This is a brief and incomplete description of the rough module layout of guanxi
- Aligned
- Base - type-aligned sequences
- Free - Reflection Without Remorse (RWR) free monad
- Freer - RWR freer monad
- Cover
- DLX - Knuth's dancling links
- DXZ - DLX with ZDDs (zero-suppressed binary decision diagrams)
- Domain
- Interval - interval arithmetic built with propagators
- FD (Finite Domain)
- Monad - This monad drives everything else in guanxi for now
- Var - finite domain variables encoded as sets of values
- Unaligned
- Base - Okasaki-style catenable sequences and queues
- Logic
- Class - LogicT type class
- Cont - continuation-based implementation of LogicT. If you don't need reflection, this implementation is the fastest.
- Naive - naive LogicT implementation
- Reflection - RWR-style LogicT, using Unaligned.Base
- Prompt
- Class - delimited continuations based on RWR
- Signal - partial propagator implementation
- Tactics - A toy tactic language
- Unique - Fast unique symbols