HealthCare HL7 XML
Please, go through the following steps if you want to contribute to this project:
- Report an issue. Describe it as much as you can, including how to reproduce it if possible.
- Fork the repository, create a new branch
- Develop your changes, make sure all unittests are still working. Add new unittests if needed.
- Create a pull request
Use the provided Docker container environment to develop your changes.
This environment includes:
- IRIS For Health (Community)
- UnitTests
To start up you development environment:
docker compose build
docker compose up
Open terminal session:
docker compose exec -it iris-datapipe bash
iris session iris
Load local version:
zpm "load /app"
Run unittests:
zpm "healthcare-hl7-xml test -verbose"
You will have the following running:
- HL7XML: HealthCare HL7 XML installed in a regular way (no-zpm)
- HL7XML-ZPM: HealthCare HL7 XML installed using zpm
Load module from local dev environment:
zn "HL7XML"
zpm "load /app"
Set up testing IPM repository:
zpm "repo -n registry -r -url -user test -pass PassWord42"
Search packages already published in testing IPM repository:
zpm "search"
Test publishing process:
zpm "healthcare-hl7-xml publish -verbose"
Search published package in testing IPM repository:
zpm "search"
Run a container with an IRIS instance
docker run --name my-iris -d --publish 9091:51773 --publish 9092:52773
Install ipm
docker exec -it my-iris iris session iris
set r=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New(),r.Server="",r.SSLConfiguration="ISC.FeatureTracker.SSL.Config" d r.Get("/packages/zpm/latest/installer"),$system.OBJ.LoadStream(r.HttpResponse.Data,"c")
Change superuser default password using Management Portal.
Set up testing IPM repository:
zpm "repo -n registry -r -url -user test -pass PassWord42"
Search published packages:
zpm "search"
Install the package:
zpm "install healthcare-hl7-xml"
Run unittests:
zpm "healthcare-hl7-xml test -verbose"