0.0.64 (2017-12-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- Jenkins parallel pipeline - integration test #476
- Refactoring - Jenkins slave attributes in one json block #474
Closed issues:
- CLM Chef cookbook - open source #479
- CLM/UCD/UCR - Bumping versions #478
- Artifactory - Bumping to version 5.7.0 #477
- CLM - Bumping to version 6.0.5 iFix01 #475
0.0.63 (2017-12-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- lobby - Jenkins pipeline #473
0.0.62 (2017-12-14)
Closed issues:
- CLM - Bumping to version 6.0.5 #472
0.0.61 (2017-12-05)
0.0.60 (2017-11-25)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Jira - add inspec support #470
- Jenkins - Bumping to version 2.91 #469
- Artifactory - Bumping to version 5.6.1 #468
0.0.59 (2017-11-18)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- lobby - don't publish junit test result report if build fails #462
- Jenkins/Ansible/MedOne - Deployment fails #455
Closed issues:
- Lobby/Ansible - Bumping to version 2.4.1 #461
- Jenkins - Bumping to version 2.90 #459
- MedOne - Refactor infrastructure spinning from Ansible to python #458
- Jenkins - Bumping plugins versions #457
- MedOne - Bumpint API version to 2.6 #456
- Jenkins/Ansible - Bumping community (Galaxy) role version #454
0.0.58 (2017-11-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Chef Automate #453
- CHEF - Push Jobs #447
- CHEF - manage/push-jobs-server/push-jobs-client addons - feature toggles #446
Closed issues:
- CHEF client - Bumping to version 13.6.4 #452
- CHEF client - bumping to version 13.6.0 #451
- CHEF server - bumping to version 12.17.5 #450
- CHEF - Switching to inspec tests #449
- inspec - Bumping to version 1.43.8 #448
0.0.57 (2017-11-01)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- CLM RM graphic artifacts are not rendered #443
Closed issues:
- CLM - bumping to version 6.0.4 iFix04a #442
0.0.56 (2017-10-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- CHEF - Additional node - Compliance #438
- Jenkins - Blue Ocean feature toggle #437
- Lobby - Switch from setting config.json to command line arguments #435
Closed issues:
- Switch depy.json configuration file to command line arguments #441
- Artifactory - Bumping to version 5.5.2 #440
- Move skeleton env configuration attributes to .depy repo #439
- chef-server cookbook - Bumping to version 5.5.0, chef-ingredient cookbook - Bumping to version 2.1.10 #436
0.0.55 (2017-10-21)
Fixed bugs:
- up job is not broken if the up step is failing #434
Closed issues:
0.0.54 (2017-10-19)
Closed issues:
- Artifactory/CHEF - Change to the same steps as Ansible #424
0.0.53 (2017-10-07)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- UCD-Blueprint deployment broken - No more space #431
Closed issues:
- UCD - Bumping to version #429
- CLM - Bumping to version 6.0.4 ifix 04 #428
- Jenkins - Bumping version 2.82 #426
0.0.52 (2017-09-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- Enable username/password deployments from depy workstation container (lobby) #422
- docker engine app - continuous improvement #420
- Enable client deployment of depy-backend component #159
Fixed bugs:
- Artifactory with CHEF #394
Closed issues:
- Version Control configuration attributes #423
- Artifactory - Bumping to version 5.5.1 #421
- Jenkins - Bumping to version 2.80 #419
- Artifactory - Bumping to version 5.5.0 #418
- chefdk - bumping to version 2.3.4 #417
0.0.51 (2017-09-23)
Closed issues:
- Ansible - Bump to version 2.4 #416
0.0.50 (2017-09-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- cloudformation - stack per environment #414
- Validation - environment name doesn't include the char '-' #413
- chef - Use data bags for server admin user and organization #410
- chef-server idempotent #31
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- chef/chefdk - bumping versions #411
- Add trusted_certs to gitignore #409
- Handle Chef keys #84
- Remove dependency in chef.io service #26
0.0.49 (2017-09-09)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- chef server/CHEF is broken #406
Closed issues:
- clm - add support to version 6.0 iFix 13 #407
0.0.48 (2017-09-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- Jenkins test role with active seed feature #402
Fixed bugs:
- pin CHEF/Ansible versions installed in the control component #395
Closed issues:
0.0.47 (2017-08-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Testing - Verifying Jenkins nodes are not offline #399
- CHEF - Redirecting bootstrap output to log file #398
- Jenkins windows node with CHEF #393
Fixed bugs:
- Release Process run twice releases an empty milestone #396
Closed issues:
0.0.46 (2017-08-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Ansible - System Requirements Validations #187
- UCR - Add CHEF policyfile support #391
- Jira - Add CHEF support #390
- AWS userdata function #389
- Validation - Verify configuration attributes folder exists #385
- control component - MVP #382
- LDAP - Add CHEF support #380
Fixed bugs:
- CHEF - remove hard coded private configuration attributes #383
Closed issues:
- Jenkins/CHEF - Bumping cookbook to version 5.0.3 #388
- CHEF 13 #387
- Validation - Refactoring #386
- cm abstraction - call cm functions instead of ansible or CHEF #384
- CLM 6.0.3 iFix07 #381
0.0.45 (2017-08-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- Chef/Jenkins/test - Verify Jenkins Runs #225
- test - Jenkins Plugins - updates available #379
- Validation framework #378
- AWS CloudFormation - Enable for Chef #376
- AWS CloudFormation - Add ondemand instances to the stack #374
- Testing framework - continuous improvment #267
Closed issues:
0.0.44 (2017-07-30)
Implemented enhancements:
- CloudFormation - One Stack for all resources #372
Closed issues:
0.0.43 (2017-07-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Ansible/Spotinst/CloudFormation - Continuous Improvement #367
- Supporting additional windows platforms #364
- windows dev workstation #363
- Ansible/SpotInst/CloudFormation/Jenkins instances #362
Closed issues:
- IBM Installation Manager - Bumping to version 1.8.7 #370
- Jira - Bumping to version 7.4.1 #369
- Jenkins - Bumping to version 2.70 #368
- Artifactory - Bumping to version 5.4.5 #366
- CLM - Bumping to version 6.0.4 iFix02 #365
- spotinst configuration #361
Merged pull requests:
- 0.0.41 #359 (lioramilbaum)
0.0.42 (2017-07-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Jenkins - Windows slave #360
Closed issues:
- AWS CloudFormation #337
0.0.41 (2017-07-02)
Implemented enhancements:
- CLM - Support application_server type configuration attribute #355
- WAS - improve deployment process + add versions #352
- clm - do not deploy public key if jbe component is not active #349
Fixed bugs:
- CLM 5.0.2 deployment is broken #348
Closed issues:
- CLM - ifixes 6.0.3 iFix06, 5.0.3 iFix22 #358
- Artifactory - Bumping to version 5.4.4 #357
- Extract ssh user from platform and remove unneeded configuration attributes #356
- AWS - Add platform images #354
- Artifactory - Bumping version to 5.4.3 #353
- Refactoring - iim is Middleware (not APP) #351
- Refactoring - SUSE was replaced by SLES #350
- jenkins - bumping to version 2.68 #347
- Separate User configurations to dedicated folder ~/.depy #346
- Jira - Bumping to version 7.4.0 #345
- Artifactory - all versions since 5.0.0 + bumping to version 5.4.2 #344
- Ansible - Refactoring #343
- depy release - migrate from python to Ansible #339
0.0.40 (2017-06-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- conf - version configuration files moved to one folder #342
- Multiple platforms support #340
- Jira #106
Closed issues:
- Jenkins - Bumping version to 2.67 #341
0.0.39 (2017-06-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- ldap application/Ansible #332
- CLM/MTM - feature toggle #330
- Launching Windows instances on AWS with Ansible #320
- Websphere - MVP #162
Closed issues:
- jenkins - bumping to version 2.66 #335
- jenkins ansible role - bumping to version 3.1.2 #334
- Ansible Refactoring #331
- clm - bump to version 6.0.4 #329
- clm/ansible - refactoring - merge clm-server and jbe roles #328
0.0.38 (2017-06-11)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Ansible include list - hard coded include of AWS attribute file instead of dynamic cloud attribute file #321
Closed issues:
- Jenkins - bump to version 2.65 #327
- Development IDE - switch to ATOM (instead of Eclipse) #326
- UCD/Ansible - testing #325
- UCD - Bumping to version #324
0.0.37 (2017-06-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- jenkins/ldap - feature toggel #319
- ldap application - MVP #317
- Jenkins - favorite feature toggel #314
Closed issues:
- jenkins/git - feature toggle improvements #318
- chef/route53 cookbook - bumping to version 2.0.0 #316
- Jenkins - Bumping version 2.64 #315
- Simplify the configuration files tree - remove env directory #313
0.0.36 (2017-06-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- OnDemand/Ansible - Support capacity feature toggel #310
- Improve logging #305
- garbage collector as a standalone function #304
Fixed bugs:
- UCD agent service is not started #306
Closed issues:
- Ansible/iptables_raw - bumping version #311
- Jenkins - Bumping version to 2.63 + plugins #309
- Ansible - Bumping version to 2.3.1 #308
0.0.35 (2017-05-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Jenkins - documentation #303
- Jenkins/collabnet - feature toggle #301
- Jenkins - configure-csrf-protection #283
- Support additional Cloud provider #282
- Cloud and CM configuration depended on environement #280
Fixed bugs:
- Jenkins/swap - feature toggle broken #300
- Jenkins/chef - seed feature is broken #297
- swap/Ansible - play breaks #292
- Jenkins - Fix port forwarding #290
Closed issues:
- IBM Installation Manager - Bumping to version #302
- Jenkins/Ansible - Replace curl shell commands with uri module #299
- Jenkins/git,sbt - feature toggles #298
- Chef - upload role + cookbooks before infrastructure is created #296
- ChefDk - Bumping to version 1.4.3 #295
- move chef_version configuration attribute to cm/chef.json #294
- Jenkins/Ansible - Merge Jenkins applications/roles to one application/role #293
- Jenkins Node/Ansible - No need to install aws cli #291
- Ansible - Remove warnings #289
- Jenkins - Bumping to version 2.62 and plugins #288
- Remove chef upload configuration attribute #287
- Default application active configuration attribute - false #286
- Removed depy configuration files. Switched to one config file - env.json #285
- Removed system configuration attribute - not requried #284
- Jenkins/jdk - feature toggle #281
0.0.32 (2017-05-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- chef - pin chef-client version when bootstrapping #250
- Chef - Policyfile continueus improvement #248
- Chef - data bags #245
- CLM/Chef - Policyfile #244
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Jenkins - Bumping to version 2.58 #249
- Jenkins - Add Jenkins 2.54 new cli options: -http, -ssh, -remoting to jenkins_script resource #246
0.0.33 (2017-05-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- Publish a new depy release in twitter #264
- Git Large File Storage #261
- git - Chef Policyfile #258
- RCL - Ansible + Chef + Chef Policyfile #254
- Switch Red Hat instances with CentOS/SUSE #32
Fixed bugs:
- git lfs - not idempotent #266
- RCL - Duplicate deployment #259
- git - honor version attribute #255
- depy/Ansible - increash ssh timeout for SUSE instances #253
Closed issues:
- Jenkins - Bumping to version 2.60 + bumping plugins versions #265
- Jenkins - Bumping to version 2.59 #263
- Git Large File Storage - tests #262
- git - bumping to version 2.12.2 #260
- RCL - Bumping to version 8.1.5 #257
- Move chef feature toggle attributes to from depy to cm/chef #256
- git/Ansible - Switch git community role #252
- git - Rename component from git-server to git-client #251
0.0.34 (2017-05-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- depy - Launch RHEL instance performance #275
- UCD processes - run as a services #274
- UCD/Chef - support policyfile #272
- UCD/Chef - Use data bags instead hard coded admin password #271
- Ansilbe/RCL #167
- UCD with Ansible #40
- Deploy UrbanCode with Ansible #37
Closed issues:
- UCD - adding version #279
- Ansible/Java - common include file add RedHat support #278
- UCD - Bumping to version #277
- Jenkins - Bumping to version 2.61 + bumping plugins #276
- UCD - variable names standardization #273
- Ansible - All UCD components are deployed by one role #270
- Ansible - Extract ssh user from the platform #269
- Ansible - Move unzip installation to a common include file #268
0.0.31 (2017-04-23)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Ansible - Bump to version 2.3.0 #241
0.0.29 (2017-04-08)
0.0.28 (2017-04-08)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
0.0.30 (2017-04-08)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- chef & git - components file is not uptodate #237
- UCR/Chef - launch performance is bad #236
- UCR/Chef - Doesn't install the chosen version #235
- depy.ondemand role - breaks #232
- UCR/Ansible - breaks #231
- bootstrap.yml and route53.yml breaks on RHEL #229
- Ansible - launching ondemand vs spotinst is not working #228
Closed issues:
- Ansible - Use AWS DNS name for host name #238
- Chef/upload - move feature to depy application #233
- Remove ami_name and owner attributes - Unneeded #230
- Jenkins - Bump to version 2.54/2.55, Bump plugin versions #226
0.0.27 (2017-04-01)
Implemented enhancements:
- Garbage Collector utility #221
Fixed bugs:
- build breaks when AWS Profile is not set #220
Closed issues:
0.0.26 (2017-03-25)
Implemented enhancements:
- UCR-Artifactory plugin #214
- Configuration System - Configuration Management (cm) config files #212
- Ansible - Launching SpotInst instances or OnDemand #211
- Garbage Collector System #210
- Ansible/Jenkins - delete slave script #209
- Tag AWS instance script #208
- Generated CHANGELOG #206
Fixed bugs:
- UCR Stabilization #213
Closed issues:
- Switched AWS Ansible Role #217
- Ansible - Bootstrap application node #216
- Chef/timezone - Replacing timezone_lwrp cookbook with system cookbook #215
- Ansible Role AWS (Aplyca.AWS) - Bumping version #207
0.0.25 (2017-03-17)
0.0.24 (2017-03-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- chef resources for upstart/systemd service #161
- Overriding host group names (clm_host_group/clm_host_group...) not working #19
- CLM - Activating GCM #10
Closed issues:
0.0.23 (2017-03-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- Jenkins Updates #204
0.0.22 (2017-02-26)
Implemented enhancements:
0.0.21 (2017-02-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- About link #200
Fixed bugs:
- update_environment is not updating the environment #201
0.0.20 (2017-02-11)
Implemented enhancements:
- Automate routing after environment upgrade #192
- Automate security group settings #191
- clm - dependencies between version and os #129
Fixed bugs:
- environment creation fails if the terminate environment was not completed #199
- clm - dependencies between version and os #129
0.0.19 (2017-02-04)
Implemented enhancements:
- Front end application #47
- depy/clean - feature toggle #197
- chef upload - feature toggle #196
- Chef/Jenkins - Uploading features.json using conversion from json to ruby #194
- depy - automate eb environment upgrade #190
Fixed bugs:
- JKEBanking - RTCSample is using hardcoded credentials #193
Closed issues:
- Jenkins/scm_sync - feature toggle #195
- Chef 12.17.44 Released #118
- Jenkins - Bumping to version 2.43 #198
0.0.18 (2017-01-28)
Implemented enhancements:
- depy app - deploy with eb and automatically route to depy.io #185
Fixed bugs:
Closed issues:
- Bump ansible version - 2.2.1 #119
- route53/Chef - bumping to version 1.2.1 #189
- runit/Chef - Bumping to version 3.0.4 #188
- route53/Chef - Bumping cookbook to version 1.2.0 #186
- Refactoring - depy replaces depi #183
0.0.17 (2017-01-21)
Implemented enhancements:
- HelloWord Sample/Ansible #180
- git/Ansible #179
- Jenkins/Chef - Whatever ansible is configuring #173
- Add a node for building docker images #7
Fixed bugs:
- RPE/Chef - deploy fails #172
Closed issues:
- git/Chef - Bumping to version 5.0.2 #178
- Jenkins/Chef - Bumping cookbook to 4.2.1 #177
- Ansible - Bumping to version 2.2.1 #176
- jenkins/chef - bumping cookbook to version 4.2.0 #175
- iptables/chef - Bumping to version 3.1.0 #174
- Converting depi delivery pipeline script to python #171
- chefdk - bumping to version 1.1.16 #128
- Chef/CLM/server.rb - loop instead of code repteation #5
0.0.16 (2017-01-14)
Implemented enhancements:
Closed issues:
- Rational Collaborative Lifecycle Management Solution version 6.0.3 iFix001 #169
- Java chef cookbook - bumping to version 1.46.0 #163
- Chef - switch to ark cookbook #63
0.0.15 (2017-01-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Test Kitchen #156
- Jenkins - Disable Administrative Monitor Notification #155
- AWS - Elastic IPs #154
- Jenkins - flexiable-publish plugin #153
- Jenkins - Backup jobs to git repo #151
- Jenkins - configure JDK #150
- Jenkins - install pipeline plugin #149
- IAM Role - add policy to enable push to S3 #147
- Jenkins - deploy AWS on node #146
- CLM 5.0.2 #144
- frontend application - home page #143
Fixed bugs:
- Jenkins - JDK configuration is not presistent #152
Closed issues:
- Jenkins - bumping to version 2.39 #148
- Rational Collaborative Lifecycle Management Solution version 5.0.2 Screen-Capture-Jar #145
- Jenkins #142
0.0.14 (2016-12-31)
Implemented enhancements:
- Ansible/Jenkins node #126
- jenkins - configure sbt plugin #141
- attach a policy to the IAM role #138
- jenkins - build Build job #136
- jenkins - create jenkins <builder> user #134
- Ansible/Jenkins - Syncs configuration files to a SCM repository and tracks changes done to them #2
Fixed bugs:
- Jenkins - job list appears before login #140
Closed issues:
0.0.13 (2016-12-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- Jenkins - Configure Security Realm #125
- Ansible - enable launching ondemand instances or spot instances #123
- Spotinst - Multiple availability zones/subnets #122
- Add security group rules for fixed ips #121
Fixed bugs:
- Spotinst - Multiple availability zones/subnets #122
Closed issues:
- jenkins - bumping version 2.37 #133
- route53 - chef cookbook bumping to version 1.1.1 #130
- compat_resource -bump chef cookbook version 12.16.3 #127
0.0.12 (2016-12-16)
Implemented enhancements:
- Jenkins - Ubuntu 16.04 #116
- CLM - Ubuntu 16.04 #108
- CLM - Support release 6.0.3 #102
- spotinst - instances created On-Demand instead of spots #90
Fixed bugs:
- Jenkins - Ubuntu 16.04 #116
Closed issues:
0.0.11 (2016-12-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- SpotInst/Ansible - Add support for Ubuntu 16.04 #101
- ansible - route53 missing #99
- chef - Jenkins forward port 80 to <http_port> #95
- Add Jenkins http_port attribute #92
- AWS Security Topology improvements #78
- Ansible - do not overwrite the conf files #72
- Jenkins node #70
Fixed bugs:
- I can not enter to jenkins with user admin and pass admin #98
- Chef - Jenkins version is not picked up #97
- Jenkins default builder credentials are wrong #94
- jenkins_node chef role not running #93
- Build failure when there is no depi security group to clean #89
- Fix git/rtc integration #88
- route53 failure - chef build #86
- Deploying CLM server with chef failure - No space left of device #81
- Release process deletes conf/<company> config files #79
- Delete security group fails due to resource dependency #77
- ec2_group fails on managed machine #74
- Chef/RTC Build Definition build - jke.dev fails #33
Closed issues:
- Bump Java version to 8 for Jenkins instances #100
- bump runit cookbook - 3.0.3 #96
- Refactoring lmb-jenkins cookbook #91
- bump runit chef cookbook to 3.0.2 #87
- bump Jenkins chef cookbook - 4.1.2 #60
0.0.10 (2016-12-03)
Fixed bugs:
- Do not reset chef AWS security group when using ansible #76
- Deploying Chef is broken #75
- Clients configuration files should be removed from git repo #71
- UCR Deployment fails #69
Closed issues:
- system requirements for depi workstation with Chef #64
- update system requirements documentation - boto3 #56
0.0.9 (2016-11-25)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- ERROR! The vault password file /Users/liora/.ansible-pass-file was not found #57
- Dynamically create AWS Security Groups #21
Closed issues:
- bump nodejs chef cookbook #61
- bump Ansible version to 2.2 #59
- bump nodejs cookbook - 3.0.0 #58
- Get spotinst_token function #34
0.0.8 (2016-11-04)
0.0.7 (2016-10-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- Bump Jenkins Chef recipe to 4.1.0 #50
Fixed bugs:
- jenkins cookbook dependency is not locked for all cookbooks #42
Closed issues:
- Add licensing #48
- Bump Jenkins cookbook to 4.0.1 release #29
- Merge backend git repos #13
- Rename git repo names #12
0.0.6 (2016-10-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- Option to choose between hosted chef and private chef #38
- Bump UrbanCode Deploy release to 6.2.2 #36
- Switch to Spot instances via spotinst service #6
- Chef/UCD - Bump to version 6.2.2 #3
Fixed bugs:
- Clean() doesn't delete spotinst groups #25
Closed issues:
0.0.5 (2016-10-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- Ansible/CLM Buildengine #1
Closed issues:
0.0.4 (2016-10-03)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator