This are my current dependency versions.
- node v16.14.0
- npm v8.3.1
- ng v12.2.16
- ionic v6.18.1
Install Node runtime. If the repo packages are not what you want, manually install node from NodeSource.
sudo apt install nodejs
Install NPM
sudo apt install npm
Install Angular CLI
sudo npm install –g @angular/cli
Install Ionic CLI
sudo npm install -g @ionic/cli
Create a basic app.
ionic start
Build the app with either Angular CLI or Ionic CLI
ng build
ionic build
Build the app with a different base href (e.g., deploying as subfolder)
ng build --configuration production --base-href /sub-directory-name/
Deploy the app with eeither Angular CLI or Ionic CLI. Default port is 4200 if not specified.
ng serve --host --port 4200
ionic serve --host 0.0.00
Overall Angular project configuration file such as assets, styles, scripts, and other contents to load from CDN.
All the dependencies for production are under "dependencies"
- @angular/animations
- @angular/router
- RxJS for observables
All the dependencies for development are under "devDependencies"
- typescript
- tslint
- karma - testing tool
All the scripts used by the project
- Start
- Build
- Test
- Lint
Configuration for Typescript
This is the entry point into Angular.
Imports all the modules needed by this project.
• For creating reusable UI/UX items.
• Each component will have 4 different files:
○ CSS for the component.
○ HTML "template" for the component.
○ Spec.ts file for testing the component.
○ Typescript file for main class with the component methods and properties (e.g., template, stylesheet).
• Every component item can have only a single root item.
• Every item in the component must be wrapped within the root element.
Separates business logic from the components.
Use to tell what kind of TypeScript class is being intended. @Component @NgModule @Injectible - A reusable class
- Property Binding - One-way binding from the data source to the view target.
<div [color]="app.color"></div>
<div [ngClass]="setClass()"></div>
- Cannot be used to construct static + dynamic values.
- To do this, need to define a variable instead and construct the sentence before binding to the DOM property.
- Event Binding - One-way binding from the view target to the data source.
- Two-Way Binding - Banana in a box.
- Text Interpolation - Binds the property value to the view component.
{{ }}
- Use dot notation as applicable.
- Calculations can be done within the template expression and other cool stuff such as calling a function.
- Interpolated v alues are always truthy. Be careful with using interpolation for Booleans. Use property name binding instead.
A global tool for transforming and formatting data. Angular provides default built-in pipes, but you can create your own custom pipes.
<p>My birthday is {{ birthday | date }}</p>