info("[" + Log.getDurationString(new Date - t, 1e3) + "]", "[" + i + "]", r) }, warn: function (i, r) { 3 >= e && console.warn("[" + Log.getDurationString(new Date - t, 1e3) + "]", "[" + i + "]", r) }, error: function (i, r) { 4 >= e && console.error("[" + Log.getDurationString(new Date - t, 1e3) + "]", "[" + i + "]", r) } } }(); Log.getDurationString = function (t, e) { var i; function r(t, e) { for (var i = ("" + t).split("."); i[0].length < e;)i[0] = "0" + i[0]; return i.join(".") } t < 0 ? (i = !0, t = -t) : i = !1; var s = t / (e || 1), a = Math.floor(s / 3600); s -= 3600 * a; var n = Math.floor(s / 60), o = 1e3 * (s -= 60 * n); return o -= 1e3 * (s = Math.floor(s)), o = Math.floor(o), (i ? "-" : "") + a + ":" + r(n, 2) + ":" + r(s, 2) + "." + r(o, 3) }, Log.printRanges = function (t) { var e = t.length; if (e > 0) { for (var i = "", r = 0; r < e; r++)r > 0 && (i += ","), i += "[" + Log.getDurationString(t.start(r)) + "," + Log.getDurationString(t.end(r)) + "]"; return i } return "(empty)" }, "undefined" != typeof exports && (exports.Log = Log); var MP4BoxStream = function (t) { if (!(t instanceof ArrayBuffer)) throw "Needs an array buffer"; this.buffer = t, this.dataview = new DataView(t), this.position = 0 }; MP4BoxStream.prototype.getPosition = function () { return this.position }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.getEndPosition = function () { return this.buffer.byteLength }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.getLength = function () { return this.buffer.byteLength }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.seek = function (t) { var e = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.buffer.byteLength, t)); return this.position = isNaN(e) || !isFinite(e) ? 0 : e, !0 }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.isEos = function () { return this.getPosition() >= this.getEndPosition() }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.readAnyInt = function (t, e) { var i = 0; if (this.position + t <= this.buffer.byteLength) { switch (t) { case 1: i = e ? this.dataview.getInt8(this.position) : this.dataview.getUint8(this.position); break; case 2: i = e ? this.dataview.getInt16(this.position) : this.dataview.getUint16(this.position); break; case 3: if (e) throw "No method for reading signed 24 bits values"; i = this.dataview.getUint8(this.position) << 16, i |= this.dataview.getUint8(this.position + 1) << 8, i |= this.dataview.getUint8(this.position + 2); break; case 4: i = e ? this.dataview.getInt32(this.position) : this.dataview.getUint32(this.position); break; case 8: if (e) throw "No method for reading signed 64 bits values"; i = this.dataview.getUint32(this.position) << 32, i |= this.dataview.getUint32(this.position + 4); break; default: throw "readInt method not implemented for size: " + t }return this.position += t, i } throw "Not enough bytes in buffer" }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.readUint8 = function () { return this.readAnyInt(1, !1) }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.readUint16 = function () { return this.readAnyInt(2, !1) }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.readUint24 = function () { return this.readAnyInt(3, !1) }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.readUint32 = function () { return this.readAnyInt(4, !1) }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.readUint64 = function () { return this.readAnyInt(8, !1) }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.readString = function (t) { if (this.position + t <= this.buffer.byteLength) { for (var e = "", i = 0; i < t; i++)e += String.fromCharCode(this.readUint8()); return e } throw "Not enough bytes in buffer" }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.readCString = function () { for (var t = []; ;) { var e = this.readUint8(); if (0 === e) break; t.push(e) } return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, t) }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.readInt8 = function () { return this.readAnyInt(1, !0) }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.readInt16 = function () { return this.readAnyInt(2, !0) }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.readInt32 = function () { return this.readAnyInt(4, !0) }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.readInt64 = function () { return this.readAnyInt(8, !1) }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.readUint8Array = function (t) { for (var e = new Uint8Array(t), i = 0; i < t; i++)e[i] = this.readUint8(); return e }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.readInt16Array = function (t) { for (var e = new Int16Array(t), i = 0; i < t; i++)e[i] = this.readInt16(); return e }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.readUint16Array = function (t) { for (var e = new Int16Array(t), i = 0; i < t; i++)e[i] = this.readUint16(); return e }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.readUint32Array = function (t) { for (var e = new Uint32Array(t), i = 0; i < t; i++)e[i] = this.readUint32(); return e }, MP4BoxStream.prototype.readInt32Array = function (t) { for (var e = new Int32Array(t), i = 0; i < t; i++)e[i] = this.readInt32(); return e }, "undefined" != typeof exports && (exports.MP4BoxStream = MP4BoxStream); var DataStream = function (t, e, i) { this._byteOffset = e || 0, t instanceof ArrayBuffer ? this.buffer = t : "object" == typeof t ? (this.dataView = t, e && (this._byteOffset += e)) : this.buffer = new ArrayBuffer(t || 0), this.position = 0, this.endianness = null == i ? DataStream.LITTLE_ENDIAN : i }; DataStream.prototype = {}, DataStream.prototype.getPosition = function () { return this.position }, DataStream.prototype._realloc = function (t) { if (this._dynamicSize) { var e = this._byteOffset + this.position + t, i = this._buffer.byteLength; if (e <= i) e > this._byteLength && (this._byteLength = e); else { for (i < 1 && (i = 1); e > i;)i *= 2; var r = new ArrayBuffer(i), s = new Uint8Array(this._buffer); new Uint8Array(r, 0, s.length).set(s), this.buffer = r, this._byteLength = e } } }, DataStream.prototype._trimAlloc = function () { if (this._byteLength != this._buffer.byteLength) { var t = new ArrayBuffer(this._byteLength), e = new Uint8Array(t), i = new Uint8Array(this._buffer, 0, e.length); e.set(i), this.buffer = t } }, DataStream.BIG_ENDIAN = !1, DataStream.LITTLE_ENDIAN = !0, DataStream.prototype._byteLength = 0, Object.defineProperty(DataStream.prototype, "byteLength", { get: function () { return this._byteLength - this._byteOffset } }), Object.defineProperty(DataStream.prototype, "buffer", { get: function () { return this._trimAlloc(), this._buffer }, set: function (t) { this._buffer = t, this._dataView = new DataView(this._buffer, this._byteOffset), this._byteLength = this._buffer.byteLength } }), Object.defineProperty(DataStream.prototype, "byteOffset", { get: function () { return this._byteOffset }, set: function (t) { this._byteOffset = t, this._dataView = new DataView(this._buffer, this._byteOffset), this._byteLength = this._buffer.byteLength } }), Object.defineProperty(DataStream.prototype, "dataView", { get: function () { return this._dataView }, set: function (t) { this._byteOffset = t.byteOffset, this._buffer = t.buffer, this._dataView = new DataView(this._buffer, this._byteOffset), this._byteLength = this._byteOffset + t.byteLength } }), DataStream.prototype.seek = function (t) { var e = Math.max(0, Math.min(this.byteLength, t)); this.position = isNaN(e) || !isFinite(e) ? 0 : e }, DataStream.prototype.isEof = function () { return this.position >= this._byteLength }, DataStream.prototype.mapUint8Array = function (t) { this._realloc(1 * t); var e = new Uint8Array(this._buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t); return this.position += 1 * t, e }, DataStream.prototype.readInt32Array = function (t, e) { t = null == t ? this.byteLength - this.position / 4 : t; var i = new Int32Array(t); return DataStream.memcpy(i.buffer, 0, this.buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t * i.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT), DataStream.arrayToNative(i, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += i.byteLength, i }, DataStream.prototype.readInt16Array = function (t, e) { t = null == t ? this.byteLength - this.position / 2 : t; var i = new Int16Array(t); return DataStream.memcpy(i.buffer, 0, this.buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t * i.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT), DataStream.arrayToNative(i, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += i.byteLength, i }, DataStream.prototype.readInt8Array = function (t) { t = null == t ? this.byteLength - this.position : t; var e = new Int8Array(t); return DataStream.memcpy(e.buffer, 0, this.buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t * e.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT), this.position += e.byteLength, e }, DataStream.prototype.readUint32Array = function (t, e) { t = null == t ? this.byteLength - this.position / 4 : t; var i = new Uint32Array(t); return DataStream.memcpy(i.buffer, 0, this.buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t * i.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT), DataStream.arrayToNative(i, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += i.byteLength, i }, DataStream.prototype.readUint16Array = function (t, e) { t = null == t ? this.byteLength - this.position / 2 : t; var i = new Uint16Array(t); return DataStream.memcpy(i.buffer, 0, this.buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t * i.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT), DataStream.arrayToNative(i, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += i.byteLength, i }, DataStream.prototype.readUint8Array = function (t) { t = null == t ? this.byteLength - this.position : t; var e = new Uint8Array(t); return DataStream.memcpy(e.buffer, 0, this.buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t * e.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT), this.position += e.byteLength, e }, DataStream.prototype.readFloat64Array = function (t, e) { t = null == t ? this.byteLength - this.position / 8 : t; var i = new Float64Array(t); return DataStream.memcpy(i.buffer, 0, this.buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t * i.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT), DataStream.arrayToNative(i, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += i.byteLength, i }, DataStream.prototype.readFloat32Array = function (t, e) { t = null == t ? this.byteLength - this.position / 4 : t; var i = new Float32Array(t); return DataStream.memcpy(i.buffer, 0, this.buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t * i.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT), DataStream.arrayToNative(i, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += i.byteLength, i }, DataStream.prototype.readInt32 = function (t) { var e = this._dataView.getInt32(this.position, null == t ? this.endianness : t); return this.position += 4, e }, DataStream.prototype.readInt16 = function (t) { var e = this._dataView.getInt16(this.position, null == t ? this.endianness : t); return this.position += 2, e }, DataStream.prototype.readInt8 = function () { var t = this._dataView.getInt8(this.position); return this.position += 1, t }, DataStream.prototype.readUint32 = function (t) { var e = this._dataView.getUint32(this.position, null == t ? this.endianness : t); return this.position += 4, e }, DataStream.prototype.readUint16 = function (t) { var e = this._dataView.getUint16(this.position, null == t ? this.endianness : t); return this.position += 2, e }, DataStream.prototype.readUint8 = function () { var t = this._dataView.getUint8(this.position); return this.position += 1, t }, DataStream.prototype.readFloat32 = function (t) { var e = this._dataView.getFloat32(this.position, null == t ? this.endianness : t); return this.position += 4, e }, DataStream.prototype.readFloat64 = function (t) { var e = this._dataView.getFloat64(this.position, null == t ? this.endianness : t); return this.position += 8, e }, DataStream.endianness = new Int8Array(new Int16Array([1]).buffer)[0] > 0, DataStream.memcpy = function (t, e, i, r, s) { var a = new Uint8Array(t, e, s), n = new Uint8Array(i, r, s); a.set(n) }, DataStream.arrayToNative = function (t, e) { return e == this.endianness ? t : this.flipArrayEndianness(t) }, DataStream.nativeToEndian = function (t, e) { return this.endianness == e ? t : this.flipArrayEndianness(t) }, DataStream.flipArrayEndianness = function (t) { for (var e = new Uint8Array(t.buffer, t.byteOffset, t.byteLength), i = 0; i < t.byteLength; i += t.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT)for (var r = i + t.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT - 1, s = i; r > s; r--, s++) { var a = e[s]; e[s] = e[r], e[r] = a } return t }, DataStream.prototype.failurePosition = 0, String.fromCharCodeUint8 = function (t) { for (var e = [], i = 0; i < t.length; i++)e[i] = t[i]; return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, e) }, DataStream.prototype.readString = function (t, e) { return null == e || "ASCII" == e ? String.fromCharCodeUint8.apply(null, [this.mapUint8Array(null == t ? this.byteLength - this.position : t)]) : new TextDecoder(e).decode(this.mapUint8Array(t)) }, DataStream.prototype.readCString = function (t) { var e = this.byteLength - this.position, i = new Uint8Array(this._buffer, this._byteOffset + this.position), r = e; null != t && (r = Math.min(t, e)); for (var s = 0; s < r && 0 !== i[s]; s++); var a = String.fromCharCodeUint8.apply(null, [this.mapUint8Array(s)]); return null != t ? this.position += r - s : s != e && (this.position += 1), a }; var MAX_SIZE = Math.pow(2, 32); DataStream.prototype.readInt64 = function () { return this.readInt32() * MAX_SIZE + this.readUint32() }, DataStream.prototype.readUint64 = function () { return this.readUint32() * MAX_SIZE + this.readUint32() }, DataStream.prototype.readInt64 = function () { return this.readUint32() * MAX_SIZE + this.readUint32() }, DataStream.prototype.readUint24 = function () { return (this.readUint8() << 16) + (this.readUint8() << 8) + this.readUint8() }, "undefined" != typeof exports && (exports.DataStream = DataStream), DataStream.prototype.save = function (t) { var e = new Blob([this.buffer]); if (!window.URL || !URL.createObjectURL) throw "DataStream.save: Can't create object URL."; var i = window.URL.createObjectURL(e), r = document.createElement("a"); document.body.appendChild(r), r.setAttribute("href", i), r.setAttribute("download", t), r.setAttribute("target", "_self"), r.click(), window.URL.revokeObjectURL(i) }, DataStream.prototype._dynamicSize = !0, Object.defineProperty(DataStream.prototype, "dynamicSize", { get: function () { return this._dynamicSize }, set: function (t) { t || this._trimAlloc(), this._dynamicSize = t } }), DataStream.prototype.shift = function (t) { var e = new ArrayBuffer(this._byteLength - t), i = new Uint8Array(e), r = new Uint8Array(this._buffer, t, i.length); i.set(r), this.buffer = e, this.position -= t }, DataStream.prototype.writeInt32Array = function (t, e) { if (this._realloc(4 * t.length), t instanceof Int32Array && this.byteOffset + this.position % t.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 0) DataStream.memcpy(this._buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t.buffer, 0, t.byteLength), this.mapInt32Array(t.length, e); else for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)this.writeInt32(t[i], e) }, DataStream.prototype.writeInt16Array = function (t, e) { if (this._realloc(2 * t.length), t instanceof Int16Array && this.byteOffset + this.position % t.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 0) DataStream.memcpy(this._buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t.buffer, 0, t.byteLength), this.mapInt16Array(t.length, e); else for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)this.writeInt16(t[i], e) }, DataStream.prototype.writeInt8Array = function (t) { if (this._realloc(1 * t.length), t instanceof Int8Array && this.byteOffset + this.position % t.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 0) DataStream.memcpy(this._buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t.buffer, 0, t.byteLength), this.mapInt8Array(t.length); else for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++)this.writeInt8(t[e]) }, DataStream.prototype.writeUint32Array = function (t, e) { if (this._realloc(4 * t.length), t instanceof Uint32Array && this.byteOffset + this.position % t.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 0) DataStream.memcpy(this._buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t.buffer, 0, t.byteLength), this.mapUint32Array(t.length, e); else for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)this.writeUint32(t[i], e) }, DataStream.prototype.writeUint16Array = function (t, e) { if (this._realloc(2 * t.length), t instanceof Uint16Array && this.byteOffset + this.position % t.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 0) DataStream.memcpy(this._buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t.buffer, 0, t.byteLength), this.mapUint16Array(t.length, e); else for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)this.writeUint16(t[i], e) }, DataStream.prototype.writeUint8Array = function (t) { if (this._realloc(1 * t.length), t instanceof Uint8Array && this.byteOffset + this.position % t.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 0) DataStream.memcpy(this._buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t.buffer, 0, t.byteLength), this.mapUint8Array(t.length); else for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++)this.writeUint8(t[e]) }, DataStream.prototype.writeFloat64Array = function (t, e) { if (this._realloc(8 * t.length), t instanceof Float64Array && this.byteOffset + this.position % t.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 0) DataStream.memcpy(this._buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t.buffer, 0, t.byteLength), this.mapFloat64Array(t.length, e); else for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)this.writeFloat64(t[i], e) }, DataStream.prototype.writeFloat32Array = function (t, e) { if (this._realloc(4 * t.length), t instanceof Float32Array && this.byteOffset + this.position % t.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT === 0) DataStream.memcpy(this._buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t.buffer, 0, t.byteLength), this.mapFloat32Array(t.length, e); else for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)this.writeFloat32(t[i], e) }, DataStream.prototype.writeInt32 = function (t, e) { this._realloc(4), this._dataView.setInt32(this.position, t, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += 4 }, DataStream.prototype.writeInt16 = function (t, e) { this._realloc(2), this._dataView.setInt16(this.position, t, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += 2 }, DataStream.prototype.writeInt8 = function (t) { this._realloc(1), this._dataView.setInt8(this.position, t), this.position += 1 }, DataStream.prototype.writeUint32 = function (t, e) { this._realloc(4), this._dataView.setUint32(this.position, t, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += 4 }, DataStream.prototype.writeUint16 = function (t, e) { this._realloc(2), this._dataView.setUint16(this.position, t, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += 2 }, DataStream.prototype.writeUint8 = function (t) { this._realloc(1), this._dataView.setUint8(this.position, t), this.position += 1 }, DataStream.prototype.writeFloat32 = function (t, e) { this._realloc(4), this._dataView.setFloat32(this.position, t, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += 4 }, DataStream.prototype.writeFloat64 = function (t, e) { this._realloc(8), this._dataView.setFloat64(this.position, t, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += 8 }, DataStream.prototype.writeUCS2String = function (t, e, i) { null == i && (i = t.length); for (var r = 0; r < t.length && r < i; r++)this.writeUint16(t.charCodeAt(r), e); for (; r < i; r++)this.writeUint16(0) }, DataStream.prototype.writeString = function (t, e, i) { var r = 0; if (null == e || "ASCII" == e) if (null != i) { var s = Math.min(t.length, i); for (r = 0; r < s; r++)this.writeUint8(t.charCodeAt(r)); for (; r < i; r++)this.writeUint8(0) } else for (r = 0; r < t.length; r++)this.writeUint8(t.charCodeAt(r)); else this.writeUint8Array(new TextEncoder(e).encode(t.substring(0, i))) }, DataStream.prototype.writeCString = function (t, e) { var i = 0; if (null != e) { var r = Math.min(t.length, e); for (i = 0; i < r; i++)this.writeUint8(t.charCodeAt(i)); for (; i < e; i++)this.writeUint8(0) } else { for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++)this.writeUint8(t.charCodeAt(i)); this.writeUint8(0) } }, DataStream.prototype.writeStruct = function (t, e) { for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i += 2) { var r = t[i + 1]; this.writeType(r, e[t[i]], e) } }, DataStream.prototype.writeType = function (t, e, i) { var r; if ("function" == typeof t) return t(this, e); if ("object" == typeof t && !(t instanceof Array)) return t.set(this, e, i); var s = null, a = "ASCII", n = this.position; switch ("string" == typeof t && /:/.test(t) && (r = t.split(":"), t = r[0], s = parseInt(r[1])), "string" == typeof t && /,/.test(t) && (r = t.split(","), t = r[0], a = parseInt(r[1])), t) { case "uint8": this.writeUint8(e); break; case "int8": this.writeInt8(e); break; case "uint16": this.writeUint16(e, this.endianness); break; case "int16": this.writeInt16(e, this.endianness); break; case "uint32": this.writeUint32(e, this.endianness); break; case "int32": this.writeInt32(e, this.endianness); break; case "float32": this.writeFloat32(e, this.endianness); break; case "float64": this.writeFloat64(e, this.endianness); break; case "uint16be": this.writeUint16(e, DataStream.BIG_ENDIAN); break; case "int16be": this.writeInt16(e, DataStream.BIG_ENDIAN); break; case "uint32be": this.writeUint32(e, DataStream.BIG_ENDIAN); break; case "int32be": this.writeInt32(e, DataStream.BIG_ENDIAN); break; case "float32be": this.writeFloat32(e, DataStream.BIG_ENDIAN); break; case "float64be": this.writeFloat64(e, DataStream.BIG_ENDIAN); break; case "uint16le": this.writeUint16(e, DataStream.LITTLE_ENDIAN); break; case "int16le": this.writeInt16(e, DataStream.LITTLE_ENDIAN); break; case "uint32le": this.writeUint32(e, DataStream.LITTLE_ENDIAN); break; case "int32le": this.writeInt32(e, DataStream.LITTLE_ENDIAN); break; case "float32le": this.writeFloat32(e, DataStream.LITTLE_ENDIAN); break; case "float64le": this.writeFloat64(e, DataStream.LITTLE_ENDIAN); break; case "cstring": this.writeCString(e, s); break; case "string": this.writeString(e, a, s); break; case "u16string": this.writeUCS2String(e, this.endianness, s); break; case "u16stringle": this.writeUCS2String(e, DataStream.LITTLE_ENDIAN, s); break; case "u16stringbe": this.writeUCS2String(e, DataStream.BIG_ENDIAN, s); break; default: if (3 == t.length) { for (var o = t[1], h = 0; h < e.length; h++)this.writeType(o, e[h]); break } this.writeStruct(t, e) }null != s && (this.position = n, this._realloc(s), this.position = n + s) }, DataStream.prototype.writeUint64 = function (t) { var e = Math.floor(t / MAX_SIZE); this.writeUint32(e), this.writeUint32(4294967295 & t) }, DataStream.prototype.writeUint24 = function (t) { this.writeUint8((16711680 & t) >> 16), this.writeUint8((65280 & t) >> 8), this.writeUint8(255 & t) }, DataStream.prototype.adjustUint32 = function (t, e) { var i = this.position; this.seek(t), this.writeUint32(e), this.seek(i) }, DataStream.prototype.mapInt32Array = function (t, e) { this._realloc(4 * t); var i = new Int32Array(this._buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t); return DataStream.arrayToNative(i, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += 4 * t, i }, DataStream.prototype.mapInt16Array = function (t, e) { this._realloc(2 * t); var i = new Int16Array(this._buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t); return DataStream.arrayToNative(i, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += 2 * t, i }, DataStream.prototype.mapInt8Array = function (t) { this._realloc(1 * t); var e = new Int8Array(this._buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t); return this.position += 1 * t, e }, DataStream.prototype.mapUint32Array = function (t, e) { this._realloc(4 * t); var i = new Uint32Array(this._buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t); return DataStream.arrayToNative(i, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += 4 * t, i }, DataStream.prototype.mapUint16Array = function (t, e) { this._realloc(2 * t); var i = new Uint16Array(this._buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t); return DataStream.arrayToNative(i, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += 2 * t, i }, DataStream.prototype.mapFloat64Array = function (t, e) { this._realloc(8 * t); var i = new Float64Array(this._buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t); return DataStream.arrayToNative(i, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += 8 * t, i }, DataStream.prototype.mapFloat32Array = function (t, e) { this._realloc(4 * t); var i = new Float32Array(this._buffer, this.byteOffset + this.position, t); return DataStream.arrayToNative(i, null == e ? this.endianness : e), this.position += 4 * t, i }; var MultiBufferStream = function (t) { this.buffers = [], this.bufferIndex = -1, t && (this.insertBuffer(t), this.bufferIndex = 0) }; MultiBufferStream.prototype = new DataStream(new ArrayBuffer, 0, DataStream.BIG_ENDIAN), MultiBufferStream.prototype.initialized = function () { var t; return this.bufferIndex > -1 || (this.buffers.length > 0 ? 0 === (t = this.buffers[0]).fileStart ? (this.buffer = t, this.bufferIndex = 0, Log.debug("MultiBufferStream", "Stream ready for parsing"), !0) : (Log.warn("MultiBufferStream", "The first buffer should have a fileStart of 0"), this.logBufferLevel(), !1) : (Log.warn("MultiBufferStream", "No buffer to start parsing from"), this.logBufferLevel(), !1)) }, ArrayBuffer.concat = function (t, e) { Log.debug("ArrayBuffer", "Trying to create a new buffer of size: " + (t.byteLength + e.byteLength)); var i = new Uint8Array(t.byteLength + e.byteLength); return i.set(new Uint8Array(t), 0), i.set(new Uint8Array(e), t.byteLength), i.buffer }, MultiBufferStream.prototype.reduceBuffer = function (t, e, i) { var r; return (r = new Uint8Array(i)).set(new Uint8Array(t, e, i)), r.buffer.fileStart = t.fileStart + e, r.buffer.usedBytes = 0, r.buffer }, MultiBufferStream.prototype.insertBuffer = function (t) { for (var e = !0, i = 0; i < this.buffers.length; i++) { var r = this.buffers[i]; if (t.fileStart <= r.fileStart) { if (t.fileStart === r.fileStart) { if (t.byteLength > r.byteLength) { this.buffers.splice(i, 1), i--; continue } Log.warn("MultiBufferStream", "Buffer (fileStart: " + t.fileStart + " - Length: " + t.byteLength + ") already appended, ignoring") } else t.fileStart + t.byteLength <= r.fileStart || (t = this.reduceBuffer(t, 0, r.fileStart - t.fileStart)), Log.debug("MultiBufferStream", "Appending new buffer (fileStart: " + t.fileStart + " - Length: " + t.byteLength + ")"), this.buffers.splice(i, 0, t), 0 === i && (this.buffer = t); e = !1; break } if (t.fileStart < r.fileStart + r.byteLength) { var s = r.fileStart + r.byteLength - t.fileStart, a = t.byteLength - s; if (!(a > 0)) { e = !1; break } t = this.reduceBuffer(t, s, a) } } e && (Log.debug("MultiBufferStream", "Appending new buffer (fileStart: " + t.fileStart + " - Length: " + t.byteLength + ")"), this.buffers.push(t), 0 === i && (this.buffer = t)) }, MultiBufferStream.prototype.logBufferLevel = function (t) { var e, i, r, s, a, n = [], o = ""; for (r = 0, s = 0, e = 0; e < this.buffers.length; e++)i = this.buffers[e], 0 === e ? (a = {}, n.push(a), a.start = i.fileStart, a.end = i.fileStart + i.byteLength, o += "[" + a.start + "-") : a.end === i.fileStart ? a.end = i.fileStart + i.byteLength : ((a = {}).start = i.fileStart, o += n[n.length - 1].end - 1 + "], [" + a.start + "-", a.end = i.fileStart + i.byteLength, n.push(a)), r += i.usedBytes, s += i.byteLength; n.length > 0 && (o += a.end - 1 + "]"); var h = t ? Log.info : Log.debug; 0 === this.buffers.length ? h("MultiBufferStream", "No more buffer in memory") : h("MultiBufferStream", this.buffers.length + " stored buffer(s) (" + r + "/" + s + " bytes), continuous ranges: " + o) }, MultiBufferStream.prototype.cleanBuffers = function () { var t, e; for (t = 0; t < this.buffers.length; t++)(e = this.buffers[t]).usedBytes === e.byteLength && (Log.debug("MultiBufferStream", "Removing buffer #" + t), this.buffers.splice(t, 1), t--) }, MultiBufferStream.prototype.mergeNextBuffer = function () { var t; if (this.bufferIndex + 1 < this.buffers.length) { if ((t = this.buffers[this.bufferIndex + 1]).fileStart === this.buffer.fileStart + this.buffer.byteLength) { var e = this.buffer.byteLength, i = this.buffer.usedBytes, r = this.buffer.fileStart; return this.buffers[this.bufferIndex] = ArrayBuffer.concat(this.buffer, t), this.buffer = this.buffers[this.bufferIndex], this.buffers.splice(this.bufferIndex + 1, 1), this.buffer.usedBytes = i, this.buffer.fileStart = r, Log.debug("ISOFile", "Concatenating buffer for box parsing (length: " + e + "->" + this.buffer.byteLength + ")"), !0 } return !1 } return !1 }, MultiBufferStream.prototype.findPosition = function (t, e, i) { var r, s = null, a = -1; for (r = !0 === t ? 0 : this.bufferIndex; r < this.buffers.length && (s = this.buffers[r]).fileStart <= e;)a = r, i && (s.fileStart + s.byteLength <= e ? s.usedBytes = s.byteLength : s.usedBytes = e - s.fileStart, this.logBufferLevel()), r++; return -1 !== a && (s = this.buffers[a]).fileStart + s.byteLength >= e ? (Log.debug("MultiBufferStream", "Found position in existing buffer #" + a), a) : -1 }, MultiBufferStream.prototype.findEndContiguousBuf = function (t) { var e, i, r, s = void 0 !== t ? t : this.bufferIndex; if (i = this.buffers[s], this.buffers.length > s + 1) for (e = s + 1; e < this.buffers.length && (r = this.buffers[e]).fileStart === i.fileStart + i.byteLength; e++)i = r; return i.fileStart + i.byteLength }, MultiBufferStream.prototype.getEndFilePositionAfter = function (t) { var e = this.findPosition(!0, t, !1); return -1 !== e ? this.findEndContiguousBuf(e) : t }, MultiBufferStream.prototype.addUsedBytes = function (t) { this.buffer.usedBytes += t, this.logBufferLevel() }, MultiBufferStream.prototype.setAllUsedBytes = function () { this.buffer.usedBytes = this.buffer.byteLength, this.logBufferLevel() }, MultiBufferStream.prototype.seek = function (t, e, i) { var r; return -1 !== (r = this.findPosition(e, t, i)) ? (this.buffer = this.buffers[r], this.bufferIndex = r, this.position = t - this.buffer.fileStart, Log.debug("MultiBufferStream", "Repositioning parser at buffer position: " + this.position), !0) : (Log.debug("MultiBufferStream", "Position " + t + " not found in buffered data"), !1) }, MultiBufferStream.prototype.getPosition = function () { if (-1 === this.bufferIndex || null === this.buffers[this.bufferIndex]) throw "Error accessing position in the MultiBufferStream"; return this.buffers[this.bufferIndex].fileStart + this.position }, MultiBufferStream.prototype.getLength = function () { return this.byteLength }, MultiBufferStream.prototype.getEndPosition = function () { if (-1 === this.bufferIndex || null === this.buffers[this.bufferIndex]) throw "Error accessing position in the MultiBufferStream"; return this.buffers[this.bufferIndex].fileStart + this.byteLength }, "undefined" != typeof exports && (exports.MultiBufferStream = MultiBufferStream); var MPEG4DescriptorParser = function () { var t = []; t[3] = "ES_Descriptor", t[4] = "DecoderConfigDescriptor", t[5] = "DecoderSpecificInfo", t[6] = "SLConfigDescriptor", this.getDescriptorName = function (e) { return t[e] }; var e = this, i = {}; return this.parseOneDescriptor = function (e) { var r, s, a, n = 0; for (r = e.readUint8(), a = e.readUint8(); 128 & a;)n = (127 & a) << 7, a = e.readUint8(); return n += 127 & a, Log.debug("MPEG4DescriptorParser", "Found " + (t[r] || "Descriptor " + r) + ", size " + n + " at position " + e.getPosition()), (s = t[r] ? new i[t[r]](n) : new i.Descriptor(n)).parse(e), s }, i.Descriptor = function (t, e) { this.tag = t, this.size = e, this.descs = [] }, i.Descriptor.prototype.parse = function (t) { this.data = t.readUint8Array(this.size) }, i.Descriptor.prototype.findDescriptor = function (t) { for (var e = 0; e < this.descs.length; e++)if (this.descs[e].tag == t) return this.descs[e]; return null }, i.Descriptor.prototype.parseRemainingDescriptors = function (t) { for (var i = t.position; t.position < i + this.size;) { var r = e.parseOneDescriptor(t); this.descs.push(r) } }, i.ES_Descriptor = function (t) { i.Descriptor.call(this, 3, t) }, i.ES_Descriptor.prototype = new i.Descriptor, i.ES_Descriptor.prototype.parse = function (t) { if (this.ES_ID = t.readUint16(), this.flags = t.readUint8(), this.size -= 3, 128 & this.flags ? (this.dependsOn_ES_ID = t.readUint16(), this.size -= 2) : this.dependsOn_ES_ID = 0, 64 & this.flags) { var e = t.readUint8(); this.URL = t.readString(e), this.size -= e + 1 } else this.URL = ""; 32 & this.flags ? (this.OCR_ES_ID = t.readUint16(), this.size -= 2) : this.OCR_ES_ID = 0, this.parseRemainingDescriptors(t) }, i.ES_Descriptor.prototype.getOTI = function (t) { var e = this.findDescriptor(4); return e ? e.oti : 0 }, i.ES_Descriptor.prototype.getAudioConfig = function (t) { var e = this.findDescriptor(4); if (!e) return null; var i = e.findDescriptor(5); if (i && i.data) { var r = (248 & i.data[0]) >> 3; return 31 === r && i.data.length >= 2 && (r = 32 + ((7 & i.data[0]) << 3) + ((224 & i.data[1]) >> 5)), r } return null }, i.DecoderConfigDescriptor = function (t) { i.Descriptor.call(this, 4, t) }, i.DecoderConfigDescriptor.prototype = new i.Descriptor, i.DecoderConfigDescriptor.prototype.parse = function (t) { this.oti = t.readUint8(), this.streamType = t.readUint8(), this.bufferSize = t.readUint24(), this.maxBitrate = t.readUint32(), this.avgBitrate = t.readUint32(), this.size -= 13, this.parseRemainingDescriptors(t) }, i.DecoderSpecificInfo = function (t) { i.Descriptor.call(this, 5, t) }, i.DecoderSpecificInfo.prototype = new i.Descriptor, i.SLConfigDescriptor = function (t) { i.Descriptor.call(this, 6, t) }, i.SLConfigDescriptor.prototype = new i.Descriptor, this }; "undefined" != typeof exports && (exports.MPEG4DescriptorParser = MPEG4DescriptorParser); var BoxParser = { ERR_INVALID_DATA: -1, ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA: 0, OK: 1, BASIC_BOXES: ["mdat", "idat", "free", "skip", "meco", "strk"], FULL_BOXES: ["hmhd", "nmhd", "iods", "xml ", "bxml", "ipro", "mere"], CONTAINER_BOXES: [["moov", ["trak", "pssh"]], ["trak"], ["edts"], ["mdia"], ["minf"], ["dinf"], ["stbl", ["sgpd", "sbgp"]], ["mvex", ["trex"]], ["moof", ["traf"]], ["traf", ["trun", "sgpd", "sbgp"]], ["vttc"], ["tref"], ["iref"], ["mfra", ["tfra"]], ["meco"], ["hnti"], ["hinf"], ["strk"], ["strd"], ["sinf"], ["rinf"], ["schi"], ["trgr"], ["udta", ["kind"]], ["iprp", ["ipma"]], ["ipco"]], boxCodes: [], fullBoxCodes: [], containerBoxCodes: [], sampleEntryCodes: {}, sampleGroupEntryCodes: [], trackGroupTypes: [], UUIDBoxes: {}, UUIDs: [], initialize: function () { BoxParser.FullBox.prototype = new BoxParser.Box, BoxParser.ContainerBox.prototype = new BoxParser.Box, BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype = new BoxParser.Box, BoxParser.TrackGroupTypeBox.prototype = new BoxParser.FullBox, BoxParser.BASIC_BOXES.forEach((function (t) { BoxParser.createBoxCtor(t) })), BoxParser.FULL_BOXES.forEach((function (t) { BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor(t) })), BoxParser.CONTAINER_BOXES.forEach((function (t) { BoxParser.createContainerBoxCtor(t[0], null, t[1]) })) }, Box: function (t, e, i) { this.type = t, this.size = e, this.uuid = i }, FullBox: function (t, e, i) { BoxParser.Box.call(this, t, e, i), this.flags = 0, this.version = 0 }, ContainerBox: function (t, e, i) { BoxParser.Box.call(this, t, e, i), this.boxes = [] }, SampleEntry: function (t, e, i, r) { BoxParser.ContainerBox.call(this, t, e), this.hdr_size = i, this.start = r }, SampleGroupEntry: function (t) { this.grouping_type = t }, TrackGroupTypeBox: function (t, e) { BoxParser.FullBox.call(this, t, e) }, createBoxCtor: function (t, e) { BoxParser.boxCodes.push(t), BoxParser[t + "Box"] = function (e) { BoxParser.Box.call(this, t, e) }, BoxParser[t + "Box"].prototype = new BoxParser.Box, e && (BoxParser[t + "Box"].prototype.parse = e) }, createFullBoxCtor: function (t, e) { BoxParser[t + "Box"] = function (e) { BoxParser.FullBox.call(this, t, e) }, BoxParser[t + "Box"].prototype = new BoxParser.FullBox, BoxParser[t + "Box"].prototype.parse = function (t) { this.parseFullHeader(t), e && e.call(this, t) } }, addSubBoxArrays: function (t) { if (t) { this.subBoxNames = t; for (var e = t.length, i = 0; i < e; i++)this[t[i] + "s"] = [] } }, createContainerBoxCtor: function (t, e, i) { BoxParser[t + "Box"] = function (e) { BoxParser.ContainerBox.call(this, t, e), BoxParser.addSubBoxArrays.call(this, i) }, BoxParser[t + "Box"].prototype = new BoxParser.ContainerBox, e && (BoxParser[t + "Box"].prototype.parse = e) }, createMediaSampleEntryCtor: function (t, e, i) { BoxParser.sampleEntryCodes[t] = [], BoxParser[t + "SampleEntry"] = function (t, e) { BoxParser.SampleEntry.call(this, t, e), BoxParser.addSubBoxArrays.call(this, i) }, BoxParser[t + "SampleEntry"].prototype = new BoxParser.SampleEntry, e && (BoxParser[t + "SampleEntry"].prototype.parse = e) }, createSampleEntryCtor: function (t, e, i, r) { BoxParser.sampleEntryCodes[t].push(e), BoxParser[e + "SampleEntry"] = function (i) { BoxParser[t + "SampleEntry"].call(this, e, i), BoxParser.addSubBoxArrays.call(this, r) }, BoxParser[e + "SampleEntry"].prototype = new BoxParser[t + "SampleEntry"], i && (BoxParser[e + "SampleEntry"].prototype.parse = i) }, createEncryptedSampleEntryCtor: function (t, e, i) { BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor.call(this, t, e, i, ["sinf"]) }, createSampleGroupCtor: function (t, e) { BoxParser[t + "SampleGroupEntry"] = function (e) { BoxParser.SampleGroupEntry.call(this, t, e) }, BoxParser[t + "SampleGroupEntry"].prototype = new BoxParser.SampleGroupEntry, e && (BoxParser[t + "SampleGroupEntry"].prototype.parse = e) }, createTrackGroupCtor: function (t, e) { BoxParser[t + "TrackGroupTypeBox"] = function (e) { BoxParser.TrackGroupTypeBox.call(this, t, e) }, BoxParser[t + "TrackGroupTypeBox"].prototype = new BoxParser.TrackGroupTypeBox, e && (BoxParser[t + "TrackGroupTypeBox"].prototype.parse = e) }, createUUIDBox: function (t, e, i, r) { BoxParser.UUIDs.push(t), BoxParser.UUIDBoxes[t] = function (r) { e ? BoxParser.FullBox.call(this, "uuid", r, t) : i ? BoxParser.ContainerBox.call(this, "uuid", r, t) : BoxParser.Box.call(this, "uuid", r, t) }, BoxParser.UUIDBoxes[t].prototype = e ? new BoxParser.FullBox : i ? new BoxParser.ContainerBox : new BoxParser.Box, r && (BoxParser.UUIDBoxes[t].prototype.parse = e ? function (t) { this.parseFullHeader(t), r && r.call(this, t) } : r) } }; BoxParser.initialize(), BoxParser.TKHD_FLAG_ENABLED = 1, BoxParser.TKHD_FLAG_IN_MOVIE = 2, BoxParser.TKHD_FLAG_IN_PREVIEW = 4, BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_BASE_DATA_OFFSET = 1, BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_DESC = 2, BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_DUR = 8, BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_SIZE = 16, BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_FLAGS = 32, BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_DUR_EMPTY = 65536, BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_DEFAULT_BASE_IS_MOOF = 131072, BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_DATA_OFFSET = 1, BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_FIRST_FLAG = 4, BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_DURATION = 256, BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_SIZE = 512, BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_FLAGS = 1024, BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_CTS_OFFSET = 2048, BoxParser.Box.prototype.add = function (t) { return this.addBox(new BoxParser[t + "Box"]) }, BoxParser.Box.prototype.addBox = function (t) { return this.boxes.push(t), this[t.type + "s"] ? this[t.type + "s"].push(t) : this[t.type] = t, t }, BoxParser.Box.prototype.set = function (t, e) { return this[t] = e, this }, BoxParser.Box.prototype.addEntry = function (t, e) { var i = e || "entries"; return this[i] || (this[i] = []), this[i].push(t), this }, "undefined" != typeof exports && (exports.BoxParser = BoxParser), BoxParser.parseUUID = function (t) { return BoxParser.parseHex16(t) }, BoxParser.parseHex16 = function (t) { for (var e = "", i = 0; i < 16; i++) { var r = t.readUint8().toString(16); e += 1 === r.length ? "0" + r : r } return e }, BoxParser.parseOneBox = function (t, e, i) { var r, s, a, n = t.getPosition(), o = 0; if (t.getEndPosition() - n < 8) return Log.debug("BoxParser", "Not enough data in stream to parse the type and size of the box"), { code: BoxParser.ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA }; if (i && i < 8) return Log.debug("BoxParser", "Not enough bytes left in the parent box to parse a new box"), { code: BoxParser.ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA }; var h = t.readUint32(), d = t.readString(4), l = d; if (Log.debug("BoxParser", "Found box of type '" + d + "' and size " + h + " at position " + n), o = 8, "uuid" == d) { if (t.getEndPosition() - t.getPosition() < 16 || i - o < 16) return t.seek(n), Log.debug("BoxParser", "Not enough bytes left in the parent box to parse a UUID box"), { code: BoxParser.ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA }; o += 16, l = a = BoxParser.parseUUID(t) } if (1 == h) { if (t.getEndPosition() - t.getPosition() < 8 || i && i - o < 8) return t.seek(n), Log.warn("BoxParser", 'Not enough data in stream to parse the extended size of the "' + d + '" box'), { code: BoxParser.ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA }; h = t.readUint64(), o += 8 } else if (0 === h) if (i) h = i; else if ("mdat" !== d) return Log.error("BoxParser", "Unlimited box size not supported for type: '" + d + "'"), r = new BoxParser.Box(d, h), { code: BoxParser.OK, box: r, size: r.size }; return 0 !== h && h < o ? (Log.error("BoxParser", "Box of type " + d + " has an invalid size " + h + " (too small to be a box)"), { code: BoxParser.ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA, type: d, size: h, hdr_size: o, start: n }) : 0 !== h && i && h > i ? (Log.error("BoxParser", "Box of type '" + d + "' has a size " + h + " greater than its container size " + i), { code: BoxParser.ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA, type: d, size: h, hdr_size: o, start: n }) : 0 !== h && n + h > t.getEndPosition() ? (t.seek(n), Log.info("BoxParser", "Not enough data in stream to parse the entire '" + d + "' box"), { code: BoxParser.ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA, type: d, size: h, hdr_size: o, start: n }) : e ? { code: BoxParser.OK, type: d, size: h, hdr_size: o, start: n } : (BoxParser[d + "Box"] ? r = new BoxParser[d + "Box"](h) : "uuid" !== d ? (Log.warn("BoxParser", "Unknown box type: '" + d + "'"), (r = new BoxParser.Box(d, h)).has_unparsed_data = !0) : BoxParser.UUIDBoxes[a] ? r = new BoxParser.UUIDBoxes[a](h) : (Log.warn("BoxParser", "Unknown uuid type: '" + a + "'"), (r = new BoxParser.Box(d, h)).uuid = a, r.has_unparsed_data = !0), r.hdr_size = o, r.start = n, r.write === BoxParser.Box.prototype.write && "mdat" !== r.type && (Log.info("BoxParser", "'" + l + "' box writing not yet implemented, keeping unparsed data in memory for later write"), r.parseDataAndRewind(t)), r.parse(t), (s = t.getPosition() - (r.start + r.size)) < 0 ? (Log.warn("BoxParser", "Parsing of box '" + l + "' did not read the entire indicated box data size (missing " + -s + " bytes), seeking forward"), t.seek(r.start + r.size)) : s > 0 && (Log.error("BoxParser", "Parsing of box '" + l + "' read " + s + " more bytes than the indicated box data size, seeking backwards"), 0 !== r.size && t.seek(r.start + r.size)), { code: BoxParser.OK, box: r, size: r.size }) }, BoxParser.Box.prototype.parse = function (t) { "mdat" != this.type ? this.data = t.readUint8Array(this.size - this.hdr_size) : 0 === this.size ? t.seek(t.getEndPosition()) : t.seek(this.start + this.size) }, BoxParser.Box.prototype.parseDataAndRewind = function (t) { this.data = t.readUint8Array(this.size - this.hdr_size), t.position -= this.size - this.hdr_size }, BoxParser.FullBox.prototype.parseDataAndRewind = function (t) { this.parseFullHeader(t), this.data = t.readUint8Array(this.size - this.hdr_size), this.hdr_size -= 4, t.position -= this.size - this.hdr_size }, BoxParser.FullBox.prototype.parseFullHeader = function (t) { this.version = t.readUint8(), this.flags = t.readUint24(), this.hdr_size += 4 }, BoxParser.FullBox.prototype.parse = function (t) { this.parseFullHeader(t), this.data = t.readUint8Array(this.size - this.hdr_size) }, BoxParser.ContainerBox.prototype.parse = function (t) { for (var e, i; t.getPosition() < this.start + this.size;) { if ((e = BoxParser.parseOneBox(t, !1, this.size - (t.getPosition() - this.start))).code !== BoxParser.OK) return; if (i = e.box, this.boxes.push(i), this.subBoxNames && -1 != this.subBoxNames.indexOf(i.type)) this[this.subBoxNames[this.subBoxNames.indexOf(i.type)] + "s"].push(i); else { var r = "uuid" !== i.type ? i.type : i.uuid; this[r] ? Log.warn("Box of type " + r + " already stored in field of this type") : this[r] = i } } }, BoxParser.Box.prototype.parseLanguage = function (t) { this.language = t.readUint16(); var e = []; e[0] = this.language >> 10 & 31, e[1] = this.language >> 5 & 31, e[2] = 31 & this.language, this.languageString = String.fromCharCode(e[0] + 96, e[1] + 96, e[2] + 96) }, BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_VISUAL = "Visual", BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_AUDIO = "Audio", BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_HINT = "Hint", BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_METADATA = "Metadata", BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_SUBTITLE = "Subtitle", BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_SYSTEM = "System", BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_TEXT = "Text", BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.parseHeader = function (t) { t.readUint8Array(6), this.data_reference_index = t.readUint16(), this.hdr_size += 8 }, BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.parse = function (t) { this.parseHeader(t), this.data = t.readUint8Array(this.size - this.hdr_size) }, BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.parseDataAndRewind = function (t) { this.parseHeader(t), this.data = t.readUint8Array(this.size - this.hdr_size), this.hdr_size -= 8, t.position -= this.size - this.hdr_size }, BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.parseFooter = function (t) { BoxParser.ContainerBox.prototype.parse.call(this, t) }, BoxParser.createMediaSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_HINT), BoxParser.createMediaSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_METADATA), BoxParser.createMediaSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_SUBTITLE), BoxParser.createMediaSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_SYSTEM), BoxParser.createMediaSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_TEXT), BoxParser.createMediaSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_VISUAL, (function (t) { var e; this.parseHeader(t), t.readUint16(), t.readUint16(), t.readUint32Array(3), this.width = t.readUint16(), this.height = t.readUint16(), this.horizresolution = t.readUint32(), this.vertresolution = t.readUint32(), t.readUint32(), this.frame_count = t.readUint16(), e = Math.min(31, t.readUint8()), this.compressorname = t.readString(e), e < 31 && t.readString(31 - e), this.depth = t.readUint16(), t.readUint16(), this.parseFooter(t) })), BoxParser.createMediaSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_AUDIO, (function (t) { this.parseHeader(t), t.readUint32Array(2), this.channel_count = t.readUint16(), this.samplesize = t.readUint16(), t.readUint16(), t.readUint16(), this.samplerate = t.readUint32() / 65536, this.parseFooter(t) })), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_VISUAL, "avc1"), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_VISUAL, "avc2"), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_VISUAL, "avc3"), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_VISUAL, "avc4"), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_VISUAL, "av01"), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_VISUAL, "hvc1"), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_VISUAL, "hev1"), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_VISUAL, "vvc1"), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_VISUAL, "vvi1"), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_VISUAL, "vvs1"), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_VISUAL, "vvcN"), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_VISUAL, "vp08"), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_VISUAL, "vp09"), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_AUDIO, "mp4a"), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_AUDIO, "ac-3"), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_AUDIO, "ec-3"), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_AUDIO, "Opus"), BoxParser.createEncryptedSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_VISUAL, "encv"), BoxParser.createEncryptedSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_AUDIO, "enca"), BoxParser.createEncryptedSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_SUBTITLE, "encu"), BoxParser.createEncryptedSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_SYSTEM, "encs"), BoxParser.createEncryptedSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_TEXT, "enct"), BoxParser.createEncryptedSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_METADATA, "encm"), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("a1lx", (function (t) { var e = 16 * (1 + (1 & (1 & t.readUint8()))); this.layer_size = []; for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++)this.layer_size[i] = 16 == e ? t.readUint16() : t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("a1op", (function (t) { this.op_index = t.readUint8() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("auxC", (function (t) { this.aux_type = t.readCString(); var e = this.size - this.hdr_size - (this.aux_type.length + 1); this.aux_subtype = t.readUint8Array(e) })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("av1C", (function (t) { var e = t.readUint8(); if (e >> 7 & !1) Log.error("av1C marker problem"); else if (this.version = 127 & e, 1 === this.version) if (e = t.readUint8(), this.seq_profile = e >> 5 & 7, this.seq_level_idx_0 = 31 & e, e = t.readUint8(), this.seq_tier_0 = e >> 7 & 1, this.high_bitdepth = e >> 6 & 1, this.twelve_bit = e >> 5 & 1, this.monochrome = e >> 4 & 1, this.chroma_subsampling_x = e >> 3 & 1, this.chroma_subsampling_y = e >> 2 & 1, this.chroma_sample_position = 3 & e, e = t.readUint8(), this.reserved_1 = e >> 5 & 7, 0 === this.reserved_1) { if (this.initial_presentation_delay_present = e >> 4 & 1, 1 === this.initial_presentation_delay_present) this.initial_presentation_delay_minus_one = 15 & e; else if (this.reserved_2 = 15 & e, 0 !== this.reserved_2) return void Log.error("av1C reserved_2 parsing problem"); var i = this.size - this.hdr_size - 4; this.configOBUs = t.readUint8Array(i) } else Log.error("av1C reserved_1 parsing problem"); else Log.error("av1C version " + this.version + " not supported") })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("avcC", (function (t) { var e, i; for (this.configurationVersion = t.readUint8(), this.AVCProfileIndication = t.readUint8(), this.profile_compatibility = t.readUint8(), this.AVCLevelIndication = t.readUint8(), this.lengthSizeMinusOne = 3 & t.readUint8(), this.nb_SPS_nalus = 31 & t.readUint8(), i = this.size - this.hdr_size - 6, this.SPS = [], e = 0; e < this.nb_SPS_nalus; e++)this.SPS[e] = {}, this.SPS[e].length = t.readUint16(), this.SPS[e].nalu = t.readUint8Array(this.SPS[e].length), i -= 2 + this.SPS[e].length; for (this.nb_PPS_nalus = t.readUint8(), i--, this.PPS = [], e = 0; e < this.nb_PPS_nalus; e++)this.PPS[e] = {}, this.PPS[e].length = t.readUint16(), this.PPS[e].nalu = t.readUint8Array(this.PPS[e].length), i -= 2 + this.PPS[e].length; i > 0 && (this.ext = t.readUint8Array(i)) })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("btrt", (function (t) { this.bufferSizeDB = t.readUint32(), this.maxBitrate = t.readUint32(), this.avgBitrate = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("clap", (function (t) { this.cleanApertureWidthN = t.readUint32(), this.cleanApertureWidthD = t.readUint32(), this.cleanApertureHeightN = t.readUint32(), this.cleanApertureHeightD = t.readUint32(), this.horizOffN = t.readUint32(), this.horizOffD = t.readUint32(), this.vertOffN = t.readUint32(), this.vertOffD = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("clli", (function (t) { this.max_content_light_level = t.readUint16(), this.max_pic_average_light_level = t.readUint16() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("co64", (function (t) { var e, i; if (e = t.readUint32(), this.chunk_offsets = [], 0 === this.version) for (i = 0; i < e; i++)this.chunk_offsets.push(t.readUint64()) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("CoLL", (function (t) { this.maxCLL = t.readUint16(), this.maxFALL = t.readUint16() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("colr", (function (t) { if (this.colour_type = t.readString(4), "nclx" === this.colour_type) { this.colour_primaries = t.readUint16(), this.transfer_characteristics = t.readUint16(), this.matrix_coefficients = t.readUint16(); var e = t.readUint8(); this.full_range_flag = e >> 7 } else ("rICC" === this.colour_type || "prof" === this.colour_type) && (this.ICC_profile = t.readUint8Array(this.size - 4)) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("cprt", (function (t) { this.parseLanguage(t), this.notice = t.readCString() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("cslg", (function (t) { 0 === this.version && (this.compositionToDTSShift = t.readInt32(), this.leastDecodeToDisplayDelta = t.readInt32(), this.greatestDecodeToDisplayDelta = t.readInt32(), this.compositionStartTime = t.readInt32(), this.compositionEndTime = t.readInt32()) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("ctts", (function (t) { var e, i; if (e = t.readUint32(), this.sample_counts = [], this.sample_offsets = [], 0 === this.version) for (i = 0; i < e; i++) { this.sample_counts.push(t.readUint32()); var r = t.readInt32(); r < 0 && Log.warn("BoxParser", "ctts box uses negative values without using version 1"), this.sample_offsets.push(r) } else if (1 == this.version) for (i = 0; i < e; i++)this.sample_counts.push(t.readUint32()), this.sample_offsets.push(t.readInt32()) })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("dac3", (function (t) { var e = t.readUint8(), i = t.readUint8(), r = t.readUint8(); this.fscod = e >> 6, this.bsid = e >> 1 & 31, this.bsmod = (1 & e) << 2 | i >> 6 & 3, this.acmod = i >> 3 & 7, this.lfeon = i >> 2 & 1, this.bit_rate_code = 3 & i | r >> 5 & 7 })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("dec3", (function (t) { var e = t.readUint16(); this.data_rate = e >> 3, this.num_ind_sub = 7 & e, this.ind_subs = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.num_ind_sub + 1; i++) { var r = {}; this.ind_subs.push(r); var s = t.readUint8(), a = t.readUint8(), n = t.readUint8(); r.fscod = s >> 6, r.bsid = s >> 1 & 31, r.bsmod = (1 & s) << 4 | a >> 4 & 15, r.acmod = a >> 1 & 7, r.lfeon = 1 & a, r.num_dep_sub = n >> 1 & 15, r.num_dep_sub > 0 && (r.chan_loc = (1 & n) << 8 | t.readUint8()) } })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("dfLa", (function (t) { var e = [], i = ["STREAMINFO", "PADDING", "APPLICATION", "SEEKTABLE", "VORBIS_COMMENT", "CUESHEET", "PICTURE", "RESERVED"]; for (this.parseFullHeader(t); ;) { var r = t.readUint8(), s = Math.min(127 & r, i.length - 1); if (s ? t.readUint8Array(t.readUint24()) : (t.readUint8Array(13), this.samplerate = t.readUint32() >> 12, t.readUint8Array(20)), e.push(i[s]), 128 & r) break } this.numMetadataBlocks = e.length + " (" + e.join(", ") + ")" })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("dimm", (function (t) { this.bytessent = t.readUint64() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("dmax", (function (t) { this.time = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("dmed", (function (t) { this.bytessent = t.readUint64() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("dOps", (function (t) { if (this.Version = t.readUint8(), this.OutputChannelCount = t.readUint8(), this.PreSkip = t.readUint16(), this.InputSampleRate = t.readUint32(), this.OutputGain = t.readInt16(), this.ChannelMappingFamily = t.readUint8(), 0 !== this.ChannelMappingFamily) { this.StreamCount = t.readUint8(), this.CoupledCount = t.readUint8(), this.ChannelMapping = []; for (var e = 0; e < this.OutputChannelCount; e++)this.ChannelMapping[e] = t.readUint8() } })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("dref", (function (t) { var e, i; this.entries = []; for (var r = t.readUint32(), s = 0; s < r; s++) { if ((e = BoxParser.parseOneBox(t, !1, this.size - (t.getPosition() - this.start))).code !== BoxParser.OK) return; i = e.box, this.entries.push(i) } })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("drep", (function (t) { this.bytessent = t.readUint64() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("elng", (function (t) { this.extended_language = t.readString(this.size - this.hdr_size) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("elst", (function (t) { this.entries = []; for (var e = t.readUint32(), i = 0; i < e; i++) { var r = {}; this.entries.push(r), 1 === this.version ? (r.segment_duration = t.readUint64(), r.media_time = t.readInt64()) : (r.segment_duration = t.readUint32(), r.media_time = t.readInt32()), r.media_rate_integer = t.readInt16(), r.media_rate_fraction = t.readInt16() } })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("emsg", (function (t) { 1 == this.version ? (this.timescale = t.readUint32(), this.presentation_time = t.readUint64(), this.event_duration = t.readUint32(), this.id = t.readUint32(), this.scheme_id_uri = t.readCString(), this.value = t.readCString()) : (this.scheme_id_uri = t.readCString(), this.value = t.readCString(), this.timescale = t.readUint32(), this.presentation_time_delta = t.readUint32(), this.event_duration = t.readUint32(), this.id = t.readUint32()); var e = this.size - this.hdr_size - (16 + (this.scheme_id_uri.length + 1) + (this.value.length + 1)); 1 == this.version && (e -= 4), this.message_data = t.readUint8Array(e) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("esds", (function (t) { var e = t.readUint8Array(this.size - this.hdr_size); if (void 0 !== MPEG4DescriptorParser) { var i = new MPEG4DescriptorParser; this.esd = i.parseOneDescriptor(new DataStream(e.buffer, 0, DataStream.BIG_ENDIAN)) } })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("fiel", (function (t) { this.fieldCount = t.readUint8(), this.fieldOrdering = t.readUint8() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("frma", (function (t) { this.data_format = t.readString(4) })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("ftyp", (function (t) { var e = this.size - this.hdr_size; this.major_brand = t.readString(4), this.minor_version = t.readUint32(), e -= 8, this.compatible_brands = []; for (var i = 0; e >= 4;)this.compatible_brands[i] = t.readString(4), e -= 4, i++ })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("hdlr", (function (t) { 0 === this.version && (t.readUint32(), this.handler = t.readString(4), t.readUint32Array(3), this.name = t.readString(this.size - this.hdr_size - 20), "\0" === this.name[this.name.length - 1] && (this.name = this.name.slice(0, -1))) })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("hvcC", (function (t) { var e, i, r, s; this.configurationVersion = t.readUint8(), s = t.readUint8(), this.general_profile_space = s >> 6, this.general_tier_flag = (32 & s) >> 5, this.general_profile_idc = 31 & s, this.general_profile_compatibility = t.readUint32(), this.general_constraint_indicator = t.readUint8Array(6), this.general_level_idc = t.readUint8(), this.min_spatial_segmentation_idc = 4095 & t.readUint16(), this.parallelismType = 3 & t.readUint8(), this.chroma_format_idc = 3 & t.readUint8(), this.bit_depth_luma_minus8 = 7 & t.readUint8(), this.bit_depth_chroma_minus8 = 7 & t.readUint8(), this.avgFrameRate = t.readUint16(), s = t.readUint8(), this.constantFrameRate = s >> 6, this.numTemporalLayers = (13 & s) >> 3, this.temporalIdNested = (4 & s) >> 2, this.lengthSizeMinusOne = 3 & s, this.nalu_arrays = []; var a = t.readUint8(); for (e = 0; e < a; e++) { var n = []; this.nalu_arrays.push(n), s = t.readUint8(), n.completeness = (128 & s) >> 7, n.nalu_type = 63 & s; var o = t.readUint16(); for (i = 0; i < o; i++) { var h = {}; n.push(h), r = t.readUint16(), h.data = t.readUint8Array(r) } } })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("iinf", (function (t) { var e; 0 === this.version ? this.entry_count = t.readUint16() : this.entry_count = t.readUint32(), this.item_infos = []; for (var i = 0; i < this.entry_count; i++) { if ((e = BoxParser.parseOneBox(t, !1, this.size - (t.getPosition() - this.start))).code !== BoxParser.OK) return; "infe" !== e.box.type && Log.error("BoxParser", "Expected 'infe' box, got " + e.box.type), this.item_infos[i] = e.box } })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("iloc", (function (t) { var e; e = t.readUint8(), this.offset_size = e >> 4 & 15, this.length_size = 15 & e, e = t.readUint8(), this.base_offset_size = e >> 4 & 15, 1 === this.version || 2 === this.version ? this.index_size = 15 & e : this.index_size = 0, this.items = []; var i = 0; if (this.version < 2) i = t.readUint16(); else { if (2 !== this.version) throw "version of iloc box not supported"; i = t.readUint32() } for (var r = 0; r < i; r++) { var s = {}; if (this.items.push(s), this.version < 2) s.item_ID = t.readUint16(); else { if (2 !== this.version) throw "version of iloc box not supported"; s.item_ID = t.readUint16() } switch (1 === this.version || 2 === this.version ? s.construction_method = 15 & t.readUint16() : s.construction_method = 0, s.data_reference_index = t.readUint16(), this.base_offset_size) { case 0: s.base_offset = 0; break; case 4: s.base_offset = t.readUint32(); break; case 8: s.base_offset = t.readUint64(); break; default: throw "Error reading base offset size" }var a = t.readUint16(); s.extents = []; for (var n = 0; n < a; n++) { var o = {}; if (s.extents.push(o), 1 === this.version || 2 === this.version) switch (this.index_size) { case 0: o.extent_index = 0; break; case 4: o.extent_index = t.readUint32(); break; case 8: o.extent_index = t.readUint64(); break; default: throw "Error reading extent index" }switch (this.offset_size) { case 0: o.extent_offset = 0; break; case 4: o.extent_offset = t.readUint32(); break; case 8: o.extent_offset = t.readUint64(); break; default: throw "Error reading extent index" }switch (this.length_size) { case 0: o.extent_length = 0; break; case 4: o.extent_length = t.readUint32(); break; case 8: o.extent_length = t.readUint64(); break; default: throw "Error reading extent index" } } } })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("imir", (function (t) { var e = t.readUint8(); this.reserved = e >> 7, this.axis = 1 & e })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("infe", (function (t) { if (0 !== this.version && 1 !== this.version || (this.item_ID = t.readUint16(), this.item_protection_index = t.readUint16(), this.item_name = t.readCString(), this.content_type = t.readCString(), this.content_encoding = t.readCString()), 1 === this.version) return this.extension_type = t.readString(4), Log.warn("BoxParser", "Cannot parse extension type"), void t.seek(this.start + this.size); this.version >= 2 && (2 === this.version ? this.item_ID = t.readUint16() : 3 === this.version && (this.item_ID = t.readUint32()), this.item_protection_index = t.readUint16(), this.item_type = t.readString(4), this.item_name = t.readCString(), "mime" === this.item_type ? (this.content_type = t.readCString(), this.content_encoding = t.readCString()) : "uri " === this.item_type && (this.item_uri_type = t.readCString())) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("ipma", (function (t) { var e, i; for (entry_count = t.readUint32(), this.associations = [], e = 0; e < entry_count; e++) { var r = {}; this.associations.push(r), this.version < 1 ? r.id = t.readUint16() : r.id = t.readUint32(); var s = t.readUint8(); for (r.props = [], i = 0; i < s; i++) { var a = t.readUint8(), n = {}; r.props.push(n), n.essential = (128 & a) >> 7 == 1, 1 & this.flags ? n.property_index = (127 & a) << 8 | t.readUint8() : n.property_index = 127 & a } } })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("iref", (function (t) { var e, i; for (this.references = []; t.getPosition() < this.start + this.size;) { if ((e = BoxParser.parseOneBox(t, !0, this.size - (t.getPosition() - this.start))).code !== BoxParser.OK) return; (i = 0 === this.version ? new BoxParser.SingleItemTypeReferenceBox(e.type, e.size, e.hdr_size, e.start) : new BoxParser.SingleItemTypeReferenceBoxLarge(e.type, e.size, e.hdr_size, e.start)).write === BoxParser.Box.prototype.write && "mdat" !== i.type && (Log.warn("BoxParser", i.type + " box writing not yet implemented, keeping unparsed data in memory for later write"), i.parseDataAndRewind(t)), i.parse(t), this.references.push(i) } })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("irot", (function (t) { this.angle = 3 & t.readUint8() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("ispe", (function (t) { this.image_width = t.readUint32(), this.image_height = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("kind", (function (t) { this.schemeURI = t.readCString(), this.value = t.readCString() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("leva", (function (t) { var e = t.readUint8(); this.levels = []; for (var i = 0; i < e; i++) { var r = {}; this.levels[i] = r, r.track_ID = t.readUint32(); var s = t.readUint8(); switch (r.padding_flag = s >> 7, r.assignment_type = 127 & s, r.assignment_type) { case 0: r.grouping_type = t.readString(4); break; case 1: r.grouping_type = t.readString(4), r.grouping_type_parameter = t.readUint32(); break; case 2: case 3: break; case 4: r.sub_track_id = t.readUint32(); break; default: Log.warn("BoxParser", "Unknown leva assignement type") } } })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("lsel", (function (t) { this.layer_id = t.readUint16() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("maxr", (function (t) { this.period = t.readUint32(), this.bytes = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("mdcv", (function (t) { this.display_primaries = [], this.display_primaries[0] = {}, this.display_primaries[0].x = t.readUint16(), this.display_primaries[0].y = t.readUint16(), this.display_primaries[1] = {}, this.display_primaries[1].x = t.readUint16(), this.display_primaries[1].y = t.readUint16(), this.display_primaries[2] = {}, this.display_primaries[2].x = t.readUint16(), this.display_primaries[2].y = t.readUint16(), this.white_point = {}, this.white_point.x = t.readUint16(), this.white_point.y = t.readUint16(), this.max_display_mastering_luminance = t.readUint32(), this.min_display_mastering_luminance = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("mdhd", (function (t) { 1 == this.version ? (this.creation_time = t.readUint64(), this.modification_time = t.readUint64(), this.timescale = t.readUint32(), this.duration = t.readUint64()) : (this.creation_time = t.readUint32(), this.modification_time = t.readUint32(), this.timescale = t.readUint32(), this.duration = t.readUint32()), this.parseLanguage(t), t.readUint16() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("mehd", (function (t) { 1 & this.flags && (Log.warn("BoxParser", "mehd box incorrectly uses flags set to 1, converting version to 1"), this.version = 1), 1 == this.version ? this.fragment_duration = t.readUint64() : this.fragment_duration = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("meta", (function (t) { this.boxes = [], BoxParser.ContainerBox.prototype.parse.call(this, t) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("mfhd", (function (t) { this.sequence_number = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("mfro", (function (t) { this._size = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("mvhd", (function (t) { 1 == this.version ? (this.creation_time = t.readUint64(), this.modification_time = t.readUint64(), this.timescale = t.readUint32(), this.duration = t.readUint64()) : (this.creation_time = t.readUint32(), this.modification_time = t.readUint32(), this.timescale = t.readUint32(), this.duration = t.readUint32()), this.rate = t.readUint32(), this.volume = t.readUint16() >> 8, t.readUint16(), t.readUint32Array(2), this.matrix = t.readUint32Array(9), t.readUint32Array(6), this.next_track_id = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("npck", (function (t) { this.packetssent = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("nump", (function (t) { this.packetssent = t.readUint64() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("padb", (function (t) { var e = t.readUint32(); this.padbits = []; for (var i = 0; i < Math.floor((e + 1) / 2); i++)this.padbits = t.readUint8() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("pasp", (function (t) { this.hSpacing = t.readUint32(), this.vSpacing = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("payl", (function (t) { this.text = t.readString(this.size - this.hdr_size) })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("payt", (function (t) { this.payloadID = t.readUint32(); var e = t.readUint8(); this.rtpmap_string = t.readString(e) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("pdin", (function (t) { var e = (this.size - this.hdr_size) / 8; this.rate = [], this.initial_delay = []; for (var i = 0; i < e; i++)this.rate[i] = t.readUint32(), this.initial_delay[i] = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("pitm", (function (t) { 0 === this.version ? this.item_id = t.readUint16() : this.item_id = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("pixi", (function (t) { var e; for (this.num_channels = t.readUint8(), this.bits_per_channels = [], e = 0; e < this.num_channels; e++)this.bits_per_channels[e] = t.readUint8() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("pmax", (function (t) { this.bytes = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("prft", (function (t) { this.ref_track_id = t.readUint32(), this.ntp_timestamp = t.readUint64(), 0 === this.version ? this.media_time = t.readUint32() : this.media_time = t.readUint64() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("pssh", (function (t) { if (this.system_id = BoxParser.parseHex16(t), this.version > 0) { var e = t.readUint32(); this.kid = []; for (var i = 0; i < e; i++)this.kid[i] = BoxParser.parseHex16(t) } var r = t.readUint32(); r > 0 && (this.data = t.readUint8Array(r)) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("clef", (function (t) { this.width = t.readUint32(), this.height = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("enof", (function (t) { this.width = t.readUint32(), this.height = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("prof", (function (t) { this.width = t.readUint32(), this.height = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createContainerBoxCtor("tapt", null, ["clef", "prof", "enof"]), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("rtp ", (function (t) { this.descriptionformat = t.readString(4), this.sdptext = t.readString(this.size - this.hdr_size - 4) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("saio", (function (t) { 1 & this.flags && (this.aux_info_type = t.readUint32(), this.aux_info_type_parameter = t.readUint32()); var e = t.readUint32(); this.offset = []; for (var i = 0; i < e; i++)0 === this.version ? this.offset[i] = t.readUint32() : this.offset[i] = t.readUint64() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("saiz", (function (t) { 1 & this.flags && (this.aux_info_type = t.readUint32(), this.aux_info_type_parameter = t.readUint32()), this.default_sample_info_size = t.readUint8(); var e = t.readUint32(); if (this.sample_info_size = [], 0 === this.default_sample_info_size) for (var i = 0; i < e; i++)this.sample_info_size[i] = t.readUint8() })), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_METADATA, "mett", (function (t) { this.parseHeader(t), this.content_encoding = t.readCString(), this.mime_format = t.readCString(), this.parseFooter(t) })), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_METADATA, "metx", (function (t) { this.parseHeader(t), this.content_encoding = t.readCString(), this.namespace = t.readCString(), this.schema_location = t.readCString(), this.parseFooter(t) })), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_SUBTITLE, "sbtt", (function (t) { this.parseHeader(t), this.content_encoding = t.readCString(), this.mime_format = t.readCString(), this.parseFooter(t) })), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_SUBTITLE, "stpp", (function (t) { this.parseHeader(t), this.namespace = t.readCString(), this.schema_location = t.readCString(), this.auxiliary_mime_types = t.readCString(), this.parseFooter(t) })), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_SUBTITLE, "stxt", (function (t) { this.parseHeader(t), this.content_encoding = t.readCString(), this.mime_format = t.readCString(), this.parseFooter(t) })), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_SUBTITLE, "tx3g", (function (t) { this.parseHeader(t), this.displayFlags = t.readUint32(), this.horizontal_justification = t.readInt8(), this.vertical_justification = t.readInt8(), this.bg_color_rgba = t.readUint8Array(4), this.box_record = t.readInt16Array(4), this.style_record = t.readUint8Array(12), this.parseFooter(t) })), BoxParser.createSampleEntryCtor(BoxParser.SAMPLE_ENTRY_TYPE_METADATA, "wvtt", (function (t) { this.parseHeader(t), this.parseFooter(t) })), BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("alst", (function (t) { var e, i = t.readUint16(); for (this.first_output_sample = t.readUint16(), this.sample_offset = [], e = 0; e < i; e++)this.sample_offset[e] = t.readUint32(); var r = this.description_length - 4 - 4 * i; for (this.num_output_samples = [], this.num_total_samples = [], e = 0; e < r / 4; e++)this.num_output_samples[e] = t.readUint16(), this.num_total_samples[e] = t.readUint16() })), BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("avll", (function (t) { this.layerNumber = t.readUint8(), this.accurateStatisticsFlag = t.readUint8(), this.avgBitRate = t.readUint16(), this.avgFrameRate = t.readUint16() })), BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("avss", (function (t) { this.subSequenceIdentifier = t.readUint16(), this.layerNumber = t.readUint8(); var e = t.readUint8(); this.durationFlag = e >> 7, this.avgRateFlag = e >> 6 & 1, this.durationFlag && (this.duration = t.readUint32()), this.avgRateFlag && (this.accurateStatisticsFlag = t.readUint8(), this.avgBitRate = t.readUint16(), this.avgFrameRate = t.readUint16()), this.dependency = []; for (var i = t.readUint8(), r = 0; r < i; r++) { var s = {}; this.dependency.push(s), s.subSeqDirectionFlag = t.readUint8(), s.layerNumber = t.readUint8(), s.subSequenceIdentifier = t.readUint16() } })), BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("dtrt", (function (t) { Log.warn("BoxParser", "Sample Group type: " + this.grouping_type + " not fully parsed") })), BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("mvif", (function (t) { Log.warn("BoxParser", "Sample Group type: " + this.grouping_type + " not fully parsed") })), BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("prol", (function (t) { this.roll_distance = t.readInt16() })), BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("rap ", (function (t) { var e = t.readUint8(); this.num_leading_samples_known = e >> 7, this.num_leading_samples = 127 & e })), BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("rash", (function (t) { if (this.operation_point_count = t.readUint16(), this.description_length !== 2 + (1 === this.operation_point_count ? 2 : 6 * this.operation_point_count) + 9) Log.warn("BoxParser", "Mismatch in " + this.grouping_type + " sample group length"), this.data = t.readUint8Array(this.description_length - 2); else { if (1 === this.operation_point_count) this.target_rate_share = t.readUint16(); else { this.target_rate_share = [], this.available_bitrate = []; for (var e = 0; e < this.operation_point_count; e++)this.available_bitrate[e] = t.readUint32(), this.target_rate_share[e] = t.readUint16() } this.maximum_bitrate = t.readUint32(), this.minimum_bitrate = t.readUint32(), this.discard_priority = t.readUint8() } })), BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("roll", (function (t) { this.roll_distance = t.readInt16() })), BoxParser.SampleGroupEntry.prototype.parse = function (t) { Log.warn("BoxParser", "Unknown Sample Group type: " + this.grouping_type), this.data = t.readUint8Array(this.description_length) }, BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("scif", (function (t) { Log.warn("BoxParser", "Sample Group type: " + this.grouping_type + " not fully parsed") })), BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("scnm", (function (t) { Log.warn("BoxParser", "Sample Group type: " + this.grouping_type + " not fully parsed") })), BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("seig", (function (t) { this.reserved = t.readUint8(); var e = t.readUint8(); this.crypt_byte_block = e >> 4, this.skip_byte_block = 15 & e, this.isProtected = t.readUint8(), this.Per_Sample_IV_Size = t.readUint8(), this.KID = BoxParser.parseHex16(t), this.constant_IV_size = 0, this.constant_IV = 0, 1 === this.isProtected && 0 === this.Per_Sample_IV_Size && (this.constant_IV_size = t.readUint8(), this.constant_IV = t.readUint8Array(this.constant_IV_size)) })), BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("stsa", (function (t) { Log.warn("BoxParser", "Sample Group type: " + this.grouping_type + " not fully parsed") })), BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("sync", (function (t) { var e = t.readUint8(); this.NAL_unit_type = 63 & e })), BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("tele", (function (t) { var e = t.readUint8(); this.level_independently_decodable = e >> 7 })), BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("tsas", (function (t) { Log.warn("BoxParser", "Sample Group type: " + this.grouping_type + " not fully parsed") })), BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("tscl", (function (t) { Log.warn("BoxParser", "Sample Group type: " + this.grouping_type + " not fully parsed") })), BoxParser.createSampleGroupCtor("vipr", (function (t) { Log.warn("BoxParser", "Sample Group type: " + this.grouping_type + " not fully parsed") })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("sbgp", (function (t) { this.grouping_type = t.readString(4), 1 === this.version ? this.grouping_type_parameter = t.readUint32() : this.grouping_type_parameter = 0, this.entries = []; for (var e = t.readUint32(), i = 0; i < e; i++) { var r = {}; this.entries.push(r), r.sample_count = t.readInt32(), r.group_description_index = t.readInt32() } })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("schm", (function (t) { this.scheme_type = t.readString(4), this.scheme_version = t.readUint32(), 1 & this.flags && (this.scheme_uri = t.readString(this.size - this.hdr_size - 8)) })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("sdp ", (function (t) { this.sdptext = t.readString(this.size - this.hdr_size) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("sdtp", (function (t) { var e, i = this.size - this.hdr_size; this.is_leading = [], this.sample_depends_on = [], this.sample_is_depended_on = [], this.sample_has_redundancy = []; for (var r = 0; r < i; r++)e = t.readUint8(), this.is_leading[r] = e >> 6, this.sample_depends_on[r] = e >> 4 & 3, this.sample_is_depended_on[r] = e >> 2 & 3, this.sample_has_redundancy[r] = 3 & e })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("senc"), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("sgpd", (function (t) { this.grouping_type = t.readString(4), Log.debug("BoxParser", "Found Sample Groups of type " + this.grouping_type), 1 === this.version ? this.default_length = t.readUint32() : this.default_length = 0, this.version >= 2 && (this.default_group_description_index = t.readUint32()), this.entries = []; for (var e = t.readUint32(), i = 0; i < e; i++) { var r; r = BoxParser[this.grouping_type + "SampleGroupEntry"] ? new BoxParser[this.grouping_type + "SampleGroupEntry"](this.grouping_type) : new BoxParser.SampleGroupEntry(this.grouping_type), this.entries.push(r), 1 === this.version && 0 === this.default_length ? r.description_length = t.readUint32() : r.description_length = this.default_length, r.write === BoxParser.SampleGroupEntry.prototype.write && (Log.info("BoxParser", "SampleGroup for type " + this.grouping_type + " writing not yet implemented, keeping unparsed data in memory for later write"), r.data = t.readUint8Array(r.description_length), t.position -= r.description_length), r.parse(t) } })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("sidx", (function (t) { this.reference_ID = t.readUint32(), this.timescale = t.readUint32(), 0 === this.version ? (this.earliest_presentation_time = t.readUint32(), this.first_offset = t.readUint32()) : (this.earliest_presentation_time = t.readUint64(), this.first_offset = t.readUint64()), t.readUint16(), this.references = []; for (var e = t.readUint16(), i = 0; i < e; i++) { var r = {}; this.references.push(r); var s = t.readUint32(); r.reference_type = s >> 31 & 1, r.referenced_size = 2147483647 & s, r.subsegment_duration = t.readUint32(), s = t.readUint32(), r.starts_with_SAP = s >> 31 & 1, r.SAP_type = s >> 28 & 7, r.SAP_delta_time = 268435455 & s } })), BoxParser.SingleItemTypeReferenceBox = function (t, e, i, r) { BoxParser.Box.call(this, t, e), this.hdr_size = i, this.start = r }, BoxParser.SingleItemTypeReferenceBox.prototype = new BoxParser.Box, BoxParser.SingleItemTypeReferenceBox.prototype.parse = function (t) { this.from_item_ID = t.readUint16(); var e = t.readUint16(); this.references = []; for (var i = 0; i < e; i++)this.references[i] = t.readUint16() }, BoxParser.SingleItemTypeReferenceBoxLarge = function (t, e, i, r) { BoxParser.Box.call(this, t, e), this.hdr_size = i, this.start = r }, BoxParser.SingleItemTypeReferenceBoxLarge.prototype = new BoxParser.Box, BoxParser.SingleItemTypeReferenceBoxLarge.prototype.parse = function (t) { this.from_item_ID = t.readUint32(); var e = t.readUint16(); this.references = []; for (var i = 0; i < e; i++)this.references[i] = t.readUint32() }, BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("SmDm", (function (t) { this.primaryRChromaticity_x = t.readUint16(), this.primaryRChromaticity_y = t.readUint16(), this.primaryGChromaticity_x = t.readUint16(), this.primaryGChromaticity_y = t.readUint16(), this.primaryBChromaticity_x = t.readUint16(), this.primaryBChromaticity_y = t.readUint16(), this.whitePointChromaticity_x = t.readUint16(), this.whitePointChromaticity_y = t.readUint16(), this.luminanceMax = t.readUint32(), this.luminanceMin = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("smhd", (function (t) { this.balance = t.readUint16(), t.readUint16() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("ssix", (function (t) { this.subsegments = []; for (var e = t.readUint32(), i = 0; i < e; i++) { var r = {}; this.subsegments.push(r), r.ranges = []; for (var s = t.readUint32(), a = 0; a < s; a++) { var n = {}; r.ranges.push(n), n.level = t.readUint8(), n.range_size = t.readUint24() } } })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("stco", (function (t) { var e; if (e = t.readUint32(), this.chunk_offsets = [], 0 === this.version) for (var i = 0; i < e; i++)this.chunk_offsets.push(t.readUint32()) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("stdp", (function (t) { var e = (this.size - this.hdr_size) / 2; this.priority = []; for (var i = 0; i < e; i++)this.priority[i] = t.readUint16() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("sthd"), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("stri", (function (t) { this.switch_group = t.readUint16(), this.alternate_group = t.readUint16(), this.sub_track_id = t.readUint32(); var e = (this.size - this.hdr_size - 8) / 4; this.attribute_list = []; for (var i = 0; i < e; i++)this.attribute_list[i] = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("stsc", (function (t) { var e, i; if (e = t.readUint32(), this.first_chunk = [], this.samples_per_chunk = [], this.sample_description_index = [], 0 === this.version) for (i = 0; i < e; i++)this.first_chunk.push(t.readUint32()), this.samples_per_chunk.push(t.readUint32()), this.sample_description_index.push(t.readUint32()) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("stsd", (function (t) { var e, i, r, s; for (this.entries = [], r = t.readUint32(), e = 1; e <= r; e++) { if ((i = BoxParser.parseOneBox(t, !0, this.size - (t.getPosition() - this.start))).code !== BoxParser.OK) return; BoxParser[i.type + "SampleEntry"] ? ((s = new BoxParser[i.type + "SampleEntry"](i.size)).hdr_size = i.hdr_size, s.start = i.start) : (Log.warn("BoxParser", "Unknown sample entry type: " + i.type), s = new BoxParser.SampleEntry(i.type, i.size, i.hdr_size, i.start)), s.write === BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.write && (Log.info("BoxParser", "SampleEntry " + s.type + " box writing not yet implemented, keeping unparsed data in memory for later write"), s.parseDataAndRewind(t)), s.parse(t), this.entries.push(s) } })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("stsg", (function (t) { this.grouping_type = t.readUint32(); var e = t.readUint16(); this.group_description_index = []; for (var i = 0; i < e; i++)this.group_description_index[i] = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("stsh", (function (t) { var e, i; if (e = t.readUint32(), this.shadowed_sample_numbers = [], this.sync_sample_numbers = [], 0 === this.version) for (i = 0; i < e; i++)this.shadowed_sample_numbers.push(t.readUint32()), this.sync_sample_numbers.push(t.readUint32()) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("stss", (function (t) { var e, i; if (i = t.readUint32(), 0 === this.version) for (this.sample_numbers = [], e = 0; e < i; e++)this.sample_numbers.push(t.readUint32()) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("stsz", (function (t) { var e; if (this.sample_sizes = [], 0 === this.version) for (this.sample_size = t.readUint32(), this.sample_count = t.readUint32(), e = 0; e < this.sample_count; e++)0 === this.sample_size ? this.sample_sizes.push(t.readUint32()) : this.sample_sizes[e] = this.sample_size })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("stts", (function (t) { var e, i, r; if (e = t.readUint32(), this.sample_counts = [], this.sample_deltas = [], 0 === this.version) for (i = 0; i < e; i++)this.sample_counts.push(t.readUint32()), (r = t.readInt32()) < 0 && (Log.warn("BoxParser", "File uses negative stts sample delta, using value 1 instead, sync may be lost!"), r = 1), this.sample_deltas.push(r) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("stvi", (function (t) { var e = t.readUint32(); this.single_view_allowed = 3 & e, this.stereo_scheme = t.readUint32(); var i, r, s = t.readUint32(); for (this.stereo_indication_type = t.readString(s), this.boxes = []; t.getPosition() < this.start + this.size;) { if ((i = BoxParser.parseOneBox(t, !1, this.size - (t.getPosition() - this.start))).code !== BoxParser.OK) return; r = i.box, this.boxes.push(r), this[r.type] = r } })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("styp", (function (t) { BoxParser.ftypBox.prototype.parse.call(this, t) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("stz2", (function (t) { var e, i; if (this.sample_sizes = [], 0 === this.version) if (this.reserved = t.readUint24(), this.field_size = t.readUint8(), i = t.readUint32(), 4 === this.field_size) for (e = 0; e < i; e += 2) { var r = t.readUint8(); this.sample_sizes[e] = r >> 4 & 15, this.sample_sizes[e + 1] = 15 & r } else if (8 === this.field_size) for (e = 0; e < i; e++)this.sample_sizes[e] = t.readUint8(); else if (16 === this.field_size) for (e = 0; e < i; e++)this.sample_sizes[e] = t.readUint16(); else Log.error("BoxParser", "Error in length field in stz2 box") })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("subs", (function (t) { var e, i, r, s; for (r = t.readUint32(), this.entries = [], e = 0; e < r; e++) { var a = {}; if (this.entries[e] = a, a.sample_delta = t.readUint32(), a.subsamples = [], (s = t.readUint16()) > 0) for (i = 0; i < s; i++) { var n = {}; a.subsamples.push(n), 1 == this.version ? n.size = t.readUint32() : n.size = t.readUint16(), n.priority = t.readUint8(), n.discardable = t.readUint8(), n.codec_specific_parameters = t.readUint32() } } })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("tenc", (function (t) { if (t.readUint8(), 0 === this.version) t.readUint8(); else { var e = t.readUint8(); this.default_crypt_byte_block = e >> 4 & 15, this.default_skip_byte_block = 15 & e } this.default_isProtected = t.readUint8(), this.default_Per_Sample_IV_Size = t.readUint8(), this.default_KID = BoxParser.parseHex16(t), 1 === this.default_isProtected && 0 === this.default_Per_Sample_IV_Size && (this.default_constant_IV_size = t.readUint8(), this.default_constant_IV = t.readUint8Array(this.default_constant_IV_size)) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("tfdt", (function (t) { 1 == this.version ? this.baseMediaDecodeTime = t.readUint64() : this.baseMediaDecodeTime = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("tfhd", (function (t) { var e = 0; this.track_id = t.readUint32(), this.size - this.hdr_size > e && this.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_BASE_DATA_OFFSET ? (this.base_data_offset = t.readUint64(), e += 8) : this.base_data_offset = 0, this.size - this.hdr_size > e && this.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_DESC ? (this.default_sample_description_index = t.readUint32(), e += 4) : this.default_sample_description_index = 0, this.size - this.hdr_size > e && this.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_DUR ? (this.default_sample_duration = t.readUint32(), e += 4) : this.default_sample_duration = 0, this.size - this.hdr_size > e && this.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_SIZE ? (this.default_sample_size = t.readUint32(), e += 4) : this.default_sample_size = 0, this.size - this.hdr_size > e && this.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_FLAGS ? (this.default_sample_flags = t.readUint32(), e += 4) : this.default_sample_flags = 0 })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("tfra", (function (t) { this.track_ID = t.readUint32(), t.readUint24(); var e = t.readUint8(); this.length_size_of_traf_num = e >> 4 & 3, this.length_size_of_trun_num = e >> 2 & 3, this.length_size_of_sample_num = 3 & e, this.entries = []; for (var i = t.readUint32(), r = 0; r < i; r++)1 === this.version ? (this.time = t.readUint64(), this.moof_offset = t.readUint64()) : (this.time = t.readUint32(), this.moof_offset = t.readUint32()), this.traf_number = t["readUint" + 8 * (this.length_size_of_traf_num + 1)](), this.trun_number = t["readUint" + 8 * (this.length_size_of_trun_num + 1)](), this.sample_number = t["readUint" + 8 * (this.length_size_of_sample_num + 1)]() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("tkhd", (function (t) { 1 == this.version ? (this.creation_time = t.readUint64(), this.modification_time = t.readUint64(), this.track_id = t.readUint32(), t.readUint32(), this.duration = t.readUint64()) : (this.creation_time = t.readUint32(), this.modification_time = t.readUint32(), this.track_id = t.readUint32(), t.readUint32(), this.duration = t.readUint32()), t.readUint32Array(2), this.layer = t.readInt16(), this.alternate_group = t.readInt16(), this.volume = t.readInt16() >> 8, t.readUint16(), this.matrix = t.readInt32Array(9), this.width = t.readUint32(), this.height = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("tmax", (function (t) { this.time = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("tmin", (function (t) { this.time = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("totl", (function (t) { this.bytessent = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("tpay", (function (t) { this.bytessent = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("tpyl", (function (t) { this.bytessent = t.readUint64() })), BoxParser.TrackGroupTypeBox.prototype.parse = function (t) { this.parseFullHeader(t), this.track_group_id = t.readUint32() }, BoxParser.createTrackGroupCtor("msrc"), BoxParser.TrackReferenceTypeBox = function (t, e, i, r) { BoxParser.Box.call(this, t, e), this.hdr_size = i, this.start = r }, BoxParser.TrackReferenceTypeBox.prototype = new BoxParser.Box, BoxParser.TrackReferenceTypeBox.prototype.parse = function (t) { this.track_ids = t.readUint32Array((this.size - this.hdr_size) / 4) }, BoxParser.trefBox.prototype.parse = function (t) { for (var e, i; t.getPosition() < this.start + this.size;) { if ((e = BoxParser.parseOneBox(t, !0, this.size - (t.getPosition() - this.start))).code !== BoxParser.OK) return; (i = new BoxParser.TrackReferenceTypeBox(e.type, e.size, e.hdr_size, e.start)).write === BoxParser.Box.prototype.write && "mdat" !== i.type && (Log.info("BoxParser", "TrackReference " + i.type + " box writing not yet implemented, keeping unparsed data in memory for later write"), i.parseDataAndRewind(t)), i.parse(t), this.boxes.push(i) } }, BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("trep", (function (t) { for (this.track_ID = t.readUint32(), this.boxes = []; t.getPosition() < this.start + this.size;) { if (ret = BoxParser.parseOneBox(t, !1, this.size - (t.getPosition() - this.start)), ret.code !== BoxParser.OK) return; box = ret.box, this.boxes.push(box) } })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("trex", (function (t) { this.track_id = t.readUint32(), this.default_sample_description_index = t.readUint32(), this.default_sample_duration = t.readUint32(), this.default_sample_size = t.readUint32(), this.default_sample_flags = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("trpy", (function (t) { this.bytessent = t.readUint64() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("trun", (function (t) { var e = 0; if (this.sample_count = t.readUint32(), e += 4, this.size - this.hdr_size > e && this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_DATA_OFFSET ? (this.data_offset = t.readInt32(), e += 4) : this.data_offset = 0, this.size - this.hdr_size > e && this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_FIRST_FLAG ? (this.first_sample_flags = t.readUint32(), e += 4) : this.first_sample_flags = 0, this.sample_duration = [], this.sample_size = [], this.sample_flags = [], this.sample_composition_time_offset = [], this.size - this.hdr_size > e) for (var i = 0; i < this.sample_count; i++)this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_DURATION && (this.sample_duration[i] = t.readUint32()), this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_SIZE && (this.sample_size[i] = t.readUint32()), this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_FLAGS && (this.sample_flags[i] = t.readUint32()), this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_CTS_OFFSET && (0 === this.version ? this.sample_composition_time_offset[i] = t.readUint32() : this.sample_composition_time_offset[i] = t.readInt32()) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("tsel", (function (t) { this.switch_group = t.readUint32(); var e = (this.size - this.hdr_size - 4) / 4; this.attribute_list = []; for (var i = 0; i < e; i++)this.attribute_list[i] = t.readUint32() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("txtC", (function (t) { this.config = t.readCString() })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("url ", (function (t) { 1 !== this.flags && (this.location = t.readCString()) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("urn ", (function (t) { this.name = t.readCString(), this.size - this.hdr_size - this.name.length - 1 > 0 && (this.location = t.readCString()) })), BoxParser.createUUIDBox("a5d40b30e81411ddba2f0800200c9a66", !0, !1, (function (t) { this.LiveServerManifest = t.readString(this.size - this.hdr_size).replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/"/g, """).replace(/'/g, "'") })), BoxParser.createUUIDBox("d08a4f1810f34a82b6c832d8aba183d3", !0, !1, (function (t) { this.system_id = BoxParser.parseHex16(t); var e = t.readUint32(); e > 0 && (this.data = t.readUint8Array(e)) })), BoxParser.createUUIDBox("a2394f525a9b4f14a2446c427c648df4", !0, !1), BoxParser.createUUIDBox("8974dbce7be74c5184f97148f9882554", !0, !1, (function (t) { this.default_AlgorithmID = t.readUint24(), this.default_IV_size = t.readUint8(), this.default_KID = BoxParser.parseHex16(t) })), BoxParser.createUUIDBox("d4807ef2ca3946958e5426cb9e46a79f", !0, !1, (function (t) { this.fragment_count = t.readUint8(), this.entries = []; for (var e = 0; e < this.fragment_count; e++) { var i = {}, r = 0, s = 0; 1 === this.version ? (r = t.readUint64(), s = t.readUint64()) : (r = t.readUint32(), s = t.readUint32()), i.absolute_time = r, i.absolute_duration = s, this.entries.push(i) } })), BoxParser.createUUIDBox("6d1d9b0542d544e680e2141daff757b2", !0, !1, (function (t) { 1 === this.version ? (this.absolute_time = t.readUint64(), this.duration = t.readUint64()) : (this.absolute_time = t.readUint32(), this.duration = t.readUint32()) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("vmhd", (function (t) { this.graphicsmode = t.readUint16(), this.opcolor = t.readUint16Array(3) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("vpcC", (function (t) { var e; 1 === this.version ? (this.profile = t.readUint8(), this.level = t.readUint8(), e = t.readUint8(), this.bitDepth = e >> 4, this.chromaSubsampling = e >> 1 & 7, this.videoFullRangeFlag = 1 & e, this.colourPrimaries = t.readUint8(), this.transferCharacteristics = t.readUint8(), this.matrixCoefficients = t.readUint8(), this.codecIntializationDataSize = t.readUint16(), this.codecIntializationData = t.readUint8Array(this.codecIntializationDataSize)) : (this.profile = t.readUint8(), this.level = t.readUint8(), e = t.readUint8(), this.bitDepth = e >> 4 & 15, this.colorSpace = 15 & e, e = t.readUint8(), this.chromaSubsampling = e >> 4 & 15, this.transferFunction = e >> 1 & 7, this.videoFullRangeFlag = 1 & e, this.codecIntializationDataSize = t.readUint16(), this.codecIntializationData = t.readUint8Array(this.codecIntializationDataSize)) })), BoxParser.createBoxCtor("vttC", (function (t) { this.text = t.readString(this.size - this.hdr_size) })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("vvcC", (function (t) { var e, i, r = { held_bits: void 0, num_held_bits: 0, stream_read_1_bytes: function (t) { this.held_bits = t.readUint8(), this.num_held_bits = 8 }, stream_read_2_bytes: function (t) { this.held_bits = t.readUint16(), this.num_held_bits = 16 }, extract_bits: function (t) { var e = this.held_bits >> this.num_held_bits - t & (1 << t) - 1; return this.num_held_bits -= t, e } }; if (r.stream_read_1_bytes(t), r.extract_bits(5), this.lengthSizeMinusOne = r.extract_bits(2), this.ptl_present_flag = r.extract_bits(1), this.ptl_present_flag) { if (r.stream_read_2_bytes(t), this.ols_idx = r.extract_bits(9), this.num_sublayers = r.extract_bits(3), this.constant_frame_rate = r.extract_bits(2), this.chroma_format_idc = r.extract_bits(2), r.stream_read_1_bytes(t), this.bit_depth_minus8 = r.extract_bits(3), r.extract_bits(5), r.stream_read_2_bytes(t), r.extract_bits(2), this.num_bytes_constraint_info = r.extract_bits(6), this.general_profile_idc = r.extract_bits(7), this.general_tier_flag = r.extract_bits(1), this.general_level_idc = t.readUint8(), r.stream_read_1_bytes(t), this.ptl_frame_only_constraint_flag = r.extract_bits(1), this.ptl_multilayer_enabled_flag = r.extract_bits(1), this.general_constraint_info = new Uint8Array(this.num_bytes_constraint_info), this.num_bytes_constraint_info) { for (e = 0; e < this.num_bytes_constraint_info - 1; e++) { var s = r.extract_bits(6); r.stream_read_1_bytes(t); var a = r.extract_bits(2); this.general_constraint_info[e] = s << 2 | a } this.general_constraint_info[this.num_bytes_constraint_info - 1] = r.extract_bits(6) } else r.extract_bits(6); for (r.stream_read_1_bytes(t), this.ptl_sublayer_present_mask = 0, i = this.num_sublayers - 2; i >= 0; --i) { var n = r.extract_bits(1); this.ptl_sublayer_present_mask |= n << i } for (i = this.num_sublayers; i <= 8 && this.num_sublayers > 1; ++i)r.extract_bits(1); for (i = this.num_sublayers - 2; i >= 0; --i)this.ptl_sublayer_present_mask & 1 << i && (this.sublayer_level_idc[i] = t.readUint8()); if (this.ptl_num_sub_profiles = t.readUint8(), this.general_sub_profile_idc = [], this.ptl_num_sub_profiles) for (e = 0; e < this.ptl_num_sub_profiles; e++)this.general_sub_profile_idc.push(t.readUint32()); this.max_picture_width = t.readUint16(), this.max_picture_height = t.readUint16(), this.avg_frame_rate = t.readUint16() } this.nalu_arrays = []; var o = t.readUint8(); for (e = 0; e < o; e++) { var h = []; this.nalu_arrays.push(h), r.stream_read_1_bytes(t), h.completeness = r.extract_bits(1), r.extract_bits(2), h.nalu_type = r.extract_bits(5); var d = 1; for (13 != h.nalu_type && 12 != h.nalu_type && (d = t.readUint16()), i = 0; i < d; i++) { var l = t.readUint16(); h.push({ data: t.readUint8Array(l), length: l }) } } })), BoxParser.createFullBoxCtor("vvnC", (function (t) { var e = strm.readUint8(); this.lengthSizeMinusOne = 3 & e })), BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.isVideo = function () { return !1 }, BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.isAudio = function () { return !1 }, BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.isSubtitle = function () { return !1 }, BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.isMetadata = function () { return !1 }, BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.isHint = function () { return !1 }, BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec = function () { return this.type.replace(".", "") }, BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.getWidth = function () { return "" }, BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.getHeight = function () { return "" }, BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.getChannelCount = function () { return "" }, BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.getSampleRate = function () { return "" }, BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.getSampleSize = function () { return "" }, BoxParser.VisualSampleEntry.prototype.isVideo = function () { return !0 }, BoxParser.VisualSampleEntry.prototype.getWidth = function () { return this.width }, BoxParser.VisualSampleEntry.prototype.getHeight = function () { return this.height }, BoxParser.AudioSampleEntry.prototype.isAudio = function () { return !0 }, BoxParser.AudioSampleEntry.prototype.getChannelCount = function () { return this.channel_count }, BoxParser.AudioSampleEntry.prototype.getSampleRate = function () { return this.samplerate }, BoxParser.AudioSampleEntry.prototype.getSampleSize = function () { return this.samplesize }, BoxParser.SubtitleSampleEntry.prototype.isSubtitle = function () { return !0 }, BoxParser.MetadataSampleEntry.prototype.isMetadata = function () { return !0 }, BoxParser.decimalToHex = function (t, e) { var i = Number(t).toString(16); for (e = null == e ? e = 2 : e; i.length < e;)i = "0" + i; return i }, BoxParser.avc1SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec = BoxParser.avc2SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec = BoxParser.avc3SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec = BoxParser.avc4SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec = function () { var t = BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec.call(this); return this.avcC ? t + "." + BoxParser.decimalToHex(this.avcC.AVCProfileIndication) + BoxParser.decimalToHex(this.avcC.profile_compatibility) + BoxParser.decimalToHex(this.avcC.AVCLevelIndication) : t }, BoxParser.hev1SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec = BoxParser.hvc1SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec = function () { var t, e = BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec.call(this); if (this.hvcC) { switch (e += ".", this.hvcC.general_profile_space) { case 0: e += ""; break; case 1: e += "A"; break; case 2: e += "B"; break; case 3: e += "C" }e += this.hvcC.general_profile_idc, e += "."; var i = this.hvcC.general_profile_compatibility, r = 0; for (t = 0; t < 32 && (r |= 1 & i, 31 != t); t++)r <<= 1, i >>= 1; e += BoxParser.decimalToHex(r, 0), e += ".", 0 === this.hvcC.general_tier_flag ? e += "L" : e += "H", e += this.hvcC.general_level_idc; var s = !1, a = ""; for (t = 5; t >= 0; t--)(this.hvcC.general_constraint_indicator[t] || s) && (a = "." + BoxParser.decimalToHex(this.hvcC.general_constraint_indicator[t], 0) + a, s = !0); e += a } return e }, BoxParser.vvc1SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec = BoxParser.vvi1SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec = function () { var t, e = BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec.call(this); if (this.vvcC) { e += "." + this.vvcC.general_profile_idc, this.vvcC.general_tier_flag ? e += ".H" : e += ".L", e += this.vvcC.general_level_idc; var i = ""; if (this.vvcC.general_constraint_info) { var r, s = [], a = 0; for (a |= this.vvcC.ptl_frame_only_constraint << 7, a |= this.vvcC.ptl_multilayer_enabled << 6, t = 0; t < this.vvcC.general_constraint_info.length; ++t)a |= this.vvcC.general_constraint_info[t] >> 2 & 63, s.push(a), a && (r = t), a = this.vvcC.general_constraint_info[t] >> 2 & 3; if (void 0 === r) i = ".CA"; else { i = ".C"; var n = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ234567", o = 0, h = 0; for (t = 0; t <= r; ++t)for (o = o << 8 | s[t], h += 8; h >= 5;) { i += n[o >> h - 5 & 31], o &= (1 << (h -= 5)) - 1 } h && (i += n[31 & (o <<= 5 - h)]) } } e += i } return e }, BoxParser.mp4aSampleEntry.prototype.getCodec = function () { var t = BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec.call(this); if (this.esds && this.esds.esd) { var e = this.esds.esd.getOTI(), i = this.esds.esd.getAudioConfig(); return t + "." + BoxParser.decimalToHex(e) + (i ? "." + i : "") } return t }, BoxParser.stxtSampleEntry.prototype.getCodec = function () { var t = BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec.call(this); return this.mime_format ? t + "." + this.mime_format : t }, BoxParser.vp08SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec = BoxParser.vp09SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec = function () { var t = BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec.call(this), e = this.vpcC.level; 0 == e && (e = "00"); var i = this.vpcC.bitDepth; return 8 == i && (i = "08"), t + ".0" + this.vpcC.profile + "." + e + "." + i }, BoxParser.av01SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec = function () { var t, e = BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.getCodec.call(this), i = this.av1C.seq_level_idx_0; return i < 10 && (i = "0" + i), 2 === this.av1C.seq_profile && 1 === this.av1C.high_bitdepth ? t = 1 === this.av1C.twelve_bit ? "12" : "10" : this.av1C.seq_profile <= 2 && (t = 1 === this.av1C.high_bitdepth ? "10" : "08"), e + "." + this.av1C.seq_profile + "." + i + (this.av1C.seq_tier_0 ? "H" : "M") + "." + t }, BoxParser.Box.prototype.writeHeader = function (t, e) { this.size += 8, this.size > MAX_SIZE && (this.size += 8), "uuid" === this.type && (this.size += 16), Log.debug("BoxWriter", "Writing box " + this.type + " of size: " + this.size + " at position " + t.getPosition() + (e || "")), this.size > MAX_SIZE ? t.writeUint32(1) : (this.sizePosition = t.getPosition(), t.writeUint32(this.size)), t.writeString(this.type, null, 4), "uuid" === this.type && t.writeUint8Array(this.uuid), this.size > MAX_SIZE && t.writeUint64(this.size) }, BoxParser.FullBox.prototype.writeHeader = function (t) { this.size += 4, BoxParser.Box.prototype.writeHeader.call(this, t, " v=" + this.version + " f=" + this.flags), t.writeUint8(this.version), t.writeUint24(this.flags) }, BoxParser.Box.prototype.write = function (t) { "mdat" === this.type ? this.data && (this.size = this.data.length, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint8Array(this.data)) : (this.size = this.data ? this.data.length : 0, this.writeHeader(t), this.data && t.writeUint8Array(this.data)) }, BoxParser.ContainerBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.size = 0, this.writeHeader(t); for (var e = 0; e < this.boxes.length; e++)this.boxes[e] && (this.boxes[e].write(t), this.size += this.boxes[e].size); Log.debug("BoxWriter", "Adjusting box " + this.type + " with new size " + this.size), t.adjustUint32(this.sizePosition, this.size) }, BoxParser.TrackReferenceTypeBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.size = 4 * this.track_ids.length, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32Array(this.track_ids) }, BoxParser.avcCBox.prototype.write = function (t) { var e; for (this.size = 7, e = 0; e < this.SPS.length; e++)this.size += 2 + this.SPS[e].length; for (e = 0; e < this.PPS.length; e++)this.size += 2 + this.PPS[e].length; for (this.ext && (this.size += this.ext.length), this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint8(this.configurationVersion), t.writeUint8(this.AVCProfileIndication), t.writeUint8(this.profile_compatibility), t.writeUint8(this.AVCLevelIndication), t.writeUint8(this.lengthSizeMinusOne + 252), t.writeUint8(this.SPS.length + 224), e = 0; e < this.SPS.length; e++)t.writeUint16(this.SPS[e].length), t.writeUint8Array(this.SPS[e].nalu); for (t.writeUint8(this.PPS.length), e = 0; e < this.PPS.length; e++)t.writeUint16(this.PPS[e].length), t.writeUint8Array(this.PPS[e].nalu); this.ext && t.writeUint8Array(this.ext) }, BoxParser.co64Box.prototype.write = function (t) { var e; for (this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 4 + 8 * this.chunk_offsets.length, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.chunk_offsets.length), e = 0; e < this.chunk_offsets.length; e++)t.writeUint64(this.chunk_offsets[e]) }, BoxParser.cslgBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 20, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeInt32(this.compositionToDTSShift), t.writeInt32(this.leastDecodeToDisplayDelta), t.writeInt32(this.greatestDecodeToDisplayDelta), t.writeInt32(this.compositionStartTime), t.writeInt32(this.compositionEndTime) }, BoxParser.cttsBox.prototype.write = function (t) { var e; for (this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 4 + 8 * this.sample_counts.length, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.sample_counts.length), e = 0; e < this.sample_counts.length; e++)t.writeUint32(this.sample_counts[e]), 1 === this.version ? t.writeInt32(this.sample_offsets[e]) : t.writeUint32(this.sample_offsets[e]) }, BoxParser.drefBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 4, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.entries.length); for (var e = 0; e < this.entries.length; e++)this.entries[e].write(t), this.size += this.entries[e].size; Log.debug("BoxWriter", "Adjusting box " + this.type + " with new size " + this.size), t.adjustUint32(this.sizePosition, this.size) }, BoxParser.elngBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = this.extended_language.length, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeString(this.extended_language) }, BoxParser.elstBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 4 + 12 * this.entries.length, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.entries.length); for (var e = 0; e < this.entries.length; e++) { var i = this.entries[e]; t.writeUint32(i.segment_duration), t.writeInt32(i.media_time), t.writeInt16(i.media_rate_integer), t.writeInt16(i.media_rate_fraction) } }, BoxParser.emsgBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 16 + this.message_data.length + (this.scheme_id_uri.length + 1) + (this.value.length + 1), this.writeHeader(t), t.writeCString(this.scheme_id_uri), t.writeCString(this.value), t.writeUint32(this.timescale), t.writeUint32(this.presentation_time_delta), t.writeUint32(this.event_duration), t.writeUint32(this.id), t.writeUint8Array(this.message_data) }, BoxParser.ftypBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.size = 8 + 4 * this.compatible_brands.length, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeString(this.major_brand, null, 4), t.writeUint32(this.minor_version); for (var e = 0; e < this.compatible_brands.length; e++)t.writeString(this.compatible_brands[e], null, 4) }, BoxParser.hdlrBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.size = 20 + this.name.length + 1, this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeString(this.handler, null, 4), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeCString(this.name) }, BoxParser.kindBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = this.schemeURI.length + 1 + (this.value.length + 1), this.writeHeader(t), t.writeCString(this.schemeURI), t.writeCString(this.value) }, BoxParser.mdhdBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.size = 20, this.flags = 0, this.version = 0, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.creation_time), t.writeUint32(this.modification_time), t.writeUint32(this.timescale), t.writeUint32(this.duration), t.writeUint16(this.language), t.writeUint16(0) }, BoxParser.mehdBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 4, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.fragment_duration) }, BoxParser.mfhdBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 4, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.sequence_number) }, BoxParser.mvhdBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 96, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.creation_time), t.writeUint32(this.modification_time), t.writeUint32(this.timescale), t.writeUint32(this.duration), t.writeUint32(this.rate), t.writeUint16(this.volume << 8), t.writeUint16(0), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint32Array(this.matrix), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint32(this.next_track_id) }, BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.writeHeader = function (t) { this.size = 8, BoxParser.Box.prototype.writeHeader.call(this, t), t.writeUint8(0), t.writeUint8(0), t.writeUint8(0), t.writeUint8(0), t.writeUint8(0), t.writeUint8(0), t.writeUint16(this.data_reference_index) }, BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.writeFooter = function (t) { for (var e = 0; e < this.boxes.length; e++)this.boxes[e].write(t), this.size += this.boxes[e].size; Log.debug("BoxWriter", "Adjusting box " + this.type + " with new size " + this.size), t.adjustUint32(this.sizePosition, this.size) }, BoxParser.SampleEntry.prototype.write = function (t) { this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint8Array(this.data), this.size += this.data.length, Log.debug("BoxWriter", "Adjusting box " + this.type + " with new size " + this.size), t.adjustUint32(this.sizePosition, this.size) }, BoxParser.VisualSampleEntry.prototype.write = function (t) { this.writeHeader(t), this.size += 70, t.writeUint16(0), t.writeUint16(0), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint16(this.width), t.writeUint16(this.height), t.writeUint32(this.horizresolution), t.writeUint32(this.vertresolution), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint16(this.frame_count), t.writeUint8(Math.min(31, this.compressorname.length)), t.writeString(this.compressorname, null, 31), t.writeUint16(this.depth), t.writeInt16(-1), this.writeFooter(t) }, BoxParser.AudioSampleEntry.prototype.write = function (t) { this.writeHeader(t), this.size += 20, t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint16(this.channel_count), t.writeUint16(this.samplesize), t.writeUint16(0), t.writeUint16(0), t.writeUint32(this.samplerate << 16), this.writeFooter(t) }, BoxParser.stppSampleEntry.prototype.write = function (t) { this.writeHeader(t), this.size += this.namespace.length + 1 + this.schema_location.length + 1 + this.auxiliary_mime_types.length + 1, t.writeCString(this.namespace), t.writeCString(this.schema_location), t.writeCString(this.auxiliary_mime_types), this.writeFooter(t) }, BoxParser.SampleGroupEntry.prototype.write = function (t) { t.writeUint8Array(this.data) }, BoxParser.sbgpBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 1, this.flags = 0, this.size = 12 + 8 * this.entries.length, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeString(this.grouping_type, null, 4), t.writeUint32(this.grouping_type_parameter), t.writeUint32(this.entries.length); for (var e = 0; e < this.entries.length; e++) { var i = this.entries[e]; t.writeInt32(i.sample_count), t.writeInt32(i.group_description_index) } }, BoxParser.sgpdBox.prototype.write = function (t) { var e, i; for (this.flags = 0, this.size = 12, e = 0; e < this.entries.length; e++)i = this.entries[e], 1 === this.version && (0 === this.default_length && (this.size += 4), this.size += i.data.length); for (this.writeHeader(t), t.writeString(this.grouping_type, null, 4), 1 === this.version && t.writeUint32(this.default_length), this.version >= 2 && t.writeUint32(this.default_sample_description_index), t.writeUint32(this.entries.length), e = 0; e < this.entries.length; e++)i = this.entries[e], 1 === this.version && 0 === this.default_length && t.writeUint32(i.description_length), i.write(t) }, BoxParser.sidxBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 20 + 12 * this.references.length, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.reference_ID), t.writeUint32(this.timescale), t.writeUint32(this.earliest_presentation_time), t.writeUint32(this.first_offset), t.writeUint16(0), t.writeUint16(this.references.length); for (var e = 0; e < this.references.length; e++) { var i = this.references[e]; t.writeUint32(i.reference_type << 31 | i.referenced_size), t.writeUint32(i.subsegment_duration), t.writeUint32(i.starts_with_SAP << 31 | i.SAP_type << 28 | i.SAP_delta_time) } }, BoxParser.smhdBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.flags = 1, this.size = 4, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint16(this.balance), t.writeUint16(0) }, BoxParser.stcoBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 4 + 4 * this.chunk_offsets.length, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.chunk_offsets.length), t.writeUint32Array(this.chunk_offsets) }, BoxParser.stscBox.prototype.write = function (t) { var e; for (this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 4 + 12 * this.first_chunk.length, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.first_chunk.length), e = 0; e < this.first_chunk.length; e++)t.writeUint32(this.first_chunk[e]), t.writeUint32(this.samples_per_chunk[e]), t.writeUint32(this.sample_description_index[e]) }, BoxParser.stsdBox.prototype.write = function (t) { var e; for (this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 0, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.entries.length), this.size += 4, e = 0; e < this.entries.length; e++)this.entries[e].write(t), this.size += this.entries[e].size; Log.debug("BoxWriter", "Adjusting box " + this.type + " with new size " + this.size), t.adjustUint32(this.sizePosition, this.size) }, BoxParser.stshBox.prototype.write = function (t) { var e; for (this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 4 + 8 * this.shadowed_sample_numbers.length, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.shadowed_sample_numbers.length), e = 0; e < this.shadowed_sample_numbers.length; e++)t.writeUint32(this.shadowed_sample_numbers[e]), t.writeUint32(this.sync_sample_numbers[e]) }, BoxParser.stssBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 4 + 4 * this.sample_numbers.length, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.sample_numbers.length), t.writeUint32Array(this.sample_numbers) }, BoxParser.stszBox.prototype.write = function (t) { var e, i = !0; if (this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.sample_sizes.length > 0) for (e = 0; e + 1 < this.sample_sizes.length;) { if (this.sample_sizes[e + 1] !== this.sample_sizes[0]) { i = !1; break } e++ } else i = !1; this.size = 8, i || (this.size += 4 * this.sample_sizes.length), this.writeHeader(t), i ? t.writeUint32(this.sample_sizes[0]) : t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint32(this.sample_sizes.length), i || t.writeUint32Array(this.sample_sizes) }, BoxParser.sttsBox.prototype.write = function (t) { var e; for (this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 4 + 8 * this.sample_counts.length, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.sample_counts.length), e = 0; e < this.sample_counts.length; e++)t.writeUint32(this.sample_counts[e]), t.writeUint32(this.sample_deltas[e]) }, BoxParser.tfdtBox.prototype.write = function (t) { var e = Math.pow(2, 32) - 1; this.version = this.baseMediaDecodeTime > e ? 1 : 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 4, 1 === this.version && (this.size += 4), this.writeHeader(t), 1 === this.version ? t.writeUint64(this.baseMediaDecodeTime) : t.writeUint32(this.baseMediaDecodeTime) }, BoxParser.tfhdBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.size = 4, this.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_BASE_DATA_OFFSET && (this.size += 8), this.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_DESC && (this.size += 4), this.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_DUR && (this.size += 4), this.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_SIZE && (this.size += 4), this.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_FLAGS && (this.size += 4), this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.track_id), this.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_BASE_DATA_OFFSET && t.writeUint64(this.base_data_offset), this.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_DESC && t.writeUint32(this.default_sample_description_index), this.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_DUR && t.writeUint32(this.default_sample_duration), this.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_SIZE && t.writeUint32(this.default_sample_size), this.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_FLAGS && t.writeUint32(this.default_sample_flags) }, BoxParser.tkhdBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.size = 80, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.creation_time), t.writeUint32(this.modification_time), t.writeUint32(this.track_id), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint32(this.duration), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeUint32(0), t.writeInt16(this.layer), t.writeInt16(this.alternate_group), t.writeInt16(this.volume << 8), t.writeUint16(0), t.writeInt32Array(this.matrix), t.writeUint32(this.width), t.writeUint32(this.height) }, BoxParser.trexBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = 20, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.track_id), t.writeUint32(this.default_sample_description_index), t.writeUint32(this.default_sample_duration), t.writeUint32(this.default_sample_size), t.writeUint32(this.default_sample_flags) }, BoxParser.trunBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.size = 4, this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_DATA_OFFSET && (this.size += 4), this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_FIRST_FLAG && (this.size += 4), this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_DURATION && (this.size += 4 * this.sample_duration.length), this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_SIZE && (this.size += 4 * this.sample_size.length), this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_FLAGS && (this.size += 4 * this.sample_flags.length), this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_CTS_OFFSET && (this.size += 4 * this.sample_composition_time_offset.length), this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint32(this.sample_count), this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_DATA_OFFSET && (this.data_offset_position = t.getPosition(), t.writeInt32(this.data_offset)), this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_FIRST_FLAG && t.writeUint32(this.first_sample_flags); for (var e = 0; e < this.sample_count; e++)this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_DURATION && t.writeUint32(this.sample_duration[e]), this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_SIZE && t.writeUint32(this.sample_size[e]), this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_FLAGS && t.writeUint32(this.sample_flags[e]), this.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_CTS_OFFSET && (0 === this.version ? t.writeUint32(this.sample_composition_time_offset[e]) : t.writeInt32(this.sample_composition_time_offset[e])) }, BoxParser["url Box"].prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.location ? (this.flags = 0, this.size = this.location.length + 1) : (this.flags = 1, this.size = 0), this.writeHeader(t), this.location && t.writeCString(this.location) }, BoxParser["urn Box"].prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.flags = 0, this.size = this.name.length + 1 + (this.location ? this.location.length + 1 : 0), this.writeHeader(t), t.writeCString(this.name), this.location && t.writeCString(this.location) }, BoxParser.vmhdBox.prototype.write = function (t) { this.version = 0, this.flags = 1, this.size = 8, this.writeHeader(t), t.writeUint16(this.graphicsmode), t.writeUint16Array(this.opcolor) }, BoxParser.cttsBox.prototype.unpack = function (t) { var e, i, r; for (r = 0, e = 0; e < this.sample_counts.length; e++)for (i = 0; i < this.sample_counts[e]; i++)t[r].pts = t[r].dts + this.sample_offsets[e], r++ }, BoxParser.sttsBox.prototype.unpack = function (t) { var e, i, r; for (r = 0, e = 0; e < this.sample_counts.length; e++)for (i = 0; i < this.sample_counts[e]; i++)t[r].dts = 0 === r ? 0 : t[r - 1].dts + this.sample_deltas[e], r++ }, BoxParser.stcoBox.prototype.unpack = function (t) { var e; for (e = 0; e < this.chunk_offsets.length; e++)t[e].offset = this.chunk_offsets[e] }, BoxParser.stscBox.prototype.unpack = function (t) { var e, i, r, s, a; for (s = 0, a = 0, e = 0; e < this.first_chunk.length; e++)for (i = 0; i < (e + 1 < this.first_chunk.length ? this.first_chunk[e + 1] : 1 / 0); i++)for (a++, r = 0; r < this.samples_per_chunk[e]; r++) { if (!t[s]) return; t[s].description_index = this.sample_description_index[e], t[s].chunk_index = a, s++ } }, BoxParser.stszBox.prototype.unpack = function (t) { var e; for (e = 0; e < this.sample_sizes.length; e++)t[e].size = this.sample_sizes[e] }, BoxParser.DIFF_BOXES_PROP_NAMES = ["boxes", "entries", "references", "subsamples", "items", "item_infos", "extents", "associations", "subsegments", "ranges", "seekLists", "seekPoints", "esd", "levels"], BoxParser.DIFF_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_PROP_NAMES = ["compatible_brands", "matrix", "opcolor", "sample_counts", "sample_counts", "sample_deltas", "first_chunk", "samples_per_chunk", "sample_sizes", "chunk_offsets", "sample_offsets", "sample_description_index", "sample_duration"], BoxParser.boxEqualFields = function (t, e) { if (t && !e) return !1; var i; for (i in t) if (!(BoxParser.DIFF_BOXES_PROP_NAMES.indexOf(i) > -1 || t[i] instanceof BoxParser.Box || e[i] instanceof BoxParser.Box || void 0 === t[i] || void 0 === e[i] || "function" == typeof t[i] || "function" == typeof e[i] || t.subBoxNames && t.subBoxNames.indexOf(i.slice(0, 4)) > -1 || e.subBoxNames && e.subBoxNames.indexOf(i.slice(0, 4)) > -1 || "data" === i || "start" === i || "size" === i || "creation_time" === i || "modification_time" === i || BoxParser.DIFF_PRIMITIVE_ARRAY_PROP_NAMES.indexOf(i) > -1 || t[i] === e[i])) return !1; return !0 }, BoxParser.boxEqual = function (t, e) { if (!BoxParser.boxEqualFields(t, e)) return !1; for (var i = 0; i < BoxParser.DIFF_BOXES_PROP_NAMES.length; i++) { var r = BoxParser.DIFF_BOXES_PROP_NAMES[i]; if (t[r] && e[r] && !BoxParser.boxEqual(t[r], e[r])) return !1 } return !0 }; var VTTin4Parser = function () { }; VTTin4Parser.prototype.parseSample = function (t) { var e, i, r = new MP4BoxStream(t.buffer); for (e = []; !r.isEos();)(i = BoxParser.parseOneBox(r, !1)).code === BoxParser.OK && "vttc" === i.box.type && e.push(i.box); return e }, VTTin4Parser.prototype.getText = function (t, e, i) { function r(t, e, i) { return i = i || "0", (t += "").length >= e ? t : new Array(e - t.length + 1).join(i) + t } function s(t) { var e = Math.floor(t / 3600), i = Math.floor((t - 3600 * e) / 60), s = Math.floor(t - 3600 * e - 60 * i), a = Math.floor(1e3 * (t - 3600 * e - 60 * i - s)); return r(e, 2) + ":" + r(i, 2) + ":" + r(s, 2) + "." + r(a, 3) } for (var a = this.parseSample(i), n = "", o = 0; o < a.length; o++) { var h = a[o]; n += s(t) + " --\x3e " + s(e) + "\r\n", n += h.payl.text } return n }; var XMLSubtitlein4Parser = function () { }; XMLSubtitlein4Parser.prototype.parseSample = function (t) { var e, i = {}; i.resources = []; var r = new MP4BoxStream(t.data.buffer); if (t.subsamples && 0 !== t.subsamples.length) { if (i.documentString = r.readString(t.subsamples[0].size), t.subsamples.length > 1) for (e = 1; e < t.subsamples.length; e++)i.resources[e] = r.readUint8Array(t.subsamples[e].size) } else i.documentString = r.readString(t.data.length); return "undefined" != typeof DOMParser && (i.document = (new DOMParser).parseFromString(i.documentString, "application/xml")), i }; var Textin4Parser = function () { }; Textin4Parser.prototype.parseSample = function (t) { return new MP4BoxStream(t.data.buffer).readString(t.data.length) }, Textin4Parser.prototype.parseConfig = function (t) { var e = new MP4BoxStream(t.buffer); return e.readUint32(), e.readCString() }, "undefined" != typeof exports && (exports.XMLSubtitlein4Parser = XMLSubtitlein4Parser, exports.Textin4Parser = Textin4Parser); var ISOFile = function (t) { this.stream = t || new MultiBufferStream, this.boxes = [], this.mdats = [], this.moofs = [], this.isProgressive = !1, this.moovStartFound = !1, this.onMoovStart = null, this.moovStartSent = !1, this.onReady = null, this.readySent = !1, this.onSegment = null, this.onSamples = null, this.onError = null, this.sampleListBuilt = !1, this.fragmentedTracks = [], this.extractedTracks = [], this.isFragmentationInitialized = !1, this.sampleProcessingStarted = !1, this.nextMoofNumber = 1, this.itemListBuilt = !1, this.onSidx = null, this.sidxSent = !1 }; ISOFile.prototype.setSegmentOptions = function (t, e, i) { var r = this.getTrackById(t); if (r) { var s = {}; this.fragmentedTracks.push(s), s.id = t, s.user = e, s.trak = r, r.nextSample = 0, s.segmentStream = null, s.nb_samples = 1e3, s.rapAlignement = !0, i && (i.nbSamples && (s.nb_samples = i.nbSamples), i.rapAlignement && (s.rapAlignement = i.rapAlignement)) } }, ISOFile.prototype.unsetSegmentOptions = function (t) { for (var e = -1, i = 0; i < this.fragmentedTracks.length; i++) { this.fragmentedTracks[i].id == t && (e = i) } e > -1 && this.fragmentedTracks.splice(e, 1) }, ISOFile.prototype.setExtractionOptions = function (t, e, i) { var r = this.getTrackById(t); if (r) { var s = {}; this.extractedTracks.push(s), s.id = t, s.user = e, s.trak = r, r.nextSample = 0, s.nb_samples = 1e3, s.samples = [], i && i.nbSamples && (s.nb_samples = i.nbSamples) } }, ISOFile.prototype.unsetExtractionOptions = function (t) { for (var e = -1, i = 0; i < this.extractedTracks.length; i++) { this.extractedTracks[i].id == t && (e = i) } e > -1 && this.extractedTracks.splice(e, 1) }, ISOFile.prototype.parse = function () { var t, e; if (!this.restoreParsePosition || this.restoreParsePosition()) for (; ;) { if (this.hasIncompleteMdat && this.hasIncompleteMdat()) { if (this.processIncompleteMdat()) continue; return } if (this.saveParsePosition && this.saveParsePosition(), (t = BoxParser.parseOneBox(this.stream, false)).code === BoxParser.ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_DATA) { if (this.processIncompleteBox) { if (this.processIncompleteBox(t)) continue; return } return } var i; switch (i = "uuid" !== (e = t.box).type ? e.type : e.uuid, this.boxes.push(e), i) { case "mdat": this.mdats.push(e); break; case "moof": this.moofs.push(e); break; case "moov": this.moovStartFound = !0, 0 === this.mdats.length && (this.isProgressive = !0); default: void 0 !== this[i] && Log.warn("ISOFile", "Duplicate Box of type: " + i + ", overriding previous occurrence"), this[i] = e }this.updateUsedBytes && this.updateUsedBytes(e, t) } }, ISOFile.prototype.checkBuffer = function (t) { if (null == t) throw "Buffer must be defined and non empty"; if (void 0 === t.fileStart) throw "Buffer must have a fileStart property"; return 0 === t.byteLength ? (Log.warn("ISOFile", "Ignoring empty buffer (fileStart: " + t.fileStart + ")"), this.stream.logBufferLevel(), !1) : (Log.info("ISOFile", "Processing buffer (fileStart: " + t.fileStart + ")"), t.usedBytes = 0, this.stream.insertBuffer(t), this.stream.logBufferLevel(), !!this.stream.initialized() || (Log.warn("ISOFile", "Not ready to start parsing"), !1)) }, ISOFile.prototype.appendBuffer = function (t, e) { var i; if (this.checkBuffer(t)) return this.parse(), this.moovStartFound && !this.moovStartSent && (this.moovStartSent = !0, this.onMoovStart && this.onMoovStart()), this.moov ? (this.sampleListBuilt || (this.buildSampleLists(), this.sampleListBuilt = !0), this.updateSampleLists(), this.onReady && !this.readySent && (this.readySent = !0, this.onReady(this.getInfo())), this.processSamples(e), this.nextSeekPosition ? (i = this.nextSeekPosition, this.nextSeekPosition = void 0) : i = this.nextParsePosition, this.stream.getEndFilePositionAfter && (i = this.stream.getEndFilePositionAfter(i))) : i = this.nextParsePosition ? this.nextParsePosition : 0, this.sidx && this.onSidx && !this.sidxSent && (this.onSidx(this.sidx), this.sidxSent = !0), this.meta && (this.flattenItemInfo && !this.itemListBuilt && (this.flattenItemInfo(), this.itemListBuilt = !0), this.processItems && this.processItems(this.onItem)), this.stream.cleanBuffers && (Log.info("ISOFile", "Done processing buffer (fileStart: " + t.fileStart + ") - next buffer to fetch should have a fileStart position of " + i), this.stream.logBufferLevel(), this.stream.cleanBuffers(), this.stream.logBufferLevel(!0), Log.info("ISOFile", "Sample data size in memory: " + this.getAllocatedSampleDataSize())), i }, ISOFile.prototype.getInfo = function () { var t, e, i, r, s, a, n = {}, o = new Date("1904-01-01T00:00:00Z").getTime(); if (this.moov) for (n.hasMoov = !0, n.duration = this.moov.mvhd.duration, n.timescale = this.moov.mvhd.timescale, n.isFragmented = null != this.moov.mvex, n.isFragmented && this.moov.mvex.mehd && (n.fragment_duration = this.moov.mvex.mehd.fragment_duration), n.isProgressive = this.isProgressive, n.hasIOD = null != this.moov.iods, n.brands = [], n.brands.push(this.ftyp.major_brand), n.brands = n.brands.concat(this.ftyp.compatible_brands), n.created = new Date(o + 1e3 * this.moov.mvhd.creation_time), n.modified = new Date(o + 1e3 * this.moov.mvhd.modification_time), n.tracks = [], n.audioTracks = [], n.videoTracks = [], n.subtitleTracks = [], n.metadataTracks = [], n.hintTracks = [], n.otherTracks = [], t = 0; t < this.moov.traks.length; t++) { if (a = (i = this.moov.traks[t]).mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entries[0], r = {}, n.tracks.push(r), r.id = i.tkhd.track_id, r.name = i.mdia.hdlr.name, r.references = [], i.tref) for (e = 0; e < i.tref.boxes.length; e++)s = {}, r.references.push(s), s.type = i.tref.boxes[e].type, s.track_ids = i.tref.boxes[e].track_ids; i.edts && (r.edits = i.edts.elst.entries), r.created = new Date(o + 1e3 * i.tkhd.creation_time), r.modified = new Date(o + 1e3 * i.tkhd.modification_time), r.movie_duration = i.tkhd.duration, r.movie_timescale = n.timescale, r.layer = i.tkhd.layer, r.alternate_group = i.tkhd.alternate_group, r.volume = i.tkhd.volume, r.matrix = i.tkhd.matrix, r.track_width = i.tkhd.width / 65536, r.track_height = i.tkhd.height / 65536, r.timescale = i.mdia.mdhd.timescale, r.cts_shift = i.mdia.minf.stbl.cslg, r.duration = i.mdia.mdhd.duration, r.samples_duration = i.samples_duration, r.codec = a.getCodec(), r.kind = i.udta && i.udta.kinds.length ? i.udta.kinds[0] : { schemeURI: "", value: "" }, r.language = i.mdia.elng ? i.mdia.elng.extended_language : i.mdia.mdhd.languageString, r.nb_samples = i.samples.length, r.size = i.samples_size, r.bitrate = 8 * r.size * r.timescale / r.samples_duration, a.isAudio() ? (r.type = "audio", n.audioTracks.push(r), r.audio = {}, r.audio.sample_rate = a.getSampleRate(), r.audio.channel_count = a.getChannelCount(), r.audio.sample_size = a.getSampleSize()) : a.isVideo() ? (r.type = "video", n.videoTracks.push(r), r.video = {}, r.video.width = a.getWidth(), r.video.height = a.getHeight()) : a.isSubtitle() ? (r.type = "subtitles", n.subtitleTracks.push(r)) : a.isHint() ? (r.type = "metadata", n.hintTracks.push(r)) : a.isMetadata() ? (r.type = "metadata", n.metadataTracks.push(r)) : (r.type = "metadata", n.otherTracks.push(r)) } else n.hasMoov = !1; if (n.mime = "", n.hasMoov && n.tracks) { for (n.videoTracks && n.videoTracks.length > 0 ? n.mime += 'video/mp4; codecs="' : n.audioTracks && n.audioTracks.length > 0 ? n.mime += 'audio/mp4; codecs="' : n.mime += 'application/mp4; codecs="', t = 0; t < n.tracks.length; t++)0 !== t && (n.mime += ","), n.mime += n.tracks[t].codec; n.mime += '"; profiles="', n.mime += this.ftyp.compatible_brands.join(), n.mime += '"' } return n }, ISOFile.prototype.processSamples = function (t) { var e, i; if (this.sampleProcessingStarted) { if (this.isFragmentationInitialized && null !== this.onSegment) for (e = 0; e < this.fragmentedTracks.length; e++) { var r = this.fragmentedTracks[e]; for (i = r.trak; i.nextSample < i.samples.length && this.sampleProcessingStarted;) { Log.debug("ISOFile", "Creating media fragment on track #" + r.id + " for sample " + i.nextSample); var s = this.createFragment(r.id, i.nextSample, r.segmentStream); if (!s) break; if (r.segmentStream = s, i.nextSample++, (i.nextSample % r.nb_samples == 0 || t || i.nextSample >= i.samples.length) && (Log.info("ISOFile", "Sending fragmented data on track #" + r.id + " for samples [" + Math.max(0, i.nextSample - r.nb_samples) + "," + (i.nextSample - 1) + "]"), Log.info("ISOFile", "Sample data size in memory: " + this.getAllocatedSampleDataSize()), this.onSegment && this.onSegment(r.id, r.user, r.segmentStream.buffer, i.nextSample, t || i.nextSample >= i.samples.length), r.segmentStream = null, r !== this.fragmentedTracks[e])) break } } if (null !== this.onSamples) for (e = 0; e < this.extractedTracks.length; e++) { var a = this.extractedTracks[e]; for (i = a.trak; i.nextSample < i.samples.length && this.sampleProcessingStarted;) { Log.debug("ISOFile", "Exporting on track #" + a.id + " sample #" + i.nextSample); var n = this.getSample(i, i.nextSample); if (!n) break; if (i.nextSample++, a.samples.push(n), (i.nextSample % a.nb_samples == 0 || i.nextSample >= i.samples.length) && (Log.debug("ISOFile", "Sending samples on track #" + a.id + " for sample " + i.nextSample), this.onSamples && this.onSamples(a.id, a.user, a.samples), a.samples = [], a !== this.extractedTracks[e])) break } } } }, ISOFile.prototype.getBox = function (t) { var e = this.getBoxes(t, !0); return e.length ? e[0] : null }, ISOFile.prototype.getBoxes = function (t, e) { var i = []; return ISOFile._sweep.call(this, t, i, e), i }, ISOFile._sweep = function (t, e, i) { for (var r in this.type && this.type == t && e.push(this), this.boxes) { if (e.length && i) return; ISOFile._sweep.call(this.boxes[r], t, e, i) } }, ISOFile.prototype.getTrackSamplesInfo = function (t) { var e = this.getTrackById(t); return e ? e.samples : void 0 }, ISOFile.prototype.getTrackSample = function (t, e) { var i = this.getTrackById(t); return this.getSample(i, e) }, ISOFile.prototype.releaseUsedSamples = function (t, e) { var i = 0, r = this.getTrackById(t); r.lastValidSample || (r.lastValidSample = 0); for (var s = r.lastValidSample; s < e; s++)i += this.releaseSample(r, s); Log.info("ISOFile", "Track #" + t + " released samples up to " + e + " (released size: " + i + ", remaining: " + this.samplesDataSize + ")"), r.lastValidSample = e }, ISOFile.prototype.start = function () { this.sampleProcessingStarted = !0, this.processSamples(!1) }, ISOFile.prototype.stop = function () { this.sampleProcessingStarted = !1 }, ISOFile.prototype.flush = function () { Log.info("ISOFile", "Flushing remaining samples"), this.updateSampleLists(), this.processSamples(!0), this.stream.cleanBuffers(), this.stream.logBufferLevel(!0) }, ISOFile.prototype.seekTrack = function (t, e, i) { var r, s, a, n, o = 0, h = 0; if (0 === i.samples.length) return Log.info("ISOFile", "No sample in track, cannot seek! Using time " + Log.getDurationString(0, 1) + " and offset: 0"), { offset: 0, time: 0 }; for (r = 0; r < i.samples.length; r++) { if (s = i.samples[r], 0 === r) h = 0, n = s.timescale; else if (s.cts > t * s.timescale) { h = r - 1; break } e && s.is_sync && (o = r) } for (e && (h = o), t = i.samples[h].cts, i.nextSample = h; i.samples[h].alreadyRead === i.samples[h].size && i.samples[h + 1];)h++; return a = i.samples[h].offset + i.samples[h].alreadyRead, Log.info("ISOFile", "Seeking to " + (e ? "RAP" : "") + " sample #" + i.nextSample + " on track " + i.tkhd.track_id + ", time " + Log.getDurationString(t, n) + " and offset: " + a), { offset: a, time: t / n } }, ISOFile.prototype.seek = function (t, e) { var i, r, s, a = this.moov, n = { offset: 1 / 0, time: 1 / 0 }; if (this.moov) { for (s = 0; s < a.traks.length; s++)i = a.traks[s], (r = this.seekTrack(t, e, i)).offset < n.offset && (n.offset = r.offset), r.time < n.time && (n.time = r.time); return Log.info("ISOFile", "Seeking at time " + Log.getDurationString(n.time, 1) + " needs a buffer with a fileStart position of " + n.offset), n.offset === 1 / 0 ? n = { offset: this.nextParsePosition, time: 0 } : n.offset = this.stream.getEndFilePositionAfter(n.offset), Log.info("ISOFile", "Adjusted seek position (after checking data already in buffer): " + n.offset), n } throw "Cannot seek: moov not received!" }, ISOFile.prototype.equal = function (t) { for (var e = 0; e < this.boxes.length && e < t.boxes.length;) { var i = this.boxes[e], r = t.boxes[e]; if (!BoxParser.boxEqual(i, r)) return !1; e++ } return !0 }, "undefined" != typeof exports && (exports.ISOFile = ISOFile), ISOFile.prototype.lastBoxStartPosition = 0, ISOFile.prototype.parsingMdat = null, ISOFile.prototype.nextParsePosition = 0, ISOFile.prototype.discardMdatData = !1, ISOFile.prototype.processIncompleteBox = function (t) { var e; return "mdat" === t.type ? (e = new BoxParser[t.type + "Box"](t.size), this.parsingMdat = e, this.boxes.push(e), this.mdats.push(e), e.start = t.start, e.hdr_size = t.hdr_size, this.stream.addUsedBytes(e.hdr_size), this.lastBoxStartPosition = e.start + e.size, this.stream.seek(e.start + e.size, !1, this.discardMdatData) ? (this.parsingMdat = null, !0) : (this.moovStartFound ? this.nextParsePosition = this.stream.findEndContiguousBuf() : this.nextParsePosition = e.start + e.size, !1)) : ("moov" === t.type && (this.moovStartFound = !0, 0 === this.mdats.length && (this.isProgressive = !0)), !!this.stream.mergeNextBuffer && this.stream.mergeNextBuffer() ? (this.nextParsePosition = this.stream.getEndPosition(), !0) : (t.type ? this.moovStartFound ? this.nextParsePosition = this.stream.getEndPosition() : this.nextParsePosition = this.stream.getPosition() + t.size : this.nextParsePosition = this.stream.getEndPosition(), !1)) }, ISOFile.prototype.hasIncompleteMdat = function () { return null !== this.parsingMdat }, ISOFile.prototype.processIncompleteMdat = function () { var t; return t = this.parsingMdat, this.stream.seek(t.start + t.size, !1, this.discardMdatData) ? (Log.debug("ISOFile", "Found 'mdat' end in buffered data"), this.parsingMdat = null, !0) : (this.nextParsePosition = this.stream.findEndContiguousBuf(), !1) }, ISOFile.prototype.restoreParsePosition = function () { return this.stream.seek(this.lastBoxStartPosition, !0, this.discardMdatData) }, ISOFile.prototype.saveParsePosition = function () { this.lastBoxStartPosition = this.stream.getPosition() }, ISOFile.prototype.updateUsedBytes = function (t, e) { this.stream.addUsedBytes && ("mdat" === t.type ? (this.stream.addUsedBytes(t.hdr_size), this.discardMdatData && this.stream.addUsedBytes(t.size - t.hdr_size)) : this.stream.addUsedBytes(t.size)) }, ISOFile.prototype.add = BoxParser.Box.prototype.add, ISOFile.prototype.addBox = BoxParser.Box.prototype.addBox, ISOFile.prototype.init = function (t) { var e = t || {}; this.add("ftyp").set("major_brand", e.brands && e.brands[0] || "iso4").set("minor_version", 0).set("compatible_brands", e.brands || ["iso4"]); return this.add("moov").add("mvhd").set("timescale", 1e3).set("rate", e.rate || 65536).set("creation_time", 0).set("modification_time", 0).set("duration", 0).set("volume", 1).set("matrix", [65536, 0, 0, 0, 65536, 0, 0, 0, 1073741824]).set("next_track_id", 1), this }, ISOFile.prototype.addTrack = function (t) { this.moov || this.init(t); var e = t || {}; e.width = e.width || 320, e.height = e.height || 320, e.id = e.id || this.moov.mvhd.next_track_id, e.type = e.type || "avc1"; var i = this.moov.add("trak"); this.moov.mvex || this.moov.add("mvex"), this.moov.mvhd.next_track_id = e.id + 1, i.add("tkhd").set("flags", BoxParser.TKHD_FLAG_ENABLED | BoxParser.TKHD_FLAG_IN_MOVIE | BoxParser.TKHD_FLAG_IN_PREVIEW).set("creation_time", 0).set("modification_time", 0).set("track_id", e.id).set("duration", e.duration || 0).set("layer", e.layer || 0).set("alternate_group", 0).set("volume", 1).set("matrix", [65536, 0, 0, 0, 65536, 0, 0, 0, 1073741824]).set("width", e.width << 16).set("height", e.height << 16); var r = i.add("mdia"); r.add("mdhd").set("creation_time", 0).set("modification_time", 0).set("timescale", e.timescale || 1).set("duration", e.media_duration || 0).set("language", e.language || "und"), r.add("hdlr").set("handler", e.hdlr || "vide").set("name", e.name || "Track created with MP4Box.js"); var s = r.add("minf"); if (void 0 !== BoxParser[e.type + "SampleEntry"]) { var a = new BoxParser[e.type + "SampleEntry"]; a.data_reference_index = 1; var n = ""; for (var o in BoxParser.sampleEntryCodes) for (var h = BoxParser.sampleEntryCodes[o], d = 0; d < h.length; d++)if (h.indexOf(e.type) > -1) { n = o; break } switch (n) { case "Visual": if (s.add("vmhd").set("graphicsmode", 0).set("opcolor", [0, 0, 0]), a.set("width", e.width).set("height", e.height).set("horizresolution", 72 << 16).set("vertresolution", 72 << 16).set("frame_count", 1).set("compressorname", "").set("depth", 24), e.avcDecoderConfigRecord) { var l = new BoxParser.avcCBox, p = new MP4BoxStream(e.avcDecoderConfigRecord); l.parse(p), a.addBox(l) } break; case "Audio": s.add("smhd").set("balance", e.balance || 0), a.set("channel_count", e.channel_count || 2).set("samplesize", e.samplesize || 16).set("samplerate", e.samplerate || 65536); break; case "Hint": s.add("hmhd"); break; case "Subtitle": if (s.add("sthd"), "stpp" === e.type) a.set("namespace", e.namespace || "nonamespace").set("schema_location", e.schema_location || "").set("auxiliary_mime_types", e.auxiliary_mime_types || ""); break; default: s.add("nmhd") }e.description && a.addBox(e.description), e.description_boxes && e.description_boxes.forEach((function (t) { a.addBox(t) })), s.add("dinf").add("dref").addEntry((new BoxParser["url Box"]).set("flags", 1)); var f = s.add("stbl"); return f.add("stsd").addEntry(a), f.add("stts").set("sample_counts", []).set("sample_deltas", []), f.add("stsc").set("first_chunk", []).set("samples_per_chunk", []).set("sample_description_index", []), f.add("stsz").set("sample_sizes", []), f.add("stco").set("chunk_offsets", []), this.moov.mvex.add("mehd").set("fragment_duration", 0), this.moov.mvex.add("trex").set("track_id", e.id).set("default_sample_description_index", e.default_sample_description_index || 1).set("default_sample_duration", e.default_sample_duration || 0).set("default_sample_size", e.default_sample_size || 0).set("default_sample_flags", e.default_sample_flags || 0), this.buildTrakSampleLists(i), e.id } }, BoxParser.Box.prototype.computeSize = function (t) { var e = t || new DataStream; e.endianness = DataStream.BIG_ENDIAN, this.write(e) }, ISOFile.prototype.addSample = function (t, e, i) { var r = i || {}, s = {}, a = this.getTrackById(t); if (null !== a) { s.number = a.samples.length, s.track_id = a.tkhd.track_id, s.timescale = a.mdia.mdhd.timescale, s.description_index = r.sample_description_index ? r.sample_description_index - 1 : 0, s.description = a.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entries[s.description_index], s.data = e, s.size = e.byteLength, s.alreadyRead = s.size, s.duration = r.duration || 1, s.cts = r.cts || 0, s.dts = r.dts || 0, s.is_sync = r.is_sync || !1, s.is_leading = r.is_leading || 0, s.depends_on = r.depends_on || 0, s.is_depended_on = r.is_depended_on || 0, s.has_redundancy = r.has_redundancy || 0, s.degradation_priority = r.degradation_priority || 0, s.offset = 0, s.subsamples = r.subsamples, a.samples.push(s), a.samples_size += s.size, a.samples_duration += s.duration, a.first_dts || (a.first_dts = r.dts), this.processSamples(); var n = this.createSingleSampleMoof(s); return this.addBox(n), n.computeSize(), n.trafs[0].truns[0].data_offset = n.size + 8, this.add("mdat").data = new Uint8Array(e), s } }, ISOFile.prototype.createSingleSampleMoof = function (t) { var e = new BoxParser.moofBox; e.add("mfhd").set("sequence_number", this.nextMoofNumber), this.nextMoofNumber++; var i = e.add("traf"); this.getTrackById(t.track_id); return i.add("tfhd").set("track_id", t.track_id).set("flags", 131104).set("default_sample_flags", 16842752), i.add("trun").set("flags", t.is_sync ? 773 : 769).set("data_offset", 0).set("first_sample_flags", t.is_sync ? 33554432 : 0).set("sample_count", 1).set("sample_duration", [t.duration]).set("sample_size", [t.size]).set("sample_flags", []).set("sample_composition_time_offset", []), e }, ISOFile.prototype.lastMoofIndex = 0, ISOFile.prototype.samplesDataSize = 0, ISOFile.prototype.resetTables = function () { var t, e, i, r, s, a; for (this.initial_duration = this.moov.mvhd.duration, this.moov.mvhd.duration = 0, t = 0; t < this.moov.traks.length; t++) { (e = this.moov.traks[t]).tkhd.duration = 0, e.mdia.mdhd.duration = 0, (e.mdia.minf.stbl.stco || e.mdia.minf.stbl.co64).chunk_offsets = [], (i = e.mdia.minf.stbl.stsc).first_chunk = [], i.samples_per_chunk = [], i.sample_description_index = [], (e.mdia.minf.stbl.stsz || e.mdia.minf.stbl.stz2).sample_sizes = [], (r = e.mdia.minf.stbl.stts).sample_counts = [], r.sample_deltas = [], (s = e.mdia.minf.stbl.ctts) && (s.sample_counts = [], s.sample_offsets = []), a = e.mdia.minf.stbl.stss; var n = e.mdia.minf.stbl.boxes.indexOf(a); -1 != n && (e.mdia.minf.stbl.boxes[n] = null) } }, ISOFile.initSampleGroups = function (t, e, i, r, s) { var a, n, o, h; function d(t, e, i) { this.grouping_type = t, this.grouping_type_parameter = e, this.sbgp = i, this.last_sample_in_run = -1, this.entry_index = -1 } for (e && (e.sample_groups_info = []), t.sample_groups_info || (t.sample_groups_info = []), n = 0; n < i.length; n++) { for (h = i[n].grouping_type + "/" + i[n].grouping_type_parameter, o = new d(i[n].grouping_type, i[n].grouping_type_parameter, i[n]), e && (e.sample_groups_info[h] = o), t.sample_groups_info[h] || (t.sample_groups_info[h] = o), a = 0; a < r.length; a++)r[a].grouping_type === i[n].grouping_type && (o.description = r[a], o.description.used = !0); if (s) for (a = 0; a < s.length; a++)s[a].grouping_type === i[n].grouping_type && (o.fragment_description = s[a], o.fragment_description.used = !0, o.is_fragment = !0) } if (e) { if (s) for (n = 0; n < s.length; n++)!s[n].used && s[n].version >= 2 && (h = s[n].grouping_type + "/0", (o = new d(s[n].grouping_type, 0)).is_fragment = !0, e.sample_groups_info[h] || (e.sample_groups_info[h] = o)) } else for (n = 0; n < r.length; n++)!r[n].used && r[n].version >= 2 && (h = r[n].grouping_type + "/0", o = new d(r[n].grouping_type, 0), t.sample_groups_info[h] || (t.sample_groups_info[h] = o)) }, ISOFile.setSampleGroupProperties = function (t, e, i, r) { var s, a; for (s in e.sample_groups = [], r) { var n; if (e.sample_groups[s] = {}, e.sample_groups[s].grouping_type = r[s].grouping_type, e.sample_groups[s].grouping_type_parameter = r[s].grouping_type_parameter, i >= r[s].last_sample_in_run && (r[s].last_sample_in_run < 0 && (r[s].last_sample_in_run = 0), r[s].entry_index++, r[s].entry_index <= r[s].sbgp.entries.length - 1 && (r[s].last_sample_in_run += r[s].sbgp.entries[r[s].entry_index].sample_count)), r[s].entry_index <= r[s].sbgp.entries.length - 1 ? e.sample_groups[s].group_description_index = r[s].sbgp.entries[r[s].entry_index].group_description_index : e.sample_groups[s].group_description_index = -1, 0 !== e.sample_groups[s].group_description_index) n = r[s].fragment_description ? r[s].fragment_description : r[s].description, e.sample_groups[s].group_description_index > 0 ? (a = e.sample_groups[s].group_description_index > 65535 ? (e.sample_groups[s].group_description_index >> 16) - 1 : e.sample_groups[s].group_description_index - 1, n && a >= 0 && (e.sample_groups[s].description = n.entries[a])) : n && n.version >= 2 && n.default_group_description_index > 0 && (e.sample_groups[s].description = n.entries[n.default_group_description_index - 1]) } }, ISOFile.process_sdtp = function (t, e, i) { e && (t ? (e.is_leading = t.is_leading[i], e.depends_on = t.sample_depends_on[i], e.is_depended_on = t.sample_is_depended_on[i], e.has_redundancy = t.sample_has_redundancy[i]) : (e.is_leading = 0, e.depends_on = 0, e.is_depended_on = 0, e.has_redundancy = 0)) }, ISOFile.prototype.buildSampleLists = function () { var t, e; for (t = 0; t < this.moov.traks.length; t++)e = this.moov.traks[t], this.buildTrakSampleLists(e) }, ISOFile.prototype.buildTrakSampleLists = function (t) { var e, i, r, s, a, n, o, h, d, l, p, f, u, _, c, m, g, x, y, B, S, P, U, b; if (t.samples = [], t.samples_duration = 0, t.samples_size = 0, i = t.mdia.minf.stbl.stco || t.mdia.minf.stbl.co64, r = t.mdia.minf.stbl.stsc, s = t.mdia.minf.stbl.stsz || t.mdia.minf.stbl.stz2, a = t.mdia.minf.stbl.stts, n = t.mdia.minf.stbl.ctts, o = t.mdia.minf.stbl.stss, h = t.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd, d = t.mdia.minf.stbl.subs, f = t.mdia.minf.stbl.stdp, l = t.mdia.minf.stbl.sbgps, p = t.mdia.minf.stbl.sgpds, x = -1, y = -1, B = -1, S = -1, P = 0, U = 0, b = 0, ISOFile.initSampleGroups(t, null, l, p), void 0 !== s) { for (e = 0; e < s.sample_sizes.length; e++) { var v = {}; v.number = e, v.track_id = t.tkhd.track_id, v.timescale = t.mdia.mdhd.timescale, v.alreadyRead = 0, t.samples[e] = v, v.size = s.sample_sizes[e], t.samples_size += v.size, 0 === e ? (_ = 1, u = 0, v.chunk_index = _, v.chunk_run_index = u, g = r.samples_per_chunk[u], m = 0, c = u + 1 < r.first_chunk.length ? r.first_chunk[u + 1] - 1 : 1 / 0) : e < g ? (v.chunk_index = _, v.chunk_run_index = u) : (_++, v.chunk_index = _, m = 0, _ <= c || (c = ++u + 1 < r.first_chunk.length ? r.first_chunk[u + 1] - 1 : 1 / 0), v.chunk_run_index = u, g += r.samples_per_chunk[u]), v.description_index = r.sample_description_index[v.chunk_run_index] - 1, v.description = h.entries[v.description_index], v.offset = i.chunk_offsets[v.chunk_index - 1] + m, m += v.size, e > x && (y++, x < 0 && (x = 0), x += a.sample_counts[y]), e > 0 ? (t.samples[e - 1].duration = a.sample_deltas[y], t.samples_duration += t.samples[e - 1].duration, v.dts = t.samples[e - 1].dts + t.samples[e - 1].duration) : v.dts = 0, n ? (e >= B && (S++, B < 0 && (B = 0), B += n.sample_counts[S]), v.cts = t.samples[e].dts + n.sample_offsets[S]) : v.cts = v.dts, o ? (e == o.sample_numbers[P] - 1 ? (v.is_sync = !0, P++) : (v.is_sync = !1, v.degradation_priority = 0), d && d.entries[U].sample_delta + b == e + 1 && (v.subsamples = d.entries[U].subsamples, b += d.entries[U].sample_delta, U++)) : v.is_sync = !0, ISOFile.process_sdtp(t.mdia.minf.stbl.sdtp, v, v.number), v.degradation_priority = f ? f.priority[e] : 0, d && d.entries[U].sample_delta + b == e && (v.subsamples = d.entries[U].subsamples, b += d.entries[U].sample_delta), (l.length > 0 || p.length > 0) && ISOFile.setSampleGroupProperties(t, v, e, t.sample_groups_info) } e > 0 && (t.samples[e - 1].duration = Math.max(t.mdia.mdhd.duration - t.samples[e - 1].dts, 0), t.samples_duration += t.samples[e - 1].duration) } }, ISOFile.prototype.updateSampleLists = function () { var t, e, i, r, s, a, n, o, h, d, l, p, f, u, _; if (void 0 !== this.moov) for (; this.lastMoofIndex < this.moofs.length;)if (h = this.moofs[this.lastMoofIndex], this.lastMoofIndex++, "moof" == h.type) for (d = h, t = 0; t < d.trafs.length; t++) { for (l = d.trafs[t], p = this.getTrackById(l.tfhd.track_id), f = this.getTrexById(l.tfhd.track_id), r = l.tfhd.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_DESC ? l.tfhd.default_sample_description_index : f ? f.default_sample_description_index : 1, s = l.tfhd.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_DUR ? l.tfhd.default_sample_duration : f ? f.default_sample_duration : 0, a = l.tfhd.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_SIZE ? l.tfhd.default_sample_size : f ? f.default_sample_size : 0, n = l.tfhd.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_SAMPLE_FLAGS ? l.tfhd.default_sample_flags : f ? f.default_sample_flags : 0, l.sample_number = 0, l.sbgps.length > 0 && ISOFile.initSampleGroups(p, l, l.sbgps, p.mdia.minf.stbl.sgpds, l.sgpds), e = 0; e < l.truns.length; e++) { var c = l.truns[e]; for (i = 0; i < c.sample_count; i++) { (u = {}).moof_number = this.lastMoofIndex, u.number_in_traf = l.sample_number, l.sample_number++, u.number = p.samples.length, l.first_sample_index = p.samples.length, p.samples.push(u), u.track_id = p.tkhd.track_id, u.timescale = p.mdia.mdhd.timescale, u.description_index = r - 1, u.description = p.mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entries[u.description_index], u.size = a, c.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_SIZE && (u.size = c.sample_size[i]), p.samples_size += u.size, u.duration = s, c.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_DURATION && (u.duration = c.sample_duration[i]), p.samples_duration += u.duration, p.first_traf_merged || i > 0 ? u.dts = p.samples[p.samples.length - 2].dts + p.samples[p.samples.length - 2].duration : (l.tfdt ? u.dts = l.tfdt.baseMediaDecodeTime : u.dts = 0, p.first_traf_merged = !0), u.cts = u.dts, c.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_CTS_OFFSET && (u.cts = u.dts + c.sample_composition_time_offset[i]), _ = n, c.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_FLAGS ? _ = c.sample_flags[i] : 0 === i && c.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_FIRST_FLAG && (_ = c.first_sample_flags), u.is_sync = !(_ >> 16 & 1), u.is_leading = _ >> 26 & 3, u.depends_on = _ >> 24 & 3, u.is_depended_on = _ >> 22 & 3, u.has_redundancy = _ >> 20 & 3, u.degradation_priority = 65535 & _; var m = !!(l.tfhd.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_BASE_DATA_OFFSET), g = !!(l.tfhd.flags & BoxParser.TFHD_FLAG_DEFAULT_BASE_IS_MOOF), x = !!(c.flags & BoxParser.TRUN_FLAGS_DATA_OFFSET), y = 0; y = m ? l.tfhd.base_data_offset : g || 0 === e ? d.start : o, u.offset = 0 === e && 0 === i ? x ? y + c.data_offset : y : o, o = u.offset + u.size, (l.sbgps.length > 0 || l.sgpds.length > 0 || p.mdia.minf.stbl.sbgps.length > 0 || p.mdia.minf.stbl.sgpds.length > 0) && ISOFile.setSampleGroupProperties(p, u, u.number_in_traf, l.sample_groups_info) } } if (l.subs) { p.has_fragment_subsamples = !0; var B = l.first_sample_index; for (e = 0; e < l.subs.entries.length; e++)B += l.subs.entries[e].sample_delta, (u = p.samples[B - 1]).subsamples = l.subs.entries[e].subsamples } } }, ISOFile.prototype.getSample = function (t, e) { var i, r = t.samples[e]; if (!this.moov) return null; if (r.data) { if (r.alreadyRead == r.size) return r } else r.data = new Uint8Array(r.size), r.alreadyRead = 0, this.samplesDataSize += r.size, Log.debug("ISOFile", "Allocating sample #" + e + " on track #" + t.tkhd.track_id + " of size " + r.size + " (total: " + this.samplesDataSize + ")"); for (; ;) { var s = this.stream.findPosition(!0, r.offset + r.alreadyRead, !1); if (!(s > -1)) return null; var a = (i = this.stream.buffers[s]).byteLength - (r.offset + r.alreadyRead - i.fileStart); if (r.size - r.alreadyRead <= a) return Log.debug("ISOFile", "Getting sample #" + e + " data (alreadyRead: " + r.alreadyRead + " offset: " + (r.offset + r.alreadyRead - i.fileStart) + " read size: " + (r.size - r.alreadyRead) + " full size: " + r.size + ")"), DataStream.memcpy(r.data.buffer, r.alreadyRead, i, r.offset + r.alreadyRead - i.fileStart, r.size - r.alreadyRead), i.usedBytes += r.size - r.alreadyRead, this.stream.logBufferLevel(), r.alreadyRead = r.size, r; if (0 === a) return null; Log.debug("ISOFile", "Getting sample #" + e + " partial data (alreadyRead: " + r.alreadyRead + " offset: " + (r.offset + r.alreadyRead - i.fileStart) + " read size: " + a + " full size: " + r.size + ")"), DataStream.memcpy(r.data.buffer, r.alreadyRead, i, r.offset + r.alreadyRead - i.fileStart, a), r.alreadyRead += a, i.usedBytes += a, this.stream.logBufferLevel() } }, ISOFile.prototype.releaseSample = function (t, e) { var i = t.samples[e]; return i.data ? (this.samplesDataSize -= i.size, i.data = null, i.alreadyRead = 0, i.size) : 0 }, ISOFile.prototype.getAllocatedSampleDataSize = function () { return this.samplesDataSize }, ISOFile.prototype.getCodecs = function () { var t, e = ""; for (t = 0; t < this.moov.traks.length; t++) { t > 0 && (e += ","), e += this.moov.traks[t].mdia.minf.stbl.stsd.entries[0].getCodec() } return e }, ISOFile.prototype.getTrexById = function (t) { var e; if (!this.moov || !this.moov.mvex) return null; for (e = 0; e < this.moov.mvex.trexs.length; e++) { var i = this.moov.mvex.trexs[e]; if (i.track_id == t) return i } return null }, ISOFile.prototype.getTrackById = function (t) { if (void 0 === this.moov) return null; for (var e = 0; e < this.moov.traks.length; e++) { var i = this.moov.traks[e]; if (i.tkhd.track_id == t) return i } return null }, ISOFile.prototype.items = [], ISOFile.prototype.itemsDataSize = 0, ISOFile.prototype.flattenItemInfo = function () { var t, e, i, r = this.items, s = this.meta; if (null != s && void 0 !== s.hdlr && void 0 !== s.iinf) { for (t = 0; t < s.iinf.item_infos.length; t++)(i = {}).id = s.iinf.item_infos[t].item_ID, r[i.id] = i, i.ref_to = [], i.name = s.iinf.item_infos[t].item_name, s.iinf.item_infos[t].protection_index > 0 && (i.protection = s.ipro.protections[s.iinf.item_infos[t].protection_index - 1]), s.iinf.item_infos[t].item_type ? i.type = s.iinf.item_infos[t].item_type : i.type = "mime", i.content_type = s.iinf.item_infos[t].content_type, i.content_encoding = s.iinf.item_infos[t].content_encoding; if (s.iloc) for (t = 0; t < s.iloc.items.length; t++) { var a = s.iloc.items[t]; switch (i = r[a.item_ID], 0 !== a.data_reference_index && (Log.warn("Item storage with reference to other files: not supported"), i.source = s.dinf.boxes[a.data_reference_index - 1]), a.construction_method) { case 0: break; case 1: case 2: Log.warn("Item storage with construction_method : not supported") }for (i.extents = [], i.size = 0, e = 0; e < a.extents.length; e++)i.extents[e] = {}, i.extents[e].offset = a.extents[e].extent_offset + a.base_offset, i.extents[e].length = a.extents[e].extent_length, i.extents[e].alreadyRead = 0, i.size += i.extents[e].length } if (s.pitm && (r[s.pitm.item_id].primary = !0), s.iref) for (t = 0; t < s.iref.references.length; t++) { var n = s.iref.references[t]; for (e = 0; e < n.references.length; e++)r[n.from_item_ID].ref_to.push({ type: n.type, id: n.references[e] }) } if (s.iprp) for (var o = 0; o < s.iprp.ipmas.length; o++) { var h = s.iprp.ipmas[o]; for (t = 0; t < h.associations.length; t++) { var d = h.associations[t]; for (void 0 === (i = r[d.id]).properties && (i.properties = {}, i.properties.boxes = []), e = 0; e < d.props.length; e++) { var l = d.props[e]; if (l.property_index > 0 && l.property_index - 1 < s.iprp.ipco.boxes.length) { var p = s.iprp.ipco.boxes[l.property_index - 1]; i.properties[p.type] = p, i.properties.boxes.push(p) } } } } } }, ISOFile.prototype.getItem = function (t) { var e, i; if (!this.meta) return null; if (!(i = this.items[t]).data && i.size) i.data = new Uint8Array(i.size), i.alreadyRead = 0, this.itemsDataSize += i.size, Log.debug("ISOFile", "Allocating item #" + t + " of size " + i.size + " (total: " + this.itemsDataSize + ")"); else if (i.alreadyRead === i.size) return i; for (var r = 0; r < i.extents.length; r++) { var s = i.extents[r]; if (s.alreadyRead !== s.length) { var a = this.stream.findPosition(!0, s.offset + s.alreadyRead, !1); if (!(a > -1)) return null; var n = (e = this.stream.buffers[a]).byteLength - (s.offset + s.alreadyRead - e.fileStart); if (!(s.length - s.alreadyRead <= n)) return Log.debug("ISOFile", "Getting item #" + t + " extent #" + r + " partial data (alreadyRead: " + s.alreadyRead + " offset: " + (s.offset + s.alreadyRead - e.fileStart) + " read size: " + n + " full extent size: " + s.length + " full item size: " + i.size + ")"), DataStream.memcpy(i.data.buffer, i.alreadyRead, e, s.offset + s.alreadyRead - e.fileStart, n), s.alreadyRead += n, i.alreadyRead += n, e.usedBytes += n, this.stream.logBufferLevel(), null; Log.debug("ISOFile", "Getting item #" + t + " extent #" + r + " data (alreadyRead: " + s.alreadyRead + " offset: " + (s.offset + s.alreadyRead - e.fileStart) + " read size: " + (s.length - s.alreadyRead) + " full extent size: " + s.length + " full item size: " + i.size + ")"), DataStream.memcpy(i.data.buffer, i.alreadyRead, e, s.offset + s.alreadyRead - e.fileStart, s.length - s.alreadyRead), e.usedBytes += s.length - s.alreadyRead, this.stream.logBufferLevel(), i.alreadyRead += s.length - s.alreadyRead, s.alreadyRead = s.length } } return i.alreadyRead === i.size ? i : null }, ISOFile.prototype.releaseItem = function (t) { var e = this.items[t]; if (e.data) { this.itemsDataSize -= e.size, e.data = null, e.alreadyRead = 0; for (var i = 0; i < e.extents.length; i++) { e.extents[i].alreadyRead = 0 } return e.size } return 0 }, ISOFile.prototype.processItems = function (t) { for (var e in this.items) { var i = this.items[e]; this.getItem(i.id), t && !i.sent && (t(i), i.sent = !0, i.data = null) } }, ISOFile.prototype.hasItem = function (t) { for (var e in this.items) { var i = this.items[e]; if (i.name === t) return i.id } return -1 }, ISOFile.prototype.getMetaHandler = function () { return this.meta ? this.meta.hdlr.handler : null }, ISOFile.prototype.getPrimaryItem = function () { return this.meta && this.meta.pitm ? this.getItem(this.meta.pitm.item_id) : null }, ISOFile.prototype.itemToFragmentedTrackFile = function (t) { var e = t || {}, i = null; if (null == (i = e.itemId ? this.getItem(e.itemId) : this.getPrimaryItem())) return null; var r = new ISOFile; r.discardMdatData = !1; var s = { type: i.type, description_boxes: i.properties.boxes }; i.properties.ispe && (s.width = i.properties.ispe.image_width, s.height = i.properties.ispe.image_height); var a = r.addTrack(s); return a ? (r.addSample(a, i.data), r) : null }, ISOFile.prototype.write = function (t) { for (var e = 0; e < this.boxes.length; e++)this.boxes[e].write(t) }, ISOFile.prototype.createFragment = function (t, e, i) { var r = this.getTrackById(t), s = this.getSample(r, e); if (null == s) return s = r.samples[e], this.nextSeekPosition ? this.nextSeekPosition = Math.min(s.offset + s.alreadyRead, this.nextSeekPosition) : this.nextSeekPosition = r.samples[e].offset + s.alreadyRead, null; var a = i || new DataStream; a.endianness = DataStream.BIG_ENDIAN; var n = this.createSingleSampleMoof(s); n.write(a), n.trafs[0].truns[0].data_offset = n.size + 8, Log.debug("MP4Box", "Adjusting data_offset with new value " + n.trafs[0].truns[0].data_offset), a.adjustUint32(n.trafs[0].truns[0].data_offset_position, n.trafs[0].truns[0].data_offset); var o = new BoxParser.mdatBox; return o.data = s.data, o.write(a), a }, ISOFile.writeInitializationSegment = function (t, e, i, r) { var s; Log.debug("ISOFile", "Generating initialization segment"); var a = new DataStream; a.endianness = DataStream.BIG_ENDIAN, t.write(a); var n = e.add("mvex"); for (i && n.add("mehd").set("fragment_duration", i), s = 0; s < e.traks.length; s++)n.add("trex").set("track_id", e.traks[s].tkhd.track_id).set("default_sample_description_index", 1).set("default_sample_duration", r).set("default_sample_size", 0).set("default_sample_flags", 65536); return e.write(a), a.buffer }, ISOFile.prototype.save = function (t) { var e = new DataStream; e.endianness = DataStream.BIG_ENDIAN, this.write(e), e.save(t) }, ISOFile.prototype.getBuffer = function () { var t = new DataStream; return t.endianness = DataStream.BIG_ENDIAN, this.write(t), t.buffer }, ISOFile.prototype.initializeSegmentation = function () { var t, e, i, r; for (null === this.onSegment && Log.warn("MP4Box", "No segmentation callback set!"), this.isFragmentationInitialized || (this.isFragmentationInitialized = !0, this.nextMoofNumber = 0, this.resetTables()), e = [], t = 0; t < this.fragmentedTracks.length; t++) { var s = new BoxParser.moovBox; s.mvhd = this.moov.mvhd, s.boxes.push(s.mvhd), i = this.getTrackById(this.fragmentedTracks[t].id), s.boxes.push(i), s.traks.push(i), (r = {}).id = i.tkhd.track_id, r.user = this.fragmentedTracks[t].user, r.buffer = ISOFile.writeInitializationSegment(this.ftyp, s, this.moov.mvex && this.moov.mvex.mehd ? this.moov.mvex.mehd.fragment_duration : void 0, this.moov.traks[t].samples.length > 0 ? this.moov.traks[t].samples[0].duration : 0), e.push(r) } return e }, BoxParser.Box.prototype.printHeader = function (t) { this.size += 8, this.size > MAX_SIZE && (this.size += 8), "uuid" === this.type && (this.size += 16), t.log(t.indent + "size:" + this.size), t.log(t.indent + "type:" + this.type) }, BoxParser.FullBox.prototype.printHeader = function (t) { this.size += 4, BoxParser.Box.prototype.printHeader.call(this, t), t.log(t.indent + "version:" + this.version), t.log(t.indent + "flags:" + this.flags) }, BoxParser.Box.prototype.print = function (t) { this.printHeader(t) }, BoxParser.ContainerBox.prototype.print = function (t) { this.printHeader(t); for (var e = 0; e < this.boxes.length; e++)if (this.boxes[e]) { var i = t.indent; t.indent += " ", this.boxes[e].print(t), t.indent = i } }, ISOFile.prototype.print = function (t) { t.indent = ""; for (var e = 0; e < this.boxes.length; e++)this.boxes[e] && this.boxes[e].print(t) }, BoxParser.mvhdBox.prototype.print = function (t) { BoxParser.FullBox.prototype.printHeader.call(this, t), t.log(t.indent + "creation_time: " + this.creation_time), t.log(t.indent + "modification_time: " + this.modification_time), t.log(t.indent + "timescale: " + this.timescale), t.log(t.indent + "duration: " + this.duration), t.log(t.indent + "rate: " + this.rate), t.log(t.indent + "volume: " + (this.volume >> 8)), t.log(t.indent + "matrix: " + this.matrix.join(", ")), t.log(t.indent + "next_track_id: " + this.next_track_id) }, BoxParser.tkhdBox.prototype.print = function (t) { BoxParser.FullBox.prototype.printHeader.call(this, t), t.log(t.indent + "creation_time: " + this.creation_time), t.log(t.indent + "modification_time: " + this.modification_time), t.log(t.indent + "track_id: " + this.track_id), t.log(t.indent + "duration: " + this.duration), t.log(t.indent + "volume: " + (this.volume >> 8)), t.log(t.indent + "matrix: " + this.matrix.join(", ")), t.log(t.indent + "layer: " + this.layer), t.log(t.indent + "alternate_group: " + this.alternate_group), t.log(t.indent + "width: " + this.width), t.log(t.indent + "height: " + this.height) }; var MP4Box = { createFile: function (t, e) { var i = void 0 === t || t, r = new ISOFile(e); return r.discardMdatData = !i, r } }; "undefined" != typeof exports && (exports.createFile = MP4Box.createFile);