Link Description: Digital [[MRV]] + escrow account to drip funds once project is verified. We store your money for carbon offsets in a [[Solana]] escrow account and then release the money once the landowner has confirmed tree protection. When they stop, the money stops. We do digital MRV using AI on existing projects in carbon markets. FoundersDavid Dao **Internal POC:**Amira **[[Solana]] Connection:**Built on [[Solana]] Status: **Notes **David is a researcher for five years who has developed advanced algorithims to track efficacy of carbon offsets. We think there's a huge opportunity for the [[Solana]] ecosystem. Bubblegum + candy machine mean that you can do really fast updates on NFTs to create new donation models. Each NFT can be a digital image of this artwork that monitors the area. We have a grant from Filecoin Green to go until the end of the year. We're focusing on open sourcing this platform soon, then the moment the data layer is built up, we'll take one of these projects and send the NFTs.
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