The primary line of inquiry in this body of work is an investigation of the individual’s psychological need for belonging. My work examines this theme using a visual metaphor of honey bees and beekeepers.
By channeling feelings of angst, isolation, and hopelessness, I employ an expressive gestural mark; attempting to illustrate a personal ambition for social belongingness.
Using this metaphorical framework of the beekeeper, his colonies of bees, and organic imagery, for both visual and conceptual content, I create scenes emblematic of the social groups and relationships I seek. In effect, my own unconscious practice of forming and nurturing groups or colonies is similar to the goals of the beekeeper. In a Maslowian sense, my formation of colonies is motivated by my own need for authentic social connections and relationships.
To the sensitive viewer, the images welcome self-reflection, allowing an internal dialogue to take place between the viewer and the metaphorical elements. I challenge viewers in evaluating their individual need for belonging and the state of their own social colonies.
revised: Tue Nov 27 15:03:44 2018