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DropGrad: A Simple Method for Regularization and Accelerated Optimization of Neural Networks

DropGrad is a regularization method for neural networks that works by randomly (and independently) setting gradient values to zero before an optimization step. Similarly to Dropout, it has a single parameter, drop_rate, the probability of setting each parameter gradient to zero. In order to de-bias the remaining gradient values, they are divided by 1.0 - drop_rate.

To the best of my knowledge DropGrad is an original contribution. However, I have no plans of publishing a paper. If indeed, it is an original method, please feel free to publish a paper about DropGrad. If you do so, all I ask is that you mention me in your publication and cite this repository.


The PyTorch implementation of DropGrad can be installed simply using pip or by cloning the current GitHub repo.


The only requirement for DropGrad is PyTorch. (Only versions of PyTorch >= 2.0 have been tested, although DropGrad should be compatible with any version of PyTorch)

Using pip

To install using pip:

pip install dropgrad

Using git

git clone
cd dropgrad
python -m build
pip install dist/dropgrad-0.1.0-py3-none-any.whl


Basic Usage

To use DropGrad in your neural network optimization, simply import the DropGrad class to wrap your optimizer.

from dropgrad import DropGrad

Wrapping an optimizer is similar to using a learning rate scheduler:

opt_unwrapped = Adam(net.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
opt = DropGrad(opt_unwrapped, drop_rate=0.1)

During training, the application of DropGrad is automatically handled by the wrapper. Simply call .step() on the wrapped optimizer to apply DropGrad then .zero_grad() to reset the gradients.


Use with Learning Rate Schedulers

If you use a learning rate scheduler as well as DropGrad, simply pass the base optimizer to both the DropGrad wrapper and the learning rate scheduler:

opt_unwrapped = Adam(net.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
lr_scheduler = CosineAnnealingLR(opt_unwrapped, T_max=100)
opt = DropGrad(opt_unwrapped, drop_rate=0.1)

During the training loop, you call .step() on the DropGrad wrapper before calling .step() on the learning rate scheduler, similarly to using an optimizer without DropGrad:

for epoch_n in range(n_epochs):
    for x_batch, y_batch in dataloader:
        pred_batch = net(x_batch)
        loss = loss_fn(pred_batch, y_batch)




Varying drop_rate per Parameter

DropGrad allows the user to set a different drop rate for each Parameter under optimization. To do this, simply pass a dictionary mapping Parameters to drop rates to the drop_rate argument of the DropGrad wrapper. If a dictionary is passed to DropGrad during initialization, all optimized Parameters that are not present in that dictionary will have the drop rate passed to the DropGrad wrapper at initialization (if drop_rate=None then drop grad simply won't be applied to Parameters that are not present in the dictionary).

The example below will apply a drop_rate of 0.1 to all optimized weights and a drop_rate of 0.01 to all optimized biases, with no DropGrad applied to any other optimized Parameters:

drop_rate_weights = 0.1
drop_rate_biases = 0.01

params_weights = [p for name, p in net.named_parameters() if p.requires_grad and 'weight' in name]
params_biases = [p for name, p in net.named_parameters() if p.requires_grad and 'bias' in name]

param_drop_rates = {p: drop_rate_weights for p in params_weights}
param_drop_rates.update({p: drop_rate_biases for p in params_biases})

opt_unwrapped = Adam(net.parameters(), lr=1e-3)
opt = DropGrad(opt_unwrapped, drop_rate=None, params=param_drop_rates)


  • Write analysis of DropGrad
  • Implement drop rate schedulers
  • Implement option to apply "full" update drop by interrupting .step()