The Camp Application and Management System (CAMs) for NTU SC2002
- Jared Pek
- Gokul Ramesh
- Qiang ZhiQin
- Rachel Phuar Yi Ling
- Tan Yoong Ken
- The CAMs application is a Camp Application and Management System for camps conducted within NTU
- It is a centralised platform for both Students and Staff to view, enrol and manage camps
- Students can view, register and withdraw from camps, and raise enquiries about camps that are open to them
- Committee members, who are also students, can reply to enquiries and raise suggestions about camps that they are in charge of
- Staff members can create, edit and delete camps, and reply to enquiries and suggestions about the camps
- This application was designed and built using the OOP design principles, and adheres to the SOLID principles
- You may view more specific documentation about our implementation via our JavaDoc files
- View the files by navigating to the 'documentation' directory and opening the html files in your browser
- To view the generate JavaDoc pages, nagivate to the 'documentation' directory of this repository:
cd <path to documentation>
- Enter 'index.html' in the command line to open the html file:
- Or open the 'index.html' file using your browser
- Install a Java JDK on your machine
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- To run the application, run the jar file that has been created
- Navigate to the 'application' directory of this repository:
cd <path to the application directory>
- Run the 'application.jar' file:
java --enable-preview -jar application.jar
- No other actions required to start the application
- Navigate to the 'application' directory of this repository:
- Objects will be automatically initialised via our CSV files provided in the 'data' folder
- View the CSV files by navgiating to the 'data' directory:
cd <path to the data directory>
- View the CSV files by navgiating to the 'data' directory:
- Any reports that are generated will be written to the 'reports' folder in the 'application' directory
- View the generated reports by navgiating to the 'reports' directory:
cd <path to the reports directory>
- View the generated reports by navgiating to the 'reports' directory:
- Fully exit the application via the user interface (do not use CTRL-C)
- All objects that are created during runtime will be saved to CSV files for data persistence
- If CTRL-C is used, objects that are created will not be written to CSV files