Amazon Web Services Signature Version 4 request signing in Nim
For AWS APIs in Nim, see
The request signing process is documented at and most of the procedures in this code should be identifiable in that documentation.
By default, we use for SHA256/SHA512 routines.
If you already have a dependency on NimCrypto, you can use that instead by
passing --define:sigv4UseNimCrypto
to the compiler.
$ nimph clone disruptek/sigv4
or if you think package managers are stupid,
$ git clone
$ echo '--path="$config/sigv4/"' >> nim.cfg
or if you're still using Nimble like it's 2012,
$ nimble install
import json
import httpcore
import sigv4
# the URL of the request
url = ""
# an AWS Secret Key
# the body of the request; eg. POST content
payload = ""
# the AWS region against which you are querying
region = "us-east-1"
# the short name of the service as you might find in, say, an ARN
service = "iam"
# an enum representing the signing algorithm, eg. SHA256 or SHA512
digest = SHA256
# an ISO8601 date string attached to the request
date = makeDateTime()
# a JsonNode holding the query string key/value pairs, as provided by the stdlib
query = %* {
"Action": "ListUsers",
"Version": "2010-05-08",
# http headers as provided by the stdlib
headers = newHttpHeaders(@[
("Host", ""),
("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8"),
("X-Amz-Date", date),
# compose a credential scope
scope = credentialScope(region=region, service=service, date=date)
# compose the canonical request
request = canonicalRequest(HttpGet, url, query, headers, payload, digest=digest)
# use the request and scope to compose a string-to-sign
sts = stringToSign(request.hash(digest), scope, date=date, digest=digest)
# calculate the signature for the request using a secret key
signature = calculateSignature(secret=secret, date=date, region=region,
service=service, tosign=sts, digest=digest)
assert signature == "5d672d79c15b13162d9279b0855cfba6789a8edb4c82c400e06b5924a6f2b5d7"
host = ""
url = "https://" & host & "/2021/my-image.jpg"
region = "eu-west-1"
service = "s3"
accessKey = "AKIAQ0BPAG50Q8KFTR7F"
#token = ""
payload = ""
digest = SHA256
expireSec = "60"
datetime = "20210330T032054Z" #makeDateTime()
scope = credentialScope(region=region, service=service, date=datetime)
query = %* {
"Action": "GetObject",
"X-Amz-Algorithm": $SHA256,
"X-Amz-Credential": accessKey & "/" & scope,
"X-Amz-Date": datetime,
"X-Amz-Expires": expireSec,
# "X-Amz-Security-Token": token,
"X-Amz-SignedHeaders": "host"
headers = newHttpHeaders(@[
("Host", host)
request = canonicalRequest(HttpGet, url, query, headers, payload, digest=UnsignedPayload)
sts = stringToSign(request.hash(digest), scope, date=datetime, digest=digest)
signature = calculateSignature(secret=secretKey, date=datetime, region=region,
service=service, tosign=sts, digest=digest)
finalUrl = url & "?" & request.split("\n")[2] & "&X-Amz-Signature=" & signature
assert finalUrl == ""
See the documentation for the sigv4 module as generated directly from the source.
The tests use example values from the AWS documentation as above.
$ nimble test