Hello, this is a project that i was working on some time ago, as i am not going to use it anytime soon i decided to publish it for free, it's missing some core functionality like streaming "cheats" and some other relevant needed stuff. Anyways, it's a good example and it's helpful to show how to do things in the right tracks.
It's coded in C++ and it has a graphical interface using Win32 GUI.
- Metadata gathering (general computer information such as GPU, CPU, OS, Motherboard, Disk drives, Network adapters and some other fingerprints methods)
- Websocket client connection with server
- Basic graphical user interface for login and user panel
- VMProtect ready
- Libraries used: websocketpp, OpenSSL 3.0, JSON for modern C++, scope_guard, ASIO
It's coded in C#, it's a simple Websocket server.
- Can be easily configured using toml file (config/config.toml)
- Logs are automatically saved on disk
- .NET Core 8.0, so it's portable and work for both Linux and Windows
- Nu.get packages: Serilog (for logging), Fleck (WebSocket) and Tomlyn (for TOML parsing).
- Capable of handling version update for client and login
- Connects to API endpoint to perform actions
This is a sample project with a lot of functionalities stripped, if you're interested in a custom solution that fits your needs please contact me.
- Versioning, login
- Server/client networking
- Metadata gathering
- Automatically store credentials on disk upon successful login
- Basic Win32 GUI API (Button, Checkbox, EditBox, ListView, ProgressBar, RichEditControl, Static, StatusBar, Window, Dialog and Thunk)
- Makes use of solid and secure libraries like OpenSSL
- TLS support (straighforward to be implemented)
- Network protocol layer security (encrypt communication with strong symmetric encryption like AES)
- Injection logic (cheat streaming, driver, etc)
- Other security miscellaneous
- API endpoint code
- Some other specific customized solutions
Server and config
Check out my blog!
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