adorn. An exploration of editor micro helpers.
alc.detect-ns. Detect namespace of Clojure source code.
alc.enum-repls. Find information about local networked Clojure REPLs, notably port numbers.
alc.x-as-tests. Use a variety of things (e.g. comment block content) as tests.
babashka. A Clojure babushka for the grey areas of Bash.
brisk. Freeze and thaw with Nippy at the command line
bootleg. Simple template processing command line tool to help build static websites.
clj-kondo. A linter for Clojure code that sparks joy.
cljfmt. A tool for formatting Clojure code
cljstyle. A tool for formatting Clojure code
cljtree-graalvm. Tree version in Clojure built with GraalVM.
clojurl. An example Clojure CLI HTTP/S client using GraalVM native image.
cotd. Clojure docstring of the day.
dad. Small configuration management tool for Clojure.
deps.clj. A port of the
bash script to Clojure and compiled with GraalVM to a binary. -
eden. Embedded and Extensible Scripting Language in Clojure.
Google Authenticator. Compute your Google Authenticator One Time Password.
graal-native-image-jni. Smallest JNI example with GraalVM native-image.
jet. CLI to transform between JSON, EDN and Transit.
optikon. Command-line wrapper for the powerful vega visualization JS libraries.
PGMig. Standalone PostgreSQL Migration Runner based on Migratus.
rep. A single-shot nREPL client designed for shell invocation.
spire. A Clojure domain specific language tailored to idempotently orchestrate machines in parallel over SSH.
tabl. Make tables from data in your terminal
terminal-todo-mvc. An example terminal todo app (with mouse support!).
wernicke. A redaction tool.
zprint. A fast zprint filter.
cli-matic. (Sub)command line parsing.
clj-http-lite. A lite version of clj-http that uses the jre’s
. -
clj-yaml. Provides YAML encoding and decoding for Clojure via the snakeyaml Java library.
cljstache. {{ mustache }} templates for Clojure[Script].
edamame. Configurable EDN/code parser with location metadata.
enlive. A selector-based (à la CSS) templating and transformation system for Clojure
fipp. Fast idiomatic pretty-printe for Clojure.
graal.locking. Historical workaround for the since fixed CLJ-1472 issue, the latest Clojure release now recommended instead.
hickory. HTML as data.
markdown-clj. Markdown parser in Clojure.
lanterna. A java library for making Terminal User Interfaces.
puget. Canonical Colorizing Clojure Printer
rewrite-clj. Rewrite Clojure Code and EDN!
selmer. A fast, Django inspired template system in Clojure.
Small Clojure Interpreter. Evaluation of Clojure expressions from user input a.k.a
for GraalVM. -
yaml. A fast, idiomatic and easy to use Clojure YAML library. Based on Snake YAML. Note requires :exclusion and seperate dependency of of snakeyaml: owainlewis/yaml#35
Also see BrunoBonacci/graalvm-clojure for a list of libraries known to work with GraalVM native-image
clj.native-image. Build GraalVM native images with Clojure Deps and CLI tools.
setup-graalvm. GitHub action to set up GraalVM environment in hosted runners as a replacement for Java.
Huahai - Writing C code in Java/Clojure: GraalVM specific programming
Alys Brooks, Using Graal on a Small-But-Real Clojure Application
AstRecipes, Command-line apps with Clojure and GraalVM: 300x better start-up times
Bruno Bonacci, An exploration of Clojure libraries that can produce native images under GraalVM
Dieter Komendera, Clojure Berlin: ProseMirror Transforms with GraalVM and Clojure