API endpoints for search, document retrieval, and RSS feed updates. Next.js API Routes with Route Handlers located in /app/api
: Search documents - GET
: Get a document - GET
: Get agg options - GET
: Get similar artworks - GET
: Get term suggestions - GET
: Get terms
: Import/upsert RSS feeds
GET: Execute a search on an Elasticsearch index
- Summary: Execute a search on an Elasticsearch index
- Description: Endpoint to execute a search on the provided Elasticsearch index based on the given parameters. Querystring parameters are the same as those for the Web UI:
In: query
- Name: index
- Required: true
- Description: Name of the Elasticsearch index to search.
- Schema:
- Type: string
In: query
- Name: p
- Required: false
- Description: Page number.
- Schema:
- Type: integer
In: query
- Name: size
- Required: false
- Description: Page size.
- Schema:
- Type: integer
In: query
- Name: q
- Required: false
- Description: Query to search for.
- Schema:
- Type: string
In: query
- Name: sf
- Required: false
- Description: Sort field.
- Schema:
- Type: string
In: query
- Name: so
- Required: false
- Description: Sort order.
- Schema:
- Type: string
- Enum:
- asc
- desc
In: query
- Name: color
- Required: false
- Description: Hex string representing the color to search for.
- Schema:
- Type: string
200: Successfully executed search.
- Content: application/json
- Schema:
- Type: array
- Items:
- Type: object
500: Internal server error.
- Content: application/json
- Schema:
- Type: object
- Properties:
- Error:
- Type: object
- Error:
GET: Retrieve a specific document by its ID
- Summary: Retrieve a specific document by its ID
- Description: Endpoint to retrieve a document based on the provided index and ID.
- Examples:
name: index
- in: query
- required: true
- description: The index in which the document is stored.
- schema:
- type: string
name: id
- in: query
- required: true
- description: The ID of the document to retrieve.
- schema:
- type: string
200: Successfully retrieved document.
- content: application/json
- schema:
- type: object
- properties:
- anyFieldName:
- type: string
- anotherFieldName:
- type: number
- anyFieldName:
400: Either 'id' or 'index' not provided.
- content: application/json
- schema:
- type: object
- properties:
- error:
- type: string
- error:
500: Internal server error.
- content: application/json
- schema:
- type: object
- properties:
- error:
- type: object
- error:
GET: Get Aggregation Options
- Summary: Get Aggregation Options
- Description: Retrieve aggregation options based on the provided index and field.
Name: index
- In: query
- Description: Index to search on.
- Required: true
- Schema:
- Type: string
Name: field
- In: query
- Description: Field to aggregate on.
- Required: true
- Schema:
- Type: string
Name: q
- In: query
- Description: Optional query string to further filter the results.
- Required: false
- Schema:
- Type: string
200: Successful response containing a list of aggregation options.
- Content: application/json
- Schema:
- Type: array
- Items:
- $ref:
- $ref:
400: Bad request, typically when "index" or "field" are not provided.
- Content: application/json
- Schema:
- Type: object
- Properties:
- Error:
- Type: string
- Error:
500: Internal server error.
- Content: application/json
- Schema:
- Type: object
- Properties:
- Error:
- Type: string
- Error:
GET: Retrieve Similar Artworks by ID
- Summary: Retrieve Similar Artworks by ID
- Description: Endpoint to get similar artworks by a given ID. Optionally, filter results based on the presence of a photo.
In: query
- Name: id
- Required: true
- Description: The ID of the artwork.
- Schema:
- Type: string
In: query
- Name: hasPhoto
- Required: false
- Description: Flag to indicate if the artwork should have a photo.
- Schema:
- Type: boolean
200: Successfully retrieved similar artworks.
- Content: application/json
- Schema:
- Type: array
- Items:
- Type: object
400: Invalid ID or other bad request.
- Content: application/json
- Schema:
- Type: object
- Properties:
- Error:
- Type: string
- Error:
500: Internal server error.
- Content: application/json
- Schema:
- Type: object
- Properties:
- Error:
- Type: object
- Error:
GET: Get suggestions based on a query string
- Summary: Get suggestions based on a query string
- Description: Endpoint to fetch suggestions based on the provided query string.
- In: query
- Name: q
- Required: true
- Description: The query string for which to fetch suggestions.
- Schema:
- Type: string
200: Successfully retrieved suggestions.
- Content: application/json
- Schema:
- Type: array
- Items:
- Type: object
- Placeholder for the structure of suggestions
500: Internal server error.
- Content: application/json
- Schema:
- Type: object
- Properties:
- Error:
- Type: object
- Error:
GET: Get terms based on a query string
- Summary: Get terms based on a query string
- Description: Endpoint to fetch terms based on the provided query string.
- In: query
- Name: q
- Required: true
- Description: The query string for which to fetch terms.
- Schema:
- Type: string
200: Successfully retrieved terms.
- Content: application/json
- Schema:
- Type: array
- Items:
- Type: object
500: Internal server error.
- Content: application/json
- Schema:
- Type: object
- Properties:
- Error:
- Type: object
- Error:
GET: Updates RSS feeds. Requires process.env.CRON_SECRET for authentication.
- Summary: Updates RSS feeds
- Description: Endpoint to update RSS feeds. Requires secret for authentication.
- Parameters:
- name: secret
- in: query
- required: true
- description: The secret key for authentication.
- schema:
- type: string
200: RSS feeds successfully updated.
- content: application/json
- schema:
- type: object
- properties:
- success:
- type: boolean
- message:
- type: string
- success: