Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | Integer | Vat type id | [optional] |
value | BigDecimal | [Read Only] Vat type percentual value | [optional] |
description | String | Vat type short description | [optional] |
notes | String | Vat type notes shown in documents | [optional] |
eInvoice | Boolean | Vat type is usable for e-invoices | [optional] |
eiType | String | Vat type e-invoice type (natura) | [optional] |
eiDescription | String | Vat type e-invoice description | [optional] |
editable | Boolean | [Read Only] Is the vat type is editable. | [optional] [readonly] |
isDisabled | Boolean | Is the vat type disabled | [optional] |
_default | Boolean | If the vat type is default | [optional] |
- Serializable