#Facebook integration instruction for Cocos2d-JS on iOS
This doc walks you through the usage of Facebook support for Cocos2d-JS on iOS.
Please refer to Step 3. Obtain a Facebook App ID - Getting Started with the Facebook iOS SDK to create a Facebook App on iOS platform.
Step1: Open the Xcode project file. Assuming the project name is myProject
, then you can find the it at myProject/frameworks/runtime-src/proj.ios_mac/
Step2: Click on the project root, then target
->myProject IOS
->Build Phases
->Link Binary With Libraries
. Click +
button to popup a sub window. Then click on Add Other...
button in the sub window. Then find FacebookSDK.framework
under myProject/frameworks/js-bindings/cocos2d-x/plugin/plugins/proj.ios/sdk/
to add it.
Step3: Refer to Step 4: Configure your Xcode Project - Getting Started with the Facebook iOS SDK to add FacebookAppID
, FacebookDisplayName
, URL types
in Info.plist
file. You can find this file under ios
folder of your Xcode project. You can see the result below:
Step4: Open target myProject iOS
in the project root, open Build Settings
page, then search for Other Linker Flags
, and add -ObjC
linker flag(Maybe you need to add CoreVideo.framework
and GameController.framework
if you compile failed).
Step5: Find ios/AppController.mm
, add necessary code for Facebook iOS SDK:
Add header:
#import <FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h>
Add the following method in the
section:- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation { return [FBSession.activeSession handleOpenURL:url]; }
[FBAppCall handleDidBecomeActive];
function:- (void)applicationDidBecomeActive:(UIApplication *)application { [FBAppCall handleDidBecomeActive]; cocos2d::Director::getInstance()->resume(); }
Because Facebook support for Cocos2d-JS is based on Plugin-x, you need to add Plugin-x project to your project first.
Step1: Right click myProject
, select addFiles to "myProject"
, then add myProject/frameworks/js-bindings/cocos2d-x/plugin/protocols/proj.ios/PluginProtocol.xcodeproj
Step2: Right click on myProject
, select addFiles to "myProject"
, then add myProject/frameworks/js-bindings/cocos2d-x/plugin/plugins/facebook/proj.ios/PluginFacebook.xcodeproj
Step3: Click myProject
, then target
->myProject IOS
->Build Phases
. Then click +
button of Target Dependencies
to add PluginProtocol
and PluginFacebook
targets. Then click +
button of Link Binary With Libraries
list to add libPluginProtocol.a
and libPluginFacebook.a
The next step is to include and register the JavaScript bindings code in SpiderMonkey.
Step1: Add jsb_pluginx.js (under myProject/frameworks/js-bindings/cocos2d-x/plugin/jsbindings/script
) into myProject
, and make sure it is listed in Copy Bundle Resources
section under Build Phases
Step2: Find Classes
folder, add JavaScript bindings related header files in AppDelegate.cpp
, there are two header files: jsb_cocos2dx_pluginx_auto.hpp
and jsb_pluginx_extension_registration.h
#include "jsb_cocos2dx_pluginx_auto.hpp"
#include "jsb_pluginx_extension_registration.h"
Step3: As the following code snippet, register JavaScript bindings code in AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching
function of AppDelegate.cpp
. Notice: Please pay attention to the location of the code.
bool AppDelegate::applicationDidFinishLaunching()
ScriptingCore* sc = ScriptingCore::getInstance();
// Add these lines before sc->start()
return true;
Now we are done with the setup and are ready to use the Facebook API.
To know more details about Plugin-x, please refer to Plugin-x Architecture and Integrate Plugin-x on iOS.
Please visit Facebook API Reference for Cocos2d-JS